Brain solve PDF

Title Brain solve
Course Biomechanics
Institution University of Queensland
Pages 29
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CAUTION • TheTransplantationandAnatomyAct1979(Qld)bindsall personsandis,thereby,relevantto allUQanatomy students. • Itisstatedunders36(2)oftheAct: “Apersonwhoperformsananatomicalexaminationupon abodyshalldosoinaquiet,orderlyanddecentmanner”. Thisrequirementshallbemetforanyandalluseof donatedhumantissuesatUQ. Thisincludes,butisnot limitedto: – tissueusebystudentsduringattendanceattheGrossAnatomyFacility; – hardcopyuseofimagesofdonatedtissues; – accessingUQlecturenotesorotheronlineUQanatomyresources containingreferencesto,orimagesof,donatedhumantissues; – useofnotesinsideoroutsideofclasstime.

• TheSBMSCodeofConductforUseofDonatedHuman Tissuesequallyapplies.

Do not remove this notice. Superseded/SUPERS_T/Transpl_Anat A79.htm



Carl N. Stephan, PhD [email protected] 426 Otto Hirschfeld (B81)

Ner m Nervvous ousSyste System Overview Over view Central Nervous System: • Brain • Spinal cord Peripheral Nervous System: • Cranial nerves (12 pairs) • Spinal nerves (31 pairs)

Image from: Drake et al. (2005) Gray’s Anatomy for Students

Neur Neurons ons basicstr struc uctu turral alunit unitof ofthe thener nervvous oussys syste tem =basic uc tu te m Highlyyspe specia cializ lized edcell celltha thattconduct conductelectrical electricalsignals signalsalong alongax axo Highl cia liz ed ons

Images from:

Burkitt et al. (1993) Functional Histology Junqueira et al.(1995) Basic Histology

Oli goden tr ocytes: Oligoden godentr trocytes: • •

Are Arethe themyelina yelinating ting cell cellof ofthe thecen centr tr tral al alnervous nervoussys syste te tem m(C (CNS NS NS)) Olig Oligodentr odentr odentrocyte ocyte ocytess can canmyelin yelinaate se sevver eral al alax axons ons

Myelin Myelinis istigh tighttly lywr wrapped apped appedcell cellmembrane. membrane. Cell Cellmembr membrane ane aneis isabilip bilipid id la layyer er,,so somye myellinessen essentially tially tiallyrepr represen esen esents ts tsfat fat.. Fa Fattis ispale/y pale/yello ello ellow wchar characterizin acterizin acterizinggar areas eas easof ofCNS CNSwith withhigher highermyelina elination tion tionas as“w “whit hit hite ematte matterr ”. “G “Grey rey reymatt matter er er””in incontra contrast stiscompos composed ed edof ofless lessmyelina yelinatted edax axo ons ns(hig (highe he herrdensity densityof ofcell cellbodies). bodies).

Matter of the CNS

Posterior horn of gray matter

Central canal Anterior horn of gray matter

Images from: Bannister et al. (1998) Gray’s Anatomy

Brain: Superficial gray matter = cortex Deep gray matter = basal nuclei Much white matter is deep

Anterior median fissure

Spinal cord: Gray matter is deep and located in horns

The Brain • Holds c.98% of the bodies neural tissue • Typically weights c.1.4kg • Has a volume between 7502100cc (1200cc considered typical)

Image from: Bannister et al. (1998) Gray’s Anatomy

Images from: Abrahams et al. (1998) Colour Atlas of Human Anatomy Bannister et al. (1998) Gray’s Anatomy Gosling et al. (1994) Human Anatomy

Detail of the Ventricular System

Image from: Bannister et al. (1998) Gray’s Anatomy

Forebrain = prosencephalon

Cerebrum (telencephalon) Thalamus, Hypothalamus (Diencephalon)

Midbrain = mesencephalon

Narrow connection of forebrain to hindbrain (contains cerebral aqueduct)

Hindbrain = rhombencephalon

Medulla oblongata (myelencephalon) Pons (metencephalon) Cerebellum


Image from: Abrahams et al. (1998) Colour Atlas of Human Anatomy

Midbrain Pons Medulla Oblongata

Surface features of the Brain

Images from: Snell (1992) Clinical Neuroanatomy Sinnatamby (1999) Last’s Anatomy Bannister et al. (1998) Gray’s Anatomy

Lobes Lobes ofthe the of Br ain Brain

Images from: Marieb (1995) Human Anatomy & Physiology Bannister et al. (1998) Gray’s Anatomy

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Functionalar areas Functional eas Images from: Marieb (1995) Human Anatomy & Physiology Snell (1992) Clinical Neuroanatomy

Homunculi (little man)

Image from: Bannister et al. (1998) Gray’s Anatomy

Br ain em Brain ainSt Stem



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Images from: Snell (1992) Clinical Neuroanatomy Marieb (1995) Human Anatomy & Physiology Abrahams et al. (1998) Colour Atlas of Human Anatomy

Midbrain Tectum – visual and auditory processing - superior colliculus (reflex to visual stim., e.g., light)

- inferior colliculus (reflex to auditory stim., e.g., loud noise)

- the four colliculi = corpora quadrigemina Tegmentum - subconscious control of upper limb position and muscle tone - red nucleus - substansia nigra Images from: Snell (1992) Clinical Neuroanatomy Marieb (1995) Human Anatomy & Physiology


Is the ‘bridge’ linking the cerebellum with the mesencephalon, diencephalon, cerebrum and spinal cord • Nuclei of cranial nerves (V, VI, VII, VIII) • Nuclei involved in respiration control • Nuclei that relay info to and from cerebellum • Nuclei that interconnect ascending and descending tracts of the CNS

Image from: Snell (1992) Clinical Neuroanatomy

Cerebellum Monitors all proprioceptive, visual, tactile, balance and auditory sensations. Its primary functions are: • Automatic control of postural muscles of the body • Programming and fine tuning conscious and subconscious movements

Images from:

Snell (1992) Clinical Neuroanatomy Burkitt et al. (1993) Wheater’s Functional Histology: A Text and Colour Atlas

Cerebellum Monitors all proprioceptive, visual, tactile, balance and auditory sensations. Its primary functions are: • Automatic control of postural muscles of the body • Programming and fine tuning conscious and subconscious movements

Images from: Snell (1992) Clinical Neuroanatomy

Medulla Oblongata Connects brain to spinal cord and is responsible for complex autonomic reflexes and control of visceral functions • • • • Images from: Snell (1992) Clinical Neuroanatomy

Cardiovascular centres Respiratory centres Cranial nerve nuclei Relay stations for sensory and motor pathways

Medulla Oblongata Connects brain to spinal cord and is responsible for complex autonomic reflexes and control of visceral functions • • • • Image from: Martini (2006) Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology

Cardiovascular centres Respiratory centres Cranial nerve nuclei Relay stations for sensory and motor pathways

Pyramids of the Medulla Oblongata

Im es from: Marieb (1995) Human Anatomy & Physiology Snell (1992) Clinical Neuroanatomy

Arterial supply

Images from: Snell (1992) Clinical Neuroanatomy

Arterial supply

Images from: Snell (1992) Clinical Neuroanatomy

Arterial supply

Images from: Snell (1992) Clinical Neuroanatomy...

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