Author Chibuzor Okonmah
Pages 4
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CENTRALIZED AND DECENTRALIZED CURRICULUM There are some issues related to curriculum development, among of them are about the centralized and decentralized curriculum. This issue is often out of the hands of individuals involved in course development but has impact on all aspects of curriculum devel...


CENTRALIZED AND DECENTRALIZED CURRICULUM There are some issues related to curriculum development, among of them are about the centralized and decentralized curriculum. This issue is ofen out of the hands of individuals involved in course development but has impact on all aspects of curriculum development. In Centralizaton and Decentralizaton in Educatonn Natonal olicies and ractces UNESCO, 2005n 6), it is explained that in the principle, centralizaton and decentralizaton apply to all essental educaton sector functons including planning and plan implementaton monitoring, budget and fnancial management, personnel management, academic management, and provision of infrastructure including procurement. lanning and lan Implementaton and Monitoring In all countries, central government retains the functon of natonal policy setng and in most countries for natonal planning, including long-term and medium-term planning. Annual acton plans sometmes referred to as annual planning and lineed to annual budgetng which is undertaeen at sub- natonal level. In some countries, strategic planning functons are also the responsibility of regional or provincial enttes. or educaton levels considered strategic, such as secondary educaton in many countries, school mapping remains a centralized functon while responsibilites have been devolved to lower ters of government for primary educaton. As decentralizaton proceeds, increasingly informaton come from certain monitoring and evaluaton systems grow in educaton sectors all over the world sometmes reversing some of the potental benefts of decentralizaton through increased bureaucratzaton and control. Budget and inancial Management Budget preparaton and allocaton, expenditure management and monitoring are ofen a shared responsibility between central and decentralized levels of government. There are countries where the Ministry of Educaton is not involved in the budget allocaton process. In many countries by fare the largest share 80 percent and more) of the total public recurrent budget for educaton is executed through the budgets of local level governments. This suggests that by its very nature, educaton fnancing is already much more decentralized than other areas of government actvity At the same tme, grantng resource allocaton and budget executon autonomy to local level governments maees achieving of natonal educaton targets difcult thereby limitng the leverage of the Ministry of Educaton to implement natonal sector policy. In many countries the annual incremental increases in the educaton budgets have been shifed to local level authorites and private contributors,...

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