Catcher in the Rye annotations PDF

Title Catcher in the Rye annotations
Author Santiago Nuñez
Course Time Series Analysis and Applications
Institution Amherst College
Pages 12
File Size 154.6 KB
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Catcher in the Rye Annotations...


Chapter 1 Touchy parents - probably care about him His brother is in hollywood His brother does pretty well since he drives a jaguar Calls his brother a prostitute His school is advertised a lot in magazines Pretty preppy school (horseback riding) Old school (1888) Saxon Hall vs Pencey = Hill vs L’ville Manager of the fencing team He lost all the fencing equipment on the train on the way to their meet All the team was mad at him on the way back He was probably sad so that is why he was alone at the hill He was also at the hill to say goodbye to a teacher he wouldn’t see again He wouldn't see him again because he got kicked out (wasn’t invited to come back after christmas break) He failed 4 subjects Pencey has very high academic rating His winter clothing was stolen so he was pretty much doomed He believes that the richer the school, the more crooks Likes a good goodbye He remembers one of his best times throwing a football He smoked so he couldn't breathe while running The Spencers don't have a lot of money

Chapter 2 The Spencers do not sleep together anymore He had very bad posture He could not reach the ground to pick something up He buys stuff for his wife and gets “bangs” Holden was raised with manners Spencer takes a lot of medicines Spencer knows something is wrong since Holden isn’t at the game They talked about life and how it is a game but you gotta play by the RULES Spencer thinks that his parents will be irritated by the news of him getting kicked out Spencer had been kicked out of 4 schools Very tall 6'2 and grey hair even though he is 17 He acts very childish and even his family notices And he acts very mature sometimes too Spencer tells Holden about how grand his parents are Holden hates being lectured Fails ⅘ subjects Spencer had poor listening He only passed English Holden didn’t even open his textbook once He asks Holden to bring his term paper He knows his paper is “crap” Holden can’t get interested in History and he admits it Wants to make Spencer feel bad for flunking him but it backfires Holden lives in NYC Holden has had a bad academic record his whole life He left one school not for being academically bad but because everyone was phoney Holden admits he is a moron Holden is not very worried about his future Holden wants to leave (making excuses)

Chapter 3 He lied to Spencer about the gym stuff He lived in a pretty nice new dorm Holden hates public speakers He doesn’t believe in Jesus so much He is always in for a good joke The headmaster was pretty pissed about the fart at chapel Academic dress code at the school He likes to read a lot He likes his brothers books too He likes a book that can make him laugh He likes to re-read Ackley wasn’t very hygienic Ackley didn't have such a good personality Ackley liked to “inspect” stuff Ackley is really bad at starting a conversation Holden isn’t interested in talking to Ackley Holden is pretty sarcastic Holden is clowning around with Ackley he tried to annoy Ackley Holden is pretty nice guy Ackley doesn’t care a lot about his surroundings Ackley and Holden’s roommate hate each other. Holden is trying to get Ackley to brush his teeth but Ackley gets defensive Holden doesn’t like to lend his stuff Holden’s roommate doesn’t really listen to Holden a lot

Chapter 4 Holden’s roommate likes whistling but is terrible at it Holden’s roommate looked clean but really wasn’t Holden’s roommate thought he was really handsome and actually was really handsome His roommates asks for Holden for lots of favors Stradlater isn’t as good as Holden is at English Holden doesn’t believe in someone being born with an ability for school Holden’s hat is being brought up so much, everyone asks about it Stradlater gets lotsa girls, he can choose from a pile literally Holden is a pretty weak Stradlater’s date is Holden’s summer neighbor Holden was excited about seeing Jane Gallagher Jane and Holden are pretty good friends Jane is very athletic and like to stay in shape Holden likes to make some money by caddying Holden didn’t want for Stradlater to tell Jane he got kicked out. Stradlater is usually not interested in many things Chapter 5 Steak on Saturday nights because parents came up to Pencey Steak was trash Ackley always ate everything It was snowing a lot Holden and another friend went out to town and saw a movie Holden invited Ackley too The boys had a small snowball fight, childish The boys had some burgers instead at the town. When they got back Ackley, again goes into Holden’s room Holden decided to write Stradlater’s composition just to get rid of Ackley He described his brothers baseball glove Holden’s brother was really nice He died from leukemia Holden’s brother was like the best of the Caulfield’s kids Holden had a lot of fun with writing the paper

Chapter 6 Holden gets panic attacks when something worries him Stradlater was quiet about his date Stradlater was disappointed with the paper, he was furious Holden then ripped the paper and stradlater was like “what” showing that the paper had somewhat of a use Holden smoked in the dorm which is not allowed just to bother Stradlater Holden just does things to annoy Stradlater Holden hates Stradlater so much Holden knows something is wrong Stradlater tells Holden that Jane and him were in a car all the time athletes=privileges Holden tried to punch Stradlater but because of his injury, he didn't cause much harm Stradlater got furious and Stradlater sat on Holden Holden wanted to kill him at that moment Stradlater threatens Holden to punch him if Holden doesn’t shut up Holden agrees, but as soon as he stands up, he disrespects him by swearing at him Stradlater gets so mad and shoves his finger at Holden's face Stradlater knocked Holden out and probs broke Holden’s nose First thing that Holden does is putting his hat on Holden doesn’t wipe his blood because it makes him look tough

Chapter 7 Ackley’s room is pretty smelly = unhygienic The fight was pretty loud - woke Ackley up Holden had a lot of blood - surprised Ackley Ackley is pretty dumb; as in GPA/Grades Holden wants to sleep in Ackley’s room probs bc he doesn’t want to be with Stradlater Ackley is curious about the fight Ackley doesn’t want to let Holden sleep in his room bc he has “honor” Kids at Pencey are crazy about having sexual intercourses with girls like Stradlater and Ackley Holden kept being on Eli’s bed Stradlater was a date master Stradlater had a technique to get “laid” real quick Ackley is asleep like a rock Ackley is catholic Ackley doesn’t like people saying bad stuff about catholics Holden leaves the room bc he didn’t like the atmosphere The dorm is empty - kids went home Holden wants to leave Pencey that same night Holden doesn’t want to be home when the letter from Pencey gets there Holden packed his things rapidly and decided to leave campus Holden raced (on ice) He packed a lot of money in his wallet Gets lotsa his money from his rich grandma Holden sold his typewriter Holden cried Holden screamed at the top of his lungs “Sleep tight ya morons” showing how much he hated some of the people in his dorm

Chapter 8 Holden walked to the station to catch a ride to NYC It was freezing Holden’s hat kept him warm His blood froze He washed his face with snow He caught a night train He likes night trains, especially the coffee and the magazines This time he felt weird and didn’t read any of the magazines that he used to love Woman gets on and sits next to him, he finds her pretty attractive Woman has a big heavy bag Woman recognizes that Holden goes to Pencey Prep from a sticker in his bag The woman has a son at pencey. Holden knows her son and hates him and thinks that he is a bastard Woman asks for Holden’s name but Holden gives her the janitor’s name Woman wants to figure out about what Ernest’s classmates think about Ernest Ernest was totally different in boarding school than at home Holden offered a cigarette Holden talks about how “great” Ernest is Ernie is pretty shy with his classmates Holden becomes pretty close with Ernie’s mother Enrie’s mother invites Holden over the summer but Holden is going to South America with his grandmother. Holden lies about going home early because of some surgery. Chapter 9 He got to a phone store in nyc but he had no one to call He wanted to find out where Jane would spend vacation Other moms feel like Holden is a bad influence Holden is tired because he gives the driver the wrong address Driver is smart and takes him the long way Holden is still curious about the ducks in the winter He got a really bad room He judges people on appearance a lot. (bellboy) He sees some weird people in the hotel Holden is lowkey a pervert He still wanted to call Jane Gallagher but he wasn’t quite in the mood He found an address of a girl who is kind of a prostitute He called her and at first she was aggressive but then she was a little bit more open. Then this girl accepts to meet him but they didn’t see each other

Chapter 10 Holden isn’t feeling sleepy so he went down to the Hotel’s night room Phoebe is really pretty and really smart Holden and his brother love hanging out with Phoebe Phoebe is really emotional and a writer The lobby is pretty empty but Holden continues to the club and he gets a bad table Holden lowkey likes a girl at the club Holden asks the girls for a dance The girl who he likes dances pretty well, really well The girl constantly zones out Holden isn’t so much of a tricky dancer The girl talks about how she met an actor The girl is a terrible conversationalist The girl doesn’t like Holden’s sarcasm All 3 of the girls were pretty stupid The girls were terrible at keeping the conversation going alive One of the girls was terrible at dancing ¿what? - all 3 of the girls all the time The girls expected Holden to pay Chapter 11 Holden keeps thinking about Jane and their Maine summers Jane was the only person to use Allie’s bb glove Jane’s father was an alcoholic and smoke addict This saddened Jane a lot Holden consoled her by kissing her They used to hold hands usually Holden was happier back then , you can tell He notices that the lights in the perverts rooms are still on He is very awake still He hops out for a taxi

Chapter 12 He went to a nightclub in Greenwich Holden asks about the ducks at the lagoon and Horwitz gets angry Holden is unimpressed by music/musical abilities He gets some whiskey and soda He tries to listen to others conversations but they are all depressing and phony in his opinion He finds this girl named Lillian Simmons that DB used to date Holden tries to get away from her Holden leaves the nightclub

Chapter 13 Holden feels like a coward Holden decides not to take a cab and walks back He thinks about his gloves They were stolen at Pencey He imagines confronting the thief but he knows he is a coward He takes the elevator and is very depressed so the elevator operator offers him a prostitute for 5 bucks and he accepts He again thinks of cowardice He feels like he needs to be more aggressive to sleep w/ a woman He feels like powerful men get the lady Then Sunny, the prostitute arrives Holden becomes flustered Then holden tells her that they can't have sex so he pays her and then she leaves Chapter 14 He starts smoking He remembers when he excluded Allie from a bb-gun game He still feels bad He goes to bed and feels like praying Someone knocks on the door and Holden opens It's the elevator operator and Sunny Maurice holds holden against the wall and Sunny grabs the extra 5 dollars Maurice hits holden and holden starts to insult him He wants revenge

Chapter 15 Holden calls Sally Hayes and makes a date with her in the evening He checks out of the Hotel Leaves bags at Grand Central His father hates it when holden loses something Holden is worried about how his mom is going to take the news Holden meets two nuns @ sandwich bar He tries to save up some money to spend with sally He thinks that money always makes people depressed Chapter 16 Holden takes a long walk He thinks about how the nuns are such great people (generous etc..) He buys a record for his little sister Phoebe Holden likes the record, even though it is made for children Holden remembers Phoebe and how wonderful she is Holden calls Jane but hangs up since her mom picks up He buys tickets to “I know my love” for date w/ sally Holden looks for Phoebe in Park A little girl knows where she is, she tells him she is at the museum but that’s wrong. Holden goes to the museum anyways

Chapter 17 Holden meets Sally at a Hotel, she is late but looks hot Made out in the taxi on the way to the theatre Holden is annoyed at the play bc the actors are too good, just like Ernie, the piano player Sally flirts w/ andover boy and Holden gets irritated Holden thinks sally only wanted to go skating to show off her body, which Holden finds attractive Holden talks to her about the phoneys at his prep school He says that he and her should run away from Society Sally disagrees. Holden calls her a pain in the ass. She cries. He apologizes They go different ways

Chapter 18

He goes to a drugstore and gets something to eat He thinks about Jane He remembers about the arrogant boys she would date and how she would argue that they were nice He calls Carl Luce from Whooton who agrees to see him for drinks later that night Holden goes to see a Movie at Radio City He remembers the Rockettes and Allie Holden finds the movie boring Then he walks where he is meeting with Carl Chapter 19 Carl is three years older than Holden. He attends columbia Luce always talked about sex Holden thinks he is a phoney When carl gets there holden asks him about sex, but carl is more mature now He suggests holden needs a psychoanalyst Carl leaves annoyed Chapter 20 After carl leaves Holden stays at the Bar and gets really drunk He makes a phone call to sally and this annoys her grandma and her He tries to get a date with the singer but fails Then he tries with the hat-checked girl but it fails too He goes to the duck pond He was really upset and dropped Phoebe’s record His hair freezes bc of the water he put on in the hotel He thinks that he is going to get pneumonia He missed Allie’s funeral He remembers going to Allie’s grave and he gets disturbed Holden decides to go home Chapter 21 Holden gets home and there is a new elevator operator so he is let in Holden looks for Phoebe but is not there She is sleeping in DB’s room Holden goes through her stuff He wakes her up and she is very happy to see him They start talking a lot Phoebe tells holden that he is going to get killed

Chapter 22

Holden goes back to phoebe’s room and makes her listen Phoebe says holden is a hater She challenges holden to name a thing that he likes He says he likes allie She is infuriated and reminds holden that allie is dead She asks him about his life Holden talks about being the catcher in the rye Chapter 23 Holden talks to Mr. Antolini, a teacher at Elkton Hills Mr. antolini is shocked that holden got kicked out He invites holden for the night Holden and Phoebe dance Then they hear the front door open, it's their parents Holden jumps in the closet and hides His parents tuck Phoebe in and they leave the room Holden goes out of the closet, tells Phoebe about his plan He gives Phoebe his red hunting hat Chapter 24 Holden arrives at mr antolini’s Mr antolini inquires holden about his expulsion from pencey Holden says that he disliked pencey Holden and him argue but then they stop bc holden realizes his argument is weak Then they resume and antolini tells holden about his “fall” Then they go to bed with a sip of coffee Chapter 25...

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