BUS 1750 - Chapter 5 EOC Questions PDF

Title BUS 1750 - Chapter 5 EOC Questions
Course Business Enterprise
Institution Western Michigan University
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Chapter 5 EOC Questions 1. What are the 6 main barriers to effective communication? Which barriers are easiest to surmount? Why? The 6 main barriers to effective communication are physical barriers, language barriers, body language barriers, perceptual barriers, organizational barriers, and cultural barriers. The barriers that are easiest to surmount are physical barriers, language barriers, and perceptual barriers. Physical barriers are easy to surmount because it is easy to change parts of a meeting place. Language barriers are easy to surmount if you are from the same way and speak the same language. Even if you speak different languages, learning a new language or having a translator is going to be essential for working together in other aspects, so it should be easy to work around. Perceptual barriers are also easy to surmount because you can explore their perceptions, both positive and negative, in advance so you are better prepared. The other three barriers to effective communication are hard to surmount because they are natural habits that are going to be hard to change or break all together. 2. Why is nonverbal communication so important? How can you tell when nonverbal communication is effective? Nonverbal communication is so important because studies suggest that during face-to-face communication, only 7% of meaning comes from the verbal content of the message. The other 93% of meaning comes from nonverbal communication, including 38% from the tone of voice and 55% from body language. You can tell when nonverbal communication is effective if you see sustained eye contact, variation in tone of voice, a wide range of facial expressions, and postures/gestures that are confident, open, and coherent. If you want to practice effective nonverbal communication, practice in front of the mirror or videotape yourself delivering message and analyze what you see. 3. Why is active, effective listening difficult for many people? What are five strategies for improving listening skills within the American culture? Active, effective listening is difficult for many people because people listen at about 125 to 130 words per minute, but they think at about 1,000 to 3,000 words per minute. This a significant gap, so people often find ways to fill the void (like daydreaming, thinking about the past or the future), which makes active, effective listening difficult. The five strategies for improving listening skills within the American culture are use your extra mental capacity to summarize what the speaker is saying, take a few notes to help you concentrate and the speaker to feel important, listen with both your ears and your eyes to compare the speaker’s words with their body language, use nonverbal communication to indicate interest in the speaker, and use verbal feedback and questions to indicate understanding and empathy.

4. What factors should you consider when you choose a communication channel for your messages? Should you always use the richest channel? Why or why not? The factors you should consider when you choose a communication channel for your messages are the needs and expectations of your audience. Your first priority is to communicate your message send it through a channel the audience expects, understands and/or likes. Analysis and consideration of your audience should also be considered after you choose your communication channel. You shouldn’t always use the richest channel because you need to choose the channel based on the situation not on the richness. Very low channel richness works when your content is uncontroversial, you must reach a number of people with the same message, and you must communicate lengthy or detailed information. There are also many reasons to use channels with low or moderate channel richness. Channels should be chosen based on three factors for that situation, not the richness. 5. When you develop messages, what factors should you consider as you choose your words? Which considerations do you think are most important? Why? When you develop messages, you should consider these factors as you choose your words are analyze your audience, be concise, avoid slang, avoid bias, and use active voice. The considerations that I think are most important are analyze your audience and avoid bias. Analyzing your audience is important because you need to know the needs of your audience to find the right words. You will need to consider the expectations, education, and profession of your audience to develop the message. Avoiding bias is important because whether they are intentionally or unintentionally, words that communicate bias can interfere with your message, alienate your audience, and call your own character into question. 6.How should the needs and expectations of your reader affect the structure of your writing? Why does it matter? The needs and expectations of your ready affect the structure of your writing by you write differently if the response will have a positive/neutral response than if it will have a negative response. This matters because businesspeople have so many emails to check it can be overwhelming, so they often delete emails. In order for your email to be ready, it is important that it meets the needs of your audience about how they will feel or what they will do, then the information can be used to guide your writing. 7. What steps can you take to create a smooth, conversational tone for your writing? The steps that you can take to create a smooth, conversational tone for your writing are use common words in most situations, use the active voice, use personal pronouns, and use contractions as often as you would when speaking.

8. Why do so many people ignore or delete email messages? How can you boost the chances that your target audience will read your message? So many people ignore or delete email messages because for many business people checking their email is like approaching a fire hose for sip of water, your goal is to crank down the pressure to get what you need without being knocked over by all the rest, so people simply press the delete button. You can boost the chances that your target audience will read your message by making your message a must-read and the starting point should be the needs of your audience. Consider how the audience will respond to your message and use that information to guide your writing. 9.What are your options for creating an effective opening “hook” for a verbal presentation? Why is humor not always the best approach? The options in creating an effective opening “hook” for a verbal presentation are an interesting or startling statistic, audience involvement, a compelling story or anecdote, a relevant simile or metaphor, or engaging questions. Humor is not always the best approach because it is risky in business presentations. If you are using it you have to be very sure it’s funny and double-check it is appropriate and relevant. You should never use humor to laugh at the expense of any member of your audience or yourself, as it may diminish your credibility. The only it a joke at yourself can be effective if you make a mistake because there is no better way to recover the goodwill of your audience. 10. How can you mitigate speech anxiety? You can mitigate speech anxiety by send yourself positive messages by visualizing success, take ten slow deep breaths, take a sip of water to loosen your throat muscles and mitigate a shaking voice, pick a friendly face in the audience, imagine yourself speaking only to those people, and remind yourself that the audience wants you to succeed so focus on their needs rather than your own nerves....

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