Book discussion for Grade 12 IEB English PDF

Title Book discussion for Grade 12 IEB English
Author Jasmine Broly
Course English
Institution Further Education and Training
Pages 8
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Book discussion - IEB English home language Grade 12 assignment...


List of 7 books 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

I am Malala Midnight’s Children Ways of Dying The Kite Runner The Alchemist Shantaram The Catcher in the Rye

Malala Yousafzai and Christina Lamb Salman Rushdie Zakes Mda Khaled Hosseini Paulo Coelho Gregory David Roberts J. D. Salinger


Title: Author:

I am Malala Malala Yousafzai and Christina Lamb

The book offers a glimpse into the lives of a Pakistani teenager and her family and the difficulties of living in a country that survives in the clutches of extremists. The Taliban weaseled their way into the Swat valley in 2007. Malala’s family took precautions as the Taliban were secretly operating and they strongly opposed schooling for girls. Malala loved learning and understood the value of an education. Her father was an advocate of education for both girls and boys; her father had allowed a number of poor children to attend his schools for free. In early 2009, she began writing a diary about life under the Taliban for the BBC Urdu web site. In 2011, she won Pakistan's National Youth Peace Prize and was a nominee for the International Children's Peace Prize for her courage in speaking out for education. The publicity from her speaking engagements had attracted attention and death threats from the Taliban. On 19 October 2012 she was shot in the head at point blank range. The bullet that shot Malala went through her left eye socket and out under her left shoulder. She was taken to Birmingham, England so that she could get the extensive rehabilitation. Malala is just two years older than me, making this a real time problem. I am indeed thankful for the educational opportunities we are afforded in this country as the challenges that many others that face only comes to light through news and books. For me it was a hearth warming when Malala won Nobel Peace Prize in 2014. I have been following Malala since the shooting. This young lady has inspired my thoughts. The writing style is simple and is easy to follow, limited to a 16 year olds capabilities. It is written in first person to inspire the reader and the use of descriptive writing takes the reader on a journey to life in Pakistan.


Title: Author:

Midnight’s Children Salman Rushdie

This story begins with Saleem recalling his magical story of ironic independence to his new friend, Padma. The story is set along the background of India’s independence from British colonialism. The birth of India’s independence saw the birth of 1001 children with special gifts of magical power. Saleem Sinai and Shiva were sadly switched at births and end up living the destinies that was meant for each other.

The story begins 30 years prior to Saleem’s birth. At the age of 9 after an accident, he discovered that he had telepathic powers. He discovered that every one of the midnight’s children was miraculously gifted. However, only Saleem was telepathic and was able to communicate to them. His parents found out that Saleem was not their biological child after the accident. At that point in time the family moved back and forth to Pakistan and settled in Pakistan. Sadly, the whole Sinai family is killed except for Saleem and his sister after an attack from India. Saleem joins the Pakistan army and was used as a tracker for his sense of smell. He meets Pavarati, the witch who helps him return to India. Through sorcery, Pavarti falls pregnant with Shiva’s child. Saleem does the honourable thing and marries Pavarthi to avoid her from been defamed. Saleem and the remainder of the midnights children under the instructions of the Indian government, Mrs. Gandhi’s “emergency” are captured by Shiva, the Indian war hero. Pavarati dies and Saleem’s lives on to tell his tale of the journey of his and India’s Independence. Ironically, the joy of India’s independence came at the expense of the independence of the Midnight’s Children. It is my opinion that independence always comes at the sacrifice of another’s independence.


Title: Author:

Ways of Dying Zakes Mda

The story is set in a township in Durban just at the beginning of the postapartheid transition. With death and poverty being ever present in the township, Toloki the protagonist, out of the need for survival holds the position of a funeral mourner. He grieves publicly at stranger’s funerals and although he is dependent on the aggrieved families’ generosity as his mode of survival.

A township funeral is often accompanied by the aggrieved family, a funeral mourner and a nurse that describes the death of the deceased as so often the death was brutal and politically related. Toloki whilst on business meets his childhood friend, Noria at her son’s funeral on Christmas day.

At Noria son’s funeral, all the angry memories Toloki had of her surfaced however, his curiosity to meet her takes the reader from Christmas to New Year’s where his hate for Noria changes to a solid and a mutual friendship. Noria’s home is burnt down as a lesson to the rest of the township members should they wish to challenge the township politics. Toloki helps Noria to rebuild her house. They both get to know each other and Noria respects Toloki, even his profession. Toloki feels sympathetic for Noria’s difficult life. His anger for her disappears as she understands and inspires him, perhaps just like she inspired his father. On New Year’s Eve, Shadrach the township taxi driver under the instruction Nefolovhodwe a friend of Jwara, bequeaths Toloki with all Jwara’s figurines, giving both Noria and Toloki new hope.

Although the book portrays the happy and grim realism of life and death in a typical South African township, what amazes me is that the human spirit continues to glow in poverty despite the suffering endured.

The writing style is easy to follow. Being set locally, it is easy to identify with the story and the language style. The use of past and the present tense interweaves to build up to the climax.


Title: Author:

The Kite Runner Khaled Hosseini

Kite Runner is a story of relationships, betrayal and redemption. The story starts with Amir, a Sunni Muslim boy reminiscing events that happened when he was still a little boy whilst living in Afghanistan. He lived with his father and 2 servants. Amir befriended a servant’s son, Hassan who belonged t an ethnic minority group. Both boys dreamed of being kite runner champions.

The kite-fighting tournament starts as a happy event as Amir wins and ends off with Hassan being raped. Amir witnesses this horrific act but selfishly pretends not to know.

Amir and Baba move to California where Amir and Soraya fall in love and marry quickly due to Babas health. Amir and Soraya try unsuccessfully to have a baby as he builds on his career as a writer.

Rahim Khan summons Amir to Pakistan. During that time life in Kabul worsened. Rahim Khan took care of Amirs house and convinced Hassan and his wife to move in with him. Farzana and Hassan had a little boy but are killed by the Taliban, leaving Sohrab in an orphanage.

Amir sets to find Sohrab. He finds Sohrab in the care of abusive Assef. With much difficulty, Amir escapes with Sohrab to California. Sohrab withdraws himself from everything. Ironically, it is a kite battle that awakens Sohrab’s spirit and trust for Amir. Amir comes full circle in his quest for redemption and is given the opportunity to right the wrong he did to Hassan. What resonates to me in this book is to own up to one’s mistakes. The persistence of the past will always haunt us unless we face it and stand up for what is right. The author uses the literary device of flashback between the narrator’s childhood to adulthood and cliffhangers at the end of each chapter to encourage reading. There is poetic language, metaphors and hyperboles, appealing to one’s emotions.



The Alchemist


Paulo Coelho

This is a story about an Andalusian shepherd boy named Santiago who after recurring dreams of treasure, travels from his homeland in Spain to the Egyptian desert in search of treasure buried in the Pyramids. Along the way he meets Gypsy woman and Melchizdek who interpret his dreams and tells him to flee to Egypt. He is robbed and forced to work at a crystal merchant.

After making enough money, he continues his quest. Whilst crossing the Sahara desert, he befriends an Englishman who is studying to become an Alchemist. He travels with the Englishman who is en route to meet a 200 year old Alchemist. Santiago falls in love with Fatima. He gets a vision of an attack in her village, and after sharing his vision, Al-Fayoum successfully defends itself.

Hereafter, Santiago is invited to meet the Alchemist who accompanies him on his journey, where they are captured by soldiers. Santiago communicates with nature and creates a sandstorm when they are released. The Alchemist and Santiago part ways. Once he reaches the pyramids, he is accosted by 2 men who soon let him go after his queer talk of dreams of treasure. One of the men speaks out aloud about his worthless dreams concerning a treasure buried in an abandoned church in Spain that Santiago dreamt of. He returns to Spain and finds a chest of jewels right where he started. The main theme ingrained throughout this book is the power of listening to our hearts and how to transform our dreams into reality. The book uses many sentences combined into fluid flowing passages. The author uses sensory overload with descriptions of nature. The use of adjectives and allegory, takes the reader into the suspense of the unknown, imparting a message to the reader. Thus, the writing style is almost proverb like sending a universal message. 6




Gregory David Roberts

This novel is set in the underworld of Bombay and is narrated by Lin, an escaped convict from a prison in Australia who seeks refuge in a slum. On arrival, he trusts his guide, Prabaker to explore the hidden society of Bombay. Lin befriends many expatriates, and he falls in love with Carla. He experiences the dark underbelly of India with Prabaker. Prabaker takes lin to his home village where Lin is given the name Shantaram. On return to the city, Lin settles in the slum and after a fire breaking out, he uses his basic medical skills to help the injured, and becomes the slum doctor. He is approached by Khader Khan who appreciates his work and offers him help with his connections in the medicine black market. He befriends Khader’s mafia killer, Abdullah. As his love for Carla grows, he helps Carla to rescue Lisa Carter, a prostitute for Madame Zhou, and immediately creates enemies. Hereafter, everything becomes dangerous. Khader’s workers steal money from a Nigerian and Lin gets accused, and is forced to defend himself. Lin gets caught up in the murder of Maurizio who was killed by Lisa Carter in selfdefense. Prabaker and Abdullah are both killed. Lin, in despair returns to heroin. Karla and Khader rescue him from the drug den. Thereafter he accompanies Khader to Afghanistan to fight in war. He is broken emotionally and returns to Bombay to settle scores. He eliminates a traitor, Ghani and punishes Madame Zhou for sending him to prison. He finds out that Abdullah is alive and the mafia world changed leadership. Lin reunites with Prabaker’s parents and sees hope in Prabaker’s son. Shantaram is filled with moral dilemmas and what I take from the book is that life gives us many chances and often we are so embroiled in the madness of life that we miss these chances of rebirth. Title:

The Cather in the Rye 7


J. D. Salinger

The Catcher in the Rye is set around the 1950s and is narrated by a young 16 year old man named Holden Caulfield whilst undergoing treatment in a mental hospital. Holden wants desperately for someone to listen to him but ends up being disappointed in everyone. Holden’s story begins at the end of term at Pencey prep where he has once again failed and has received notice of expulsion. Holden is infuriated with his roommate, Stradlater for his unhygienic and womanising ways. Stradlater was dating Jane Galleger who once dated Holden. Both Stradlater and Holden end up in a fist fight forcing Holden to leave for Manhattan a few days earlier. On his journey to New York, he meets different people and he engages in conversations with them trying to find a meaningful link. He eventually arrives at his new residence, the Edmont hotel. He manages to arrange a meeting with an old girlfriend Sally Hayes and then goes to search for his little sister Phoebe. He and Sally meet but part ways yet again as they end up in a quarrel. Throughout the novel his thoughts are fixated on where the ducks go when the lagoon freezes, constantly searching for this answer and in turn magnifying his plight as a lost teenager.

He then calls Carl Luce, a young man who had been Holden’s student advisor at the Whooton School. They meet but part ways due to Holden’s behaviour. Holden eventually meets with Phoebe and he tells her that the one thing he'd like to be is "the catcher in the rye." He would stand near the edge of a cliff, by a field of rye, and catch any of the playing children who, in their abandon, come close to falling off. He desperately wanted to be saved.

This book inspired me because it sends out the message that we should all remain hopeful and true to ourselves. I could relate to this book as it covers complex themes of rebellion, identity and independence typical of teenager behaviour.


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