Business Law Project 2 Framework Sierra Isayev - Copy PDF

Title Business Law Project 2 Framework Sierra Isayev - Copy
Author Sierra Erich Isayev
Course Business Law I
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 2
File Size 47.9 KB
File Type PDF
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Applying the WH Framework for Business Ethics Sierra Isayev

The WH Framework is a set of guidelines that helps business managers and employees determine who is being affected by the choices they are making within their business. The W, in the WH framework, represents all the stakeholders in the company that benefit from the framework which consists of the following people: 1. The owners and shareholders, 2. Employees, 3. Customers, 4. Management, 5. The surrounding community, and 6. Future Generations. The H represents the “HOW” of the framework. How do we make ethical decisions within our company? The “H” provides “Guidelines” that help us make these ethical decisions. These guidelines are known as; 1. Public disclosure, 2. Universalization, and 3. The Golden Rule. The advantages of the WH Framework are greatly beneficial to your company. This framework gives your managers the ability to better understand your company's needs in an ethical and moral view. By using this framework within your company, you are providing your employees with the tools necessary to evaluate situations by looking at the moral and ethical standards within the situation. They will ask themselves how their decision will affect not only themselves and their co-workers, but the community around them, the customers to which they service and so on. Another advantage is a boost in your business reputation. By using this framework, you will be providing your customers with better service which will in return provide your company with a positive image and a larger customer base. Although business ethics is something that is the right thing to do and helps your company in many ways, there are still some disadvantages to it. Implementing this framework is

very time consuming as it requires the proper training of employees and management. In doing this, you may see a loss in profits. When a business focuses more on business ethics, they are focused more on the stakeholders than making the extra penny which can result in that loss of profits. Regardless of these disadvantages, I still believe the WH Framework for Business Ethics would be appropriate for your company because due to the data breech, your customer base and reputation is at risk. By using this framework, the potential in building that reputation back is high and may even result in a larger customer base. The current dilemma of your data breech is a serious matter for your company and your customers. By using this framework, your I.T Lead could have avoided a lot of confusion and upset management. First, he would have to consider WHO his actions would affect. All the stakeholders are affected by his decision to not notify management of the data breech so that it could be properly handled, and the customers could be properly notified of the breech. Second, he would consider HOW he would make an ethical decision using one of the three ethical decision-making processes listed above. Using the Universalization test would be a great test for Steve to apply to this situation as it would give him an understanding of how the world would be if everyone made decisions like the one made. This puts things into a distinct perspective and helps people see that their actions are not as justified, or ethical, as they may believe....

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