Causal Analysis Essay - Domestic Violence PDF

Title Causal Analysis Essay - Domestic Violence
Author Hsu Yadanar Htun
Course English 2
Institution Stamford International University
Pages 5
File Size 104 KB
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Domestic Violence Causal Analysis Essay By: Hsu Yadanar Htun

ID: 1809120002

Major: International Business Management (Term 2 – 2018) ENG 102 – Section 8


Word Count: 1454

Submitted to: Aj. Zhanna Kulzhova

Introduction Domestic violence, also domestic abuse is violence occurred in a domestic setting such as marriage or cohabitation which consists of sexual assault and other abusive behaviors. Not only for women and girls, but also for some people, “home” is often considered as a place with violence and torture; committed by somebody they should be able to trust. There are different types of domestic violence such as; dominance, physical abuse, verbal abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse and threats, using male privilege and economic abuse. [ CITATION Ari \l 1033 ] Although domestic violence happens to everyone despite the gender, women are more likely to face one. Being confronted this kind of violence for an extended period of time has many bad impacts on the victims. Domestic violence indeed is violence occurred between intimate partners. There are many roots where domestic violence started from or why it does happen. Domestic violence occurs under many circumstances such as: past experiences, cultural norms and poverty. This essay points toward the causes and reasons of domestic violence with specific information. Background It is a fact that every incident has its own causes and effects. Domestic violence, nevertheless, affects women, men and the families physically, psychologically and socially in every possible way. It commonly results in victims’ health, mental problems, earning the livelihood or even fatal issues such as suicides and homicides. Divorced women who seek help for shelters and face job crisis to earn a livelihood is a consequence of domestic violence. These women are more likely to not have completed their education or are lack of general knowledge, thus hazardous works, labor works or even prostitution became their alternative choices for survival. In Australia, 1 in 4 and 1 in 5 women have experienced emotional abuse and sexual violence by a current or former partner since the age of 15. [ CITATION Aus16 \l 1033 ]. Although domestic violence refers to not child abuse, children are the main characters when it comes to the consequences. Any forms of violence spread severe impacts on children’s’ mental development, and academic growth, as they do not get stout family support, a wise guidance or astonishments in a noisy house. A report says, in some abusive families, children are 1,500 times more likely to be physically abused when parents quarrel. [ CITATION Psy16 \l 1033 ]. It also deteriorates them in behaving well in their environment, dealing or coping up with people and upcoming challenges as they grow up. It is said that children of mothers experiencing domestic violence have higher rates of social and emotional problems than other children. [ CITATION Shi15 \l 1033 ]. Moreover, some children would not even hesitate to suicide rather than being tortured in the household. One statistic shows that children raised in abusive families, feel 74 % easier to commit violent crimes on others. [ CITATION Chi14 \l 1033 ]. The worst part of impacts of children is that, the domestic violence cycle is very likely to be practiced and repeated in their adulthood. In terms of women and girls, they find it really hard to function in their daily lives because of domestic violence. They might have injuries and wounds to cope up, and stress at work, or stress for their children’s future, which keep them less able to get rid of violent marriage. These women often choose to be isolated from their friends or the society to hide real situations. These violence make them feel less worthy, hopeless, unmotivated, give them low self-esteem, anxieties and depression. In Canada, a woman is killed by her intimate partner every six days, and in 2009, 67 women were murdered by a current or former spouse or boyfriend. [ CITATION Sar09 \l 1033 ] Why domestic 1

violence is a significant thing? What are the reasons behind this? Key causes are mentioned in the following. The main cause is believed to be childhood experiences where abusers faced similar violence in the past. [ CITATION Sam161 \l 1033 ] Many abusers are very likely to have experienced the same terrible domestic violence in their early ages. It is a human tendency to behave the same way they were raised and a violent childhood is not easily forgotten as children grow up. The abusers might have learnt the violent behavior within the family, the community or other influences, which hence rooted strong feelings or deep depression in the sense of family. They might have heard abusive words, seen the torture or been the victims themselves, and the abusers as a child might have thought this is the only reasonable way to solve a conflict. In this case, victims at early ages could commit violence even before they grow up as an adult. One report said that in Chicago, three teenage boys committed sexual assault to a 30 years old woman[ CITATION Rac16 \l 1033 ] which explicitly shows these children got inaccurate motivation and perceived things in a bad way, in their environment. Secondly, in many parts of the world, one societal norm exists where men have all the power and control of the wife or anyone in the family. These people grew up thinking they have the absolute right to control, dictate and make their partners know that women are not equal to men. This makes it very difficult to break the cycle. Some people with very traditional beliefs may think they have the right to control their partner, and that women aren’t equal to men. Others may have an undiagnosed personality disorder or psychological disorder. Still others may have learned this behavior from growing up in a household where domestic violence was accepted as a normal part of being raised in their family. For instance, many states in India believe in early marriages and absolute power of husband which is why the country has been led to many unpleasing domestic violence. One report states a young married woman is found beaten and abused every six hours in India. [ CITATION Dha11 \l 1033 ] Lastly, poverty has been both the cause and consequence in many problems. Lack of education, conservativeness and undeveloped thoughts are highly linked with poverty. When illiterate and poor people get married, especially at a young age when they are not yet capable of undertaking the high risk responsibility like marriage, many problems occur out of this, especially low-income problem. The problem would be double increased if they decide to have a child during their hard earning times. This is the reason why many little kids are widely seen on the streets, begging money or selling things. Illiterate parents raising uneducated children who may later start being addicted to bad things such as alcohol, theft, drug and so on; this is why the cycle is kept going and repeated. In 2010, a research of Mary Kay Foundation found 78% of abused women seeking help for shelters. [ CITATION Nin13 \l 1033 ] However, it is vivid that women are in search for shelters and facing job crisis as consequences of domestic violence. Some people argue that domestic violence is normal to occur and women accept that because they believe their partner loves them. In my opinion, despite the gender, nobody likes to be abused. In terms of women not complaining about their abusive marriage or family, there may be reasons behind such as for the sake of their own children or fear of battling life alone.


Conclusion Domestic violence is and abusive families are always found in every part of the world. However, this essay has shown that domestic violence usually happens under financial problems, cultural practices and past experiences which would therefore give many bad impacts such as divorce, risk of earning livelihood for women and girls, on children’s growth in schools and environment and the repeated cycle. Nevertheless, there are solutions to prevent these kinds of issues. In my suggestion, violence should be reduced and improved by empowering girls and women by education, employment opportunities and making them aware of accessible rights and laws. Also, there are some treatments for perpetrators. Abusers can change although the process could be slow. Change is ultimately up to the abuser but encouraging and empowering them with vice-versa would help.

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