Case Brief - United States v. Virginia PDF

Title Case Brief - United States v. Virginia
Author Gahee Park
Course American Constitutional Law: Civil Liberties
Institution Wake Forest University
Pages 2
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It's a case brief, which is a required "reading notes" that we had to take before every class....


POL 226, Dr. Harriger – Janice Park United States v. Virginia 518 U.S. 515 (1996) Facts: Legally Relevant Facts : Virginia Military Institute (VMI) operated as the sole single-sex school among Virginia’s public institutions of higher learning. The mission of the school was to produce “citizen-soldiers,” men prepared for leadership in civilian life and in military service. The United States sued Virginia and VMI on the ground that the school’s exclusively male admission policy violated the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause. To remedy the constitutional problem, Virginia proposed a parallel program for women: Virginia Women’s Institute for Leadership (VWIL), located at Mary Baldwin College, a private liberal arts school for women. Procedurally Relevant Facts : The district court ruled in VMI’s favor; the Fourth Circuit reversed. But after the proposal for VWIL, the district court and the Fourth Circuit found that this proposal satisfied the equal protection requirement.

Issue(s): Whether the VMI on the ground that the school’s exclusively male admission policy violated the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause.

Holding: The initial judgement of the Court of Appeals, is affirmed, the final judgement of the Court of Appeals, is reversed, and the case is remanded for further proceedings consistent with this opinion. Reasoning: Neither the goal of producing citizen-soldiers nor VMI’s implementing methodology is inherently unsuitable to women. And the school’s impressive record in producing leaders has made admission desirable to some women. Nevertheless, Virginia has elected to preserve exclusively for men the advantage and opportunities a VMI education affords. The Court concluded that Virginia has shown no “exceedingly persuasive justification” for excluding all women from the citizen-soldier training afforded by VMI. It is not disputed that diversity among public educational institutions can serve the public good. But Virginia has not shown that VMI was established, or has been maintained, with a view to diversifying, by its categorical exclusion of women, educational opportunities within the Commonwealth. Neither recent nor distant history bears out Virginia’s alleged pursuit of diversity through single-sex educational options. VWIL affords women no opportunity to experience the rigorous military training for which VMI is famed… Instead, the VWIL program “deemphasizes” military education and uses a “cooperative method” of education which reinforces self-esteem.

POL 226, Dr. Harriger – Janice Park As earlier stated, generalizations about the way women are, estimates of what is appropriate for most women, no longer justify denying opportunity to women whose talent and capacity place them outside the average description. Also, VWL does not offer students the range of curricular choices available to a VMI cadet, does not provide equal financial support for in-state VWIL students and VMI cadets, and VWIL students does not graduate with the advantage of a VMI degree, which clearly indicates that VWIL is not enough of a solution. Dissenting Argument: Justice Rehnquist : “VMIL failed as a remedy because it was no match for VMI. Virginia could have remedied the problem by creating a single-sex institution for women had it offered the same quality of education and the same overall caliber.” Justice Scalia : “[The Court] explicitly rejects the finding that there exist gender-based developmental differenes supporting Virginia’s restriction of the adversative method to only a men’s institution, and the finding that the all-male composition of the Virginia Military Institute (VMI) is essential to that institution’s character....

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