Case brief Lucy v. Zehmer PDF

Title Case brief Lucy v. Zehmer
Author Mia DiGiovanna
Course Introduction To Business Law
Institution Fashion Institute of Technology
Pages 2
File Size 79 KB
File Type PDF
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Case Brief by Mia DiGiovanna Lucy v. Zehmer

Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia 84 S.E.2d 516 (1954) November 22, 1954. Brief Summary: The Defendant, Zehmer, writes a contract to sell land on a napkin and when the Plaintiff, Lucy, tries to enforce it, Defendant claims he was only joking. Rule: The mental assent of the parties is not requisite for the formation of a contract. If the words or other acts of one of the parties have but one reasonable meaning, his undisclosed intention is immaterial except when an unreasonable meaning which he attaches to his manifestations is known to the other party.

Application: Ida S. Zehmer’s husband wrote and signed a contract to sell his farm to W. O. Lucy and J. C. Lucy and A. H. Zehmer persuaded his wife to sign by telling her the contract was a joke on O. Lucy and J. C. Lucy. When the Lucy’s attempted to finalize sale, the Zehmer’s attempted to deny contract on the grounds that defendant husband was drunk when making the contract and the contract was a joke on plaintiffs. Plaintiffs sued for specific performance. The trial court found for defendants.

Issue: Was there a valid contract?

Conclusion: The Court held that the Defendants' true intent in agreeing to sell their farm was not determinative, so their words and actions warranted a reasonable person's belief that a contract was intended. Under the objective theory of contracts, plaintiffs reasonably believed the sale contract was a serious business transaction. The evidence suggested defendant husband was not too drunk to know what he was doing.

Citation Miller, Roger L. R. Fundamentals of Business Law Today: Summarized Cases., 2015. Print....

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