Caveat PDF

Title Caveat
Author Kabir Vadhera
Course LLB
Institution Panjab University
Pages 6
File Size 52 KB
File Type PDF
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CaveatPet i t i on ( Sect i on 148A oft heCi vi lPr ocedur eCode,1908) ACav eati saLat i nt er m whi chmeans,' l etape r sonbewar e 'or i gi nat edi nt hemi d16t h cent ur y .I nl aw,i tmaybeunder st oodasanot i ce,es peci al l yi npr obat e,t hatcer t ai nact i ons maynotbet akenwi t houti nf or mi ngt heper sonwhogavet henot i ce .I tmaysi mpl ybe under s t oodasawar ni ng.I nt heCi vi lPr oc edur eCodeof1908( her ei naf t er ,t heCode )i twas i nse r t edunderse ct i on148Abyt her ecomme ndat i onsoft heLaw Commi ssi onofI ndi a' s54t h Repor tandwasi nser t edbyt heCPC ( Amendment )Act104of1976. TheSec t i ont al ksi nbr i e faboutt hecaveatpet i t i on.Acav eatpe t i t i oni sapr ecaut i onary measur ewhi chi sunder t ake nbypeopl eusual l ywhent heyar ehavi ngaver ys t r ong appr e hensi ont hatsomecasei sgoi ngt obefil edi nt heCour tr egar di ngt hei ri nt er es ti nany manner . Thewor d' Cav eat 'i snotdefinedi nt heCode.Howev er ,i nt hecaseof Ni r malChandv .Gi r i ndr a Nar ayan, t heCour thaddefinedt hewor dCav eat ,wher i ni tsai d,ACav eati sacaut i onor war ni nggi v enbyaper sont ot heCour tnott ot akeanyact i onorgr antr el i e ft ot heot hersi de wi t houtgi vi ngnot i cet ot hecav eat orandwi t houtaffor di ngoppur t uni t yofhear i nghi m. TheSect i on 148A oft heCoder eadsasunder , 148A. Ri ghtt ol odgeacaveat . ( 1)Wher eanappl i cat i oni se xpect edt obemade,orhasbeenmade,i nasui torpr oc eedi ngs i nst i t ut ed,oraboutt obei nst i t ut ed,i naCour t ,anyper sonc l ai mi ngar i ghtt oappearbe f or e t heCour tont hehear i ngofsuc happl i cat i onmayl odgeacaveati nr es pec tt her e of . ( 2)Wher eacaveathasbee nl odgedundersubse ct i on( 1) ,t heper sonbywhom t hecaveathas bee nl odge d( her ei naf t err ef er r edt oast hecaveat or )shal lse r veanot i ceoft hecaveatby r egi s t er edpost ,ac knowl edgeme ntdue,ont heper sonbywhom t heappl i cat i onhasbeenori s expect edt obe,made,undersubse ct i on( 1) . ( 3)Wher e,af t eracav eathasbeenl odge dundersubsec t i on( 1) ,anyappl i cat i oni sfil edi nany sui torpr ocee di ng,t heCour t ,shal lse rv eanot i c eoft heappl i cat i onont hecaveat or . ( 4)Wher eanot i ceofanycaveathasbee nser vedont heappl i cant ,heshal lf or t hwi t hf ur ni sh t hecaveat oratt hecaveat or ’ sexpense,wi t hac opyoft heappl i cat i onmadebyhi m andal s o wi t hc opi esofanypaperordocumentwhi chhasbeen,ormaybe,fil edbyhi mi nsuppor tof t heappl i cat i on. ( 5)Wher eacaveathasbee nl odgedundersubse ct i on( 1) ,suc hcav eats hal lnotr emai ni n f or ceaf t ert heexpi r yofni net ydaysf r om t hedat eonwhi chi twasl odge dunl esst he appl i cat i onr e f er r edt oi nsubsec t i on( 1)hasbee nmadebef or et heexpi r yoft hesai dper i od.

Ther ear efivebasi ci ngr edi ent st ot hesect i on,whi char edi scussedi nbr i ef , i .Whomayl odgeaCaveat ?( Cl ause1) Anyper sonc l ai mi ngar i ghtt oappearbef or et heCour t , · Wher eanappl i cat i oni se xpect edt obemade · Wher eanappl i cat i onhasal r eadybeenmade · I nasui torpr oc eedi ngi nst i t ut ed · I nasui torpr oc eedi ngwhi chi saboutt obei nst i t ut ed Mayl odgeacaveatt her eof .I ti ssubst ant i vei nanat ur e. i i .Dut i esoft heCaveat or( Cl ause2) Thi sc l ausei sdi r ec t i v ei nnat ur e.Theper sonbywhom t heCaveathasbeenl odgedi scal l eda Caveat or .Heshal l , · Ser veanot i ceoft heCaveatbyr egi st er edpos t ,ac knowl edgementdue · Ont heper sonbywhom t heappl i cat i onhasbeenmade · Ont heper sonbywhom t heappl i cat i oni sexpect edt obemade i i i .Dut yoft heCour t( Cl ause3) Af t eraCaveathasbeenl odgedunderCl ause1,i fanyappl i cat i oni sfil edi nanysui tor pr oceedi ng,t heCour tshal lser veanot i ceoft heappl i cat i onont heCaveat or .Thi sc l ausei s mandat oryi nnat ur e. i v .Dut i esoft heAppl i cant( Cl ause4) I ti sdi r ect i v ei nnat ur eandsayst hat ,wher eanot i ceofanyCaveathasbeenser vedont he appl i cant ,heshal lf ur ni sh,att heexpenseoft heCaveat or , · Acopyoft heappl i cat i onmadebyhi m. · Copi esofanypaperordocumentwhi c hhasbeenfil edbyhi mi nsuppor tofhi sappl i cat i on. · Copi esofanypaperordocumentwhi c hmaybefil edbyhi mi nsuppor tofhi sappl i cat i on. v . Li f eofaCaveatPe t i t i on( Cl ause5) Thel i f eoft hepe t i t i oni s90days,f r om t hedat eonwhi chi twasl odge d.Theonl yexcept i oni s, i ft heappl i cat i onal r eadye xi st s,orhasbee nmadebef or et hesai dper i od,t hec l auseceases t oexi st . Al lt heabov efivei ngr edi ent sar evi t alt oaCaveatpe t i t i onal lt heabov ear et obef ol l owed aust er e l y . Obj ectandScopeoft heSect i on: Theobj ectoft hi ssect i oni st osaf eguar dt hei nt er estoft heCav eat or ,whoi sr eadyt of ac et he sui torpr ocee di ngswhi chi sexpect edt obei nst i t ut edbyhi sopponent ,affor di ngan oppor t uni t yt obehear d,be f or eanexpar t eor deri smade.Al so,t oav oi dmul t i pl i ci t yof pr oceedi ngs ,soast osavet hecost sandconv eni enc esoft heCour t s . TheScopeoft hesect i onwasl ai ddowni nvar i ouscas es .I nt hecaseofNi r malChandt he Cour thadsai dt hatanypar t yaffect edbyani nt er i m or dercanfil eaCaveatpet i t i on.Al so,i n t hecaseofKat t i lVayal i lPar kkum Koi l ot hv.Manni lPaadi kayi lKadeesaUmma,t hecour t opi nedt hataper sonwhoi sat ot als t r ange rt oapr oceedi ngcannotl odgeacaveat .

I mpor t antcasesundert heSect i on: A.Reser veBankofI ndi aEmpl oyeesass oci at i on & Anr .V.TheReser veBankofI ndi a andOr s. I nt hi scase,t heappe l l ant shadfil edaCav eat ,appr ehendi nganappl i cat i onwhi c hmaybe fil edbyt her espondenti nt hepr es entcas e.I twasar evi si onpet i t i onunderse ct i on115oft he Code.Theappl i cat i onwasf orgr antofani nj unc t i onag ai nstr est r ai ni ngt hem f r om hol di ng anymee t i ngor ,st agi nganydemonst r at i onorr esor t i ngt oanyot herf or m ofdi r ectac t i onor pl ayi ngmusi cali ns t r ument s,beat i ngofdr ums,usi ngmi cr ophones,e t c . ,wi t hi nt hepr emi se s oft heRes er veBankofI ndi a,Hyder abadBr anch. Acaveatpe t i t i onwasfil edon01101980appr ehendi ngt heabov e,f orwhi chanot i cewas ser vedont hepl ai nt i ffon08101980.On27101980,copi esoft hei nt endedappl i cat i onf or i nt er i mr el i e f ,r el evantpaper sanddocument swer eserv edont heCaveat or s.Thepl ai nt i ff' s al soi nf or medt hecaveat or ' st hatt heywi l lbemovi ngt heappl i cat i onon28101980.The casewasnothear don28t handwasj us tpassedov er .I twasl at erhear don30101980,and anor derofi nj unc t i onwaspas se dwi t houtgi vi nganynot i cet ot hecaveat or s. Caveat or scont endedt hatt hei nt er i m or der sofi nj unct i onpassedbyt hecour ton30. 01. 1980 wasnul landv oi d,asi twaspassedwi t houtj ur i sdi ct i on,cont r ar yt osect i on148Aoft he CPC,1908.Thei ssueswer et hat , 1.Whet hert heor deroft hel ear nedJudgei nj unct i ngt hepr es entcaveat or swi t houtgi vi nga not i cei snul landvoi d? 2.Whet hert heor ders t andst i l li ti sse tasi deac cor di ngt ot hepr ocedur eknownt ol aw ? I twasar guedt hat , a)Thet er m“ not i c eofappl i cat i on”ment i onedi nc l ause( 3)i snotdefinedundert hecode . b)Howev er ,i tcannotr el at et oanyt hi ngexc eptt hedat eofhear i ng,whi chi swe l les t abl i shed byasi mpl er eadi ngoft hesect i on. c)Thef ai l ur ei saf ai l ur ewi t hr espec tt oj ur i sdi c t i onormer el yi t spr ocedur e ? d)I fj ur i sdi ct i onalf ai l ur e,t heor deri snul landv oi d. e)I fpr ocedur alf ai l ur e,t heor derneedst obese tasi dei nanappr opr i at el ycons t i t ut edl egal pr oceedi ng. Thecour ti nt hecaseathandopi ned,Thepower sofaCi vi lCour tar et oosacr osanctt obe al l owedt obedi l ut edort obecur t ai l edbyamer er emot ei mpl i cat i on.I ,t her e f or e,hol dt hatas t her ei snos peci ficpr ovi si ondec l ar i nganyac t i ont akenbyt heCour tcont r ar yt oi t s mandat orydut yunderSubsec t i on( 3)t ogi veanot i cewoul dbev oi d,t heor derpasse dbyt he Cour tbe l ow on30101980i snotanul l i t y .I not herwor ds,i tappear st omet hatt hemer e l odgmentofacav eatwoul dnotdepr i vet heCour tofi t spowert opas sanor derev eni ft he caveatorwasnoti nf or medoft hedal eofhear i ngoft hemat t er .Ast hel odgmentofacaveati s mer el yar i ghtt obei nf or medoft hehear i ngdat eandi thasnoeffectbywayofcur t ai l i ngt he

power sofaCi vi lCour tt opas sanappr opr i at eor deront hemer i t soft hecas e,Ihol dt hatt he or derpassedi nt hi scaseon30t hOct ober ,1980i snotwi t houtj ur i sdi ct i on andi s, t her e f or e,oper at i v et i l li ti sse tasi dei nappr opr i at epr ocee di ngs B. Sant hosh v.JagatRam & Anr . Smt .Sant os hi sawi dow whowasf r audul ent l ydepr i vedoft hepr oper t i esofherhusband,by herownbr ot her i nl aws.Herhusbanddi edi n1985,whi l eshewasi ssuel ess.DayaRam and JagatRam appr oac hedherf ort hese t t l ementofpr oper t i esandt ookhert oManhendr agar h, maki ngherbel i ev et hatt heywoul dhel pheri nmut at i ngandr egi s t er i ngt hepr oper t i esi nher name .On26. 03. 1985,or i gi naldecr eewaspas se dwher ei n,shesai dt hatshewasaskedt o gi vehert humbi mpr essi onson34paper sandal sowasaskedt osayyest oanyques t i ons putf or t h.Lat ert her espondent ss t ar t edt ot hr eat enhert hatt hel andwast hei r sandshehad nor i ghtov eri t .Shefil edt hi sappealt oheror i gi nalsui t ,aski ngf ort hepr opert i t l e . Respondent spl eadedt hatt hesui twasbar r edbyl i mi t at i on.Cour tagr ee dt hatt hedecr ee dat ed26. 03. 1985wasar esul tofaf r aud.Ther espondent swentf oranappeali nt he appel l at ecour twher ei nt hec our tsai dt hati twasapr operconsentdec r eeanddi dnoti nv ol ve f r aud.Anot herappealwasal sofil edatt heHC,whi chwassubsequent l ydi smi ssed,andl at er t hi spr es entcas ewast akenatt heSC.Appel l antc ont est edt hatt heconsentdecr eewasa c l assi cexampl eoff r audandt hedecr eeatt hesecondappealwasacl assi cexampl eofnonappl i cat i onofmi nd. Acaveatwasfil edbyt her espondent sf orwhi cht heappel l antgavear epl ywhi chwasfil ed, wher ei nshehadac cept edt hedec r eeanddi dnotc hal l engei tt hen.Thet r i alcour tr i ght l y hel dt hef ac tt hatwhent hecaveatwasfil edi n1985,t hel adydi dnothaveani ss uewi t h r espec tt ot hec hal l engi ngt hedecr ee .On30. 9. 1985,t hi scav eatwasfil edwhi c hi sar ound6 mont hsaf t ert heor i gi nalappl i cat i onwasfil ed.Thequest i onwas, 'Whet heron t hebasi sof caveat s,coul dsummonsbei ssuedbyt heci vi lcour t s ?'However ,asummonwasi ssued andot herpar t yhadcomet ot hecour t ,onbasi sofacav eat . Comment soft heCour twi t hr espectt ot heCaveat : §“ Appel l antwasag ai nbr oughtt ot heCour ti npur suanceoft hesocal l edsummonsser ved onhert hr oughBai l i ffi nt hepr oceedi ngsunderSec t i on148Aoft heCPC andherst at eme nt wasal sogotr ecor ded.I ti snotknownast ohow aCaveatappl i cat i onwasgotr egi st er edanda summonswassentont hebasi sofaCaveatappl i cat i on,t r eat i ngi tt obeani ndependent pr oceedi ngs .Suc hi snott hescopeofaCaveatunderSect i on148A oft heCPC. ”( Par a10 Page5) §“ Not hi nghasbeenshownt ousi nt henat ur eofanor derpassedbyt heCour tont hebasi sof t hesocal l edCaveat .Wear ec onvi ncedt hatt hi swasnot hi ng,butav erypoorat t emptt oge t t hef at eoft heappel l antseal edbyge t t i ngherst at ementr ecor ded.Par a10Page5) TheCour ti nt hi scaseopi nedt hat ,Wear eoft hefir m opi ni ont hatawhol esui tNo.253of 1985,decr eepassedt her euponon26. 3. 1985andt hesubsequentCaveatpr oceedi ngswer e not hi ngbutasys t emat i cf r aud.Ther ecannotbeabet t erexampl eofaf r audul entdec r ee.We ar eangui shedt oseet heat t i t udeoft heCour t ,whopassedt hedec r eeont hebasi sofapl ai nt

andaWr i t t enSt at ement ,whi c hwer efil edont hesameday .Wear eal sosur pr i se datt he obser vat i onsmadebyt heAppel l at eCour tt hatsuc hci r cumst ancecoul dnot ,byi t se l f ,pr ov e t hef r audul entnat ur eoft hedec r ee.Af r audput sanendt oev er yt hi ng.I ti saset t l edposi t i on i nl aw t hatsuc hdecr eei snot hi ng,butanul l i t y . ” C. G. C.Si ddal i ngappav.G. C.Veer anna I ti saCi vi lr evi si onpet i t i onwhi c hi sdi r ect edagai nstanor derdat ed28. 02. 1981gr ant i ngan i nt er i m or derofst ay .Themat t erwas,t hatt her es pondentfil edasui tf ordec l ar at i onf ort i t l e andf oraper manenti nj unc t i onwi t hr es pec tofacer t ai ni mmovabl epr oper t y ,al ongwi t h whi chanappl i cat i onf ori nt er i mi nj unc t i onwasfil ed.Anex par t eor deroft het empor ar y i nj unct i onwaspassed.Pe t i t i onerfil edanappl i cat i onf orvacat i ngt heexpar t eor derof t empor ar yi nj unc t i on,whi c hwasgr ant edon25. 02. 1981.Ont hesameday ,t hepe t i t i oner fil edacaveatappr ehendi ngt her espondentt ofil edanappealaf t ermodi ficat i onoft hei nt er i m or der .Thecaveatwasl odge daf t ersendi ngacopyoft hesamet ot her espondentbya r egi s t er edpostwi t hac knowl edgementdue . Asexpect edt her espondental sohadr i ght l yfil edanappealal ongwi t hanappl i cat i onf or t empor ar yi nj unc t i on.Thec our tal sor i ght l yser veranot i ceont hecaveat orwhi c hwas r e t ur nabl eby06. 03. 1981.Whi l et hi swast hecase,t heappel l antfil edanappl i cat i onf or advanci ngt hecaset o27. 02. 1981.TheCour tt ookt hecaseon28. 02. 1981,andal sopassed ani nt er i m or der .On28. 02. 1981,t her espondental sofil edanappl i cat i onunderO. 41R. 5 r /w S. 115oft heCPC,1908f orst ayi ngt heor derunderappeal . Thei ssuei s, i .“Whet heror derdat ed28. 02. 1981i sj ur i sdi ct i onal l yval i d?” i i .“Whet hert hej udgecoul dhavepassedanexpar t eor deri nacasewher eacaveatwas fil ed? Thepet i t i onercont es t edt hatt hei nt er i m or derwasi l l eg alandwi t houtj ur i sdi ct i onast he not i cewasnotr e l i eduponandanor derwaspas se d.Ther es pondentar guedt hati twasnot compul sor yf ort hecour tt oserv et henot i ceont her espondent .I twashe l dt hat ,“ The pr ovi si onr egar di ngser vi ceofnot i ceascont ai nedi nsubsec t i on( 3)i smandat oryandnoncompl i ancewi t hi tdef eat st he,ver yobj ec tofi nt r oduci ngSect i on148A.Consequent l y ,i t f ol l owst hatt hebr eachofsubsect i on( 3)vi t i at est heor derpassedt her eof . ” Thet hr eecasesgi v eusabr oadpi ct ur eoft heCour t sappr oacht owar dst hi ssect i on.Ther ei s anpr edi camentwi t hr es pectt ot hei nt e r pr e t at i onoft hesec t i onandi t sc l auses.I ti swi t ht he j udi ci ar yt odec i dei nt henat ur eoft hec l ause s,asi tdi ffer sf r om cas et ocase . Concl usi on: TheCour thassai dt hatapr ocee di ngunderar t i cl e226oft heCons t i t ut i onofI ndi a,doesnot ent er t ai naCaveatpe t i t i on.I tal soappl i esf orexecut i onpr oc eedi ngsandpr oceedi ngsunder t heCr i mi nalPr ocedur eCode.Ther ei snodoubtt hatt hesai dpar amet er scanbes t r et chedby meansofani mper at i vepr oc ess ,however ,t hev erynec essi t yoft hepr ovi si oncannotbeput

onst akebyt heCour tduet ot hec ompl i cat i onsoft heCour t .Thesect i onshoul dbef ol l owe d scr upul ousl ybyt heCour t s ....

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