Cardiovascular Nclex Questions PDF

Title Cardiovascular Nclex Questions
Course Medical-Surgical Nursing
Institution Augusta Technical College
Pages 26
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Cardiovascular NCLEX Questions

1. A client admitted to the hospital with chest pain and a history of type 2 diabetes mellitus is scheduled for cardiac catheterization. Which medication would need to be withheld for 24 hours before the procedure and for 48 hours after the procedure? 1. Regular insulin 2. Glipizide (Glucotrol) 3. Repaglinide (Prandin) 4. Metformin (Glucophage) 4. Metformin (Glucophage) 2. The nurse is reviewing an electrocardiogram rhythm strip. The P waves and QRS complexes are regular. The PR interval is 0.16 second, and QRS complexes measure 0.06 second. The overall heart rate is 64 beats/minute. Which would be a correct interpretation based on these characteristics? 1. Sinus bradycardia 2. Sick sinus syndrome 3. Normal sinus rhythm 4. First-degree heart block 3. Normal sinus rhythm 3. A client is wearing a continuous cardiac monitor, which begins to sound its alarm. A nurse sees no electrocardiographic complexes on the screen. Which is the priority action of the nurse? 1. Call a code. 2. Call the health care provider. 3. Check the client's status and lead placement. 4. Press the recorder button on the electrocardiogram console. 3. Check the client's status and lead placement. 4. A client is having frequent premature ventricular contractions. The nurse should place priority on assessment of which item? 1. Sensation of palpitations 2. Causative factors, such as caffeine 3. Precipitating factors, such as infection 4. Blood pressure and oxygen saturation 4. Blood pressure and oxygen saturation 5. The nurse is evaluating a client's response to cardioversion. Which observation would be of highest priority to the nurse? 1. Blood pressure 2. Status of airway 3. Oxygen flow rate 4. Level of consciousness 2. Status of airway 6. The nurse is caring for a client who has just had implantation of an automatic internal cardioverterdefibrillator. The nurse immediately would assess which item based on priority? 1. Anxiety level of the client and family 2. Presence of a Medic-Alert card for the client to carry 3. Knowledge of restrictions of postdischarge physical activity 4. Activation status of the device, heart rate cutoff, and number of shocks it is programmed to deliver

4. Activation status of the device, heart rate cutoff, and number of shocks it is programmed to deliver 7. A client's electrocardiogram strip shows atrial and ventricular rates of 110 beats/minute. The PR interval is 0.14 second, the QRS complex measures 0.08 second, and the PP and RR intervals are regular. How should the nurse correctly interpret this rhythm? 1. Sinus dysrhythmia 2. Sinus tachycardia 3. Sinus bradycardia 4. Normal sinus rhythm 2. Sinus tachycardia 8. The nurse is assessing the neurovascular status of a client who returned to the surgical nursing unit 4 hours ago after undergoing aortoiliac bypass graft. The affected leg is warm, and the nurse notes redness and edema. The pedal pulse is palpable and unchanged from admission. How should the nurse correctly interpret the client's neurovascular status? 1. The neurovascular status is normal because of increased blood flow through the leg. 2. The neurovascular status is moderately impaired, and the surgeon should be called. 3. The neurovascular status is slightly deteriorating and should be monitored for another hour. 4. The neurovascular status is adequate from an arterial approach, but venous complications are arising. 1. The neurovascular status is normal because of increased blood flow through the leg. 9. The nurse is evaluating the condition of a client after pericardiocentesis performed to treat cardiac tamponade. Which observation would indicate that the procedure was unsuccessful? 1. Rising blood pressure 2. Clearly audible heart sounds 3. Client expressions of relief 4. Rising central venous pressure 4. Rising central venous pressure 10. A client with angina complains that the anginal pain is prolonged and severe and occurs at the same time each day, most often at rest in the absence of precipitating factors. How would the nurse best describe this type of anginal pain? 1. Stable angina 2. Variant angina 3. Unstable angina 4. Nonanginal pain 2. Variant angina 11. The nurse is monitoring a client with acute pericarditis for signs of cardiac tamponade. Which assessment finding indicates the presence of this complication? 1. Flat neck veins 2. A pulse rate of 60 beats/min 3. Muffled or distant heart sounds 4. Wheezing on auscultation of the lungs 3. Muffled or distant heart sounds 12. The home care nurse is providing instructions to a client with an arterial ischemic leg ulcer about home care management and self-care management. Which statement, if made by the client, indicates a need for further instruction? 1. "I need to be sure not to go barefoot around the house." 2. "If I cut my toenails, I need to be sure that I cut them straight across."

3. "It is all right to apply lanolin to my feet, but I shouldn't place it between my toes." 4. "I need to be sure that I elevate my leg above my heart level for at least an hour every day." 4. "I need to be sure that I elevate my leg above my heart level for at least an hour every day." 13. The nurse is providing instructions to a client with a diagnosis of hypertension regarding highsodium items to be avoided. The nurse instructs the client to avoid consuming which item? 1. Bananas 2. Broccoli 3. Antacids 4. Cantaloupe 3. Antacids 14. The nurse is preparing discharge instructions for a client with Raynaud's disease. The nurse should plan to provide which instruction to the client? 1. Use nail polish to protect the nail beds from injury. 2. Stop smoking because it causes cutaneous vasospasm. 3. Wear gloves for all activities involving use of both hands. 4. Always wear warm clothing even in warm climates to prevent vasoconstriction. 2. Stop smoking because it causes cutaneous vasospasm. 15. The nurse is developing a plan of care for a client with varicose veins in whom skin breakdown occurred over the varicosities as a result of secondary infection. Which is a priority intervention? 1. Keep the legs aligned with the heart. 2. Elevate the legs higher than the heart. 3. Clean the skin with alcohol every hour. 4. Position the client onto the side every shift. 2. Elevate the legs higher than the heart. 16. The nurse in the medical unit is reviewing the laboratory test results for a client who has been transferred from the intensive care unit. The nurse notes that a cardiac troponin T level assay was performed while the client was in the intensive care unit. The nurse determines that this test was performed to assist in diagnosing which condition? 1. Heart failure 2. Atrial fibrillation 3. Myocardial infarction 4. Ventricular tachycardia 3. Myocardial infarction 17. The nurse is caring for a client with cardiac disease who has been placed on a cardiac monitor. The nurse notes that the client has developed atrial fibrillation and has a ventricular rate of 150 beats/min. The nurse should next assess the client for which finding? 1. Hypotension 2. Flat neck veins 3. Complaints of nausea 4. Complaints of headache 1. Hypotension 18. The nurse is performing an assessment on a client with a diagnosis of left-sided heart failure. Which assessment component would elicit specific information regarding the client's left-sided heart function? 1. Listening to lung sounds 2. Monitoring for organomegaly

3. Assessing for jugular vein distention 4. Assessing for peripheral and sacral edema 1. Listening to lung sounds 19. The nurse is reviewing the electrocardiogram (ECG) rhythm strip obtained on a client with a diagnosis of myocardial infarction. The nurse notes that the PR interval is 0.20 second. The nurse should make which interpretation about this finding? 1. A normal finding 2. Indicative of atrial flutter 3. Indicative of atrial fibrillation 4. Indicative of impending reinfarction 1. A normal finding 20. The nurse in the medical unit is assigned to provide discharge teaching to a client with a diagnosis of angina pectoris. The nurse is discussing lifestyle changes that are needed to minimize the effects of the disease process. The client continually changes the subject during the teaching session. The nurse interprets that this client's behavior is most likely related to which problem? 1. Anxiety related to the need to make lifestyle changes 2. Boredom resulting from having already learned the material 3. An attempt to ignore or deny the need to make lifestyle changes 4. Lack of understanding of the material provided at the teaching session and embarrassment about asking questions 3. An attempt to ignore or deny the need to make lifestyle changes 21. The nurse in the medical unit is assigned to provide discharge teaching to a client with a diagnosis of angina pectoris. The nurse is discussing lifestyle changes that are needed to minimize the effects of the disease process. The client continually changes the subject during the teaching session. The nurse interprets that this client's behavior is most likely related to which problem? 1. Anxiety related to the need to make lifestyle changes 2. Boredom resulting from having already learned the material 3. An attempt to ignore or deny the need to make lifestyle changes 4. Lack of understanding of the material provided at the teaching session and embarrassment about asking questions 3. An attempt to ignore or deny the need to make lifestyle changes 22. The nurse is developing a plan of care for a client who will be admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) of the right leg. The nurse develops the plan, expecting that the health care provider will most likely prescribe which option? 1. Maintain bed rest. 2. Maintain the affected leg in a dependent position. 3. Administer an opioid analgesic every 4 hours around the clock. 4. Apply cool packs to the affected leg for 20 minutes every 4 hours. 1. Maintain bed rest. 23. A client with a diagnosis of varicose veins is scheduled for treatment by sclerotherapy and asks the nurse to describe the procedure. Which response should the nurse make? 1. "It involves tying off the veins so that circulation is redirected in another area." 2. "It involves surgically removing the varicosity, so anesthesia will be required." 3. "It involves tying off the veins to prevent sluggishness of blood from occurring." 4. "It involves injecting an agent into the vein to damage the vein wall and close it off." 4. "It involves injecting an agent into the vein to damage the vein wall and close it off."

24. A female client calls the nurse at the clinic and reports that ever since the vein ligation and stripping procedure was performed, she has been experiencing a sensation as though the affected leg is falling asleep. The nurse should make which response to the client? 1. "Apply warm packs to the leg." 2. "Keep the leg elevated as much as possible." 3. "Contact your health care provider right away to report this problem." 4. "This normally occurs after surgery and will subside when the edema goes down." 3. "Contact your health care provider right away to report this problem." 25. The nurse is caring for a client who has been hospitalized with a diagnosis of angina pectoris. The client is receiving oxygen via nasal cannula at 2 L/min. The client asks why the oxygen is necessary. The nurse should provide which information to the client? 1. Oxygen has a calming effect. 2. Oxygen will prevent the development of any thrombus. 3. Oxygen dilates the blood vessels so that they can supply more nutrients to the heart muscle. 4. The pain of angina pectoris occurs because of a decreased oxygen supply to heart cells. 4. The pain of angina pectoris occurs because of a decreased oxygen supply to heart cells. 26. A client with a diagnosis of angina pectoris is hospitalized for an angioplasty. The client returns to the nursing unit after the procedure, and the nurse provides instructions to the client regarding home care measures. Which statement, if made by the client, indicates an understanding of the instructions? 1. "I need to cut down on cigarette smoking." 2. "I am so relieved that my heart is repaired." 3. "I need to adhere to my dietary restrictions." 4. "I am so relieved that I can eat anything I want to now." 3. "I need to adhere to my dietary restrictions." 27. The nurse is caring for a client with a diagnosis of myocardial infarction (MI) and is assisting the client in completing the diet menu. Which beverage should the nurse instruct the client to select from the menu? 1. Tea 2. Cola 3. Coffee 4. Raspberry juice 4. Raspberry juice 28. The nurse is performing an admission assessment on a client with a diagnosis of angina pectoris who takes nitroglycerin for chest pain at home. During the assessment the client complains of chest pain. The nurse should immediately ask the client which question? 1. "Where is the pain located?" 2. "Are you having any nausea?" 3. "Are you allergic to any medications?" 4. "Do you have your nitroglycerin with you?" 1. "Where is the pain located?" 29. The nurse has provided dietary instructions to a client with coronary artery disease. Which statement by the client indicates an understanding of the dietary instructions? 1. "I'll need to become a strict vegetarian." 2. "I should use polyunsaturated oils in my diet." 3. "I need to substitute eggs and whole milk for meat." 4. "I should eliminate all cholesterol and fat from my diet." 2. "I should use polyunsaturated oils in my diet."

30. A client is admitted to the visiting nurse service for assessment and follow-up after being discharged from the hospital with new-onset heart failure (HF). The nurse teaches the client about the dietary restrictions required with HF. Which statement by the client indicates that further teaching is needed? 1. "I'm not supposed to eat cold cuts." 2. "I can have most fresh fruits and vegetables." 3. "I'm going to weigh myself daily to be sure I don't gain too much fluid." 4. "I'm going to have a ham and cheese sandwich and potato chips for lunch." 4. "I'm going to have a ham and cheese sandwich and potato chips for lunch." 31. The nurse is performing a health screening on a 54-year-old client. The client has a blood pressure of 118/78 mm Hg, total cholesterol level of 190 mg/dL, and fasting blood glucose level of 184 mg/dL. The nurse interprets this to mean that the client has which modifiable risk factor for coronary artery disease (CAD)? 1. Age 2. Hypertension 3. Hyperlipidemia 4. Glucose intolerance 4. Glucose intolerance 32. The nurse is trying to determine the ability of the client with myocardial infarction (MI) to manage independently at home after discharge. Which statement by the client is the strongest indicator of the potential for difficulty after discharge? 1. "I need to start exercising more to improve my health." 2. "I will be sure to keep my appointment with the cardiologist." 3. "I don't have anyone to help me with doing heavy housework at home." 4. "I think I have a good understanding of what all my medications are for." 3. "I don't have anyone to help me with doing heavy housework at home." 33. The home care nurse has taught a client with a problem of inadequate cardiac output about helpful lifestyle adaptations to promote health. Which statement by the client best demonstrates an understanding of the information provided? 1. "I will eat enough daily fiber to prevent straining at stool." 2. "I will try to exercise vigorously to strengthen my heart muscle." 3. "I will drink 3000 to 3500 mL of fluid daily to promote good kidney function." 4. "Drinking 2 to 3 oz of liquor each night will promote blood flow by enlarging blood vessels." 1. "I will eat enough daily fiber to prevent straining at stool." 34. A client has been experiencing difficulty with completion of daily activities because of underlying cardiovascular disease, as evidenced by exertional fatigue and increased blood pressure. Which observation by the nurse best indicates client progress in meeting goals for this problem? 1. Ambulates 10 feet farther each day 2. Verbalizes the benefits of increasing activity 3. Chooses a healthy diet that meets caloric needs 4. Sleeps without awakening throughout the night 1. Ambulates 10 feet farther each day 35. The health care provider has written a prescription for a client to have an echocardiogram. Which action should the nurse take to prepare the client for the procedure? 1. Questions the client about allergies to iodine or shellfish 2. Has the client sign an informed consent form for an invasive procedure 3. Tells the client that the procedure is painless and takes 30 to 60 minutes 4. Keeps the client on nothing-by-mouth (NPO) status for 2 hours before the procedure

3. Tells the client that the procedure is painless and takes 30 to 60 minutes 36. A client with coronary artery disease is scheduled to have a diagnostic exercise stress test. Which instruction should the nurse plan to provide to the client about this procedure? 1. Eat breakfast just before the procedure. 2. Wear firm, rigid shoes, such as workboots. 3. Wear loose clothing with a shirt that buttons in front. 4. Avoid cigarettes for 30 minutes before the procedure. 3. Wear loose clothing with a shirt that buttons in front 37. A client is scheduled for a cardiac catheterization to diagnose the extent of coronary artery disease. The nurse places highest priority on telling the client to report which sensation during the procedure? 1. Chest pain 2. Urge to cough 3. Warm, flushed feeling 4. Pressure at the insertion site 1. Chest pain 38. A client recovering from pulmonary edema is preparing for discharge. What should the nurse plan to teach the client to do to manage or prevent recurrent symptoms after discharge? 1. Sleep with the head of bed flat. 2. Weigh himself or herself on a daily basis. 3. Take a double dose of the diuretic if peripheral edema is noted. 4. Withhold prescribed digoxin (Lanoxin) if slight respiratory distress occurs. 2. Weigh himself or herself on a daily basis. 39. A client is scheduled to undergo cardiac catheterization for the first time, and the nurse provides instructions to the client. Which client statement indicates an understanding of the instructions? 1. "It will really hurt when the catheter is first put in." 2. "I will receive general anesthesia for the procedure." 3. "I will have to go to the operating room for this procedure." 4. "I probably will feel tired after the test from lying on a hard x-ray table for a few hours." 4. "I probably will feel tired after the test from lying on a hard x-ray table for a few hours." 40. A client admitted to the hospital with coronary artery disease complains of dyspnea at rest. The nurse caring for the client uses which item as the best means to monitor respiratory status on an ongoing basis? 1. Apnea monitor 2. Oxygen flowmeter 3. Telemetry cardiac monitor 4. Oxygen saturation monitor 4. Oxygen saturation monitor 41. A client with a history of angina pectoris tells the nurse that chest pain usually occurs after going up two flights of stairs or after walking four blocks. What type of angina should the nurse determine that the client is experiencing? 1. Stable 2. Variant 3. Unstable 4. Intractable 1. Stable

42. A client with a first-degree heart block has an electrocardiogram (ECG) taken during an episode of chest pain. The nurse knows that which ECG finding would be an indication of first-degree heart block? 1. Presence of Q waves 2. Tall, peaked T waves 3. Prolonged PR interval 4. Widened QRS complex 3. Prolonged PR interval 43. The nurse is teaching the client with angina pectoris about disease management and lifestyle changes that are necessary to control disease progression. Which statement by the client indicates a need for further teaching? 1. "I will avoid using table salt with meals." 2. "It is best to exercise once a week for 1 hour." 3. "I will take nitroglycerin whenever chest discomfort begins." 4. "I will use muscle relaxation to cope with stressful situations." 2. "It is best to exercise once a week for 1 hour." 44. The ambulatory care nurse is working with a client who has been diagnosed with Prinzmetal's (variant) angina. What should the nurse plan to teach the client about this type of angina? 1. It is most effectively managed by β-blocking agents. 2. It has the ...

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