Business Computer Application notes PDF

Title Business Computer Application notes
Author Sarah Khan
Course Business Computer Applications
Institution University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Pages 7
File Size 142.8 KB
File Type PDF
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Some notes from all chapters of Business Computer Applications....


BUSI 1520U


Access: create several queries(reports, create forms, load one table to your database, create relations) .. how to know total properties sold, properties sold by each agent, Excel: solver, conditional formatting Vba: creating an application, assignment 3, review buttons, textbox, label, final answer box

Solver: 1) Input area 2) Constraints (always have the integer constraint) 3) Objective (is it to max or min?) 4) Generate report Combining a person's first and last name: 1) Use the “CONCATENATE” function 2) For ex, if A2 contains John and B2 contains Smith, to combine the name do it as: =CONCATENATE(A2, “ ”,B2) Ensure proper capitalization: 1) Put ‘proper” before “CONCATENATE(A2, “ ”,B2) 2) =PROPER(CONCATENATE(A2, “ ”,B2)) Data Bars conditional formatting: 1) Used for comparing 2) Go to Conditional Formatting>Data bars Highlight the top five or 10: 1) Go to Conditional Formatting>Highlight cell rules Conditional Formatting:

1) If the question asks for 2 conditions (for ex earning more than 200,000 and studying biology), then use a new formula, type it in as =AND($A7=”BIOL”,  $J27>200,000). 2) If the question asks one or the other (either earning more than 200,000 or studying biology, use “or” instead of “and”. The new formula would be =OR($A7=”BIOL”, $J27>200,000) 

**VBA** 'hide (exit) form TaxFrm.Hide dim= space, demand, you need to use dim ____ as dim num as integer you decide number and integer num= name integer= size 4 main sizes: integer, double, currency, string

-Go on Developer tab, then macros, create to display code box range("B5") = 100… means 100 goes to cell # B5 -

For cells: give the comma and place For range: give references to the name

Range("B5") = 100 Cells(5, 3) = "Amin" MsgBox "Amin Ibrahim" this puts 100, then puts amin then puts a message - When you create a variable name (dim ___) it can not have a space in between - Dim= I declare - The code goes step by step, in order of the way it is listed

I want the program to ask me... 1) my name 2) gross income 3) calculate EI (EI rate for 2019 is 1.62%) 4) display my name in cell A1 5) gross income will be displayed in A2 6) EI amount in A3 _______________________________________________________________________ Programming: Oct, 31 -

EI AMOUNT= income* 0.0162

EIRate= 1.62% up to 53,000 Annual income > 53,000, EIAmount= 860.22 If CRITERIA Then Do whatever you want-> true area Else do whatever you want-> false area End If -

We have used a label, used as a sticker and to display yr final result You also use caption, and name

Nov 4 2019 -

Single ‘ is a code, used for commenting and should appear in green forecolor - text colour text alignment - centre, left or right name- random name u call them(no space) caption- what the text box says Go to: Developer, Visual basics, user form

Nov 7 2019 -

For each button, there’s a formula Double string, integer, currency Format (TimePrice, “currency”) to display as a dollar value To generate report, go to excel and make the chart then back on the VBA, type

Range(“C4”)= onPeak Range(“C5”)= midPeak Range(“C6”)= offPeakif ______________________________________________________________________ Nov/12/2019 IF/ELSEIF statements


If grade < 50 then Tlabel= F Elseif grade...

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