BMNG 5112 Assignment PDF

Title BMNG 5112 Assignment
Course Business Management
Institution Varsity College
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Question 1 1. The transformation process makes use of strategies and performance objectives in order to transform inputs into outputs. Inputs are resources that are used to make a product as well as well as the resources required to make a product. Aids also constitute as inputs, aids are required to make the the transformation possible e.g. human resources, equipment and facilities and technology. During the transformation process there are various forms of transformation when goods are being manufactured they are changed physically. Outputs of the process are the most important organisations and manufacturers control how much and what to manufacturer. Coca Cola has a complex transformation process. There are various inputs and aids used to make a single bottle of Coca-Cola .the company has various products it produces however the most common one is the original Coca Cola in a glass bottle. the bottles are recycled and cleaned so they are ready. an assortment of Ingredients are out sourced from all over the country and are taken to a special mixing room. During the manufacturing process machines and humans work together in order to bottle the Coca Cola correctly. Coca Cola uses the line flow process line where the ‘layout is adapted to the product.´(Erasmus et al.2016) Once the ingredients have been mixed and have been checked by employees robot take over and the bottles are put on to conveyer belts where the Cola is poured into the bottles by machines and than labelled and put into boxes ready to be ship.

2. 1.2.1) Operations process is dependent on the volume of output and the variety of products. Project processes large scale project requiring a team it is unique and can take several months or several yearsthe process is usually low volume .Jobbing Process small scale with low volume output. Batch processes are continuous in nature same product is manufactured over and over again. Mass processes ‘production in high volumes with little variety the process of production’.´(Erasmus et al.2016) is repetitive. Continuous 1|Page

process mass production in great volumes same product on continuous basis . Coca Cola uses the Mass process the company produces products in high volumes but continues to use the same layout and process for all of its products there are only a few changes in its basic process of production when producing its other products such as Powerade or Bonaqua

1.2.2) According to (Erasmus et al.2016) the layout of operations facility determines the physical layout of resources such as machines equipment and personal. There are various types of process types for manufacturers (project, jobbing, batch ,mass and continuous). There are also various types of layouts used in manufacturing. Fixed position layout used when the product cannot be moved due to its size shape or location. Flexible flow layout products which are similar to one another and that can be simultaneously manufactured are grouped together Line flow layout is adapted to suit the product, all materials and personal are organised in consecutive order such as in the making of burgers at a fast food restaurant . Cellular layout products are separated according to their specification and whether there are a product or a process .Coca-Cola uses the product layout (line flow )during its process of manufacturing. The manufacturing process is divided into different processes and is ordered consecutively its starts with the making of the CocaCola bottle and then the mixing of ingredients needed for the beverage

3. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs consist of four levels (Physiological, Safety and Security , Esteem, Self actualisation) these needs are essential to fulfilling a person and the needs are obtained orderly the most basic needs Physiological includes food drink shelter and sex. As stated by (Erasmus et al.2016) all the basic ingredients for survival and for biological functioning. Safety & security needs include various needs such as ‘protection from physical and emotional harm’.(Erasmus et al.2016) in the workplace Safety & security needs are essentials for employee the needs consist of pension funds and ‘structures in the organisation to deal with grievances and employee assistance programmes ‘(Erasmus et al.2016) the needs are essential to the social interaction of employees in the work place they consists of friendships and acceptance by fellow peers .Esteem needs are respect that 2|Page

you give yourself and fellow workers or management give to you esteem needs are important because they reinforce the lower level of needs .Self Actualisation is at the top of the hierarchy and the most important this level focuses on the potential of an individual and their personal growth. The Coca Cola South Africa Company has various incentives and programmes to help employees reach their levels and further grow as individuals. Coca-Cola utilizes the Total Rewards program to ensure employees are well compensated and have opportunities to build a career through the experiences the company offers. The Total Rewards programme is aimed at meeting employees' basic and life-changing benefits needs by using such a programme Coca Cola meets the physiological needs of employees. According to the provided case study Coca-Cola aims to provide a safe and healthy working environment for all of its employees by adapting workplace rights policies with the adaptation of local labour laws Coca-Cola intends to protect its employees physically and emotionally. By introducing development programs at all levels of the organisation Coca-Cola is able to help employees grow as wells as reward them for their work through the programs e.g Peak performance and the Coca Cola University 4. As stated in (Erasmus et al.2016) the market consists of people with different needs and wants Coca cola has various brands to cater for diverse customers. The company segments the market into groups to cater for all of the market. as ‘coca cola tries to satisfy the divergent needs of specific market segments rather than provide only some measure of satisfaction to everyone in the total market’ .Coca cola south Africa has a total of 16 products it offers in south a beverage company Coca Cola has been able to provide for all of the people in the market whther it is sports drinks , distilledwater or coffee. The company uses multi segment approach to cater for its customers . the company uses many criterias to segment it consumer 

Age – many of the sugary beverages advertised are aimed at the youth

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Gender – Sports drinks such as Powerade are targeted at men

Family – the companys marketing often involves families and most of their beverages come in large sizes suitable for sharing

Lifestyle – the company has products tocater for everyone lifestyle choice whther it is health conscience peope who only drink sugarless drinks or people who do not enjoy flavoured beverages and prefer still /mineral water

5. A channel captain is the individual or organization responsible for managing a particular distribution channel and overseeing channel partnerships. A distribution channel is the chain of individuals and organizations involved in getting a product or service from the producer to the consumer. The firms distribution system is one of the most well planned and executed compared to all other drinks of the same category. Coca-Cola is a channel captain the company oversee its own distribution of its products to retailers. From manufacturing to storage and distribution Coca cola controls it without the need for a distributor


Question 2 The labour acts important because it protects the right s of workers and ensures that they are not exploited. The act gives effect to and regulates the fundamental rights. Provides a ‘’framework within which employees and their Unions can collectively bargain with their employers regarding wages, terms and conditions and other matters of mutual interest.’’ Labour and employment laws give structure to the workplace, define what employees and employers are responsible for. With the labour law business can practices equal employment opportunities regardless of disability, national origin, race or sex. The labour relations act protects both the employer and employee thay both know what is expected from them.


Question 3 Operations management explains in detail what go in a business form planning to manufacturing. The learning unit sheds lights on various ways one can use operations management to run an effective business. The Operations management consists of a number of tools with the use of strategies and performance objectives. Operations management involves more than manufacturing but the processes before and after the manufacturing process such as planning and controlling of materials, technology and human resources. Operations do not only include goods but as well as services in the learning unit services are also classified in to various forms. The chapter also indentifies the different parts relating to operations design and how they need to be managed in order to develop an effective design for products and services as well as the processes involved in their manufacturing or design. Before this chapter I was unaware of the variety of process and aspects that went into delivering a service or making a product. This chapter has taught me the fundamentals of a business and how to manage operations effectively

Human resources and the South African labour legisltive framework was a generally interesting learning unit. The learning unit was focused on the basic steps involved in human resources planning as well as how companies use recruiting to find qualified job applicants, the chapter also describes the selection techniques and ways a company finds and employs applicants. In addition the human resources management chapter describes further the different kinds of training required for jobs and how the training is done. For example job rotation where a worker is tasked with doing a different job in order to gain the relevant skills that come with the job. The learning unit also discusses the process theories for motivation such as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and how organisations can incorporate it in order to try and motivate their employees. The chapter also focuses on basic compensation for workers and the role human resources play in an organisation. The learning also goes on to describes the importance of legislative acts that are vital in the management of human resources in management such as the Skills Development Act(No.97 of 1998). Although I am not currently working the learning unit has helped


me in understanding how human resources works and give me ideas on how to improve myself in order to enter the job market and find the job of my dreams.

Market management describes all the elements linked to marketing such as the collection and interpretation of consumer information the chapter explains what is meant by customer service and customer experience management. The Chapter predominantly concentrates on the market process, researching customer behaviour and how a business can use it to its advantage by segmenting its market into different criteria as well as understanding different consumers and how to market your products according to their needs. Prior to learning about market management I was unaware of how brands marketed themselves to consumers, I am now more aware and can point out different criteria’s and different processes companies follow when advertising.



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