C224 Test Taking Strategies study checklist PDF

Title C224 Test Taking Strategies study checklist
Course Research Foundations
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 8
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C224- Study Checklist for the Exam Use this checklist when preparing for the objective exam for this course. Tip: If you do not recognize an item on this bulleted list, go back into the course of study to learn more about it. The list includes the module location for easy referencing. Tip: Make multiple copies of this checklist. Test yourself using the checklist, marking off the items you know. Over time, you will see that each time you test yourself (with a fresh checklist), you will notice an increase in the number of bulleted items you can readily identify/describe.

Introduction to Educational Research

 

Introduction to Educational Research Module 1: Why Study Educational Research? o o o

Know the importance of educational research Be able to discuss the common areas of research in education (Major divisions of AERA) Be able to identify the primary objectives of educational research. Gaining an understanding through:  Descriptive Research   


Be able to identify the five general TYPES of research  Basic  Evaluation  Formative   

Explanatory Research Predictive Research Integration  Emic Perspective  Etic Perspective

 Summative Action Orientational Applied

Module 2: Knowledge Generation and Justification o Be able to identify different sources of knowledge   

o o

Epistemology Experience  Empiricism Reasoning  Rationalism

 Deductive Reasoning  Inductive Reasoning Be able to discuss the ‘Problem of Induction’ Be able to characterize inductive and deductive approaches to knowledge generation.   

Be able to list the Dynamics of Science Be able to identify the basic assumptions of science Be able to discuss the factors related to educational issues: Hardin, 2014




 Social Psychological  Sociological  Be able to identify general norms and practices of good researchers Be able to recognize scientific methods:  Exploratory  Confirmatory Be able to apply the criteria used to determine the quality of a theory/ explanation  Rule of Parsimony  Criterion of Falsifiability 

The Principle of Evidence

Four Major Approaches to Research

Module 3: Quantitative Research o Identify the purpose of quantitative research o Be able to identify the 9 components of the quantitative research process o



o o

Know the definitions of:  Ontology  Epistemology Be able to explain sampling  Random sampling  Representative samples  Biased samples Data Collection  Be able to list the 6 types of data, as illustrated in the Pie Graphic in the course of study  Be sure to know the difference between quantitative types from qualitative types Know the who, what, when, where, and how of observations Be able to discuss research methods Experimental research

 Experimental  Quasi-Experimental Non-experimental research  Correlation  Correlation Coefficient (Definition)


 Positive Correlation (Definition and Graph Display)  Negative Correlation (Definition and Graph Display)  Predictive  Causal Comparative Be able to explain the three elements of Quality Criteria in Quantitative Research:


 Manipulation of the independent variable for causal conclusions  Control of the study to maximize internal validity  Construct Validity and the Dependent Variable Variables in Quantitative Research- Be able to explain: 

Variables in general  Quantitative Variable (Be able to select from a list)  Categorical Variable (Be able to select from a list) Hardin, 2014


    

Independent Variable Dependent Variable Intervening/Mediating Variable Moderator Variable Extraneous Variables


Data Analysis- be able to discuss the following:  Estimation  Hypothesis Testing  Inferential Statistics


Reporting  Know the seven major sections required in quantitative reports Be able to discuss the strengths and limitations of Quantitative Research

o 

Module 4: Qualitative Research o Be able to identify the purpose of qualitative research  Define naturalistic inquiry o

o o

o o o


 Be able to explain the holistic dimensions of ‘community’. Be able to discuss the influence of historical intellectual movements that inspire qualitative research:  Post-structuralism  Postmodernism Be able to identify the 9 components of qualitative research Be able to identify the assumptions of qualitative research  Define ‘linguistic-relativity hypothesis’  Define ‘empathetic understanding’  Define Ontology  Define Epistemology Understand the sampling methods of Qualitative Research  Define ‘criterion based’ AKA ‘purposive sampling’ Be able to list the 6 types of data, as illustrated in the Pie Graphic in the course of study  Be sure to know the difference between qualitative types from quantitative types Be able to identify key principles of qualitative fieldwork Personal Experience and Engagement  Empathic Neutrality and Mindfulness  Dynamic Systems Identify the theoretical frameworks that constitute qualitative research  Phenomenology  Ethnography  Narrative Inquiry  

o o o


Case Study Grounded Theory

Be able to define triangulation and discuss why it is necessary Be able to discuss the major characteristics of qualitative research analysis  Unique Case Orientation  Inductive Analysis & Creative Synthesis  Holistic Perspective  Context Sensitivity  Voice, Perspective & Reflexivity Be able to discuss the strengths and limitations of qualitative research Hardin, 2014

Module 5: Mixed Methods Research o Identify the purpose of mixed method research  Be able to explain the following mixed method rationales   

o o

 Expansion  Be able to discuss the ‘fundamental principle of mixed methods research’ Define ‘warranted assertibility’ Identify the assumptions of mixed method research  Know the following terms:    

o o

Triangulation Complementarity Development Initiation

Incompatibility thesis Compatibility thesis Pragmatism Ontology

 Epistemology Identify the 9 components of mixed method research  Be able to recognize the 8 stages of the mixed research process Understand sampling schemes for mixed method research  

Be able to identify the 8 mixed method sampling designs Be able to discuss the following:  Time orientation criterion  Paradigm/research approach emphasis  Sample relationship criterion    




Identical Parallel Nested Multi-level

Understand data collection methods of mixed method research  Define ‘inter-method mixing’  Define ‘intra-method mixing’ Understand the types of ‘Validity’ in mixed method research  Inside-outside    

Conversion Sample Integration Paradigmatic/Philosophical Sequential

   

Sociopolitical Commensurability Approximation Weakness Minimization Multiple

Be able to describe the types of ‘Analysis’ in Mixed Methods Research  Mono-data – Mono-analysis  Mono-data – Multi-analysis  Multi-data – Mono-analysis  Multi-data – Multi-analysis 

Know these terms  Qualitizing Data and Quantitizing Data Hardin, 2014

o 

Be able to discuss the strengths and limitations of Mixed Method research

Module 6: Action Research o Identify the purpose of action research o o

Describe the origin of action research Know Lewin’s Change Theory  Quasi-stationary equilibrium  Driving forces Three phases  Unfreezing – Changing - Refreezing Know John Dewey’s approach to inquiry  Transactional inquiry Know the 9 components of Action Research 

o o o

Be able to identify the assumptions of Action Research  Understand the term ‘applied research’  Understand ‘pragmatism’  Research attitude

o o

Be able to discuss the ‘Circle of Knowledge for the Enterprise of Education Science’ Recognize that sampling and data collection are contingent on the problem to be solved Quantitative- numeric data, i.e. improving student performance as assessed by tests  Qualitative- text data, i.e. gaining insight on the perceptions of existing processes


Understand Data Analysis for Action Researchers  Define the term ‘reflective practitioner’ Be able to describe the ‘Cycle of Action Research’ (PAOR)  Understand the following concepts Lifelong Learning



o 

 Continuous Quality Improvement Describe the four types of Action Research  Participatory  Critical  Action Science  Appreciative Inquiry Be able to discuss the strengths and limitations of Action Research

Module 7: Comparing the Four Major Approaches to Research o Be able to compare the major approaches of research based on:  Methodological Paradigm o

 Research Method Be able to compare the major approaches of research on the following categories of interest:  Scientific Methods  Research Objectives    

Observation Natures Data Types/ Collection Data Analysis Reported Results

Doing Educational Research

Module 8: Literature Reviews o Be able to discuss the purpose of a literature review Hardin, 2014


Be able to discuss the process of preparing a literature review 

o 

Be able to differentiate between an annotated bibliography and a literature review  Understand the term ‘meta-analysis’

Module 9: Planning a Research Study o Be able to discuss the purpose / necessity of having research questions  Be able to recognize the different types of questions for quantitative and qualitative research o Be able to discuss the necessity of formulating hypotheses o


Discuss the relevance of a literature for Quantitative Research  Qualitative Research  Mixed Method Research  Action Research

Be able to explain the need for a ‘Statement of Purpose’ in research  Know the difference between a declarative statement in quantitative research and statement of intent in qualitative research  Be able to discuss how the ‘Statement of Purpose’ in Action Research focuses on addressing or solving a specific problem. Be able to define the following Hypothesis  Hypothesis Testing

Module 10: Research Proposals and Ethics o Know the framework of the Research Proposal o





 (Hint- the key sections of a research proposal report) Know the three approaches in Research Ethics  Deontology  Ethical Skepticism  Utilitarianism Be able to identify ethical concerns in research  Relationship between society and science  Professional issues  Treatment of research participants Know the 5 AREA Code of Ethics  Professional Competence  Integrity  Professional, Scientific, and Scholarly Responsibility  Respect for People’s Rights, Dignity, and Diversity  Social Responsibility Be able to discuss ‘Informed Consent’  Informed  Informed with Minors  Passive vs. Active Be able to describe:  Deception- when it is appropriate  Debriefing- why it is necessary

 

 Dehoaxing  Desensitizing Freedom to Withdraw The difference between confidentiality and anonymity

Concept of Privacy Hardin, 2014

Module 11: Standardized Measurement in Educational Research o Know the definition of ‘measurement’ o Know the different measurement scales     o

Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio

Be able to discuss  Measurement Reliability (and its coefficient)  Know the types Test-retest  Equivalent Forms

 Internal Consistency  Inter-scorer (Inter-rater) Measurement Validity  Define Validity evidence 

Define Validation

Module 12: Data Collection o Be able to identify the 6 types (methods) of data collection- be aware of the varieties, as listed on page 72. o Understand the difference between ‘population’ and ‘sample’ o Understand the difference between ‘random sample’ and ‘random assignment’

Module 13: Validity of Research Results o

Be able to discuss the different types of validity in quantitative research  Internal  Causal  External  



 Generalizing Results Construct  Accurate Representation Statistical Conclusion  Magnitude of Relationship

Be able to discuss ‘trustworthiness’ in qualitative research  Know the five types Descriptive  Interpretive  Theoretical  Internal  External Be able to describe the types of legitimation in Mixed Method Research (this is a repeat)  Inside-outside    

Paradigmatic/Philosophical Commensurability Approximation Weakness Minimization Sequential

   

Conversion Sample Integration Sociopolitical Multiple Hardin, 2014

Module 14: Research Methods o Be able to select the appropriate research method for any given scenarios (The content in this module is repetitive of the information provided in previous modules.)

Module 15: Data Analysis o o


Be able to describe the purpose of descriptive statistics  Define ‘data set’ Visual Representation of Data- recognize the following: (and know when they are used)  Bar Graphs  Histograms  Line Graphs  Scatter Plots Be able to describe the measures of central tendency  Define the following-


 Mean  Median  Mode Understand distributions-

 Normal  Positively Skewed (Mean is the largest)  Negatively Skewed (Mean is the smallest) Be able to describe the purpose of Inferential Statistics  Define ‘estimation’

 Point Estimation  Interval Estimation Be able to discuss Hypothesis Testing, and what each of the following is:  Null Hypothesis  Alternative Hypothesis Define ‘significance testing’  Be able to list the different tests of significance noted in the module  ANOVA, t-tests, chi-square

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