Caselaw offer PDF

Title Caselaw offer
Author ariff azam
Course Contracts 1
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 11
File Size 81 KB
File Type PDF
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PRESTON CORPORATION SDN BHD v EDWARD LEONG & ORS Facts - appellants paid all printing charges except $500 (overcharged by respondents) - appellantsrespondents claimed ownership of the films. withheld payment of the extra charges claimed by the respondents because the - the respondents sued t...


PRESTONCORPORATI ONSDNBHDvEDWARDLEONG &ORS Fact s - appel l ant spai dal lpr i nt i ngc har gesex c ept$500( ov er c har gedbyr es pondent s ) - appel l ant swi t hhel dpay mentoft heex t r ac har gesc l ai medbyt her es pondent sbec aus et he r es pondent sc l ai medowner s hi poft hefil ms . - t her es pondent ss uedt heappel l ant sf ort hesum of$500( bal anc eofpr i nt i ngc har ges )anda f ur t hersum of$28, 052( ex t r ac har gesf orr epr oduc i ngt hefil m pos i t i v es )whoseowner s hi p wasdi s put ed. I ssue - whet herornott he appel l ant s wer e bound t o pay t he di s put ed s um of$500 t ot he r es pondent s ? - whet hert he r es pondent swer e ent i t l ed t ot he pay mentf ort he ex t r ac har ges ,t hati s ,t he r epr oduc t i onc har geswi t houtgi v i ngupowner s hi poft hefi l m pos i t i v est ot heappel l ant s ? Pr i nci pl esoft hecase - Anofferi sani nt i mat i onofwi l l i ngnes sbyanoffer ort oent eri nt oal egal l ybi ndi ngc ont r ac t .I t s t er msei t herex pr es s l yori mpl i edl ymus ti ndi c at et hati ti st obec omebi ndi ngont heoffer oras s oonasi thasbeenac c ept edbyt heoffer ee .

- donoti ndi cat e andwer e nev eri nt endedt o beabi ndi ng offers ot hatac c ept anc e oft he quot at i onwoul dr es ul ti nac ont r ac tbet weent hem.Thequot at i onwasmer el yas uppl yof i nf or mat i onorani nv i t at i ont oent eri nt oacont r ac t .

- Thec ont r act swer econc l udednotont hedat eoft heor der sbutont hedat eofc onfi r mat i ons whi chwasei t heront hes amedat eors ubs equent l y( e x cepti nt hes i x t hpr i nt i ng)

- Pr i nt i ng or derc ons t i t ut ed an offerand i t sc onfir mat i on by t he r es pondent s cons t i t ut ed ac c ept anc e. - t hi sl et t eri st he r es pondent s 'c onfi r mat i on oft he appel l ant s 'fir stpr i nt i ng or dert her eby c onc l udi ngapr i nt i ngc ont r ac tbet weent hem.

AhmedMeahvNacodahMer i can Fact s - Anagr eementwasmadei ncons i der at i onoft hepl ai nt i ffmar r y i ngt hedef endant ’ sdaught er - Thedef endantpr omi s edt obui l dandgi v et ot hepl ai nt i ffandhi sdaught er“ hous ewhi c hmus t beas ui t abl ebui l di ng” Hel d - I ti suncer t ai nt ot henat ur eoft hehouset obebui l t ,t ot hev al ue,i twoul dbehar df ort hec our t t oenf or c ei t - Thehous ei ss ai dt obe“ s ui t abl ehous e” .Sui t abl et owhom?T ot hebr i degr oom orf at herof t hebr i de - Thepr omi s ei sv oi df orunc er t ai nt yandc annotbedeemedt obes peci fic al l yper f or med AffinCr edi t( Mal aysi a)SdnBhdvYapYuenFui Fact s - Theappel l antl etamot or c ar et ot her espondentunderahi r epur c has eagr eement - Ther es pondentf el li nt oar r ear swi t ht hepay mentandt heappel l antbr oughtanac t i onf ort he bal anc eout s t andi ngundert hehi r epur chas eagr eement - Ther es pondental l egedt hatt heappel l anthadf ai l edt oc ompl ywi t hv ar i ouspr ovi si onsoft he Hi r ePur chas eAc t1967 I s s ue - Whet hernoncompl i ancewi t hs4( 1)oft heHi r ePur c has eAc t ,whi c hr equi r est heownerof t hegoodst ogi v et ot hepr os pec t i v ehi r erawr i t t enagr eementc ons i s t i ngofasummar yoft he hi r er ’ sfinanc i alobl i gat i onsundert hepr opos edhi r epur c haseagr eement ,woul dr endert he hi r epur c has eagr eementv oi dabi ni t i o Hel d - I twasdi s mi ss edbyl owerc our tj udgeduet onoagr eementhadi nf actbeenent er edi nt oby t hepar t i esandnotbec aus et hehi r epur c has eagr eementwasunenf or c eabl e - Theagr eementwasv oi dabi ni t i of orl ackofofferandac c ept anc e

- Thewr i t t enoffers i gnedbyt hedef endantwi t houtt hec ondi t i onpr ecedentbei ngf ul fi l l edwas notanofferr ec ogni z edbyt heHi r ePur c has eAct - Ther ec oul dnotbeac c ept anc ebyt hepl ai nt i ffbyt hepl ai nt i ffofanone x i s t entoffer

AYERHI TAM TI NDREDGI NG MALAYSI ABHDvYCCHI NENTERPRI SESSDNBHD Fact s - Ther es pondent ,YC Chi nEnt er pr i s esSdnBhd( ' YC Chi n' ) ,hadent er edi nt onegot i at i onst o c ons t r uctl owc osthous esands hophous es( ' t hepr oj ect ' )f ort hewor k er soft heappel l ant , Ay erHi t am Ti n Dr edgi ng Mal ay s i a Bhd ( ' AHTD' ) .AHTD wr ot eal et t ert o YC Chi n on 19 Sept ember1984 ( ' t he l et t er ' ) ,acc ept i ng t hei rpr opos al ss ubj ectt o cer t ai nt er ms and c ondi t i ons - YC Chi npr oc eededt oper f or ms omeoft hei robl i gat i onss t at edt her ei n,al t houghnof or mal agr eementi nwr i t i nghadbeenex ecut ed - Subs equent l y ,AHTD i nst r uc t ed YC Chi nt oc eas e al lwor k ,s t at i ng t hei ri nt ent i on t o di sc ont i nuenegot i at i onsandt hatanywor kdonehadbeenent i r el yatYCChi n' sr i s k - AHTD cont endedt hatt hewor khadbeendonebef or et hecomi ngi nt obei ngofanycont r ac t andt hatt hel et t erwaspar tofongoi ngnegot i at i onsf oraf ut ur eagr eement - YCChi ns ubmi t t edt hatal les s ent i alt er mshadbeenagr eedandal lt hatr emai nedt obedone wast oputt het er msi nt ot hef or m ofac ont r act . - Thet r i alj udgef oundt hatt her ewasac ont r ac tandal l owedYC Chi n' scl ai mf orbr eac h.AHTD appeal ed. I s s ue - whet hert her ewasac onc l udedc ont r ac tbet weent heAHTD asempl oy erandYC Chi nas c ont r ac t or ? Hel d - t hej udgehasdi s mi s s edt hepl ai nt i ff' sc l ai mf orgener al ands pec i al damagesf orbr eachof c ont r ac tandi nt er es tons uchdamagesast her enev erwasac onc l udedc ont r ac tent er edi nt o byt hepar t i es . -

- Theex i s t enceofanagr eementdependsupont hei nt ent i onoft hepar t i es ,whomus tbead i dem. - Howev er ,whenanar r angementi smade' s ubj ectt ocont r ac t ' or' s ubj ectt ot hepr epar at i onand appr ov alofaf or mal cont r ac t ' ,i twi l lgener al l ybec ons t r uedt omeant hatt hepar t i esar es t i l l negot i at i nganddonoti nt endt obeboundunt i l af or malc ont r ac ti sex c hanged. - t hel et t erdi dnotc ons t i t ut eac ont r actbi ndi ngi nl awbutwasonl yar ec or doft er mswhi c h wer eagr eedasabasi sf ort henegot i at i onsofac ont r ac t .I twasal et t erofi nt ent ,

Par t r i dgevCr i t t enden Fact s - Theappel l anti ns er t edi namagaz i neanadv er t i s ementc ont ai ni ngt hewor ds“ Qual i t yBr i t i s h A.B.C.R…. br ambl efi nc hcoc ks ,br ambl efi nc hhens25seach” ,t her ewas nodi r ec tus eof “ offer sf ors al es ” - MrThomps onans wer edt headv er t i s ementbywr i t i ngandenc l os i ngac heque30st ot he appel l ant - Theappel l antwasc onv i c t edf orunl awf ul l yoffer i ngf ors al eabr ambl efi shhencont r ar yt oS 6( 1)oft hePr ot ect i onofBi r dsAct1954 I ssue - Whet hert headv er t i s ementhei ns er t edwasmer el yani nvi t at i ont ot r eatoranofferf ors al e ? Hel d - Thecour tal l owedt heappealandhel dt hatt headv er t i s ementwasnotanoffer ,butonl yan i nv i t at i ont ot r eat . Rat i o - Thej udgehel dt hatt hel aw i sequal l ypl ai nasi twasi nr egar dt oar t i cl es i nas hopwi ndow, namel yt hatt hei ns er t i onofanadvi nt hef or m adopt edundert het i t l e“ c l as s i fi edadv ”i ss i mpl y ani nv i t at i ont ot r eat - Whendeal i ngwi t hc i r c ul ar sandadv ,unl es st heyi ndeedc omef r om manuf act ur er s ,t her ei s bus i nes ss ens ei nt hei rbei ngc ons t r uedasi nv i t at i ont ooffer ,notanofferf ors al es( di ffer ent c ont ex ti nc as eofGr ai nger&SonvGough)

Coel hovThePubl i cSer vi cesCommi ssi on Fact s

- Theappel l antappl i edf ort hepos tofAs s i s t antPass por tOfficer( adv er t i sedi nMal ayMai l ) - Hewasac cept edandbei ngpos t edt ot heI mmi gr at i onOffic e - Hewasi nf or medt hathi sappoi nt ment( onpr obat i on)wast er mi nat edf or t hwi t hbypay mentof onemont h’ ss al ar y - Heappl i edf orc er t i or ar i t oquas ht hedec i si on Hel d - Thec our thel dt hatt headv er t i s ementwasani nv i t at i ont oqual i fiedper s ons .Ther es ul t i ng appl i c at i ons wer e offer s .The i nf or mat i on c onv ey ed t ot he appel l antwas an unqual i fi ed ac c ept anc e. - Thus ,t her es pondenthadac t edul t r av i r esi nt er mi nat i nganoffic eronpr obat i on. Rat i o - TheMal ayMai l adv er t i s ementwasanI TTt oqual i fi edper sons . - The r es ul t i ng appl i cat i onswer e offer swhi ch c oul d be ei t heracc ept ed s i mpl yorwi t ht he i mpos i t i onofc ondi t i onsast er msofcont r ac t( addi t i onal t ot hos es etouti nt headv ) - I twasopi nedt hatt hei nf or mat i onconv ey edt ot heappl i c antwasanunqual i fi edac cept ance

Phar maceut i calSoci et yofGr eatBr i t ai nvBoot s Hel d - Thedi s pl ayofgoodsont hes hel v eswasonl yi nv i t at i ont ot r eat Rat i o - I twasf ort hec us t omert ooffert obuyt hegoods - Thec ont r ac tofs al eswascompl et edwhent hec us t omer ’ sofferwasacc ept edbyt hes el l er uponr ecei v i ngt hepa ymentatt hec ashi er ’ sdes k Fi shervBel l I ssue - Whet hert hes hopk eeper ’ sdi s pl ayi nhi sshopwi ndowofa“ fl i c kkni f e”amount edt oanofferof t hekni f ef ort hes al econt r ar yt oS1( 1)oft heRest r i c t i onofOffens i v eWeaponsAct1969 Hel d

- Theac tofdi spl ay i ngk ni f ei nas hopwi ndowdi dnotamountt oanofferf ors al es - I ti smer el yani nv i t at i ont ot r eat - I ti si nnos ens eanofferf orsal et heac cept anceofwhi c hcons t i t ut esac ont r act - Thus ,nooffencewasher ecommi t t ed Spencer&Or svHar di ng&Or s Fact s - Thedef endant si s s uedt ot hepl ai nt i ffsandot herper s onsi nt hewhol es al et r adeac i r c ul ari n t hef ol l owi ngwor ds“ wear ei ns t r uct edt ooffert ot hewhol es al et r adef orsal ebyt endert he s t oc ki nt r ade ofMes s r sG.Ei l bec k& Co…. whi c h wi l lbe s ol d ata di s counti n one l ot . Pay mentt obemadei nc ash” - The pl ai nt i ffss enti n at enderwhi c ht ur ned outt o be t he hi ghes tt ender ,buti twasnot ac c ept ed - Thepl ai nt i ffsi ns i s t edt hatt hec i r c ul aramount edt oapr omi s et os el l t ot hehi ghestbi dder I ssue - Whet hert her ei sher eanyoffert oent eri nt oacont r ac tatal l ? - Whet hert hec i r c ul aramount st oany t hi ngmor et hanamer epr oc l amat i ont hatt hedef endant s ar er eadyt oc hafferf ort hes al eoft hegoodsandt or ec ei v eoffer sf ort hepur chas eoft hem Hel d - Thec i r c ul arwasonl yanat t emptt oas cer t ai nwhet heranoffercoul dbeobt ai ned Rat i o - I nadv er t i s ementf orbui l di ngt ender ,i ti si mposs i bl et ogi v et hec ont r ac tt oandmak econt r ac t wi t ht hel owestbi dder - Howev er ,t her ei sat ot alabsenc eofanywor ds t oi nt i mat et hatt hehi ghes tbi dderi st obet he pur c has er - I ti samer eat t emptt oas cer t ai nwi t hi nanoffercanbeacc ept edi ns uc hmar gi nandt he s el l er sar ewi l l i ngt oadopt

Bl ackpoolandFl ydeAer oCl ubvBl ackpoolBC Fact s

- Thedef endantc ounc i lownedanai r por t .I tgr ant edc onc es s i onst ooper at efl i ght s - I ts entani nv i t at i ont ot endert ot hepl ai nt i ffand6ot herpar t i es( al l connec t edt ot heai r por t ) - Thei nv i t at i ont ot enders t at edt hatt het ender swer et obesubmi t t edi nt heenv el opepr ovi ded &s entbef or et hedeadl i neandt hel at et ender swoul dnotbecons i der ed - Thepl ai nt i ffs entt het enderbef or et hedeadl i ne,butt hepos tboxwasnotc l ear ed - Thet enderwasmar k edl at ewheni tr eac hedt hedef endantandwasnotc onsi der ed I s s ue - Whet hert her ewasanycont r ac tbet weent hepar t i es ? Hel d - Thet r i alj udgehel dt hatt hedef endantwasl i abl et ot hepl ai nt i fff ordamagesf orbr eac hof c ont r ac t - Theappealwasdi s mi ss edbyCour tofAppealbyas ser t i ngt hati ncer t ai nc i r c ums t ances ,an i nv i t at i ont ot endercangi v er i s et oabi ndi ngobl i gat i ont oc onsi dert ender swhi c hc onf or m wi t h t hecondi t i onsoft ender Rat i o - Thet enderwass ol i ci t edbyt hec ounc i lf r om sel ect edpar t i es ,al lofwhom wer ek nownt ot he c ounc i l - Thei nv i t at i ont ot enders et soutacl ear ,or der l yandf ami l i arpr oc edur e. - I twasonl yr i ghtt hatt het ender edwhos ubmi t t edat enderc onf or mi ngt ot hedeadl i nes houl d hav ei tcons i der ed PaynevCave Rat i o - Theauc t i oneeri st heagentoft hev endorandt heas s entofbot hpar t i esi snec es s ar yt omak e t hecont r ac tbi ndi ng - I ti ss i gni fi edont hepar toft hes el l erbyk noc k i ngdownt hehammerwhi c hwasnotdonet i l l t hedef endanthadr et r act ed - Ev er ybi ddi ngi snot hi ngmor et hananofferonones i dewhi c hi snotbi ndi ngonei t hers i det i l l i ti sas s ent edt o M &JFr oz enFoodSdnBhd&AnorvSI l andSdnBhd&Anor Hel d

- att hef al lofhammer ,anagr eementi sc onc l udedbet weent hev endorandt hehi ghes tbi dder - t hus ,t hev endorc annotoffert hegoodst oot herpr os pec t i v ebuy er sandt hebi dderc annot r et r ac thi sacc ept anc e Har r i svNi cker son Fact s - t hedef endant ,anauc t i oneer ,adv er t i s edi nt heLondonpaper st hatc er t ai nbr ewi ngmat er i al s , pl ant& offic ef ur ni t ur ewoul dbes ol dbyhi m atBur yStEdmundsonac er t ai ndayandt he f ol l owi ngt woday s - t hepl ai nt i ffat t endedt hesal ebutont het hi r ddayandf oundoutt hatt headv er t i s edf ur ni t ur e waswi t hdr awn. - Thepl ai nt i ffbr oughtanac t i onagai nstt hedef endantt or ecov erf orhi sl ossoft i me&expens es ont hegr oundt hatt headv er t i s ementamount edt oac ont r ac t Hel d - TheCour tr ej ec t edt hepl ai nt i ff’ sc l ai m andhel dt hatanadv er t i sementt hatgoodswi l lbes ol d onauc t i ononc er t ai nda ydoesnotc ons t i t ut eapr omi s et opot ent i albi dder st hatt hes al ewi l l beac t ual l yhel d Rat i o - I twi l lbeanext r emel yi nconv eni entr ul eofl aw t hatt heauc t i oneeri sboundt ogi v enot i ceof t hewi t hdr awalort obehel dl i abl et oev er y oneat t endi ngt hes al e - Thec as ei sc er t ai nl yoft hefi r s ti mpr es s i on - Whenasal ei sadv er t i s edaswi t hout r eser v e,andal oti sputupandbi df or( War l ow v Har r i s on) ,ac ont r ac ti sent er edi nt obet weent heauc t i oneerandt hehi ghes tbonafi debi dder , butt hathasnoappl i cat i ont ot hepr es entc as e - Her et hel ot sofwer enev erputupandnoofferwasmadebyt hepl ai nt i ffnorpr omi s emadeby t hedef endant ,ex ceptbyhi sadv er t i s ementt hatt hec er t ai ngoodswoul dbes ol d Wal l ow vHar r i son Fact s - Thedef endantandMrBr et her t onwer eauc t i oneer si napar t ner s hi pwhoadv er t i s edas al eby auc t i on whi c hc ont ai ned“ t he t hr eef ol l owi nghor ses ,t hepr oper t yofa gent l eman,wi t hout r es er v e” - Thepl ai nt i ffat t endedt hes al eandmadeabi dof60gui neasf oroneoft hehor ses . - AMrHender s on,t heowneroft hehor s e,i mmedi at el ymadeabi dof61gui neas .

- Thedef endantt her ef or eent er ed.MrHender s on’ snameaspur c has eri nt hes al ebookand r ef usedt or ecei v et hemoneyordel i v ert hehor s et ot hepl ai nt i ff - St at i ngt hathehadk noc k edi tdownt ot hehi ghestbi dderandc oul dnoti nt er f er ei nt hemat t er Hel d - Thesal es houl dbewi t houtr es er v e,t heauc t i oneeri nhi sadv er t i sementhadmadeadefi ni t e offert ot hi seffec t&t hepl ai nt i ffmaki nghi sbi di nr el i anceuponi thadac c ept edt heoffer - I nas al ebyauct i on“ wi t houtr es er v e” ,t hev endornoranyper s oni nhi sbehal fs hal lbi datt he auc t i on,t hepr oper t ys hal lbes ol dt ot hehi ghes tbi dder( whet hert hes um bi di sequi v al entt o r eal v al ueornot )

Byr ne&CovLeonVanTi enhoven&Co Fact s - Def endant ss ental et t eronOct ober1,addr es sedt opl ai nt i ffi nNewYor k ,offer i ngt osel l1000 box esoft i npl at es( t ak esabout1011day st or eac h) - OnOct ober8,t hedef endant spos t edal et t err ev oki ngt heoffer - OnOct ober11,t hepl ai nt i ffst el egr aphedt hei rac c ept anc eandc onfir medi ti nal at t erpos t ed onOct ober15 - Thel et t erofr ev oc at i onr eac hedt hepl ai nt i ffsonOct ober20 Hel d - Ther ev ocat i onwasi noper at i v eunt i lOc t ober20,t hatt heoffer ,t her ef or ec ont i nuedt obeopen upt ot hatdat e - I thadbeenac cept edbyt hepl ai nt i ffsi nt hei nt er i m Rat i o - Ther ei snoevi denc e ofanyaut hor i t ygi v enbyt hepl ai nt i ffst ot he def endant st onot i f ya wi t hdr awal oft hei rofferbymer el ypos t i ngal et t er - Ther ei snol egalpr i nci pl eordec i s i ont ohol d,c ont r ar yt ot hef ac t ,t hatt hel et t erof8Oc t ober t h i st obet r eat edasc ommuni c at edt ot hepl ai nt i ffsont hatdayoronanydaybef or e2 0 ,when t hel et t err eac hedt hem - Butbef or et hel et t erhadr eac hedpl ai nt i ffs ,t heyhav eac cept edv i abot ht el egr am andbypost andt heyhadt hems el v eshadr es ol dt het i npl at esatapr ofit Di cki nsonvDodds Fact s - Thedef endant ,onJ une10,ga v et hepl ai nt i ffawr i t t enoffert osel lahous ef or$800( t obel ef t ov erunt i lFr i day ,J une12,9am) - OnJ une11,t hedef endants ol dt hehous et oat hi r dpar t y ,Al l anf or$800. - Ont hatev eni ng,t hepl ai nt i ffwast ol dt hatt hepr oper t ywass ol dt oAl l anbyaf our t hman, Ber r y - Bef or e9. 00am,t hepl ai nt i ffhandedt ot hedef endantaf or mall et t erofac cept anc e I ssue

- Whet hert hepl ai nt i ffwhohadr ecei v ednot i cei nsomewayt hatt hepr oper t yhasbeens ol dt o at hi r dpar t y ,c anaf t ert hatmak eabi ndi ngc ont r ac tbyt heaccept anceoft heoffer Hel d - Thepl ai nt i ffc oul dnotasi tc annotbes ai dt her eaf t ert hatt her ewasi nex i s t encet hes ame mi ndbet weenpl ai nt i ff&t hedef endantt omak eac ont r act

MaconWor ks&Tr adi ngSdnBhdvPhangHonChi n&Anor Fact s - I nr el at i ont oanopt i ont opur c has el and Hel d - The offerl aps esaf t err eas onabl et i me notbec aus et hi smus tbe i mpl i ed i nt he offerbut bec aus ef ai l ur et oac ceptwi t hi nr eas onabl et i mei mpl i edr ej ect i onbyoffer ee - Thec our tt ak esi nt oacc ountt heconduc toft hepar t i esaf t ert heofferwasmadei ndec i di ng whet hert heoffer eehasal l owedt ool ongat i mel aps ebef or eacc ept i ng Ramsgat eVi ct or i aHot elvMont efior e Fact s - Thedef endantappl i edf ors har esi nt hepl ai nt i ffc ompanyi nJ uneandpai dadepos i ti nt ot he c ompany’ sbank - Hedi dnothearf r om t hec ompanyunt i lt heendofNov ember ,whenhewasas k edt opayf or t hebal anc eduef ort hes har est hathadbeenal l ot t edt ohi m Hel d - Thei nt er v albet weenJ uneandNov emberwasex c es si v e - Thedef endant ’ soffers houl dhav ebeenac c ept ed,i fatal l ,wi t hi nar eas onabl et i me

Aber of yl ePl ant at i onsLt dvKhaw Bi anCheng Fact s - Thev endorf ai l edt of ul fi l lac ondi t i onpr ec edents pec i fi edi nt hec ont r act ,namel yt oobt ai nt he r enewalofs ev er all eas esr el at i ngt ot hel andwhi chwast hes ubj ec tmat t eroft hecont r ac t - Thec ondi t i onbei ngunf ul fi l l ed,t hepur chas erwasent i t l edt ot her et ur nofhi sdeposi t spai d Fi nanci ngsLt dvSt i mson Hel d - Ther ewasnoc onc l udedc ont r ac tast heoffermadebyt hedef endantt opur c has et hecarwas c ondi t i onalupont hec arr emai ni ngi ns ubs t ant i al l yt hes amecondi t i onunt i lt hemomentof ac c ept anc e - I nt hi scas e,t hec arwass t ol en&r ec ov er edi nabadl ydamagedc ondi t i on...

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