BUSN3001 assignment S2 2021 PDF

Title BUSN3001 assignment S2 2021
Course Accounting Theory
Institution Australian National University
Pages 6
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BUSN3001 – Part A Referencing Exercise – S2 2021 Weighting: Due Date:

10% 6 p.m. 02/09/2021

Purpose: The Referencing Exercise examines students’ ability to appropriately reference scholarly research, and to identify and organise sources relevant to the completion of the Part B Research Essay. This task supports students in preparing for writing a research essay through developing referencing skills and using academic resources to prepare an essay plan. This assessment task is to be completed individually. Required: It is critical that you carefully and correctly use the Harvard referencing system for this assessment. If you are unfamiliar with the Harvard referencing system, the ANU Academic Skills and Learning Centre (ASLC) provides detailed information on referencing on its website. It is strongly advised that you familiarise yourselves with this approach prior to completing this task. Part1—Referencing (3 marks) Using the ANU Library SuperSearch, Google Scholar, or a scholarly internet search engine of your choice, find and download the article ‘Non-GAAP reporting: Evidence from academia and current practice’ authored by Black, Christensen, Ciesielski and Whipple. This article was published in 2018. Using this article, write a short summary of no more than 200 words that contains the following: (i) (ii) (iii)

A summary of the article by Black, Christensen, Ciesielski and Whipple; A direct quotation from the article by Black, Christensen, Ciesielski and Whipple that is correctly referenced; A sentence paraphrasing a specific argument made by Black, Christensen, Ciesielski and Whipple that is correctly referenced (i.e. you must re-write a specific argument in your own words and correctly reference this);

You must use the Harvard referencing system for this referencing exercise. The ANU Academic Skills Office has a guide to Harvard Referencing available on their website. Part 2 – Reference search (7 marks) Using the ANU Library SuperSearch, Google Scholar, or a scholarly internet search engine of your choice, identify at least 10 additional online scholarly journal articles that are relevant to the preparation of your Research Essay (5 marks). Identify 2 relevant media articles or survey evidence published from credible professional


sources (i.e. Harvard Business Review, U.S. Security Exchange Commission (SEC), The Wall Street Journal, etc) (2 marks). Using these 10 journal articles and 2 media report/evidence (plus the article from Part 1, above) provide the following: (i) (ii)

A list of properly-formatted reference list entries for each of the articles you have found; and A short statement of the key argument/s of each article/evidence and how you plan to use each of them in your Research Essay.

We suggest you present this information in the form of a table (i.e. with each reference list entry as a new row, and your short statement about the key argument/use of the article included in the second column). Ensure that this part of your submission is no longer than 2 pages. You must use the Harvard referencing system. The ANU Academic Skills Office has a guide to Harvard Referencing available on their website.

Late submissions of this task are not accepted. Ensure you have allowed sufficient time to upload and submit your assignment prior to the deadline. General Information Submission: Students must submit through the Turnitin system on Wattle. For additional information regarding Turnitin please visit the ANU website. Presentation: Your submissions must be word-processed and presented professionally, using 12pt font and at least 1.5 line spacing. You may use 1.0 line spacing in your table. Ensure your grammar, expression and spelling are carefully checked before submission. Long direct quotes should be single spaced and indented from the left margin. Essay Writing: The Academic Skills and Learning Centre (ASLC) provides a lot of support for students in writing essays through its website and also in-person through booked appointments and drop-in clinics. The online booklet ‘Essay Writing’ is useful in explaining the basics of essay writing strategies. The ASLC website also provides useful information on referencing and academic honesty. Extensions and Penalties: Extensions and late submission of assessment pieces are covered by the Student Assessment (Coursework) Policy and Procedure. Extensions will only be considered when evidence of medical illness (e.g. medical certificate or hospital admission documentation) or other serious misadventure can be provided. Work or other personal commitments are not acceptable reasons for extensions for coursework assessment. If you need an extension, you must request it in writing on or before the due date. If you have documented and appropriate medical evidence that demonstrates you were not able to request an extension on or before the due date, you may be able to request it after the due date.


BUSN3001 – Part B Research Essay – S2 2021 Weighting:


Due Date:

6 p.m. 14/10/2021

Purpose: The Research Essay examines students’ ability to identify appropriate scholarly research and media articles, critically analyse this literature and develop written arguments. This task helps students further develop their knowledge of accounting theory and their written communication skills. This assessment task is to be completed individually. Required: Critically analyse the literature relating to non-GAAP reporting and earnings management. Your research essay (at a minimum) should discuss the following: (1) What motivates mangers to issue non-GAAP reporting; (2) how external forces such as environmentalists and financial analysts may affect a firm’s non-GAAP reporting practice. It is expected that your essay will be broadly researched and your arguments should be well reasoned and evidenced with reference to the existing literature. You are required to use the Harvard referencing system. The word limit for this research essay is a strict 1,500 words (i.e. there is no 10% margin). This excludes the references at the end of the essay (but includes the in-text references). Marks may be deducted for essays that exceed this word limit. Assessment Criteria: The Research Essay will be assessed based upon the following criteria (also see Grade Related Descriptors below): •

Evidence of scholarly research: extent of literature review, relevance of articles, substantiation of arguments with references to literature.

Depth and relevance of discussion: coverage and depth in the focus areas of the essay, demonstration of knowledge and understanding of theory.

Critical analysis: level of critical analysis, argumentation, originality of ideas and insight.

Written expression: effective language and writing (including attention to grammar and sentence construction), structure and coherence of the essay as a whole

Consistency with academic conventions: correct and consistent referencing, formatting and abiding by word count


Note: The criteria listed above are not mutually exclusive but are complementary in the overall assessment of the assignment. A well-written and organised essay will receive a zero mark if it is not relevant to the given topic. The marking rubric used to assess this Research Essay is provided below. Further notes: • You do not have to use the same references identified in the Referencing Exercise. We are not looking for you to use a certain number of references for this assessment, but consider the 10 journal articles identified for the Referencing Exercise as a minimum or starting point for your research. However, we are looking for quality over quantity in terms of the references used: it is more important to show that you understand and critically analyse the resources you have found than listing many that you only superficially discuss. • Plagiarism and insufficient referencing are not tolerated. We expect a high standard in terms of referencing in this assessment, as the Referencing Exercise/Essay Plan provided students the opportunity to develop these skills. Students are encouraged to use the Turnitin Originality Report function to check the work they plan to submit in the lead-up to the submission date, and ensure their research essay is entirely their own work. Ensure you allow sufficient time for Turnitin to complete this report when planning your essay submission. Instances of Academic Misconduct will be reported and dealt with according to ANU Academic Misconduct Policy and Processes. • It is critical that you carefully and correctly use the Harvard referencing system for this assessment. If you are unfamiliar with the Harvard referencing system, the ANU Academic Skills and Learning Centre (ASLC) provides detailed information on referencing on its website. General Information Submission: Students must submit through the Turnitin system on Wattle. For additional information regarding Turnitin please visit the ANU website. Presentation: Your submissions must be word-processed and presented professionally, using 12pt font and at least 1.5 line spacing. Ensure your grammar, expression and spelling are carefully checked before submission. Long direct quotes should be single spaced and indented from the left margin. Essay Writing: The Academic Skills and Learning Centre (ASLC) provides a lot of support for students in writing essays through its website and also in-person through booked appointments and drop-in clinics. The online booklet ‘Essay Writing’ is useful in explaining the basics of essay writing strategies. The ASLC website also provides useful information on referencing and academic honesty. Extensions and Penalties: Extensions and Penalties: Extensions and late submission of assessment pieces are covered by the Student Assessment (Coursework) Policy and Procedure. Extensions will only be considered when evidence of medical illness (e.g. medical certificate or hospital admission documentation) or other serious misadventure can be provided. Work or other personal commitments are not acceptable reasons for 4

extensions for coursework assessment. If you need an extension, you must request it in writing on or before the due date. If you have documented and appropriate medical evidence that demonstrates you were not able to request an extension on or before the due date, you may be able to request it after the due date.

Late submissions of this task are not accepted. Ensure you have allowed sufficient time to upload and submit your assignment prior to the deadline.


Assessment Rubric – Research Essay Please note that the following criteria are not evenly weighted Criteria

Evidence of scholarly research

Depth of argument

Critical analysis

Structure and expression

Consistency with conventions

HIGH DISTINCTIO N 80% - 100% The essay effectively draws upon a wide variety of relevant scholarly resources and provides evidence to support all assertions. All aspects of the given topic are discussed in a thorough manner. The essay demonstrates excellent critical analysis, development of logical arguments and insight into the topic. The essay is exceptionally clear, cohesive, and structured. Grammar and expression are impeccable.

DISTINCTIO N 70% - 79%

CREDIT PASS 60% 69% The essay effectively references scholarly resources and provides evidence to support some assertions.

PASS 50% 59%


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