Buzz words for exams PDF

Title Buzz words for exams
Course Year 3 Medicine MCQ paper
Institution University of East Anglia
Pages 5
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Useful buzz words for SBAs. E.g. what to select when certain histology comes up...


BUZZ WORDS Respiratory - Stony dullness: pleural effusion - Bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy: sarcoidosis - Kussmauls breathing: Diabetic ketoacidosis - Cold agglutins: mycoplasma pneumonia - Panacinar emphysema: A1AT deficiency (alpha 1-antitrypsin) - Bilateral fine-end inspiratory crackles (in over >40) = idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis - Caseous necrosis/ caseating granulomas = TB - Non-caseating granulomas in lungs = sarcoidosis Cardiology - Boot shaped heart: tetralogy of fallot - Egg shaped heart: Transposition of the Great Arteries - Central crushing chest pain: AMI - Gallop rhythm: 3rd heart sound: LV failure, mitral regurg, L->R shunt - 4th heart sound: Pulmonary stenosis, pulmonary HTN - New onset RBBB with R-axis dev (common), S1Q3T3 (rare): PE - S2 split heart sound in kiddos: Fixed = ASD; Widened = Pulm Sten. - Coagulative necrosis = ischaemia (except brain, which is liquefactive necrosis) - Concentric cardiac hypertrophy = pressure overload (AS, HTN) - Eccentric cardiac hypertrophy = volume overload = Aschoff body= rheumatoid fever - anacrotic pulse (slow rising): aortic stenosis - collapsing pulse (Waterhammer or corrigans pulse): aortic regurgitation - pulsus alternans (electrical alternans): left ventricular failure or large pericardial effusion - bounding pulse: acute CO2 retention - radiofemoral delay: aortic coarctation - jvp rising on inspiration (called kausmauls SIGN): constrictive pericarditis/tamponade - cannon a waves: complete heart block, av dissociation, ventricular arrythymias - big v waves: tricuspid regurg - saddle shaped ST elevation: Pericarditis - mitral stenosis + 3 p's (polyarthritis+pancarditis+panniculitis)=erythema marginatum Gastroenterology - Central abdo pain migrating to the RIF: Appendicitis - Painless jaundice: pancreatic cancer - Palpable gallbladder does not = Gall bladder stones - Anti-smooth muscle antibodies = autoimmune chronic active hepatitis - Anti-mitochondrial antibodies = primary biliary cirrhosis - Crypt abscesses = ulcerative colitis - Mallory body = alcoholic hyaline - Cobble stoning = Crohn's Rheumatology - Bouchards and Heberdens nodes: OA - Boutonneires, Swan-neck, Z deformity: RA - Bone marrow depletion with increased fat space: Aplastic Anaemia

BUZZ WORDS - Hat doesn't fit: Paget's disease - Ring doesn't fit: Acromegaly Renal - WBC casts: pyelonephritis - Waxy casts: End stage renal disease - Red cell casts: glomerular nephritis - Crescents: Rapidly progressing GN - Tram tracking: Membranoproliferative/ mesangioproliferative - fusion of foot processes of podocytes on EM: minimal change disease - thickening of basement membrane (“spikes and domes”): Membranous nephropathy - Minimal immunofluorescence in RPGN: pauci-immune disease (Wegener’s granulomatosis, microscopic polyarteritis nodosa) - Linear immunofluorescence in RPGN: Goodpasture's disease Neurology - Argyll- Robertson Pupil (accommodates but not react): Tertiary syphillis - Ataxia + urinary incontinence + dementia: Normal pressure hydrocephalus ('wet, wobbly and wacky') - Thunderclap headache: SAH - Liquefactive necrosis = brain infarct and bacterial infection - Atrophy of caudate and putamen = Huntington's disease Infectious Disease - Koplick spots: Measles - Been to Russia? (St Petersburg) Giardia - Pilgrimage to Mecca: Meningococcal menigitis - South East Asia, fully vaccinated and taken propylaxis and STILL got sick: Dengue - Africa: Malaria, HIV - Sick kid, rash, "peri-oral sparing" = Scarlet Fever - Cough + Hameoptysis + Loss of weight (especially in immigrant/homeless/indigenous) = TB - india ink stain of CSF: Cryptococcosis - heterophile antibody = EBV Haematology - Old lady tea and toast diet: folate def macro anaemia - Greek man: thalassaemia - Heinz bodies: GP6D deficiency - Target cells: Thalassaemia - Smear cells: CLL - Auer rods: AML - Reticulocytes: haemolysis, bleeding - Neutrophil hypersegmentation: Vitamin B12 deficiency - Burr cells: uraemia - Howell-Jolly bodies: hyposplenism Oncology - Virchows Node: supraclvicular node enlargement by metastatic carcinoma of the stomach - Reed sternberg cells: Hodgkin's lymphoma

BUZZ WORDS - Bence Jones protein: Multiple Myeloma - Psammoma bodies: papillary adenocarcinoma of the thyroid (and papillary tumors of the ovary, meningioma) - Punched out bone lesions: Multiple myeloma - Rouleaux formation: Multiple myeloma (actually can be caused by anything associtaed with increased ESR) - Mutation of c-abl = CML - philadelphila chromosome,middle aged, gout = CML - Mutation of c-myc = Burkitt's Lymphoma - "starry sky" lymph node biopsy = Burkitt's Lymphoma - AFP = Hepatocellular Carcinoma, germ cell tumors (e.g., yolk sac tumors, teratoma, NOT seminoma) - B-HCG = gestational trophoblastic disease (e.g., choriocarcinoma, hydatidiform mole), dysgerminoma, 10% of seminoma - signet ring cells,leather bottle appearance: diffuse gastric adenocarcinoma -krukenberg tumour: ovarian metastasis from gastric adenocarcinoma - increased psa: prostate carcinoma - ca15-3, ca27-29: Breast Cancer - ca125: ovarian cancer, rarely breast, lung, gi, endometriosis - ca19-9: pancreatic carcinoma - CEA (Carcinoembryonic Antigen): colorectal carcinoma (also cervical/ovarian, breast lung) - beta-HGC: seminoma -umbilical nodule (periumbilical node) = sister mary joseph nodule (sign of gastric carcinoma or pancreatic carcinoma) Endocrinology - Orphan Annie eyes + Coffee bean: Thyroid papillary carcinoma - Anti- thyroglobulin antibodies: Hashimoto's thyroiditis - episodic headache+sweating+tacchycardia= phaeochromcytoma Dermatology - Pearly, rolled edges, telangiectasia: BCC - Indurated edge, hyperkeratotic: SCC - Wickem's striae and violaceous colour = Lichen Planus - Herald patch: Pityriasis roscea - Silver scales, extensor surfaces = Psoriasis - PemphigusS(Superficial) = Flaccid blisters - PemphigoiD(Deep) = Tense blisters - ABCD: Asymmetry, Border (irregular), Colour (multiple), Diameter (>6mm) = Melanoma Paediatrics - Palpable petechiae on buttocks: HSP - Projectile vomiting after 3 weeks of age: Pyloric stenosis - Olive- shaped mass in upper abdomen = pyloric stenosis - Brushfields spots: Down's Syndrome - Red currant jelly stools: Intussusception - Gowers Maneuver: Duchenne MD - Bile-stained vomiting: Malrotation with volvulus

BUZZ WORDS - Rocker-bottom feet, clenched fist with overlapping fingers = Edwards syndrome 'Cyclops', cleft palate = Patau D1 Jaundice - haemolysis/infection D7 Jaundice - physiological D14 Jaundice + "chalky white" stools - biliary atresia Ob&Gyn - Clue cells: gardeneralla vaginitis - Frothy green discharge: Trichomonas - Strawberry cervix: Trichomonas - Pseudohyphae = Candidiasis Psychiatry - Blunted affect: schizophrenia - Flight of ideas: mania Ophthalmology - Cherry-red spot (fundoscopy): Central retinal artery occlusion - Stormy sunset appearance/blood and thunder fundus (fundoscopy): Central retinal vein occlusion - Conjunctival injection near iris (ciliary flush): uveitis/iritis (iridocyclitis) - Conjunctival injection away from iris: conjunctivitis - Dendritic ulcer: ocular herpes - Blood inside anterior chamber: hyphaema - Blood (continuous) across conjunctivae: subconjunctival haemorrhage Pathology stains Pathology stains - congo red - amyloid - prussian blue - iron - ziehl-neelson/acid fast bacilli - TB - negatively birefingent aspirate from joint - gout - positively birefringent - pseudogout - C-ANCAs: Wegener's granulomatosis - P-ANCAs: Microscopic polyangiits, Churg-Strauss, ulcerative colitis - β2-amyloid protein, neurofibrillary tangles: Alzheimer's disease - lacunar cells: nodular sclerosing Hodgkins Lymphoma - immunoreactive to CD 30 or CD 15: Hodkgins Lymphoma - CD3: all T cells! - CD45: all leukocytes - CD20/CD45: all B cells Drug Adverse reactions - Dry cough, angiodema, urticaria: ACEI - Hyper/Hypo-thyroid, liver/lower zone lung fibrosis: Amiodarone - Gynaecomastia: spironolactone, digoxin - Impotence & cold peripheries & tiredness: Beta-blockers - Constipation: opioids, verapamil - Ankle swelling, headaches & Flushing: (CCB) Nifidipine, amlodipine

BUZZ WORDS - Drud-induced SLE: hydralazine, penicillamine, procainamide - Gout: Thiazides, Pyrazinamide - Hyperkalaemia spironolactone - Peripheral neuropathy, hepatits: Isoniazid - Orange secretions, hepatitis; Rifampacin - Retrobular/optic neuritis: Ethambutol - Oral candidiasis: inhaled high dose corticosteroids - Dilated cardiomyopathy from chemo: Doxorubicin - GI Bleed, hearing loss: Aspirin EBCP - Investigating a RARE disease : case control study - Investigating a RARE exposure : Cohort study - Looking for Prevalence: Cross-sectional - Looking for incidence: Cohort - Investigating a treatment/therapy: RCT - Rare side effect: case series - One of event that you wish to document Case report - Testing for harm/risk factors: cohort or case control - Testing for diagnostic test: RCT or Cohort - Looking for prognosis: Cohort...

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