Cell analogy - parts of a cell compared to a kitchen PDF

Title Cell analogy - parts of a cell compared to a kitchen
Author Sam Ordigoz
Course Science Grade 10
Institution Streetsville Secondary School
Pages 3
File Size 75.9 KB
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Document comparing the parts of a cell to a real life analogy, in this case a kitchen. Helps understand the function of all of the different parts of a cell....


Kitchen Vacuole: The vacuole in a plant cell stores food, water and waste inside of the plant cell. It’s like a extra storage compartment in a cell. A vacuole is like a fridge in a kitchen because it stores food & water. Likewise, the fridge is like the vacuole because it is like a storage compartment and stores food and water. A fridge stores food and water similar to how a vacuole does. Without the vacuole all the excess water, food and waste would just be swimming around in the cytoplasm similarly how without a fridge the food would get spoiled and we would have no place to put the food. Cell membrane: The cell membrane is responsible for what enters and exits the cell and is in control. It makes sure nothing bad can enter the cell and nothing that is needed inside a cell can exit the cell. Similarly the kitchen doors are like the cell membrane in a plant cell because they control what exits and enters the cell. Without the cell membrane, anything could enter the cell and it could cause damage to the cell and the organelles. Similarly without doors, anyone can just come into our house and take anything they want and leave. Mitochondria: The mitochondria is like a powerhouse. The mitochondria produces the energy. The energy produced by the mitochondria allows the cell to perform activities the cell needs too. The mitochondria is similar to the oven. This is because the heat produced by the oven allows it to make the food. The oven similarly acts like a powerhouse. It technically produces energy and without the oven we wouldn't be able to cook our food like without the mitochondria there would be no energy for the cell to use. The cell would be living but dead inside. Nucleus: The nucleus is the control centre of the plant cell. It controls the cell. Similarly the electricity plug is like a nucleus. It's basically in charge. It gives electricity to anything like the stove. It's in charge because it gives energy to the stove. It's in control and controls what gets energy and what doesn't. Without the nucleus in a cell there wouldn't be any one in control. The organelles would be allowed to do whatever they want and won't function properly the way they're supposed and could do wrong things that could cause damage to the cell. Similarly without the electricity plug, electricity would just be flying around. We wouldn't be able to cook our food because no one's “in charge”. Ribosomes: The ribosomes link amino acids to help make the proteins in the cell. The cell needs the proteins to live. The ribosomes are likewise whoever cooks in the kitchen because they make the food for the rest of the people in the house. They are responsible and make sure the people get the food and get the proteins they need. Without the ribosomes, the cell wouldn't have proteins and wouldn't be a healthy cell and probably die. Similarly without the person that cooks the food in the kitchen we wouldn't get our food and the proteins we need and we wouldn't be healthy either and probably die. Cytoplasm: The cytoplasm is the liquid inside of the plant cell. It allows all the organelles in the cell to move. It allows movement. it’s similar to the floor in the kitchen. It allows the people to move the same way cytoplasm allows everything inside of a cell move. It allows movement.

Without the cytoplasm the organelles wouldn't be able to move and would be stuck in one place; they wouldn't be able to function and probably the cell would die. Similarly without the floor we wouldn't be able to move as we wouldn't have anything to walk on and do what we are supposed to.

Golgi apparatus: The golgi apparatus processes and sorts and delivers the proteins in the cell(created by the endoplasmic reticulum and with the help from the ribosomes). It makes sure that the proteins are sorted in categories and that they are delivered to the rest of the cell. Likewise it's similar to the plates and the bowls in the kitchen. This is because the bowl and plates “carry” the food from the serving point to the dining table similar to how the golgi apparatus processes sorts and delivers proteins in the cell. The bowls all contain different food(similar to how the golgi apparatus sorts out all the proteins. Without the golgi apparatus the proteins wouldn't be sorted into different categories. Neither would the cell get the proteins because the golgi apparatus delivers the proteins to the cell. Similarly without bowls and plates we wouldn't have anything to put our food in and eat in. Our food wouldn't be sorted either. It would all be mushed together and that would taste bad. Lysosome: The lysosome gets rid of unwanted material and waste the plant cell doesn't need/want. It makes sure that everything that isn't needed is out of the cell. The lysosome is similar to the garbage bin in the kitchen. This is because similar to the lysosome how it gets rid of unwanted material and waste the cell doesn't need/want. This is similar to a garbage bin as it also gets rid of unwanted material and waste. Without the lysosome, all the unwanted material and all the waste would just be in the cell and it would create more problems. Without the garbage bin in the kitchen we wouldn't have anywhere to through the garbage(ex.vegetable peels). It would just stay in our homes and rot away and smell bad. Chromosome:The chromosome contains the genetic information of a cell. It contains the DNA. Similarly it's like a recipe book. The recipe book contains all the information of the recipes in the book(kind of like a dna). Without the chromosome the cell would die as it wouldn't be able to replicate itself. Similarly without the recipe book in the kitchen we wouldn't know what to cook since it contains all that information. Endoplasmic reticulum: The endoplasmic reticulum is a folded organelle that makes proteins. Similarly it’s like the whole kitchen because like that's where the food is produced and cooked in the same way that the endoplasmic reticulum makes proteins. Without the endoplasmic reticulum there would be no food because to make the food we need proteins. Similarly without the kitchen and the stuff inside it(ex.stove) we wouldn't be able to cook and therefore have no food. The endoplasmic reticulum is very important. Cell wall: The cell wall is responsible for keeping the cell safe; it's basically like a cell membrane. Similarly it's like the walls in a kitchen. It keeps out everything that can possibly harm the cell. Without the cell wall anything could basically enter the cell and do whatever. Similarly without the walls in the kitchen, anyone can enter and do whatever they want.

Chloroplast: The chloroplast is responsible for making food. Using a process called photosynthesis, it absorbs sunlight and carbon dioxide to make food. Similarly, the stove makes our food. The stove cooks our food. Without the stove we wouldn't have food. We wouldn't be able to cook our food. Similarly without the chloroplast in the plant cell the plant won't get its food and its color of green. The chloroplast is also responsible for that. The cell would eventually die because it wouldn't have food to live on and we probably would without a stove too because we would have to eat raw food which would eventually make us sick....

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