CAMBRIDGE Face2Face Upper Intermediate Students Book PDF

Title CAMBRIDGE Face2Face Upper Intermediate Students Book
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AMBRIDGambridge UNIVERSITY P RESS New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Sao Paulo CambridgeUniversity Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK Information on this title: <9 Cambridge University Press 200~ This publication ...





New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Sao Paulo

CambridgeUniversity Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK Information on this title: r-2 "O

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anyway. Of course, I still ~~~ifiurage my daughters to take their GCSEs seriously and I i¡¡i6~~~. them both to continue studying next year. Emily l!)(ifi~es to become a journalist and I'm trying to ~rauade Julia to go to medical school. They're both very bright, but they find it hard to concentrate. They usualiy study for half an hour and then stop to cali their friends or watch T\Z However, we all know that qualifications 1:~1~people gel jobs, and a graduate in the UK -earn nearly

twice as much as someone who left school at 16. So 1 ~feten:d to believe that exams are a good idea, and 1 always remember to wish my daughters luck before each Que. By the way, 1 did ~~¡;!;g~ to pass my maths O Level, but since then nobody's ever ~l:I:~~ me to do calculus or draw a graph. The way 1 see it, if you need to add up a few numbers, try using a calculator. So maybe it's time to stop testing how much children remember and t~!~ them to be better bullan beings instead.

*0 Leve!= examsthat 16-year-oldsin the UK took before*GCSEs = examsthat 16-yearolds in the UK take

1C " C)

+ infinitive with to


+ object + infinitive


+ object + infinitive with to



+ infinitive

b} Write these verbs in the table in 3a). Some verbs can go in more than one place. -


would rather





had better





don't mind



continue like



start finish



C) Look at the verbs in pink in the article. Match the verb forms to the meanings. 1 remember+ verb+ing 2 remember+ infinitive with to a) remember something that you did before b) make a mental note to do something in the future 3 4 c) d)

stop + verb+ing stop + infinitive with to stop something that you were doing stop doing one thing in order to do something else

5 6 e) f)

try + verb+ing try + infinitive with to make an effort to do something difficult do something in order to solve a problem

d) Checkin lB "


Work in pairs. StudentA -+ plO4. StudentB -+ plO7. Follow the instructiollS.

Listening "

b) Work in newpairs.Take turns to tell eachotherone of the stories.lnclude as much detailas possible.

i + verb+ing


a) Checkthesewordswith yourteacheror in a dictionary. .

l_~~__.:~~~~~t.:~~~~-,~~~~.~ '

b) Work in pairs. Look at pictures A and B. What do you think is happening in eachone? c) ..Listen

and check your answers to 5b).

and Skills

a)" Listenagain.Write six words/phrasesto help you remembereachstory.

a) Look at fue verbs in blue in fue article. Write the infinitive forrns of these verbs in the table. avoid



spokenEnglishwe usually only stressthe words that give the rnaininforrnation. This givesEnglish its naturalrhythm. IDI Listen to the beginning of the first exam story. Notice the stressedwords. My worst exam moment happened when I was cau!jht cheating by my múm after a h7storyexam. I realiy liked history classes, but I clidn 't have a very good memory.

b) Work in pairs. Look again at 7a). Which parts of speechare usually stressed?Which are usually unstressed? adjectives -stressed

possessive adjectives -unstressed

c) Look at the next part of the story. Which words do you think are stressed? So on the moming of the exam'I wrote loads of important factsand figures on the insides of my shirt cuffs. I madesure that I gol to the exam room really early so I could sil at the back. d) IDI

Listen and check.

e) Look at Rl.6, p143. Listen to the stories again. Notice the sentencestress and rhythm.

1 What was the last exam you did? How did you feel before, during and after it? 2 What was the hardest exam you've ever taken? 3 Have you ever done an oral exam? What was it like? 4 Do you know any other interesting or funny stories about exams? If so, tell the group.


Real World keeping a conversation going Help with Fluency stress and rhythm


Review verb patterns; echo questions; question tags

Work in groups. Discuss these questions. 1 Where can you do evening classes in your town/city? 2 Have you, or has anyone you know, ever done any evening classes? If so, which ones? 3 Look at the advert. Which two evening classes would you like to do? Why?

a) lID Listen to a conversation between two friends, Kim and Sue. Tick the evening classes that Kim is doing. b) Listen again. Answer these questions. 1 How long ago did Kim and Sue last meetup? 2 What did Kim have to do in her last creative writing class? 3 What did she gel for her birthday? 4 Which classdoesshe find difficult? 5 Why doesshe find the eveningclasseshelpful? 6 Who doesshe go to her danceclasswith? 7 How long is Suegoing to be in the USA?

We often use short questions to keep a conversation going and to show interest. a) FilI in the gaps in short questions 1-10 with these words.

come as 1 2 3 4 5

How's it --901119---? Why's ? Like , exactly? How do you ? What's the teacher


6 7 8 9 10

What Such How In what What

are you doing? ? ? ? of dancing?

b) Fin in the gaps in these parts of the conversation with a preposition. KIM I go every weekSUEReally? Who


SUE I'm off to the USA on Sunday. KIM Are you? How long ? TIP! .We also use echo questions (KIMIts reaIly difficult, actuaIly. SUE15 it?) and questions with question tags (Its been ages, hasn't it?) to keep a conversation going. c) Check in ~I


a)1m Listen to eight sentences.For eachsentence you hear, complete these short questions with a preposition. 1 2 3 4 5 6

What __aPQ_ut.? Where ? Who ? What ? Who ! Who ?

7 How long 8 Who

? ?

b)1m Listen and check. Are prepositions in short questions stressed or unstressed?


~ a) Readthe next part of Sueand Kim'sconversation.Fin in the gaps with oneword.



s My brother, Frank. I'm rather nervous about the whole thing, though.

K Really? How 3

bit 1



1 only



4 5

1 used can't


1 can


1 picked

sEr, we tend to argue quite a loto K Yes, families can be difficult, are 5 you doing? they? And what 6

of trip? s We're going walking in the Rockies. K How long 9 ?







to be




to speak speaka word some

rusty gel

of ...

bilingual ...,




A No, he 8didn't/wasn't actually, but my brother 9does/is.l,o'm/was going to work for the same company, but l"didn't/wasn'tin the end.

now. in ... a bit

of ...when


Work in pairs. Underline and

a)mm Look at Rl.lO, p144. Listenagain.Noticethe sentence stressand rhythm.

b) 1 forgot

7 My sister phoned while 1 talked to John.

a) Write the words connected to education.UD

I ;

1 ttilauor

t utorial


2 cpmusa 3 guraated

c g



5 crhholssiap 6 eeergd

s d


. , .. ! ;

, ,

! :

. !

b) Work in pairs. Compare answers.Thenthink of six more: words/phrases connectedto :: education. : c) Tell your partneraboutyour education.

me in

.:.: : .: i

.,, ..

Jo at the airport.

2 to tell/telling a) 1 expect them me soon. b) 1 regret them about that. 3 to drink/drinking a) I've stopped b) 1 persuaded him water. 4 to talk/talking a) She refused b) 1 avoided " 5 to be/being a) 1 pretended b) 1 kept





night. 5 Kim was back from ltaly since Monday. She had a great time. 6 1 realised that 1 meet Samir


Fillinthe~ verb formo EíD

1 to meet/meeting a) He remembers


1 Yesterday l've spem an hour in the park. lt was very relaxing. 2 l'm needing a new dictionary. 1 10stmine last month. 3 My English is quite good. 1 learn it since 2004. 4 1 10st my English book last week, but it handed in at reception last

Helpwith Fluency

.your work or studies .a problem you have .a place you lave going to .something interesting you've done lately .your plans for next weekend .something you areJaren'tlooking forward to


correct the incorrect verb forms in these sentences.1m


Work in new pairs. Rave two conversations. Use these ideas or your own. Ask each other questions to keep the conversationsgoing.

__in_- ...


b) Work in pairs. Ten your partner your sentences.Guess which sentencesare truco

s Five days. Oh, 1 can't wait!

b) D Work in pairs. Practise the conversationin Rl.lO, p144 until you can rememberit. Then claseyour booksand havethe conversationagain.Try to use naturalsentence stressandrhythm. TIPI .D = pronounciation.



S After the wedding l'm going on a trip that my friend Brad's organised. K 7 you? What 8


A 'Did/Have you ever studied a subject you 2haven't/didn't like? B 1 3did/wasstudy IT for ayear, which was a bit boring. You work with computers, 4do/don't you? A Yes,1 sam/do.1 write software. B GAfe/Doyou? 7Didn't/Wasn'tyour father work for a software


s Frank and 1 don't really gel on particularly well. K How do you 4 ?



1, p113

Choose thecorrect words. .

a) Fill in the gaps with these words. Then use phrases 1-7 to make true or false sentences about yourself.1m

s First, l'm going to my cousin's wedding in Seaule. K 1__A(~:you? Who 2 ?


coffee. some

to me. to him. asleep. woken up.

a) Tick the things you can do in English. can talk aboutmy languageability. can talk abouteducation. I can ask andanswerdetailedquestions aboutthe presentand the pasto I can understandan articlewhich expressesa specific point ofview. 'LJ 1 can use short questionsto keep a conversationgoingeffectively.

b) What do you need to study again? SeeCD-ROM [~mI.


Reading,Ustening and Grammar "

a) Read part of a web page on health. Try to ful in gaps 1-4 with these percentages.


b) Work in pairs. Compare answers. Then check on p159. c) Do you think a similar survey done in your country would produce the sameresults?


Why?/Why not? a) Look at the photos of Cassy and Ted, tWO people who took part in the survey.Who do yoU think says sentences1-3 and who do you think says sentences4-6? 1 Every dar when 1 gethome from work, 1'11have a coffeeand hall a packet of chocolatecookies. Z 1 know what llike and 1 eat what llikeo 3 My mom's always telling me what 1 should and shouldn't eat. \, 4 But when 1 was a teenagerl'd get up in the moming and go straight to the cookie jaro 5 1 used to be addicted to chocolatechip cookies-my moroused to hide them from me. 6 And then 1 read a lot of books about health and nutrition, and 1 knew 1 had to changeo b) GIl

Listen and check. Tick the sentences

in 28) when you hear them. c) Listen again. Answer these questions. 1 What doesCassysay about French and eating habits? z American Has Cassy's attitude to food everchanged? 3 Who is healthier, Cassyor her mother? 4 DoesTed ever eatthings that are unhealthy? 5 Why doeshe checkfood labels all the time? 6 What doeshe say aboutjapaneseand American .o


'\ \


2A " "

a} Look at fue verb forms in bold in sentences1-3 in 2a). Complete these roles with PresentSimple, will + infinitive or PresentContinuous. .We use the to talk aboutpresent habits,repeatedactionsand states. .We oftenuse fue with alwaysto talk about presenthabitsand repeatedactionsthat annoyus or happenmore thanusual. .We canuse to talk aboutrepeated and typical behaviourin the presentoWe don't usual1yuse this verb form with stateverbs for this meaning. b} Look at these sentences.Which talks about repeated and typical behaviour? Which talks about a future action? 1 Sometimes1'11eat things 1 know are unhealthy. 2 Tonight 1'11probably have a burger. C} Look at the verb forms in bold in sentences4-6 in 2a). Complete fuese roles with Past Simple, would + infinitive or used to + infinitive. .We

use the



talk about pasthabits,repeatedactionsand states. .We canuse to talk aboutpasthabits and repeatedactions.We don't usual1yuse this verb form with stateverbs. TIPI .We don't use usedto or would + infinitive for something that only happenedonce: In 20031 gaveup smoking.not In ~g'J.3 1 usedte giveJi¡;5f1-;;;ki~g.

d} Checkin 1m


Look at these sentences. Are both verb forms possible? If not, choose the correct one. , 2 3

4 5 6 7 8

Last night J'dhave/~two burgers for dinner and I usedto feel/1 felt a bit sick afterwards. 1 rarely drink coffee now, but at one time it'd be/ it usedto be my favourite drink. 1 seldom par attention to government reports about food because they'd change/theY'realways changing their advice. I walk/J'll walk to work just for the exercise and 1 frequently go/am going to the gym. Occasionally I eat/J'1leat vegetables, but only because J'1lknow/1know they're good for me. I alwaysworry/J'm alwaysworrying about my diet. Once I usedto try/1 tried not adding salt to my food. It tasted awful! When 1 was younger, I didn't useto like/1wouldn't like coffee.

Vocabulary and Grammar

a) Read about Ted's parents, Georgeand Kath. Fin in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Sometimesthere is more than one possible answer. Beforewe 1_g_Qt (get) married, (live) in Boston. Kath and Then I 2 in 1996we 3 (move) to New York, where we 4 (have) a small apartment. Back then more often than not we 5 (stay) at borne in the eveningbecausewe 6 (not have) much moDero Tedsays that1 7 (alwaysgo on) about how poor we8 (be) then, but it's true. For example, every so often we 9 (buy) Teda burger as a treat, but Kath and I 1° (nevereat) out. But now that we 11 (have) more moneywe 12 (go) to restaurantsquite a loto In fact, most weeks we 13 (eat) out at leasttwice. Most of the time we 14 (go) to local restaurants,but once in a while we 15 (drive) up to Bostonand go to one of our favourite restaurantsthere. I really 16 (love) Bostonand every now and again 117 (think) about moving back there, but Kath 18 (always tell) me that'sunrealistic. b) Work in pairs. Compare answers.

Vocabulary Expressing frequency a) Put the words/phrases in bold in 4 and 5a)into these groups. Check in 1m pl16. lower frequency rareiy

higher frequency frequentiy

b) Write four true and four false sentencesabout your eating habits. Use words/phrases from 6a). c) Work in pairs. Ten each other your sentences. Guess which of your partner's sentencesare true.

Make notes on the differences between your life five years ago and your life now. Use these ideas or your

own. 8 sleeping habits 8 free time activities 8 time with friends and family 8 sport and exercise

8 work or study 8 taste in music/films/ TV programmes .places you have lived 8 annoying habits

a) Work in groups. Discuss how your life now is different from your life five years ago. Use language from 3. b) Ten the class about the person whose life h~s changedthe mosto


Vocabulary feelings and opinions Grammar be used to, get used to Review present and past habits


Feelingsand opinions

a) Look at the adjectives in boldo Then choose the correct prepositions. Check in 1m pIIó. 1 l'm terri6ed forl@flying. 2 l'm fascinated by/lar other cultures. 3 1 always gel excited of/abouttravelling to new places. 4 l'm usually satis6ed for/with the service1 gel on planes. 5 l'm shocked by/with how little somepeople know about my country. 6 1 was quite disappointed in/DIthe last place 1 went to on holiday. 7 1 was impressed DI/bythe facilities at the last hotel 1 stayedin. 8 l'm not aware t%f any dangersfor travellers in my country, 9 My country is famous for/about its historical buildings, 10 l'm very fond of/with spicy food. 11 l'm not SUTeabout/forthe need for so many security checks at airports, 12 I'm sick of/at the weatherwe've beenhaving recently. b) Tick the sentencesin 1 a) that are true for you. c) Work in pairs. Take tums to say the sentences you ticked. Ask follow-up questions. ( I'm terrified of flying.l




Really?When wasthe] lasttime you flew?

Readingand Grammar ti)

a) Look at the photo. Which city do you think this is? Why? b) Check these words/phrases with your teacher or in a dictionary.


a foreigncorrespondentthe rushhour ignore atortilla a pedestrian C)Read the article. What does the writer think is the hardest thing to deal with in this city?

Letter frOIll abroad by PeterTaylor I've always been fascinatedby Mexico, even as a child. So 1 was excited about coming here from Callada as a foreign correspondent,and since 1 arrived 1 haven'tbeen disappointed in anything. It's such a wonderful country full of colours, sounds and smells that are so different from those back home. Before 1 carne here,I'd read that Mexico had a much slower pace of life than Callada -but 1 soon realised they weren't talking about Mexico City. Waking up early enough to avoid the 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. msh hour wasn't easyat first, but now 11'mused to getting up at 5 a.m. every day. And as for driving here,21'm slowly getting used to it -but when1 first arrived I was absolutelyterrified of being in a caroThis is a city of 20 million peopleand it feelslike they're all on fue fijad at the sametime. But don't getme wrong, I'm really impressedwith fue way Mexicans drive, they'reamazing.And of coursethere are mIes of the fijad -it just takes a while for 3a foreigner to get used to them. For example,I've learned to ignore traffic lights. For months I annoyedevery traffic cop in Mexico City by stopping at red lights while they were desperatelytrying to keep the traffic moving. Also 41 wasn't used to people driving so close to...

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