Case Study #1 HO106 PDF

Title Case Study #1 HO106
Author Perla Lopez
Course Medical Terminology
Institution Idaho State University
Pages 3
File Size 45.7 KB
File Type PDF
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This is the Case Study #1 for Medical Terminology HO 106 for Professor Smith. In the semester two case studies are done and worth many points for a grade....


Case Study #1

1) A 54 year-old woman arrived with a three-week history of bloody diarrhea. At age 25 she had inflammation in her digestive tract, later on referred to a viewing inside her colon. The examination revealed a suspicious injury in the middle part of her large intestine. Removal of injured tissue was later performed. A specialist in pathology later diagnosed her with colon cancer. Abnormal growth of tissue and inflammation existed in the specimen. The patient went into surgery and there was no evidence of spreading cancer cells. Her entire colon was removed due to high risk of injuries in remaining colon. She made a dull recovery and was referred to a specialist in cancer for consideration of treatment. Her outcome is generally positive. Therapy using radiation or body immune system were not used in this case. 2) Patient came to her doctor with pain in her middle abdominal and right leg. The pain was felt in the further back of leg away from middle. There was some center muscle weakness reported on same leg. The x-ray of lower back was normal. If the pain doesn't respond to the anti-inflammatory medication, she will be referred to a specialist of bones. 3) Emily visited a clinic dealing with skin, nails, and hairs because of severe itching of skin resulting in inflammation involving her scalp and areas of her elbow and knees. A diagnosis of skin cells forming scales was made. Inflammation of skin, itchy skin caused by mites, and fungal infection were considered in the differential diagnosis. A skin softener was prescribed. The patient also showed the physician the tender, discolored,

thickened nail on her great toe. Emily learned she had nail fungus which she was given an additional prescription for oral antifungal medication. 4) A 24-year-old man visited the emergency department due to difficulty in breathing, increasing rate of breathing and sudden cough attacks with presence of thick, clingy mucus. The patient has a history of asthma since age of 12-years. A chest x-ray was negative for pneumonia, arterial blood gases showed less oxygen in blood but not excessive carbon dioxide in blood. Lung function tests disclosed constriction of airways in lungs which was corrected by a medication causing widening of the bronchi. A medical device forming medication into mist inhaled into lungs was prescribed for treatment. The asthma attack was probably precipitated by an episode of inflammation of the lining of bronchial tubes. 5) A 76-year-old woman consulted with her primary care physician because of blood in her urine and painful urination. She then was referred to a physician specializing in urology. A chemical analysis of urine disclosed 1+ Albumin and mild pus in urine in addition to the blood in urine. A spiral ct scan was obtained mild condition presence of renal calculi was observed but no excessive fluid in kidney. Finally an examination of bladder was performed which showed mild inflammation of urinary bladder. A urinary tract infection was diagnosed and the patient responded favorably to medications. The specialist in urology did not advise breaking of calculus in urinary system for the renal calculi. 6) A 62-year-old male was found with an elevated prostate-specific antigen test during a routine physical examination. At age of 42 years he underwent a surgical division of the vas. The patient denies having urination at night or any significant change in his urination

stream. Digital rectal examination revealed a mildly enlarged prostate gland with a 1cm stony har nodule of right lobe. The specialist in urology preformed a ultrasound of rectum and examination of tissue a diagnosis of malignant tumor in glandular epithelium was made. The patient underwent a surgery to remove part of prostate gland. Loss of bladder control complicated his surgery but only lasted 3 months. No erectile dysfunction was reported. His full recovery should be excellent. 7) Breast Cancer: The breast is most common site of cancer in women. More than 80% of breast cancer is growing in a milk duct and invades the fibrous or fatty tissue of the breast. The rate of growth depends on hormonal influences. As long as the cancer remains in the duct it is considered noninvasive and called ductal carcinoma in situ. X-ray examination of breasts is the most common method used for diagnosing cancer of the breast. Confirmation is done with removal of tissue obtained by surgery or breast removal of tissue such as stereotactic. Treatment may include excision of breast tumor, chemical agents in treatment, therapy using radiation and hormonal therapy....

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