Case Analysis Krasniqi PDF

Title Case Analysis Krasniqi
Course Sw Pract With Indiv & Families
Institution University of Alabama
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For Dr. Simon. Krasniqi Case...


1 October 6, 2016 Dr. Simon—SW 440 Case Analysis 1. Identify at least two sources of information not utilized by Child Protective Services that could have been used. For each source that you name, identify the major content of the information the source could have provided. Also, address the possible differential impact on case course and outcome had the information been used. The first source that could have been utilized by Child Protective Services was a translator. In section 1.03 of the NASW Code of Ethics, it is written that “In instances when clients are not literate or have difficulty understanding the primary language used in the practice setting, social workers should take steps to ensure clients’ comprehension. This may include providing clients with a detailed verbal explanation or arranging for a qualified interpreter or translator whenever possible” (National Association of Social Workers, 1999). In the case, Jan DeLipsey stated, “those who participate in any legal proceedings involving Mrs. Krasniqi should take care to explain proceedings and have her repeat the explanation back in her own words to assure her understanding.” I believe that this quote played a factor in the case as it was evident later on that a communication barrier could have been a problem between Mrs. Krasniqi and anyone working with her on the case. On page 13 of the case, the passage states, “In broken English, Kathy did the best she could to explain to the court that she thought it was all right to bring the children to the pizza parlor as long as she was with them.” If Child Protective Services would have utilized the services of some sort of translator, the communication barrier could have been minimalized better allowing caseworkers and Mrs. Krasniqi to have more thorough conversations. This would

2 have allowed Mrs. Krasniqi to better understand the processes regarding her children and allowed her to work more effectively with CPS. A second source that could have been used by Child Protective Services was the first hand account of the Krasniqi culture from Barbara Halpern. Halpern had spent time raising her children in the Balkans and had co-written four books on the cultures of the former Yugoslavia. Halpern stated that the “people are physically very demonstrative, much more so than in the United States and other parts of Europe.” She also stressed that “this touching of children in Yugoslav peasant villages of South Serbia is done with pride and affection, not sexual intent.” Her final point was the she “knew not of one single case of child sexual abuse in Kosovo.” By taking into consideration the testimony from Halpern, CPS could have gained a more eclectic cultural knowledge base. More understanding of the Krasniqi’s culture would have lessened the divide between the family and CPS.

2. Identify at least two points where cultural differences seemed to have had an impact on the course, outcome, or some other aspect of the case. Be sure to explain for each point how cultural differences impacted the case. The first way cultural differences impacted the case was the whole basis for which the case rests on. This case started with the accusation that Sam Krasniqi was seen in public fondling his daughter. However, the Krasniqi family argued that they come from a very “hands-on” culture and nothing was done in terms of sexual gratification. In the typical culture here in the United States, it is not custom for a father to touch his daughter in the manner that Sam was touching Lima; however, this is an example of cultural difference affecting the case.

3 The second way cultural differences impacted the case was the religious differences between the Krasniqi family and the families that Tim and Lima were placed with. Tim and Lima had grown up in the Muslim faith, yet were placed in Christian households with no regard to their previous faith. Marc Richman was quoted in the case saying, “No one seemed too concerned. If it was a Christian child who was told to forget Jesus, who was told to get on a rug and pray to Mecca, who was taken to a mosque or a synagogue, you better believe someone would be concerned.” I believe this statement is very true considering Christianity is the predominant religion in the United States. I think if more regard was given to the original faith of the Krasniqi children, the case would have brought less protest. I believe that if Kathy would have seen her children’s religious needs being met, she would have been less resistance to the social worker and relations between Kathy and the social worker could have gone much smoother. If regard was given to Tim and Lima’s Muslim faith, there would have also not been a need to bring in another lawyer, Khalid Hamideh, into the case to try to gain rights over Tim and Lima.

3. Recognizing the wisdom of hindsight, if we accept the narration of the story you have been given as true, and you were a social worker (not the primary worker) in the Department of Human Services at the time this case was being handled, what would you have done, if anything? Why? Why not? What part(s) of the Code of Ethics support your actions or inaction? In order to answer this question you will need to refer to the Code of Ethics and cite specific parts. Also, keep in mind that you are not a worker on the case, but are well aware of what is happening in the case as you share an office with the primary worker.

4 If I was a social worker in DHS who knew some of the details of this case, I believe I would feel obligated to discuss alternate options with the main social worker. In section 1.05 of the Code of Ethics it is written that, “Social workers should have a knowledge base of their clients’ cultures and be able to demonstrate competence in the provision of services that are sensitive to clients’ cultures and to differences among people and cultural groups” (National Association of Social Workers, 1999). Since I believe in this case lack of cultural knowledge was a factor hindering the Krasniqi family, I think it would be in the best interest of the role of the social worker to discuss possible cultural differences affecting the case with the primary social worker on the case. In section 2.05 of the Code it says, “Social workers should seek the advice and counsel of colleagues whenever such consultation is in the best interests of clients” (National Association of Social Workers, 1999). I believe in this situation, the primary social worker could have benefited from seeking advice from colleagues. Section 3.01 of the NASW Code of Ethics states, “Social workers who provide supervision or consultation should have the necessary knowledge and skill to supervise or consult appropriately and should do so only within their areas of knowledge and competence” (National Association of Social Workers, 1999). Because of this statement, I would need to ensure that I, too, had some general knowledge of the culture before discussing the culture with the primary social worker.

Bonus: What has happened to this family since the end of this story as provided? According to an article I found on the Dallas Observer, Reed Prospere generously worked with Kathy to try to set up a time for her to reunite with her children. However, the attempts all seem to be failed. The first attempt, Kathy ends up meeting with the man who was Tim and

5 Lima’s first foster father. He says Tim is not ready to meet with Kathy but he is urging Tim to do so. Prospere convinced Sam and Kathy to hire a private investigator to locate Tim and slip him information that his parents would like to talk to him. However, this message was ignored by Tim. Prespere did not want to give Sam and Kathy Tim and Lima’s address because if they directly contacted the family it may scare the adoptive parents. Eventually, Tim agrees to meet with Kathy in Austin, but last minute he cancels without reason. After the second scheduled meeting, Tim’s adoptive mother calls to cancel because a relative did not think meeting was a good idea. Finally, an arranged meeting is set for a neutral McDonald’s without telling Kathy that Tim will be there so that she will not be disappointed if he does not show. Once Kathy is there and sees Tim, he is very cold and resentful towards her. Tim says to Kathy, "Why do you keep looking for us? Leave us alone. We want to get on with our lives. Because of you we had to keep moving from place to place." Kathy returns home very sorrowful and tells Sam of the encounter. [ CITATION Zim98 \l 1033 ]

6 References National Association of Social Workers. (1999). Code of ethics of the National Association of Social Workers. Washington, DC. NASW Press. Zimmerman, Amy. (1998, June 25). A Mother and Child Reunion. Retrieved October 5, 2016, from Dallas Observer:

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