Bukas NA LANG A Study ON THE Level AND R PDF

Title Bukas NA LANG A Study ON THE Level AND R
Author Louell Ivannerich Mamaclay
Course Juris Doctor
Institution University of the Philippines System
Pages 42
File Size 836 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 174
Total Views 562









The quality of students' performance in their schools is still the priority for educators (Farooq, 2011). However, despite the significance of education, problems that are being faced by students within themselves are still existing. (Purdue University, 2018). One of these problems is procrastination (Campus Health Services, 2018). Procrastination is the term for restraining oneself to do something that needs to be accomplished (Karen, 2016).

The purpose of this study is to measure the level and the reasons for academic procrastination of selected 1st year students in different programs of URS Taytay. The researchers has interviewed random 1st year students in URS Taytay, three per program was randomly picked.

Temporal Motivation Theory (TMT) was used as a framework of the study. It emphasized that time is a critical motivational factor. This theory is also called as ‘Procrastination Equation.’ The results showed that the level in academic procrastination of the first year students is on the bracket of often and always procrastinate. In addition, it showed that the top 3 factors for academic procrastination are social media, family, and peer pressure and/or friends. However, the results showed that there is no significant difference on the level of academic procrastination of the 1st years from different programs. Moreover, the results also showed that students procrastinate due to the lack of motivation and prioritizing other kinds of stuff.

This concludes that if motivation is low, the task was being delayed and an attitude of impulsiveness can be seen because of the lack of enjoyment on doing stuff. But if motivation is high, the expectancy and the value of work will always be mainly prioritized and accomplished because of the enjoyment and excitement the student feel towards a task.

Chapter I. INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study

Education is an action or forward movement of educating or of being educated (MerriamWebster, 2018). It is teaching various subjects on people usually at a school and a process of instructing or receiving instructions (Oxford Dictionary, 2018; CollinsDictionary, 2018). Moreover, education is designed to teach students about their culture, molding their behavior on the process of adulthood, and leading them towards their ultimate role in society (Swink, 2018).

The global rise in education has become evident (Roser & Ospina, 2018). High literacy rates are pieces of evidence of effective primary education and literacy programs (UNESCO, 2018). Literacy is defined as the ability of a person to read and write (Oxford Dictionary, 2018). Literacy rates all over the world have risen in the last couple of centuries and globally, over the previous 65 years literacy rate increased by 4% every five years. In the Philippines, 96.3% of the population can read and write (Index Mundi, 2018).

The quality of students' performance in their schools is still the priority for educators (Farooq, 2011). However, despite the significance of education, problems that are being faced by students within themselves are still existing. One of these problems is procrastination (Campus Health Services, 2018). This behavior is quite typical among students (Kandemir, 2014). Researchers found out that, procrastination quadrupled in the last 30 years, and it affects 20% of the population (Gaille, 2018). The impact on students is higher since 70% of them procrastinated on assignments (Viteli, 2013). Some surveys suggested that 85-95% of students had problems associated with

procrastination (Gaille, 2018). In 2015, people found that 55 days in a year were wasted because of procrastinating (Ho, 2018) and over 25% of 146 adults said that procrastination was a "significant problem" in their lives (Johnson, 1989).

Procrastination is the term for restraining oneself to do something that needs to be accomplished (Karen, 2016), it could be further stated as habitual act despite its negative consequence (Ferrari, 2018) and it may be apprehended as a form of self-regulatory failure, it puts off despite expecting to be worse off (Steel, 2007) and strategic forms of delay (Chu and Choi, 2005).

Academic procrastination is defined as delay academic assignment until the last minute (Milgram et al., 1998; Solomon and Rothblum, 1984) and also, it is the most recurrent type of procrastination and occurs at all levels of education (Moonaghi & Beydokhti, 2017). Academic procrastination is also an intentional delay on timely academic activities (Rabin, 2010) and a pervasive desire of a learner to postpone activities (Gargari, 2011). In the Philippines, procrastination is very common in the university where students face a ton of academic requirements such as examination, assignments, and research work (Ganap, 2016).

The Temporal Motivation Theory (TMT) also known as the ‘Procrastination Equation’ shows that motivation depends on the expectation and impulsivity of the students. It is claimed that student tends to delay a task if he or she will not enjoy it or less motivated on doing it. They will put first or mainly accomplish those activities that will really give them enjoyment because their motivation is at a peak during this time (Steel & Konig, 2006).

With this, the study aims to examine the reasons for academic procrastination and evaluate the level of procrastination of 1st year students among different programs in the University of Rizal System Taytay Campus.

B. Problem Statement The study aims to measure the procrastination level of 1st year students in different programs to see if procrastination has a big negative impact on student’s lives. Simply, to become aware of their level of procrastination and to take action about it.

This research aims to answer the main research questions: What is the level of procrastination of 1st year students in the University of Rizal System Taytay Campus? What among the programs has the highest level of academic procrastination? What are the reasons for the student’s engagement in academic procrastination?

RESEARCH OBJECTIVES A. To know the existence of procrastination itself. 1. Procrastination as part of the human life. 2. Awareness on procrastination 3. Procrastination as a responsibility B. To know the effect of procrastination 1. The positive effect 2. The negative effect C. To know the reasons of the students on procrastination 1. Motivation and procrastination 2. The factors that affect students 





Social media


D. To know the level of procrastination of the students 1. Level of student’s procrastination 2. Level of procrastination in time management

E. To know the students comments and suggestions about overcoming procrastination.

C. Purpose of the Study Filipino youth sees procrastination as an escaping mechanism of delay for a bunch of academic paper works and this leads to failure. The study wants to shed a light that the quality time on learning is an important facet of a students’ life. It also wants to know the level of academic procrastination experienced and done by students among different programs and the reason why they procrastinate. Its existence can’t be denied due to its prevalence among students. The study will be beneficial to the following:

For the administrator, it will be beneficial for them to make suitable actions and decisions for students to avoid procrastination especially in doing academic tasks.

For faculty and staff, for them to remind their students on the right management of time. Also, for their students to be aware of the level of academic procrastination their students have and the negative effect of it that might affect their grades on academic performances.

For the parents, they know their children more than anyone else, and every little thing they do and their behaviors. This study will help the parents to know the truth about their children and to discipline them on the factors that highly affect their studies.

For the students, to light them up regarding the negative effect of procrastination in their academic performance and to give a light-bulb moment and/or information regarding on the level of their academic procrastination.

D. Review of Related Literature

Studies were revealing the widespread presence of academic procrastination among students. The high percentage of graduate students reported encountering problems with procrastination on writing term papers, studying for exams, and completing weekly reading assignments (Onwuegbuzie, 2004). It was being supported by another study telling that undergraduate students have more involvement on academic procrastination than on high school students and both are experiencing either high or extreme academic procrastination (Ozer, 2011; Jannsen, 2015). Others studies emphasized the engagement of different groups of students on academic procrastination. It also highlighted the difference in the level of their involvement. On the other hand, some studies focus on the role of age on the level of procrastination experienced by students. As a student gets older, he or she is more likely to engage in academic procrastination (Owens & Newbegin, 1997). This is because as time goes by, parents and teachers become less in monitoring the students' performance (Tuckman, 1991). Additional, the academic support of parents have a substantial effect or impact on those students with higher-abilities than on that of lower-ability students.

Another study focused on the significant difference in the frequency of academic procrastination and its relation to gender. According to the report, male students are more frequent on procrastination in academic tasks than on female students. However, female students have greater academic procrastination due to fear of failure and laziness; male students are reported to have academic procrastination due to risk-taking and rebellion (Ozer, 2009). Fears of failure and disinterested on a task are the motives of students in procrastinating (Schouwenburg, 1995).

Effects of procrastination were also been investigated. It found out that there are good and bad effects of academic procrastination as perceived by students and manifested on their actions. This time, those students who had a higher level of procrastination have a higher level of life satisfaction. On the other hand, those who had a low level of procrastination have a lower level of life satisfaction (Ozer, 2011). This contradicts to another study conducted by Binder. According to his research, those students that are more satisfied in life have a lower level of academic procrastination (2000). This indicates that level of life satisfaction may vary also according to different types of procrastination. It was also proven that procrastination is negatively correlated with the academic performance of students. It is said to be that it is inevitable if someone delays every academic task that he or she had (Kim, 2015). The worst case of academic procrastination found in studies conducted by Anderman, Cupp & Lane (2009); Brunell, Staats, Barden, & Hupp (2011); Karim, Zamzuri & Nor (2009); Miller, Murdock, Anderman, & Poindexter (2007) also added that academic cheating shows similarities with academic procrastination as both are more as often observed in males than in females and in imprudent students who strongly contradicts to the rules or guidelines. (Adams G. A, 1996)

Another study supported this result. College students in a university in India have a consistent academic performance even they're procrastinating in academic activities. In short, academic achievement is still negatively correlated with academic procrastination (Lakshminarayan, 2013). However, there are students who are negatively impacted by procrastination. Negative procrastinators reported having a lower GPAs (Grade Point Ave.) and poorer academic outcome (Klassen. et al., 2008).

Procrastination is rampant among students and even in adults. It is undeniable that delaying such important tasks can really bring them consequences. There were studies exploring this aspect. In the students’ case, delaying activities lead them to dislike such stuff and as a consequence, they tend to do it poorly (Vallerand et al., 1992; Orpen, 1998). Also, it is said to be that as academic success decreases the academic procrastination level increases (Kandemir, 2014). Procrastination has also negative effects on one’s health. Procrastinators tend to engage themselves less on wellness practices (Sirois, 2004).

Behaviors may have different causes, and academic procrastination is an ineradicable behavior of students that has causes behind. Motivation is one of the cause, it is proved that when a student’s motivation for learning loose, academic procrastination behavior increases. Internet use also contributed in this matter, students’ tend to lose control in using the internet and set aside their academic tasks that require continuity. Self-regulation and/or self-control of students is one the factor. Students who procrastinate are those who control themselves less (Kandemir, 2014). The capability was also seen as a cause of students’ academic procrastination. If one student is less capable, he or she is about to delay academic task (Milgram, 1995). Students that have high selfesteem tend to procrastinate more in academics (Tamini, et al., 2013). Fear of failure is included, students procrastinate in their daily academic task due to thinking that they will not succeed (Solomon & Rothblum, 1984; Mandap, 2016).

The previous study has exampled that procrastinators experienced high levels of stress. A study conducted by Sirois of the Bishop’s University of Canada investigates the self-compassion as a mediator of the relationship between trait procrastination and stress that resulted that the chronic

procrastination is affiliated with lower levels of self-compassion in both students and adults from the community (2013).

In the Philippines extensiveness of procrastination was also proven in some studies. It found out that there’s no significant difference in the level of procrastination behavior among college students that grouped into academic courses. The study supported the foreign researchers claiming the disparity on the level of procrastination between two genders. Results showed that male students procrastinate more than female students. Academic achievement of students was also been investigated. The findings show that low and high performing students have the same size of procrastination. (Mandap, 2016) claim that academic performance is negatively correlated to procrastination. In compliance with the last mentioned study, in other studies in the same country, students’ performance is also a great predictor of students’ academic procrastination level. A student who procrastinates less, the higher the GWA (General Weighted Average) he or she will gain. This gives a stronger emphasis on the results of a foreign country in regards to the academic performance of students and its relation to procrastination (Rio & Tarin, 2015).

Research showed a relationship between the Filipino students’ personality trait and academic procrastination, particularly to the youths. Neuroticism of an individual is not correlated with academic procrastination. This is only related to the impulsivity facet of the said personality trait. Neuroticism is a personal trait or the emotional stability of a person. It is also defined as a state of distress or anxiety on the surroundings (Weed, 2019).

E. Theoretical Framework Temporal Motivation Theory (TMT) is a solid motivational theory emphasizing that time is a critical motivational factor. It focuses on the impact of deadlines on proportioning the attention of an individual to a specific task. TMT argues that as the deadline of a particular activity becomes near, the perceived usefulness increases. The higher the outcome that is associated with a task and the greater the self-efficacy (expectancy) of an individual, the higher the motivation of a person will be (Lumen Learning, 2019). This theory is also called as ‘Procrastination Equation’ and it suggests that reasons, why people derive any decision, can be express through the following equation:

Motivation is both external and internal factors that cause desire and energy in people to attain a certain goal (Business Dictionary, 2019). This theory was suggested by Piers Steel and Cornelius J. Konig and has four core features, the expectancy, value, impulsiveness, and delay. Expectancy or self-efficacy is the prospect of success (Revolvy, 2019). It is also said as the state of expecting (Merriam-Webster, 2019). Value refers to the reward corresponding to the outcome. Impulsiveness is the sensitivity of a person to delay such a task (Revolvy, 2019). It is also defined as doing things without any plan (Cambridge Dictionary, 2019). Delay refers to time span before you receive the payout or time to the realization that a task is significant (Revolvy, 2019). In short, a person tends to delay a task if he or she will not enjoy it or less motivated on doing it. They will put first or mainly accomplish those activities that will really give them enjoyment because their motivation is at a peak during this time (Steel & Konig, 2006).


A. Research Design

This is a descriptive study, under qualitative research. The researchers described the possible level of academic procrastination of the students. In addition, the researchers explored the reasons behind procrastination of students and their conscious awareness about it. To gather data for this study, the researchers conducted a one-on-one interview with each of the 1st year students to secure their answers to be valid and true.

B. Research Instrument

This study used an interview guide that will examine the level and the reasons for academic procrastination of the students by asking questions. The said interview guide is used for all the random 1st year students as the subject and the respondents of this study. Ten (10) open-ended questions to accurately get their opinions, insights, and such. The interview would last for only 2030 minutes.

C. Units of Analysis and Sampling

The subject is taken in the school itself, where the researchers decided to use the 1st year students from different programs. Three people per program are randomly taken. This is to prevent biases and to make the research valid.

D. Setting of the study In order to get the needed data, the researchers conducted an interview from random 1st year college students in different programs in the University of Rizal System Taytay Campus. The school sited at High-way 2000 Sitio Lambak Floodway, Municipality of Taytay, and Province of Rizal.

E. Data Analysis To analyze the data, the researchers provide a transcript of the interview. This is to organize the data more carefully. Each respondent will be assured of their confidentiality and information privacy before conducting the interview.



Overview of Procrastination

In this study, random 1st year students from the University of Rizal System Taytay Campus have been interviewed as the subject of this study. There are 12 students who had an interview with the r...

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