Browns - Lecture notes Language Development (Brown\'s Markers) PDF

Title Browns - Lecture notes Language Development (Brown\'s Markers)
Course Speech & Language Development
Institution Nova Southeastern University
Pages 3
File Size 125 KB
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Browns Markers of language development...


Brown's 14 Grammatical Morphemes

The child has mastered the morpheme if s/he uses it correctly in 90% of the utterances where it is obligatory (or necessary) [Brown, 1973]. deVilliers and deVilliers (1973) reported the stage at which each of the 14 grammatical morphemes is mastered.

Stage II- MLU-2.00-2.49- Age in Months-27-30/21-35 Present Progressive Tense-The present tense from of a verb with an -ing ending indicating ongoing action. When used in a sentence requires the use of an auxiliary verb such as; is, are, was, and were. Example: “Mommy driving”. Regular Plural-/s/-Changes a noun from singular to plural. Example: “Kitties eat my ice cream”. Forms: /s/, /z/, and /Iz/. Cats (/kaets/) Dogs (/d gz/) Classes (/klaesIz/), wishes (/w z/) Preposition /in/-A word that shows how a noun or pronoun is related to another word in a sentence such as in, on, over, under. Example: “Ball in cup”.

Stage III- MLU 2.50-2.99- Age in Months-31-34/24-41 Preposition /on/Example: “Doggie on sofa”. Possessive /s/-Belonging to-- such as Mommy's shoe; Daddy's coat; Doggie's bone Example: “Mommy’s balloon broke”. Forms: /s/, /z/, and /Iz/ as in regular plural.

Late V- MLU 4.00-4.49- Age in Months- 43-46/37-52 Regular Past Tense of Verb-/ed/-The form of a regular verb indicating that an action has already taken place by adding /ed/. Example: “Mommy pulled the wagon”.

Forms: /d/, /t/, /Id/ Pulled ( Walked ( Glided (

) ) )

Irregular Past Tense of Verb-The form of an irregular verb indicating that an action has already taken place. Examples: hit, ran, drank, fell, broke, sat, and went.. Regular Third Person Singular Present Tense /s/-The regular form of the third person singular form of the present tense of a verb; the regular third person singular present tense requires the addition of the /s/ to the verb. Examples: “He drinks the milk” or “Kathy hits”. Forms: /s/, /z/, and /Iz/ as in regular plural. Definite and Indefinite Articles-Definite /the/; Indefinite /a/ & /an/. Example: “I see a kitty” or “I throw the ball to daddy”. Contractible Copula-The contractible form of the verb /be/ as a main verb. The child does not have to contract the copula. Example: “She is hungry” changes to “She's hungry”. “Man is big” changes to “Man’s big”.

V+ MLU-4.50-4.99- Age in Months-47-50/41-59 Contractible Auxiliary-The contractible form of the verb /be/ as an auxiliary. does not have to contract the auxiliary.


Example: “Daddy is drinking juice” becomes “Daddy’s drinking juice”. “She is riding a bike” changes to “She's riding a bike”. Uncontractible Copula-The uncontractible form of the verb /be/ as a main verb. Uncontractible forms are uncontractible because they cannot be pronounced as a contraction without dropping a syllable or without losing tense. For example, “The mouse is dead” and “She was sick” cannot be reduced further. Uncontractible Auxiliary-The uncontractible form of the verb /be/ as an auxiliary verb. Uncontractible forms are uncontractible because they cannot be pronounced as a contraction without dropping a syllable or losing tense. For example, “The mouse is sleeping” or “They were sleeping” cannot be reduced further.


Copula-A linking verb used as a main verb. Usually an auxiliary verb such as, is, are, was, were. Example: “She is happy” or “He was hungry”. Auxiliary-A verb that has no independent existence in a sentence except to support the main verb. Typically referred to as helping verbs such as is, be, can, do, have, may, shall, will. Example: “He is going home”. Irregular Third Person SingularExamples: “Does”, “has”....

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