Capsule Proposal Project PDF

Title Capsule Proposal Project
Author Ruth A Salazar
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Capsule Proposal Project In partial fulfillment of the course EDDE 230 Submitted by: Ruth A. Arsenue Submitted to: Dr. Primo Garcia UP Open University March 23, 2013 Rationale The introduction of information and communications technology (ICT) to the Philippine society has affected not only the busi...


Capsule Proposal Project In partial fulfillment of the course EDDE 230

Submitted by: Ruth A. Arsenue

Submitted to: Dr. Primo Garcia UP Open University March 23, 2013

Rationale The introduction of information and communications technology (ICT) to the Philippine society has affected not only the business and industrial sectors but also the education sector as well. Today, computer education has become one of the curricular offerings in Philippine basic education usually as part of Home Economics and Livelihood Education (HELE, elementary) and Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE, secondary). Moreover, the gradual implementation of the K-12 education in the Philippines will surely have another drastic effect to the current learning materials being used in the country today. Development of updated learning resources are now needed. In addition to the traditional print format such as textbooks and teachers’ manuals, local publishers are now integrating ICT by providing CD-ROMs, online learning interactive sites, and mobile applications for tablets as supplementary learning materials. However, the integration of these ICT learning resources would also involve another set of policies and rules regarding their use. In other words, certain ethical and legal standards would also need to be considered prior to its distribution and utilization. Relative to the changes being made in Philippine basic education, teachers and future teachers of HELE and TLE would also need to learn and relearn the content and use of the updated learning resources in these subjects.

Brief description of the proposed project For my project proposal, I would like to create online interactive sites for teaching HELE (Entrepreneurship) and supplementary learning materials in CD and DVD. I was able to handle this course this second semester 2012-2013 at St. Mary’s College of Quezon City for their college students majoring in Elementary Education. From that experience, I had to update the references and source for current materials which I encountered some difficulty. In searching for some grade school textbooks at the local bookstores, I was able to get four titles for our samples published in 2010 (Entrepreneur Kids: Home Economics & Livelihood Education for Grade 4, 5, 6 and a work text for Grade 6). The other textbooks were older than the year 2008.

Brief description of project site For me to be able to develop the proposed project, I would like to coordinate with some teachers of St. Mary’s College of Quezon City who are also authors of textbooks and are working closely with Vibal Publishing House. I can also seek the assistance and suggestions of my former HELE students who are majoring in Elementary Education in the same college. The school, St. Mary’s College QC, is an ISO 9001:2000 certified and PAASCU accredited school. Aside from basic education they are also offering college courses such as Teacher Certificate Program, Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Secondary Education, Communication Arts, Nursing, Caregiver Course, and Health Care Professional Program. Starting June 2013, they are going to offer additional degree programs in Psychology and Social Work. 2

The school is located along Mother Ignacia Avenue and Panay Avenue in Quezon City. It is just across Crossroads and walking distance to Delta Theater and Capitol Medical Center along Quezon Avenue. The school’s Web site: The school has two libraries - the main library and the college library. The main library caters to the grade school and high school students. Aside from the print materials, students can also use the computers and access the Internet. There is also a department called the ITRC at the high school building where more computers can be used by the students. Computer lessons are also provided in ITRC. At the college building, there is also a computer room for their computer education. The school has a pool of IT staff that maintains the good condition of their ICT equipment (and even the blocking of some sites that do not conform to the school’s mission).

Brief description of beneficiaries The primary beneficiaries of this project are the college students of St. Mary’s College QC who are taking up HELE (Entrepreneurship) as a required course. College students who would like to take HELE as an elective may also benefit from this e-learning materials. If given the opportunity to market this project to the public, this can also benefit the college students from other universities and even HELE teachers who would like to learn more about the subject matter.

Objectives Undertaking this project would achieve the following learning goals: 1) to encourage independent learning, 2) to provide visual aids and recorded demonstrations that can be accessed anytime and anywhere, 3) to encourage self-learning even beyond the classroom, 4) to provide exercises and sample quizzes, 5) to provide review materials, and 6) to cater to students who are differently-abled (physical), with learning disabilities (cognitive), and with different learning styles (visual, auditory, or kinesthetic). Moreover, the inclusion of e-learning materials in a textbook is also one way of promoting digital education and IT literacy, which are some of the requirements for the 21st century. Course Syllabus : edit?usp=sharing This course intends to provide education students quality technology and livelihood education that will contribute to the maximum development to engage in entrepreneurial activities and enrich desirable values and attitudes to face economic competition. Values should be integrated in any topic whenever appropriate.

Strategies and activities The integration of ICT in this course will result in a blended learning and teaching mode. Face to face instruction is still required for most of the meetings. The e-learning 3

materials would serve as supplementary learning resources to augment classroom instruction. In other words, the teacher would now serve as coach and guide to the students. After handling the HELE course this second semester, I realized that the students in this traditional class preferred the personal touch provided by the teacher. They didn’t mind going to school everyday. And they really appreciated the face to face interactions with their schoolmates and teachers. Relating this experience to the development of e-learning materials, I was able to develop lesson modules that I used for my lecture/presentation and would e-mail them a copy afterwards for their self-review. However, I found out later, that some of them changed their email addresses and mobile numbers. Some were not in the habit of opening their e-mail account daily. The sure way, therefore, for a teacher to reinforce the lesson is to meet them personally. Discuss the reading materials in class, explain it thoroughly, and provide the students with exercises. If there will be online learning activities, they have to be explained first in class. Some of the students may be foreigners who are still struggling to learn the English language. In my class, six of the students were from other Asian countries and only one had a very good grasp of English. Due to the good facilities being provided by the school, the students were able to use the computers and access the Internet. They also carry USBs or thumb drives with them for saving their files. It was easier to distribute the materials to them personally rather than through e-mail. It was easier to copy the files from my USB and transfer them to the student’s USB during class time. Here are the e-learning materials that I developed for my HELE class. It includes the lesson modules, reading materials, visual aids, quizzes, and exams. usp=sharing The lesson modules were projected (EPSON EB-S12 projector) to a wall during lecture and e-mailed to the students afterwards. Some reading materials, quizzes, and exams were usually printed, photocopied, and distributed to teach student or group during classes. An online test maker ( was utilized to make the quizzes and exams in different sets. A printer/scanner (Brother MFC-J430W) was also used to develop the e-learning materials together with an Apple computer (Mac OS X Version 10.6.8, 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo) and even a cell phone with Bluetooth. The Apple computer is capable of burning CDs and DVDs. Its moviemaking program is called iMovie and its DVD maker is called iDVD. Internet access may be through the use of a broadband stick or DSL connection. Bearing in mind my former students’ preferences, I could improve the e-learning materials by making them interactive online, creating video recordings of some activities for demonstrations, and also producing a CD or DVD copy of the educational materials. The CD/ DVD copies should be issued to the students during the first meeting of the course. A minimal fee may be charged for the materials (upon approval of the associate dean). Print copies of the lesson modules should also be made available. In these modules, the URLs of the online learning interactive sites are also provided. The online learning interactive site would be found 4

in where I already have an account ( It could also be duplicated in Google Sites as well as other sites to ensure availability throughout the semester that the course is being offered. Citing the works of other authors will be provided in the bibliography section. During orientation, first meeting, the students should be informed that the learning materials provided to them are for their sole use only. They should not make duplicate copies and distribute them or sell them to others. An agreement (acceptable use policy) should be made and a copy of this policy should also be provided to the students (the content of the policy will be shown first to the associate dean for approval). If this material will also be offered to other schools and prospective users, a link to the policy should be shown on the first page of the site and a copy should also be included in the print and CD/DVD materials. Links and access keys will be provided to the online learning interactive sites. E-mail will be provided for student/user feedback.

Proposed schedule The proposed schedule is based on the cycle of how a textbook is being made by Vibal Publishing with some teachers of SMCQC as authors. Vibal is now developing textbooks with online learning interactive sites and accompanying CD. Month


January February

marketing (made by publisher)


production of additional orders (made by publisher)

April - May

distribution to buyers


review/evaluation of the material


consultation/creating online learning materials (Lesson 1 to Lesson 5)


consultation/creating online learning materials (Lesson 6 to Lesson 10)


consultation/creating online learning materials (Lesson 11 to Lesson 14)


choosing online programs for integration such as Scribd, Picasa, Blogger, Wikispaces, Google Docs/Drive, Yahoo!, Vimeo, YouTube, and other educational sites; revising/finalizing

November December

initial production (print, CD/DVD, making the online learning sites available)

The online learning interactive materials and CD/DVD, if solely used for the college students of SMCQC in HELE, may be developed within five months (or even less) not 5

necessarily following the assigned months provided above. At SMCQC, college courses are usually offered in two semesters. College HELE may be offered more than one semester in an academic year (even summer) if there are ten students enrolled. Therefore, the e-learning materials, online interactive sites, and CD/DVD copy should be available before the course starts. Using the iterative process in instructional design, the learning materials should be reviewed and updated at the end of the semester, if necessary, before it is offered the next semester.

References EDDE 230 Modules Garcia, Primo G. (2012). Module 1: The Information Society. Retrieved last January 6, 2013, from %20230%20Study%20Guide%20for%20Unit%201%20Module%201.pdf?forcedownload=1, Garcia, Primo G. (2012). Module 2: Technology and Information Society. Retrieved last January 5, 2013, from content/1/Module%202%20EDDE%20230_d.pdf?forcedownload=1, http:// Garcia, Primo G. (2012). Module 3: Online Social Responsibility. Retrieved last February 1, 2013, from %203_version%20c.pdf?forcedownload=1, id=322 Garcia, Primo G. (2012). Module 4: Digital Divide and Inclusion. Retrieved last February 16, 2013, from extension=pdf&ft=1361029395<=1361033005&uahk=Hfq7p9XjTdcGIMr6Y5cOHsePENc, secret_password=2gwsty37m0awd31qy6z7 Garcia, Primo G. (2012). Module 5: Knowledge Ownership in the Information Age. Retrieved last February 16, 2013, from extension=pdf&ft=1361182232<=1361185842&uahk=omk61XvzN+HoKgyhe3QW56F8T4I, Garcia, Primo G. (2012). Module 6: Education in the Information Age. Retrieved last February 27, 2013, from extension=pdf&ft=1362229685<=1362233295&uahk=DggYcyjU5CMUGaTehnclo/bAWE4, Other references Boateng, Richard (2010). Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems. Place not given: Prentice Hall 6

Bynum, Terrell Ward (date not given). Ethics and Social Policy in the Information Age. (no data) Kizza, Joseph Migga (2003). Ethical and social issues in the information age. New York : Springer-Verlag, Inc. Mason, Richard O. (March 1986). Four Ethical Issues of the Information Age. In Management Information Systems Quarterly, 10, 1. Retrieved last March 14, 2013, from uni/ct218/documents%20in%20support%20of%20lectures/Four%20Ethical%20Issues%20of %20the%20Information%20Age.doc, %2520Ethical%2520Issues%2520of%2520the%2520Information %2520Age.doc&sa=X&scisig=AAGBfm2hN2AXoe51zDljkgIKEWLrTQYsCw&oi=scholarr No Author (2005). Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues in the Information Age. In Management Information Systems, Second Canadian Edition. Retrieved last March 14, 2013, from http:// No Author. Capsule / Detailed Research Proposal Format (Adopted from USEP) No Author. Developing Capsule And Detailed Proposals. Retrieved last March 14, 2013, from


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