C4a4ada3a34bde8a0296e396f2f5d33b PDF

Title C4a4ada3a34bde8a0296e396f2f5d33b
Course Introduction to Abnormal Psychology
Institution Louisiana State University
Pages 12
File Size 272.6 KB
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Question 1 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text In terms of substance-related disorders, the word "addiction" is most closely associated with _____________. Select one: a. substance use b. intoxication c. polysubstance abuse more likely than men to be diagnosed during teen years and early adulthood d. drug dependence Question 2 Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text A person with paranoid personality disorder may Select one: a. get into arguments with people b. all of the above c. be quiet and withdrawn d. mistrust other people Question 3 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text A person who is physiologically dependent on a drug with experience Select one: a. tolerance to the effects of the drug b. neither tolerance nor withdrawal c. both tolerance and withdrawal d. withdrawal symptoms if the drug is withdrawn Question 4 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text Tirkel steals money from his mother's handbag every time he needs to buy drugs. His substance dependence is manifested by Select one: a. continuing tolerance b. psychological addiction c. withdrawal symptoms

d. drug-seeking behavior

Question 5 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text Theo is quite a loner. He walks to class by himself, does not talk to anyone and appears indifferent to people. It is clear that Theo neither desires nor enjoys closeness with others. He does not act in any obviously unusual ways, nor does he appear to possess strange beliefs about the world. Of the following personality disorders, Theo appears to be________________. Select one: a. avoidant b. schizotypal c. antisocial d. schizoid Question 6 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text All of the following analgesic substances are classified as opiates EXCEPT: Select one: a. heroin b. cocaine c. morphine d. codeine Question 7 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text Which of the following occurs when drugs are administered to schizophrenic patients? Select one: a. Drugs that increase dopamine (agonists) cause an increase in schizophrenic behavior. b. Both of these statements are accurate. c. Drugs that decrease dopamine (antagonists) decrease schizophrenic symptoms. d. Neither of these statements are accurate. Question 8 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text The condition called delirium tremens, also known as the "DTs," involves hallucinations and body tremors during withdrawal from ______________. Select one:

a. alcohol b. marijuana c. heroin d. cocaine Question 9 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text Which of the following is NOT one of the typical minor side effects of antipsychotic medications? Select one: a. Grogginess b. Dryness of the mouth c. Headaches d. Blurred vision Question 10 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text Annabelle has been a heavy drinker for years. Her behavior reflects confusion, loss of muscle coordination, and unintelligible speech. Such behavior is probably the result of _____________. Select one: a. dementia b. Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome c. substance abuse psychotic disorder d. fetal alcohol syndrome Question 11 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text According to Jellinek's model (no longer considered accurate but still of scientific interest), an individual with alcoholism progresses through four stages. Which of the following INCORRECTLY describes the characteristic behaviors associated with Jellinek's stages? Select one: a. Crucial stage - loss of control with occasional binges b. Chronic stage - primary daily activities involve drinking and getting drunk c. Prealcoholic stage - hangovers, DWI or DUI charges, blackouts d. Prodromal stage - drinking heavily, but few outward signs of problems Question 12 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text Which of the following characterize the disorder known as schizophrenia?

Select one: a. Disorganized speech and behavior b. Delusions and hallucinations c. Inappropriate emotions d. All of these

Question 13 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text Which of the following effects is associated with cocaine use? Select one: a. Decreased alertness b. Decreased pulse and blood pressure c. Increased appetite d. Rapid and irregular heartbeat Question 14 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text DSM-5 divides personality disorders into ______ distinct clusters. Select one: a. 1 b. 3 c. 4 d. 2 Question 15 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text According to the textbook, a possible cause of schizotypal personality disorder is: Select one: a. all of the above b. brain abnormalities c. genetic d. environmental Question 16 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text Angus had been "hooked" for a while before he decided to "go clean." Within 6 to 12 hours, he started to experience excessive yawning, nausea and vomiting, chills, muscle aches, diarrhea, and insomnia. His

behavior disrupted his work and social relationships. These symptoms persisted for three days. After a week, he felt better. Angus is probably withdrawing from _____________. Select one: a. heroin b. LSD c. cocaine d. alcohol Question 17 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text In the impulse control disorders, the individual feels _______________ prior to carrying out the act. Select one: a. relaxed and calm b. spaced out c. angry and aggressive d. tension and anticipation Question 18 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text The common factor among psychoactive drugs may be: Select one: a. Their ability to activate the "pleasure pathways" of the brain. b. Their identical effect on neurotransmitters at the synapse. c. The similar way in which they are metabolized in the body. d. The ease of obtaining them and the relatively inexpensive cost. Question 19 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text Which of the following neurotransmitters has recently been linked to schizophrenia? Select one: a. Alterations in prefrontal activity involving glutamate transmissions. b. Excessive stimulation of striatal dopamine D2 receptors. c. All of the above d. Deficiency in the stimulation of prefrontal dopamine D1 receptors. Question 20 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text

Yesterday you asked your friend Ray for a couple of aspirin tablets. Ray has been taking a psychology course and informs you that, in behavioral terms, aspirin is a ______________ reinforcer. Select one: a. negative b. positive c. neutral d. variable Question 21 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text Vince is extremely impressed with himself. Although he has only achieved a moderate amount of success, he thinks of himself as being uniquely special and deserving of the best of everything. Vince fantasizes frequently about great wealth and fame and does not really pay much attention to other people except to note how they react to him. Vince should be diagnosed with ____________ personality disorder. Select one: a. histrionic b. dependent c. antisocial d. narcissistic Question 22 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text The integration of both positive and negative reinforcement in explaining why the "crash" that follows the initial euphoria of drug use is not a deterrent to further drug use is called: Select one: a. substance induced myopia b. amotivational syndrome c. an expectancy effect d. the opponent-process theory Question 23 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text When asked about their childhood, individuals diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder tend to remember their parents as ________________. Select one: a. depressed b. substance abusing c. rejecting d. warm and loving

Question 24 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text Research examining the expectations that kids in grades 7 through 11 have about drinking alcohol revealed that some of the students begin drinking because they think it will have positive effects on their social behavior and cognitive and motor skills, a phenomenon called Select one: a. opponent-process theory b. regressive alcoholism c. an expectancy effect d. alcoholic myopia Question 25 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text With regard to research on schizophrenia involving the offspring of twins, all of the following are accurate statements EXCEPT Select one: a. The child of a non-schizophrenic fraternal twin has about a 2% risk of having the disorder. b. The child of a schizophrenic identical twin has the same risk (17%) of having the disorder as the child of the non-schizophrenic identical twin. c. A mentally healthy individual with a schizophrenic parent cannot pass on a genetic predisposition for the disorder to his or her offspring. d. An individual can be free from schizophrenia but still be a "carrier." Question 26 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text Cravings seem to be exacerbated by Select one: a. all of the above b. specific moods c. places and objects associated with drug taking d. the availability of drugs Question 27 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text A woman diagnosed as schizophrenic announces that she has a plan to end poverty and homelessness in the world and that the Pope has given her secret instructions on how this can be accomplished. Her thinking is indicative of a delusion of ___________. Select one:

a. thought insertion b. grandeur c. reference d. persecution Question 28 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text The disease model of dependence Select one: a. Is a psychosocial perspective. b. Assumes that dependence is caused by a psychological disorder. c. Assumes that dependence is caused by an underlying physiological disorder. d. Assumes that dependence is a failure of self-control. Question 29 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text The disease model of dependence Select one: a. Assumes that dependence is a failure of self-control. b. Assumes that dependence is caused by a psychological disorder. c. Assumes that dependence is caused by an underlying physiological disorder. d. Is a psychosocial perspective. Question 30 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text A token economy is an incentive system in which hospitalized patients with schizophrenia Select one: a. both of these b. earn "tokens" for appropriate behavior c. neither of these d. lose "tokens" for disruptive behavior Question 31 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text Contingency management involves: Select one: a. the use of medication to create substance aversions

b. the elimination of abuse cues c. the use of reinforcement for specific behaviors d. altering expectations Question 32 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text Which of the following statements is TRUE about kleptomania? Select one: a. The disorder has been fairly well-studied because of the somewhat high prevalence. b. The disorder appears to be more common than many disorders. c. The stolen objects are not needed for personal use or their monetary value. d. All of these. Question 33 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text The research examining the cause of antisocial personality disorder suggests that: Select one: a. there is no evidence of either a genetic or environmental cause b. genetics and the environment interact to cause the disorder c. the primary cause is genetics d. the primary cause is poor parenting Question 34 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text In Jill's psychotherapy sessions, the therapist has been using techniques to gradually maker her more comfortable with social situations. Similar to the treatments used for individuals with social phobia, the therapist has given Jill homework assignments that require her to practice talking to strangers, join informal groups, and speak in front of small groups. Most likely, she is being treated for ______________ personality disorder. Select one: a. histrionic b. avoidant c. antisocial d. dependent Question 35 Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text Which of the following are example of agonist types of treatment for substance abuse?

Select one: a. Both of these. b. Neither of these. c. The use of methadone to treat heroin addiciton. d. A nicotine patch or nicotine gum to treat addiction to cigarette smoking.

Question 36 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text Influenza infection during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy has been link to Select one: a. Neither of the above. b. The mother developing schizophrenia. c. The child developing schizophrenia d. Both of the above. Question 37 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text One of the major differences between individuals with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is that patients with the personality disorder generally Select one: a. have more obsessive thoughts b. do not have obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors c. have multiple diagnoses d. show more compulsive and ritualistic behaviors Question 38 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text Assertive community treatment for schizophrenia utilizes Select one: a. all of the above b. medication management c. psychological treatment d. vocational treatment Question 39 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text Alcohol can initially appear to cause stimulation (make someone more social for instance) because it: Select one:

a. depresses inhibitory centers in the brain b. has an excitatory effect on the brain c. makes vision and hearing more acute d. alters motor coordination Question 40 Correct Mark 2.00 out of 2.00 Flag question

Question text Mort has displayed a number of schizophrenic symptoms. An obvious one was his lack of speech content manifested in nonsensical ramblings and slowed speech response. This symptom is called _______________. Select one: a. avolition b. alogia c. clanging d. anhedonia Question 41 Complete Mark 5.00 out of 5.00 Flag question

Question text Describe community reinforcement therapy for substance-related disorders. How is this different from aversion therapy? Community reinforcement therapy is when your clinician find a friend or spouse that is not affected by substance use and using them to help the client seek out close relationships with other people. They want their clients to avoid anyone or anything that makes them want to abuse the drugs. it is different from aversion therapy because during aversion therapy the clinician prescribes the client drugs that make ingesting the abused substance very unpleasent for them. They hope that the client will associate the abused drug with this feeling of illness and will avoid using it any longer. Comments Comment: Question 42 Complete Mark 5.00 out of 5.00 Flag question

Question text Define borderline personality disorder. Describe the recommended psychological treatment for this disorder. Borderline personality disorder is a pervasive patter of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affects, and marked impulsivity. They lead tumultuous lives. Dialectical behavior therapy, this involves helping people cope with the stressors that seem to trigger suicidal behaviors. patients are taught how to regulate and identify their emotions. Comments Comment: Question 43 Complete Mark 5.00 out of 5.00 Flag question

Question text Name and briefly describe (one sentence each) the psychotic disorders that can be diagnosed other than schizophrenia. Schizophreniform disorder - people who experience two or more symptoms of schizophrenia for a few months only. Schizoaffective disorder - persistent belief that is contrary to reality in the absence of other characteristics of schizophrenia. can experience major mood episodes. delusional disorder - having one or more delusions that last one month of longer. substance/medication-induced psychotic disorder - have one or both of the symptoms of delusions or hallucinations Comments Comment: Question 44 Complete Mark 5.00 out of 5.00 Flag question

Question text Compare and contrast positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia. Please give at least 2 examples of positive and 2 examples of negative symptoms. Positive symptoms include delusions or hallucinations. Delusion of grandeur is when someone believe that they are powerful or famous (Jesus). Hallucinations is when you experience a sensory event without any input from the environment around you. Auditory hallucinations is an example, its when you have thoughts that they think are coming from something or someone else. Negative symptoms include avolivation, algoia, anhedonia and affective flattening. Avolivation is when they show little interest in doing the most basic day to day activities like personal hygiene. Affective flattening is when it seems like the person is wearing a mask and never show any emotion when expected too....

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