Bus tracking system PDF

Title Bus tracking system
Author Cheema's production
Course Proposal
Institution University of the Punjab
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University of The Punjab (Jhelum Campus) PUJC Final Year Project Proposal Project Title: Bus Tracking System Group Member, s: Hamza Riaz (bcs. f14.27) Muhammad Awais(bcs. f14.40)

Bus Tracking System


This is to certify that Muhammad Awais Roll No. BCS.F14.40, Hamza Riaz Roll No. BCS.F14.40, have successfully completed the final project named as: Bus Tracking System, at the Faculty of CS , University of The Punjab (Jhelum Campus) to fulfill the partial requirement of the degree of Bachelors in Computer Science.

Project Management Committee Department of Computer Science University of the Punjab (Jhelum Campus)

Sir Kamran Shoukat Dar Designation

HOD Faculty of Computer Science

APPROVAL CERTIFICATE The undersigned have examined the Project entitled ‘ Bus Tracking System’ presented by Muhammad Awais, Hamza Riaz, candidates for the degree of Bachelors of Science (BSCS) and hereby certify that it is worthy of acceptance.


Sir Kamran Shoukat Dar

Proofreading Certificate It is to certify that I have read the document meticulously and circumspectly. I am convinced that the resultant project report does not contain any spelling, punctuation or grammatical mistakes as such. All in all I find this document

well organized and I am make sure that its objectives have been successfully met.

Name: _________________ Lecturer University of The Punjab (Jhelum Campus )

Acknowledgement  This acknowledgement transcends the authenticity of convention while we might express appreciation and appreciate to all those persons in the back of the screen who directed and encouraged us for the accomplishment of our project paintings. First and fundamental we would really like to thank ALLAH ALMIGHTY who blessed us with knowledge to finish this project together with his forgiveness. We would like to express our deepest appreciation and wholehearted thanks to Sir Kamran Shaukat Dar. He has been a perpetual source of direction throughout the course of this

project. His respected guidance, valuable suggestions and inspiration makes us to complete the project successfully. He played enormous part in representation of our topic and development of ideas. We clearly acknowledge cooperation and assist make via Sir Kamran Shaukat Dar. He helps and encouragesus during the project without any personal interest. Lastly, we would thank all our friends and families especially Muhammad Awais, Hamza Riaz There silent support led us, they tested our applications in their mobile devices and gave their suggestions and valuable comments, also for bearing with our absence for so long. We would like to thank our parents who kept backing us up in all the times, both financially and morally.

Date: Dec 05, 2017 ABSTRACT The main purpose of this project is to develop a real time bus tracking system to enhance current bus service system and reduce the workload of bus management team. The poor services provided by bus service providers are because majority of them are still implementing manual work. Moreover, passengers are impatient while they are waiting in bus stop because they are not able to know

exactly how long to wait and where the next coming bus is. Global Positioning System (GPS) is the main technology implemented behind the system. A GPS receiver is used to track on real time bus coordination by continuously receiving the position data which are latitude and longitude values from GPS satellite, then send the position data back to main server and server process the raw position data into real time information for users. This system is implemented on Internet so that passengers are able to view the information through Internet access devices.

Table of Contents STATEMENofSUBMISSION................................................2 ProofreadingCertificate..........................................................4 Acknowledgement ...................................................................5 Project Overview ....................................................................10 1.1 Overview...................................................................................11 1.2 Problem Statement............................................................12

1.3 System Architecture............................................................................13 1.4 Implementation Tools and Technology .........................13 1.5 System Specification.........................................................14 1.6 Development Platform:...................................................14 Project Feasibility Report ....................................................15 2.1 Technical Feasibility........................................................16 2.2 Operational Feasibility....................................................16 2.3 Economic Feasibility .......................................................17 2.3.1Cost Estimate .................................................................17 2.3.2 Benefit Estimates ..........................................................17 2.4 Schedule Feasibility..........................................................17 2.5 Specification Feasibility....................................................17 2.6 Motivational……………………………………………...17 2.7 Legal & Ethical Feasibility ..............................................17 Project Planning......................................................................18 3.1 Project Scope ....................................................................19 3.1.1 Bus Positioning Module (Global Positioning System GPS)19 3.1.2 Central Server Processing Module...............................19 3.1.3 Arrival Time Of Bus .....................................................19 3.1.4 Bus Position Mapping Module .....................................19 3.1.5 Bus Status Update Module............................................20 3.2 Critical Path Method........................................................20 3.2.1 List of Activities .............................................................20 3.2.2 Network Diagram..........................................................21 3.2.3 Path for Each Activity:..................................................21 3.2.4 Critical Path: .................................................................21

3.3 Gantt Chart........................................................................22 3.4 REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATIONS ...........................22 3.4.1 USER REQUIREMENTS .............................................22 3.4.2FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ..............................23 3.4.3 NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ..................23 Vision........................................................................................24 4.1 Introduction:............................................................................25 4.2 Stakeholder Summary:......................................................25 4.3 Quality Ranges:..................................................................25 Use Case Diagrams and Description......................................26 5.1 Use case Diagram: .............................................................27 5.2 Use Case Description:........................................................28 Sequence Diagram ..................................................................36 6.1 Client Side...........................................................................37 6.2 Server Side..........................................................................38 Entity Relationship Diagram..................................................39 7.1 Entity Relationship Diagram............................................40 Domain Model .........................................................................41 8.1 Domain Model ...................................................................42 SYSTEM TESTING ...............................................................43 9.1 UNIT TESTING ................................................................45 9.2 MODULES INTEGRATION TESTING ........................47 Application Screen Shots.........................................................48 10.1 Home Screen.....................................................................49 CONCLUSION........................................................................55 11.1 Conclusion .......................................................................56

11.2 FUTURE ENHANCEMENT.........................................56 References................................................................................57

TABLE OF Figures Figure 1- System Architecture.............................................................................13 Figure 2- Network Diagram...................................................21 Figure 3- Gantt Chart.............................................................22 Figure 4- Use Case Diagram...................................................27 Figure 5- Registration Use Case Diagram ............................28 Figure 6- User Location Use Case Diagram..........................29 Figure 7- Bus Location Use Case Diagram ...........................30 Figure 8- Nearest Stop Use Case Diagram ...........................31 Figure 9- Estimation Time Use Case Diagram .....................32

Figure 10- Login Use Case Diagram .....................................33 Figure 11- User Detail Use Case Diagram ............................34 Figure 12- Bus Detail Use Case Diagram...............................35 Figure 13- Client Side Sequence Diagram.............................37 Figure 14- Server Side Sequence Diagram............................38 Figure 15- ERD........................................................................40 Figure 16- Domain Model Diagram ......................................42 Figure 17- Home Screen Short ..............................................49 Figure 18- My Location Screen Short ..................................50 Figure 19- Current Location Screen Short...........................51 Figure 20- Nearest Stop Screen Short...................................52 Figure 21- Hybrid Map Screen Short...................................53 Figure 22- Registration Screen Short...................................54

Project Overview

1.1 Overview Among all public transportation services, bus service is the major transportation used by public. Especially in a busy town or city, bus is the most easy, convenient and cheaper transportation. Various reasons that people take bus instead of driving own vehicle such as traffic jam, heavy parking fee and lack of parking slot in destination .However, bus transportation service has very poor transportation information system nowadays. Bus user do not know the exactly arrival time for a bus, but only know the scheduledarrival time. Compare to train or flight transportation system, bus transportation service does not have a proper system to track all buses position and theactual arrival time in every bus stops. These problems occur because current bus service system did not apply real time tracking technology to track on each buses on the road and also lack of a platform to update latest bus traffic information to bus users.In order to solve these problems and enhance current bus service system, real time bus tracking system has

to develop and implement. With real time bus tracking system, bus position data is connected real time and transmitted to a central server for processing and extracting transit information. The main technology used to develop this system is Global Positioning System (GPS). GPS technology able to receives the position of an object from space-based satellite navigation system through a GPS receiver. Some programming languages such as PHP, JavaScript, AJAX, and Android will be used to develop the proposed system. The developed bus tracking system will able to provide bus users a real time platform to check on updated bus traffic information, for examples bus arrival or departure time. Besides, this system also able to reduce workload for bus management team and provide an immediate platform to update latest and accurate bus traffic information to bus users.

1.2 Problem Statement Most of the people are afraid to travel from bus because they do not want to wait for the bus on stop and therefor they prefer their own vehicle.For example Student needs to wait for a bus without knowing what time the bus will arrive actually. Sometime, student might feel anxious and impatient when they waiting for a bus if they do not know what time the bus will arrive especially when student rushing of time for certain reason. Additionally, this situation wasted a lot of time when waiting in bus stop because the time wasted can actually spend on other matter.Examples to describe this issue, a student have to take the 7.40am bus to attend an 8am morning class and the class is important and cannot be late. The scheduled time for the bus is 7.40am, but the exactly arrival time for the bus will be different due to traffic status. If the bus arrives at exactly 7.40am, the student will not late for the class. But if the bus delay 5 to 10 minutes, the student will late for the class. Thus, the student unable to make decision whether to wait for the 7.40am bus or walks in to campus before 7.40am because the student do not know the exactly arrival of the bus and it would be risky to wait for the 7.40am bus.Lack of real time platform is the serious communication problem between bus user and bus management team. Without a real time platform, bus management side unable to update latest bus traffic information for students. Students also cannot check on the updated bus schedule if there is a bus delay happens. For example, student can choose walk to the building he or she want to go instead of waiting for a delay bus if there is a real time platform for student to know about the bus is delay.

1.3 System Architecture 1.4 Implementation Tools and Technology

1. PHP 2. Android 3. MySQL 4. Wamp 5. Google Maps API 6. Google Direction API 7. SMS API 8. Android Studio

1.5 System Specification Client Side: 1. Android Phone 2. Minimum API 17 (Jelly Bean) 3. Google Play services 4. GPS 5. Internet Connection Server Side: 1. Operating System: Windows Vista or higher 2. Web Browser: Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox 3. Front-end Development: Html, CSS, JQuery, Bootstrap 4. Back-end Development: MYSQL with PHP

1.6 Development Platform: 1. Android Studio 2. Wamp 3. Coral Draw 4. Microsoft Visio 5. Microsoft Word

Project Feasibility Report This project is feasible in all aspects including time and proper software and applications are available by using them we complete our project. Travelling is an essential part of every human and this project is making their travelling easy and timely. Project includes following types of feasibilities: 1. Technical 2. Operational 3. Economic 4. Schedule 5. Specification 6. Motivational 7. Legal and Ethical

2.1 Technical Feasibility To develop this project a database server, internet connection, an internet browser, GPS device and users Android cell phones will be used. This project requires basic necessities of today’s human being like internet connection and cell phone which are easily available. This project is based on Android app and contain some webpages for admin .The group members have technical skills to work on web and android. So this project is technically feasible.

2.2 Operational Feasibility Our application provides user with the facility as well as provides a user friendly environment. Where an environment will be presented to him, in which he is always happy to work. Errors occurred in this app can be that “field is empty”, “result not found”. Every phase will be completely elaborated in the operational level and complete documentation will be provided for the guidance of user. Help is also provided on which frequently asked questions are given user will be satisfied to have its solution and put his question in other case

2.3 Economic Feasibility The project is economically feasible as it only requires an internet connection and android mobile phone. The application is free to use and it free to create account. 2.3.1Cost Estimate Cost of this project is done by FP (Function Point) analysis. And with the passage of time maintenance would be done easily and doesn’t require much cost.

2.3.2 Benefit Estimates Tangible Benefits The BTS would help all bus passengers and help them to never late and Increase tend to use bus for traveling so fuel consumption would be automatically decreased. Intangible Benefits Providing up to date information to our users 2.4 Schedule Feasibility The total time to complete this project is roughly six months we have divide it into segments and tasks are given to each member of the group and they are accountable to complete the task before the deadline up. The connectivity of different modules is scheduled so project is also feasible with respect to schedule

2.5 Specification Feasibility Required specification of hardware and software for the completion of this project are feasible the specification of software. 2.6 Motivational Feasibility Due to unavailability and increasing demand in Asian countries, our group members are highly motivated. 2.7 Legal & Ethical Feasibility The project is legally and ethically feasible both for user and administrators. In this project no rules are violated which are imposed by Government.

Project Planning 3.1 Project Scope The proposed system is aim to enable real time bus position tracking and build a real time platform to enhance communication between bus user and bus management team. There are several modules in this proposed system and the details are as follow. 3.1.1 Bus Positioning Module (Global Positioning System - GPS) This module is built for bus positioning purpose. An Android Smartphone will put in a bus which already installed with this module. This module will continuously send the bus position to central server with interval 3 sec. 3.1.2 Central Server Processing Module Central server will receive position data from bus position module with interval 1 second. When central server received bus position data, this module will automatically store the data into related table in server database. Based on the latest position data

received, this module will process the data and update latest bus arrival time in the main bus timetable. With this automatically updating module, bus user able to retrieve updated bus traffic information from server when request to view bus timetable. 3.1.3 Arrival Time Of Bus This module will build in Android phone for bus user to check on bus arrival time through Internet. This module will continuously retrieve the latest data from central server and display the latest bus arrival time for every bus stop in the web page. Typically with interval time 3 sec 3.1.4 Bus Position Mapping Module Bus mapping module is develop to show user about the bus position in a map. First, this module will load the map. After that, this module will based on the latest bus position data in the server database received from the “Bus Positioning Module” to coordinate the current bus position into the map loaded in user display. Additionally, this module continuously updates the buses position in the map with interval 3 seconds 3.1.5 Bus Status Update Module This module is used to update bus status into database when bus is operating. It is a situation where user can see that the bus is not available or bus has already passed so there is no need to wait for the bus.

3.2 Critical Path Method “A deterministic method to predict the Project Duration” Inputs 1. List of project activities 2. Precedence relationship among activities 3. Estimate of each activity’s duration Outputs 1. Estimated duration of project 2. Identification of critical activities 3. Amount of slack for each activity

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