C15 Marine Animals - Lecture notes 15 PDF

Title C15 Marine Animals - Lecture notes 15
Course Current Issues in Communication and Media
Institution Carleton University
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True / False 1. Polychaetes are the most successful of the worm phyla, being found in terrestrial, aquatic, and marine environments. a. True b. False ANSWER: False REFERENCES: 15-3 The Worm Phyla are the Link to Advanced Animals LEARNING OBJECTIVES: OCEA.GARR.16.15-3-2 - List the most common worms, and identify the link between worms and more advanced animals. OTHER: Bloom’s: Remember NOTES: Nematodes are considered the most successful worm phyla. Also called roundworms, they are free-living and microscopic, thriving in garden soil and marine sediments. 2. Marine birds usually avoid land unless they are hunting. a. True b. False ANSWER: False REFERENCES: 15-10 Some Marine Birds are the World's Most Efficient Flyers LEARNING OBJECTIVES: OCEA.GARR.16.15-10-2 - Compare and contrast seabirds and land birds. OTHER: Bloom’s: Remember NOTES: True seabirds generally avoid land unless they are breeding, obtain nearly all their food from the sea, and seek isolated areas for reproduction. 3. Photosynthetic autotrophs changed the composition of the atmosphere during the oxygen revolution. a. True b. False ANSWER: True REFERENCES: 15-1 Animals Evolved When Food and Oxygen Became Plentiful LEARNING OBJECTIVES: OCEA.GARR.16.15-1-1 - Describe Earth’s early organisms that promoted an oxygen-rich atmosphere, and explain how their metabolic activities allowed for atmospheric change. OTHER: Bloom’s: Remember NOTES: During the oxygen revolution, between about 2 billion and 400 million years ago, the activity of photosynthetic autotrophs changed the composition of the atmosphere from less than 1% free oxygen to its present oxygen-rich mixture of more than 20%. 4. Sharks and rays tend to be larger than bony fish. a. True b. False ANSWER: True REFERENCES: 15-7 Fishes are Earth's Most Abundant and Successful Vertebrates LEARNING OBJECTIVES: OCEA.GARR.16.15-7-3 - Classify fishes according to evolutionary age, size, and commercial value. OTHER: Bloom’s: Remember NOTES: Sharks and rays tend to be larger than bony fishes, and except for some whales, sharks are the largest living vertebrates. 5. Schooling behavior makes normally small fish appear like a large organism from a distance. a. True

b. False ANSWER: True REFERENCES: 15-7 Fishes are Earth's Most Abundant and Successful Vertebrates LEARNING OBJECTIVES: OCEA.GARR.16.15-7-2 - List the major groups of fishes, and state the characteristics that distinguish each group. OTHER: Bloom’s: Remember NOTES: Schools have the added benefits of reducing chance detection by a predator, providing ready mates at the appropriate time, and increasing feeding efficiency. 6. Arthropods have a steady growth pattern growing bigger over time. a. True b. False ANSWER: False REFERENCES: 15-4 Advance Invertebrates have Complex Bodies and Internal Systems LEARNING OBJECTIVES: OCEA.GARR.16.15-4-5 - Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the arthropod exoskeleton. OTHER: Bloom’s: Understand NOTES: An external skeleton limits growth and must be shed, or molted, at regular intervals. Arthropods do not have a steady growth pattern; instead, their external growth progresses in a series of steplike jumps as the animal molts and replaces its exoskeleton. The arthropod grows without getting bigger between these jumps in size. 7. Squid are the most intelligent invertebrates. a. True b. False ANSWER: False REFERENCES: 15-4 Advance Invertebrates have Complex Bodies and Internal Systems LEARNING OBJECTIVES: OCEA.GARR.16.15-4-2 - Assess the feeding methods of cephalopods and describe their unique techniques for escaping prey. OTHER: Bloom’s: Remember NOTES: Squid may be the largest invertebrates, but octopuses are the most intelligent. About as smart as puppies and with even better eyesight, some nearshore species of octopuses kept in captivity soon learn to recognize their keepers and forage at night through adjacent aquariums for tidbits. 8. Cnidarians exhibit bilateral symmetry, an advancement from the phylum Porifera. a. True b. False ANSWER: False REFERENCES: 15-2 Invertebrates are the Most Successful and Abundant Animals LEARNING OBJECTIVES: OCEA.GARR.16.15-2-3 - Identify members of the Cnidaria phylum, and describe their unique feeding methods. OTHER: Bloom’s: Remember NOTES: Cnidarians exhibit radial symmetry; that is, their body parts radiate from a central axis like the spokes of a wheel. 9. The vertebrate skull made the evolution of intelligence possible. a. True

b. False ANSWER: True REFERENCES: 15-6 Vertebrate Evolution Traces a Long and Diverse History LEARNING OBJECTIVES: OCEA.GARR.16.15-6-1 - Assess the advantages of the internal skeleton of vertebrate chordates. OTHER: Bloom’s: Remember NOTES: Chordates had many advantages to aid them in growing larger. The skull provided the ample protection and cavity needed to house the brain, eyes, and other sensory organs. 10. The teeth in odontocetes are made of baleen. a. True b. False ANSWER: False REFERENCES: 15-11 Marine Mammals Include the Largest Animals Ever to Have Lived LEARNING OBJECTIVES: OCEA.GARR.16.15-11-4 - Compare and contrast the two suborders of whales, and distinguish between their feeding methods. OTHER: Bloom’s: Remember NOTES: Suborder Mysticeti, the whalebone or baleen whales, have no teeth. Filter feeders rather than active predators, these whales subsist primarily on krill, a relatively large shrimp-like crustacean zooplankter obtained in productive polar or subpolar waters. 11. Coral and barnacles are both arthropods due to their hard outer exoskeletons. a. True b. False ANSWER: False REFERENCES: 15-4 Advance Invertebrates have Complex Bodies and Internal Systems LEARNING OBJECTIVES: OCEA.GARR.16.15-4-5 - Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the arthropod exoskeleton. OTHER: Bloom’s: Remember NOTES: Coral are cnidarians. They use calcium carbonate to build their outer covering. Barnacles are arthropods. They have an exoskeleton made of chitin. 12. The first fish evolved about 50 million years ago. a. True b. False ANSWER: False REFERENCES: 15-7 Fishes are Earth's Most Abundant and Successful Vertebrates LEARNING OBJECTIVES: OCEA.GARR.16.15-7-1 - Discuss the abundance of fishes as a function of water type, and analyze their evolution over the past 500 million years. OTHER: Bloom’s: Remember NOTES: The first fishes probably evolved in the ocean around 500 million years ago. These jawless animals were little more than motile sucking digestive tubes, but they did have the structural advantages of the chordate body plan. 13. Some mollusks are segmented, indicating a common ancestor with annelids. a. True b. False ANSWER: True


15-4 Advance Invertebrates have Complex Bodies and Internal Systems OCEA.GARR.16.15-4-1 - List the three molluscan classes, and provide examples of each. Bloom’s: Remember Molluscs and annelids probably shared a common origin, possibly a distantly ancestral segmented worm, and therefore share a few basic characteristics. Like annelids, molluscs are bilaterally symmetrical and generally have obvious heads, flow-through digestive tracts, and well-developed nervous systems. A few molluscs are segmented.

14. The evolution of the notochord in chordates permitted a more complex embryonic development. a. True b. False ANSWER: True REFERENCES: 15-5 Construction of Complex Chordate Bodies Begins on a Stiffening Scaffold LEARNING OBJECTIVES: OCEA.GARR.16.15-5-1 - Identify the common feature possessed by all Chordata, and discuss its role in chordate evolution. OTHER: Bloom’s: Remember NOTES: The notochord was critical in chordate evolution. It permitted a more complex embryonic development by providing a rigid “scaffold” on which the developing embryo could be constructed, and it provided an internal mechanical foundation for skeletal and muscle development. 15. Brittle stars employ a unique evasive technique that involves detaching an arm if grabbed by a predator. a. True b. False ANSWER: True REFERENCES: 15-4 Advance Invertebrates have Complex Bodies and Internal Systems LEARNING OBJECTIVES: OCEA.GARR.16.15-4-2 - Assess the feeding methods of cephalopods and describe their unique techniques for escaping prey. OTHER: Bloom’s: Remember NOTES: This technique is why they are called brittle stars. If grasped by a predator, a brittle star will often detach its arm and escape. The brittle star will later regenerate the arm. Multiple Choice 16. What classification describes a group of animals that share similar architecture, level of complexity, and evolutionary history? a. order b. phylum c. family d. genus e. kingdom ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 15-1 Animals Evolved When Food and Oxygen Became Plentiful LEARNING OBJECTIVES: OCEA.GARR.16.15-1-3 - Compare and contrast animals and autotrophs, and define a phylum. OTHER: Bloom’s: Remember NOTES: A group of animals that shares similar architecture, level of complexity, and evolutionary history is known as a phylum. The plural form is phyla. No one knows how manyphyla of animals may have developed during the time of rapidanimal proliferation that occurred near the end of the oxygen revolution.

17. Which animal is a suspension feeder? a. fish b. sea stars c. sponges d. lobsters e. sea urchin ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 15-2 Invertebrates are the Most Successful and Abundant Animals LEARNING OBJECTIVES: OCEA.GARR.16.15-2-2 - Describe the process of suspension feeding and list examples of suspension feeders. OTHER: Bloom’s: Understand NOTES: All sponges are suspension feeders;they strain plankton and tiny organic food particles from the surrounding water. 18. What needle-like structure provides a skeletal network for a sponge? a. cnidoblasts b. polyps c. spicules d. zooxanthellae e. mesoglea ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 15-2 Invertebrates are the Most Successful and Abundant Animals LEARNING OBJECTIVES: OCEA.GARR.16.15-2-2 - Describe the process of suspension feeding and list examples of suspension feeders. OTHER: Bloom’s: Remember NOTES: The flagellated cells of more elaboratesponges are concentrated in hundreds of tiny chambers. Their interiors resemble a Swiss cheese. A skeletal network of spicules (needles) of calcium carbonate or glassy silica prevents the internal chambers and canals from collapsing; a fibrous protein called spongin often serves the same purpose. 19. The most primitive true animal belongs to the phylum ____. a. Porifera b. Cnidaria c. Annelida d. Mollusca e. Platyhelminthes ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 15-2 Invertebrates are the Most Successful and Abundant Animals LEARNING OBJECTIVES: OCEA.GARR.16.15-2-2 - Describe the process of suspension feeding and list examples of suspension feeders. OTHER: Bloom’s: Remember NOTES: Sponges, in the phylum Porifera, are the most primitive. Nearly all of the 10,000 species of these simple attached animals are marine. Sponges are widely distributed from intertidal zone to abyss and are found at all latitudes and in most benthic habitats. They are all suspension feeders. 20. What phylum contains jellyfish? a. Porifera

b. Cnidaria c. Echinodermata d. Platyhelminthes e. Mollusca ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 15-2 Invertebrates are the Most Successful and Abundant Animals LEARNING OBJECTIVES: OCEA.GARR.16.15-2-3 - Identify members of the Cnidaria phylum, and describe their unique feeding methods. OTHER: Bloom’s: Remember NOTES: Cnidarians are carnivorous animals that have stinging cells called cnidoblasts. 21. What percentage of all living and fossil animals are invertebrates? a. 10% b. 50% c. 70% d. 80% e. 90% ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 15-2 Invertebrates are the Most Successful and Abundant Animals LEARNING OBJECTIVES: OCEA.GARR.16.15-2-1 - Define invertebrates and discuss their distribution among other living animals. OTHER: Bloom’s: Remember NOTES: More than 90% of all living and fossil animals, including all of the earliest multicellular animals, are categorized as invertebrates. Invertebrates are generally soft-bodied animals that lack a rigid internal skeleton for the attachment of muscles. 22. What are the stinging cells present in cnidarians? a. cnidoblasts b. spicules c. amoeboid d. microvilli e. spongin ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 15-2 Invertebrates are the Most Successful and Abundant Animals LEARNING OBJECTIVES: OCEA.GARR.16.15-2-3 - Identify members of the Cnidaria phylum, and describe their unique feeding methods. OTHER: Bloom’s: Remember NOTES: This group of carnivorous animals takes its name from the large, stinging cells called cnidoblasts, deployed on tentacles that bend or retract toward the mouth. 23. Which worm has a segmented body plan? a. Platyhelminthes b. Nematoda c. Roundworm d. Polychaeta e. Flatworm ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 15-3 The Worm Phyla are the Link to Advanced Animals

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: OCEA.GARR.16.15-3-1 - Compare and contrast the body structures of a worm and cnidarian. OTHER: Bloom’s: Remember NOTES: Polychaetes are the largest and most diverse class of annelids. Polychaetes are often brightly colored or iridescent worms with pairs of bristly projections extending from each segment. 24. Platyhelminthes were the first organisms to have ____. a. a fully developed brain b. a notochord c. a central nervous system d. metamerism e. an excretory system ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 15-3 The Worm Phyla are the Link to Advanced Animals LEARNING OBJECTIVES: OCEA.GARR.16.15-3-2 - List the most common worms, and identify the link between worms and more advanced animals. OTHER: Bloom’s: Remember NOTES: Flatworms are the most primitive organisms with a central nervous system. In some species, a complex of nerve cells serving as a rudimentary brain connects the animal’s simple nervous system to a pair of light-sensitive eyespots. 25. The exoskeleton of an arthropod is composed of ____. a. silica b. cellulose c. cartilage d. calcified bone e. chitin ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 15-4 Advanced Invertebrates have Complex Bodies and Internal Systems LEARNING OBJECTIVES: OCEA.GARR.16.15-4-5 - Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the arthropod exoskeleton. OTHER: Bloom’s: Remember NOTES: 15-4 Advanced Invertebrates have Complex Bodies and Internal Systems 26. Nautiluses, octopuses, and squid belong to which class? a. Cephalopoda b. Bivalia c. Gastropoda d. Mollusca e. Crustacea ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 15-4 Advanced Invertebrates have Complex Bodies and Internal Systems LEARNING OBJECTIVES: OCEA.GARR.16.15-4-1 - List the three molluscan classes, and provide examples of each. OTHER: Bloom’s: Remember NOTES: The most highly evolved molluscs are the cephalopods, a group of marine predators containing nautiluses, octopuses, cuttlefish, and squid. These animals have a head surrounded by a foot divided into tentacles. 27. What do squid use as a decoy defense mechanism?

a. cnidoblasts b. internal shells c. coagulated ink d. propulsion e. toxin excretion ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 15-4 Advanced Invertebrates have Complex Bodies and Internal Systems LEARNING OBJECTIVES: OCEA.GARR.16.15-4-2 - Assess the feeding methods of cephalopods and describe their unique techniques for escaping prey. OTHER: Bloom’s: Remember NOTES: Squid and octopuses can confuse predators with clouds of ink. Some kinds of squid eject a kind of “dummy” of coagulated ink that’s a rough duplicate of their size and shape. 28. Which phylum is found exclusively in marine habitats? a. Mollusca b. Arthropoda c. Echinodermata d. Annelida e. Nematoda ANSWER: c REFERENCES: 15-4 Advanced Invertebrates have Complex Bodies and Internal Systems LEARNING OBJECTIVES: OCEA.GARR.16.15-4-6 - Explain the water-vascular system of echinoderms, and describe some of the unique features of members of this phylum. OTHER: Bloom’s: Remember NOTES: The exclusively marine phylum Echinodermata is an odd group, sharply different from other members of the animal kingdom. The 6,000 species of echinoderms lack eyes or brains, have a radially symmetrical body plan based on five sections or projections, move slowly using a unique water vascular system, and include only two known parasitic representatives. 29. What is an ophiuroid? a. sea urchins b. tunicate c. salps d. brittle stars e. sea cucumbers ANSWER: d REFERENCES: 15-4 Advanced Invertebrates have Complex Bodies and Internal Systems LEARNING OBJECTIVES: OCEA.GARR.16.15-4-6 - Explain the water-vascular system of echinoderms, and describe some of the unique features of members of this phylum. OTHER: Bloom’s: Remember NOTES: Delicate ophiuroids have long, slender arms. They are called brittle stars because of their unusual strategy for evading capture. If grasped by a predator, a brittle star will often detach its arm and escape. The brittle star will later regenerate the arm. Ophiuroids are perhaps the most widely distributed benthic marine animals. 30. What makes up the greatest biomass of any species on Earth? a. king crab b. krill c. squid


b 15-4 Advanced Invertebrates have Complex Bodies and Internal Systems OCEA.GARR.16.15-4-4 - Summarize the three evolutionary advances of arthropods. Bloom’s: Remember The krill comprises the greatest biomass of any single species on Earth. It is a planktonic arthropod with a body plan in a variation on the basic annelid theme; bodies show clear segmentation with a pair (or pairs) of appendages per segment. All are bilaterally symmetrical.

31. What unique feature do all echinoderms have? a. water vascular system b. an expelling stomach c. complex chewing jaws d. brains e. eyes ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 15-4 Advanced Invertebrates have Complex Bodies and Internal Systems LEARNING OBJECTIVES: OCEA.GARR.16.15-4-6 - Explain the water-vascular system of echinoderms, and describe some of the unique features of members of this phylum. OTHER: Bloom’s: Remember NOTES: The 6,000 species of echinoderms lack eyes or brains, have a radially symmetrical body plan based on five sections or projections, move slowly using a unique water vascular system. 32. Which phylum has the most number of species? a. Mollusca b. Arthropoda c. Chordata d. Annelida e. Nematoda ANSWER: b REFERENCES: 15-4 Advanced Invertebrates have Complex Bodies and Internal Systems LEARNING OBJECTIVES: OCEA.GARR.16.15-4-3 - Compare and contrast the phyla Arthropoda and Mollusca. OTHER: Bloom’s: Remember NOTES: There are over a million species of arthropods known. Arthropods are able to occupy the greatest variety of habitats. They are partly successful due to the development of an exoskeleton. 33. Which crustacean is known for grazing on diatoms and dinoflagellates and is among the most abundant multicellular animals on the planet? a. krill b. barnacles c. amphipods d. water fleas e. copepods ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 15-4 Advanced Invertebrates have Complex Bodies and Internal Systems

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: OCEA.GARR.16.15-4-5 - Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the arthropod exoskeleton. OTHER: Bloom’s: Remember NOTES: Copepods, minute crustaceans that graze on diatoms and dinoflagellates, are among the most abundant multicellular animals on the planet. 34. What is considered the most structurally complex animal phylum? a. Chordata b. Echinodermata c. Mollusca d. Arthropoda e. Annelida ANSWER: a REFERENCES: 15-5 Construction of Complex Chordate Bodies Begins on a Stiffening Scaffold LEARNING OBJECTIVES: OCEA.GARR.16.15-5-1 - Identify the common feature possessed by all Chordata, and discuss its role in chordate evolution. OTHER: Bloom’s: Remember NOTES: All members of the phylum Chordata, the most structurally complex animal phylum, possess a stiffening notochord, a tubular dorsal nervous system, and gill slits behind the oral opening at some time in their development. The notochord was critical in chordate evolution. 35. What type of behavior is described as anadromous? a. Homing behavior to hatch b. Echolocation to find prey c. Stereo smell to find prey d. Schooling as defense e. Migration to freshwater to spawn ANSWER: e REFERENCES: 15-7 Fishes are Earth's Most Abundant and Successful Vertebrates LEARNING OBJECTIVES: OCEA.GARR.16.15-7-2 - List the major groups of fishes, and state the characteristics that distinguish each group. OTHER: Bloom’s: Remember NOTES: Most marine species of lampreys are anadromous, traveling to freshwater rivers or lakes to spawn. 36. What special t...

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