BUS 4401 - Written 1 PDF

Title BUS 4401 - Written 1
Course entrepreneurship 2
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Anonymous University of the People BUS 4401: ENTREPRENEURSHIP 2 Unit 1 - Introduction to Entrepreneurship Written Assignment 1 Prof. Eric Vitatoe February 3, 2021 /// DELETE THIS SECTION /// 1. Visit, read, and register with the University of Pennsylvania Test Center at https://www.authentichappiness.sas.upenn.edu/testcenter. 2. Choose a survey that you deem will be the most useful for you as an entrepreneur. If you have already taken any similar test before, take a different test, and indicate it in your submission, provide your prior scores AND do a comparison of results. If this is your first time to take similar tests, comment on what made you decide to take the test you chose. 3. Answer the following three questions: what qualities do I need to develop to realize my potential as a successful Entrepreneur? How did I make my conclusions? How will I provide and accept feedback? MINIMUM OF 250 WORDS IS REQUIRED You may need to use these scores to introduce yourself as an entrepreneur-as indicated in your DF. The purpose is to be able to describe yourself as an entrepreneur, realize if you are in agreement with the assessment, be cognizant why (or why not), and have clarity regarding what qualities you will be strengthening and what qualities you will be trying to develop throughout this course and why. You also want to start planning how you intend to develop needed entrepreneur characteristics. You will need to indicate how you can be of help to your peers to support them in their quest for developing entrepreneurship skills and provide feedback to others. In this assignment, you are expected to show a heightened awareness of your entrepreneurship qualities. One way to do it is to take tests and spend some time reflecting on the findings. Another is to ask for feedback. You are privileged and encouraged to do both. Make sure that you will remember your password for the Pennsylvania University Test Centre as your scores will be saved and used in future visits. The scores are confidential and are used only for scientific reasons. You are encouraged to take more than one test if you wish to do so.

2 Introduction I am a little apprehensive already. I find the allure of entrepreneurship intriguing, a possibility that I can survive this world on my own two feet and overcome all of the obstacles that people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, or my corner bakery owner have successfully overcome. It is an exciting concept that I have no in-depth experience with and most likely never will. My expertise is in physical therapy, working in a multiple-suite doctor's office for 18 years. Body I was excited to take the University of Pennsylvania Questionnaire to find out more about myself. I believe we all did this in the previous entrepreneurship class but revisiting it was interesting. I decided to take three tests instead of the mandatory one to see how my results were, and one of those tests was a retake of the one we did previously. You may ask why but I did it just as a comparison to see if I had changed in any way. The tests are quite extensive, and the results are exciting, but I want only to highlight the top-tier ones that apply to this class. The three questionnaires I took were the Meaning In Life Questionnaire, VIA Survey of Character Strengths, and the Work-Life Questionnaire ((University of Pennsylvania, 2021). The questionnaires' output is very similar to the requirements that Tracy (2016) writes about in an Entrepreneur magazine article. I want to explain why I already have those skills, what I need to develop, and what one skillset I believe I am missing. In the VIA Survey of Character Strengths, my top five strengths include (a) Creativity, ingenuity, and originality, (b) Fairness, equity, and justice, (c) Bravery and valor, (d) Kindness and generosity, and (e) Social intelligence (University of Pennsylvania, 2021). The first thing that jumped out at me was that my social intelligence level was one of my top five

3 characteristics. Being in the medical industry, I am always interacting with all kinds of people from all walks of life, and sensing how a patient is feeling means I am very observant of the situation. I am also aware of what the doctor is saying, and I have to balance the two cautiously. Sometimes the doctors are wrong, mainly because they do not have enough experience treating patients with different types of issues. Hypothetically, if I were to open my practice, I would be an entrepreneur who understood their patient's needs quite well. I believe this also fits well with (d) kindness and generosity. I come across people who need treatments but do not have health insurance or money. Just by the nature of what I do as a physical therapist, I am kind, but my generosity extends beyond that. I do some volunteer work, and I often work on patients for free. I believe this is just being part of a greater community and is also a way for me to give back to those in need. As an entrepreneur, I would continue to give back to the community, to help its citizens. This not only benefits patients but also extends goodwill and free advertising of my services. I believe that (c) bravery and valor are very applicable to any entrepreneur. Presently I have to take a corrective course of action for my patients as their advocate when something goes wrong. For example, during the COVID pandemic, the medical practice decided to increase their rates. The rate increase impacted some of my patients to a financial disadvantage, and they could no longer afford our services. I had to take a stand in a staff meeting about the rate increases impacting patients and that we had a duty of care for all patients. Eventually, we decided to keep our current patients on the old rates, and new patients would pay the higher rates. If I were an entrepreneur, I would say that I want to conduct my business fairly and transparently with my patients. I want to be their advocate for the services they needed and inform them when they did not need my services instead of being overbilled. This element would also allow me to become

4 an entrepreneur as I do not like defeat in any way, although I can accept it. It would let me face the many challenges that entrepreneurs face in a business and persevere until I find an equitable solution without getting disheartened. The (b) Fairness, equity, and justice elements of the questionnaire state that I "[T]reating all people fairly is one of your abiding principles. You do not let your personal feelings bias your decisions about other people. You give everyone a chance" (University of Pennsylvania, 2021). As an entrepreneur, it is a wise choice to treat others fairly. It also shows I am willing to give everyone a chance, which allows me to identify the right person for the job, not just the person with the most qualifications. Additionally, I do not let my personal decision bias my thinking. I am, after all, a very straight thinking person. I do not let my feelings get in my way, as I believe this holds people back from ethical or moral obligations. As an entrepreneur, my first element of the questionnaire is very relevant - (a) Creativity. I am a highly creative person, but this element is not about art or pottery. It is about thinking of new ways of doing things, not being so conventional, and thinking outside of the box. I believe this is how many entrepreneurs succeed by adapting and changing. This is how Steve Jobs changed the mobile phone market, how Michael Dell became the Henry Ford of computer manufacturers, and how Elon Musk moves time and space. The one skillset I am missing for me to be successful is having a clear sense of direction. Tracy (2016) identifies a clear path as a way to be successful. I need to define my purpose and develop my vision before I can do anything else. I cannot look at the short term, I have to look at the long-term, and that vision I develop will help me achieve that success. If I am to grow this seedling of an idea, it will be vital for me to listen to all feedback I receive to adjust and hone my skills.

5 If I can hone my skills a little better and be more reflective of my strengths and weaknesses, I will be able to mentor and coach other people as they progress through their entrepreneurial journey. I could do this as an individual contributor or through a volunteer in a small business association. Often the best way to receive feedback is from those who have fought the battles, made mistakes, and have some experience overcoming them. For me, this would also allow me to utilize from of my skills from the tests above.

Conclusion The skills and elements inherent to my personality provide a strong foundation for me to become an entrepreneur. I feel I need to develop these skills a little more if I ever wanted to open my practice. Understanding the elements above has shown me I do have an entrepreneurial spirit. The only thing is I lack the financial security to do so. Hopefully, throughout this course, I will be able to understand from others how to accomplish this.

6 References Tracy, B. (2016, October 5). 5 qualities of successful entrepreneurs. https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/282962 University of Pennsylvania. (2021). Authentic Happiness. https://www.authentichappiness.sas.upenn.edu/testcenter

Assessment Grade: 90 of 90

Assessment form Aspect 1 1. Did the author take a quiz at the University of Pennsylvania Test Center? Alternatively, did the author indicate searching for feedback and reflecting upon receiving it? 2. Did the author provide an explanation -clarifying information pertaining to comparison results (if prior tests were taken) or comments on what made the author decide which test to take? 3. Did the author provide a clear title for this assignment? 4. Did the author provide a separate introductory paragraph? 5. Did the author link this initial assignment part with the first question: What qualities do I need to develop to realize my potential as a successful Entrepreneur? If all five answers are positive, give an excellent grade. If some of the answers are negative, give a poorer grade. You may take away one sub-point if any answers are negative. There are five questions and five sub-points to grade for the easiness of your grading convenience. Grade for Aspect 1 ***** Excellent Comment for Aspect 1

Aspect 2 1. Did the author indicate if he-she was in agreement with the assessment? 2. Did the author write why or why not? 3. Did the author explain the personal meaning of these findings?

7 4. Did the author link the conclusions to the rest of the assignment? 5. Were the conclusions written in an engaging manner? If all five answers are positive, give an excellent grade. If some of the answers are negative, give a poorer grade. You may take away one sub-point if any answers are negative. There are five questions and five sub-points to grade for the easiness of your grading convenience. Grade for Aspect 2 ***** Excellent Comment for Aspect 2

Aspect 3 1. Did the author introduce self as an entrepreneur? 2. Was this introduction effective? 3. Was it clear (substantiated) how the author reached her-his conclusions? 4. Would this introduction make you more interested in the person and the product or service—in the future? 5. Was the personal introduction also professional-meaning was it clear that the introduction came from an entrepreneur? If all five answers are positive, give an excellent grade. If some of the answers are negative, give a poorer grade. You may take away one sub-point if any answers are negative. There are five questions and five sub-points to grade for the easiness of your grading convenience. Grade for Aspect 3 ***** Excellent Comment for Aspect 3

Aspect 4 1. Did the author explain how will she-he provide feedback to others? 2. Did the author indicate a plan for developing entrepreneurial characteristics? 3. Was the plan explained in a clear manner? 4. Did this plan seem authentic and engaged? 5. Did this plan appear well thought of?

8 If all five answers are positive, give an excellent grade. If some of the answers are negative, give a poorer grade. You may take away one sub-point if any answers are negative. There are five questions and five sub-points to grade for the easiness of your grading convenience. Grade for Aspect 4 ***** Excellent Comment for Aspect 4

Aspect 5 1. Did the author write a minimum of 250 words? 2. Did the author link introduction with the body and the conclusion of the assignment? 3. Did the author use good grammar -provide clear explanations of the presented thoughts? 4. Did the author answer the questions? 5. Did the work seem well-organized and full of meaning? If all five answers are positive, give an excellent grade. If some of the answers are negative, give a poorer grade. You may take away one sub-point if any answers are negative. There are five questions and five sub-points to grade for the easiness of your grading convenience. Grade for Aspect 5 ***** Excellent Comment for Aspect 5

Aspect 6 Please provide an overall assessment of the assignment. Write down at least two feedback comments for the author of the assignment. In writing you may consider the following questions: 1. Is the language clear, effective, reflective of academic requirements and easily understandable? 2. Is it evident that this assignment was written by an entrepreneur? 3. Is the content well linked and written with care? 4. Is the assignment well organized and well written? 5. Any encouraging words that you would like to forward to your colleague? After you have graded the note, write in the Feedback box any additions to the student’s text which

9 you feel might have improved the note. Please be fair, kind and giving to your fellow students and entrepreneurs. By doing so you are helping an entrepreneurial community grow. Your community. Please note that you may be scored on this task. Providing feedback is a task that helps everyone grow. Thank you for your contribution. Grade for Aspect 6 ***** Excellent Comment for Aspect 6

Overall feedback Great work - it was thorough and informative!...

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