C351 task 1 - task1 PDF

Title C351 task 1 - task1
Course Comprehensive Health Assessment for Patients and Populations
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 13
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Professional Presence

Western Governors University



2 Professional Presence

Introduction Connecting with others in a meaningful way, while projecting confidence and integrity is a crucial part to being successful. Professional presence demonstrates your authentic leadership abilities. It teaches you how to use presence to communicate, influence, and inspire. “Presence is letting the most powerful version of yourself shine through” (Gray, 2018). In this paper I will address different models of health and how they relate to my professional presence, analyze my personality type and create goals to become a more mindful body, and explore healthcare organizations that promote healing environments and use this new knowledge in my own practice. Models of Health and Healing There are two models of health and healing that have many differences: the Western model and the Eastern model. In the Western model, the body is viewed as one big machine and the parts of the machine work together to keep it running and the person healthy. If a part of this machine breaks or becomes damaged, Western doctors will treat this one part to get the machine or person back up and running. No external factors that might affect the machine or body are taken into consideration. The Western model uses the idea of physical reductionism. This idea “reduces medical issues to physical explanations and usually prescribes a purely physical solution” (Acupuncture & Massage College, 2017). The Eastern model evaluates the entire person. It takes into consideration the physical body as well as the mind and seeks to heal imbalances between them. This is called the holistic approach. Holistic medicine places



emphasis on the body’s own ability to heal, as well as promoting healthy lifestyle changes (Acupuncture & Massage College, 2017). The holistic approach in Eastern medicine uses natural remedies such as meditation, herbal medicines, and acupuncture. As an example, if a person lost their job and became sad and could not find the energy to look for another job, a Western doctor will likely diagnose them with anxiety or depression. The Western doctor would then prescribe a pill and more than likely would never see that person again unless they experienced a negative side effect, or their symptoms worsened. An Eastern would dig a little deeper into the person’s personal story and understand that the anxiety or depression is due to the loss of a job and not a chemical imbalance in the brain. The Eastern doctor may then recommend an alternative solution such as speaking to a therapist, meditation, or acupuncture to relieve anxiety. Models and Professional Presence My professional presence would be in the practice of the Western model. I believe there is a physical explanation for the body’s reaction to disease processes. As a disease affects a certain part of the body the focus of medicine should be to fix that broken or damaged part so that the entire body is not affected. I do, however, realize that the Eastern model does have some healing capabilities that could compliment the Western model. I understand that a person’s environment and way of thinking can have an affect on the healing process. I do not, however, believe that Eastern medicine alone can cure disease processes. For example, if a person has a heart attack, focus and treatment should be on fixing the heart problem. In addition, a person can change their lifestyle to promote a healthy cardiac outcome.



Influence on Nursing Practice My professional presence influences my nursing practice in several ways. Being mindful is imperative in the nursing practice. Being mindful is one of many ways to prevent harm to patients. It could mean the difference between life or death. Examples of being mindful in my nursing practice include double checking certain medications before administering them. On my unit we use certain medications such as Pitocin and Magnesium Sulfate that require two nurses to check before administering. Any kind of distraction while checking these medications could mean a huge overdose for the patient with negative outcomes. On my unit we perform many procedures such as cervical exams, Foley catheter insertions, and C-sections that require sterile fields. Being mindful of the sterile field is very important as not to introduce bacteria into the patient’s body. Personality Assessment Submission



(Typology Central, 2020). Test Results Analysis INTJ or Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging personalities are sometimes referred to as the “architect” or the “strategist” (Cherry, 2019). They are highly analytical, creative, and logical. Approximately one to four percent of the population has this personality type (Cherry, 2019). Looking at the test results, they are on point in how I view myself. I prefer to work alone rather than in groups. This allows for more control and order in my world. In solving problems, I am always looking at the bigger picture. I am a hard worker with high expectations of others



and have a strong sense of self confidence. I also admit I have difficulty in identifying with other’s emotions. These are all characteristics of an INTJ. Preferences Alignment In my personal relationships I tend to devote a lot of time and energy into making these relationships successful. Forming new friendships/relationships can be difficult for me because I am very direct and blunt at times. I do not share my emotions well and find it difficult to maintain a calm, warm tone in an emotional conversation. I have a very small circle of friends that are very important to me. A favorite activity that aligns with my personality is Sudoku. It is a logic-based, combinatorial number-placement puzzle (Sudoku, 2020). These puzzles really engage my critical thinking and problem-solving skills. I also enjoy reading and listening to music which allows me time to myself to think and recharge. When it comes to career choices, it is no surprise I chose nursing. This career allows me to constantly learn and satisfies my thirst for knowledge. It allows me to be a leader and to generate new innovative ideas. I can improve the world around me by having a nursing career. I love taking disease processes and breaking them down and learning how and what affect they have on the human body. Nursing is just the career for that! Potential Challenges or Barriers By analyzing my test results, I have been made aware of a few weaknesses or challenges of my personality. One of these challenges is struggling to understand emotional expressions. I often find myself overlooking other’s emotions and find it difficult expressing my own. It is



very difficult for me to keep a clam, warm tone in an emotional conversation. I have been told on several occasions that “it’s not what you say but how you say it” that offends people. Another challenge is I can be very judgmental towards others. I am a very quick learner and I expect others to be as well. I hold others to very high standards as I do myself and when people do not meet those standards, I find it very difficult in understanding why. Now that I have become more aware of these challenges, I can minimize conflict when working with other personality types. I can learn to be more open and receptive to the emotional needs of others and share my emotions better with them. I can pay more attention to my tone and how I speak to others. I can also be patient with others and less judgmental if they are not on the same intellectual level as I am. I can still hold people to high standards but be understanding and helpful. Whole Person Goals and Achievement of Goals There are four aspects of a whole person that maintain balance and well-being in life: physical, vital/rhythmic, mental/emotional, and biographical/spiritual body. Disruption in just one of these aspects will affect the well-being of the entire organism. I have created two goals for each aspect to promote balance and well-being within my whole person. The first physical goal in maintaining balance is decreasing the amount of sugar and overly processed foods I consume. I will strive to eat a well-balanced diet. To achieve this goal, my new diet will consist of mainly fresh vegetables, fruits, and natural grains. I will also incorporate some legumes, nuts, and milk products. I will limit meat consumption to fish or fowl. By eating these different foods my body will adjust the way it processes and stores fats,

PROFESSIONAL PRESENCE carbohydrates, and proteins. This can lead to decrease risk in developing chronic diseases like cardiovascular and diabetes. My person as a whole will change by having increased energy, boosting immune system, improving focus, and positive affect on mood. The second physical goal is to exercise at least thirty minutes a day. To achieve this goal, I will incorporate walking/jogging on the treadmill into my daily routine. By doing this my body will burn more calories for weight control, decrease cholesterol levels, and improve heart and lung health which will in turn increase energy levels. My person as a whole will adjust and change in appearance, stamina, and mood. Adjustment in appearance will include weight loss and building of lean muscle. Adjustments in stamina will include increased endurance and energy levels. Adjustments in mood will include a happier well-balanced self. The first vital/rhythmic goal is to create a balance between my work, home, and school life. To achieve this, I will create time schedules and task lists to help my stay on track. I will allow time for meditation to help reduce stress so that I may function better in each of these roles. My person as a whole will change by having more energy, better mood, and increased capability of functioning. The second vital/rhythmic goal is to reduce the amount of stress in my life. To achieve this, I will practice rhythmic breathing, meditation, and yoga. These things will center my mind and body thus increasing overall well-being. My person as a whole will change by having increased energy levels and stable mood control. The first mental/emotional goal is to make peace with what I can not control. To achieve this, I will practice acceptance through meditation thirty minutes a day. I will also use affirmation and visualization as techniques to rewire my thought processes. My person as a whole will change by having better control over my thoughts, feelings, and actions. I will adjust




by having control over the things that can affect me. The second mental/emotional goal is to pause and think before impulsively reacting. To achieve this, I will make sure I am well rested by getting at least six to eight hours of sleep each night. I will also practice emotional intelligence by becoming more self-aware of my underlying feelings and attitude and also having more social awareness of others. In doing so, my person as a whole will change by being less reactive and more responsive to different situations. I will adjust by intentionally choosing not to be defined by my feelings. The first biographical/spiritual goal is to be more forgiving. To achieve this, I will pray for guidance in shifting my thoughts. I will also make a list at the end of each day of things I am grateful for. My person as a whole will change in the way I perceive things and grow to appreciate the wonderful gifts life has to offer. I will adjust by taking the time to realize that each day is full of gifts. The second biographical/spiritual goal is to express what is on my mind. To achieve this, I will keep a journal to document my journey. This will help me reconnect with who I am. My person as a whole will be able to think clearer and make sense of my feelings. I will adjust by maintaining a focused mind that is able to keep moving forward. Healing Environments Best Practices Many facilities promote optimal healing through the environment they offer. Shands Cancer Hospital in Gainesville, FL promotes optimal healing by making patients feel one with nature. Patient rooms, hallways, and waiting areas have huge windows to let in natural light. The floors in patient rooms are wooden and the walls are lined with oversized photos and paintings of natural Florida. Looking out the windows, patients see Gainesville’s thick tree canopy with Paynes Prairie in the distance (Barnett, n.d.). The building creates a healing



environment that helps support emotional well-being. The patients and practitioners are partners in the healing process. Shands offers many unique programs to their patients, families, and visitors which provide support for the stressors of hospitalization, as well as health and wellbeing. These programs include Arts in Medicine, Child Life Program, Healthy Advantage, and Woman’s Advantage just to name a few (Patient Programs, 2018). Arts in Medicine centers on the belief that art is an integral component to healing. Nurses, physicians, and community artists collaborate on this program. It uses dance, music, drama, creative writing, and visual arts to enhance the patient experience. Child Life Program helps children and families cope with the stress and anxiety of hospitalization. Healthy Advantage helps keep members current on the latest advances in medicine. Woman’s Advantage is designed to enhance the health and lifestyle of women at every age. Crouse Hospital in Syracuse, NY uses various art forms to create an environment that promotes the healing process for patients, welcomes visitors, and enhances the workplace. They have a Healing Environment Committee comprised of clinical and non-clinical staff along with community volunteers that generate initiatives to transform Crouse into a warmer, more inviting hospital. Crouse strives to provide outstanding medical treatment and compassionate concern for the whole person. Some initiatives in place are the Quiet Initiative, Visual Art, Crouse Serenades, and Pet Therapy (Healing Environment: Crouse Health, Syracuse, New York, n.d.). The Quiet Initiative reduces noise levels by being conscious of how your voice carries, turning down ringers on cell phones, decreasing volumes on TV, closing patient doors when safe, and wearing soft soled shoes. Reduced noise levels help patients heal and recover more quickly. Visual Art brings appropriate visual art into many of Crouse Hospital’s public and patient care



areas. Studies have shown color can have a profound effect on mood and emotions, as can soothing visual images. Crouse Serenade is a program that brings local musicians into the hospital. Music has the power to heal, soothe the soul, and lift the spirit of patients as they deal with surgery or illness. Pet Therapy brings specially trained dogs into the hospital to visit patients. Unconditional love between people and pets is one of the best medicines a hospital can provide. Professional Presence Promotion I now have a better understanding of how to make patients more comfortable in one of the least comfortable places, a hospital. By being more mindful, I can focus on promoting a healing environment. Some ways of doing this are keeping noise levels down, allowing patients time to look at the great view outside and maybe go outside when appropriate, or having patients participate in some form of art. I used to work at a children’s hospital that had bright and joyful colors painted on the entrance and playful artwork on the walls. This helped ease the fears of many children being treated. The current unit I work on has friendly posters and paintings on the walls and is painted in a calming color. The staff have respect for patients and one another and keep noise levels to a minimum. These are just some of the things that promote an optimum healing environment in my healthcare setting. Conclusion Professional presence can affect all areas of your career. Being conscientious of my professional presence ensures that I can build trusting relationships. Having more knowledge of the different models of health allows me to incorporate them into my nursing practice and will



help make me a well-rounded professional. Now that I have a better grasp of my personality type and its strengths and weaknesses, I can be more mindful and understanding in the differences I have with others. This will allow for better communication in my nursing practice and better professional presence. By creating goals and actions for the four aspects of my whole person, it will allow me to be the best version of myself. In understanding what an optimal environment entails I will be more aware of my surroundings and how they promote or hinder a healing environment, thus leading to more positive experiences and patient outcomes.


13 References

Acupuncture & Massage College. (2017, August 7). Western and eastern medicine: A tale of two doctors. Retrieved from https://www.amcollege.edu/blog/western-and-eastern-medicine Barnett, C. (n.d.). New Shands Hospital, a 'healing environment'. Retrieved from https://www.floridatrend.com/article/4742/new-shands-hospital-a-healing-environment Cherry, K. (2019, August 11). Know the characteristics of the INTJ personality type. Retrieved from https://www.verywellmind.com/intj-introverted-intuitive-thinking-judging-2795988 Gray, K. (2018, November 29). What is professional presence and how can I achieve it? Retrieved from https://www8.gsb.columbia.edu/articles/columbia-business/whatprofessional-presence-and-how-can-i-achieve-it Healing Environment: Crouse Health, Syracuse, New York. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.crouse.org/about/inside-crouse/healing-environment/ Patient Programs. (2018, March 30). Retrieved from https://ufhealth.org/patient-programs Typology Central. (2020). Jung personality test [Measurement Instrument]. Retrieved from http://jung.test.typologycentral.com/personality-results/?testid=91001...

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