CH 29 Multimedia multiple choice questions ans answers pdf PDF

Title CH 29 Multimedia multiple choice questions ans answers pdf
Author Anonymous User
Course Computer Science
Institution Uttaranchal University
Pages 9
File Size 572.3 KB
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All the Multiple Choice e Question and Answer (MCQs)) have been compiled from the boo oks of Data Communication and Networking by the well known auth hor behrouz A forouzan.

ation and Networking – Multimedia multiple This Data Communica choice Questions and Answers (MCQ) PDF covers the e below lists of topics. ultiple Choice Question and Answ 1. Cryptography Mu wer. 2. Encryption Multip ple Choice Question and Answer. ple Choice Question and Answer. 3. Decryption Multip 4. Symmetric-key crryptography Multiple Choice Que estion and Answer. ography Multiple Choice Question n and 5. Public-key crypto Answer.

Practice now to sharpen your concept. 1. We can divide audio broad o and video services into _______ b categories. A. three B. two C. four D. none of the above

2. ________ audio/videeo refers to on-demand requests fo or compressed audio/video o files. A. Streaming live B. Streaming stored d C. Interactive D. none of the above

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r and 3. __________ audio/viideo refers to the broadcasting of radio TV programs through the Internet. A. Interactive B. Streaming live d C. Streaming stored D. none of the above

4. _________ audio/vid deo refers to the use of the Internett for interactive audio/video applications. A. Interactive B. Streaming live C. Streaming stored d D. none of the above e

5. According to the Nyquist theorem, we need to sample an analog he highest frequency. signal ________times th A. three B. two C. four D. none of the above

ng, the differences between the sam mples are 6. In ________ encodin encoded instead of enco oding all the sampled values. A. predictive B. perceptual C. both a and b D. none of the above

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7. ________ encoding is based on the science of psychoaccoustics, which is the study of ho ow people perceive sound A. Predictive B. Perceptual C. both a and b D. none of the above

8. ____________ is used to compress images. A. MPEG B. JPEG C. either a or b D. none of the above

9. __________ is used to t compress video. A. MPEG B. JPEG C. either a or b D. none of the above

10. The first phase of JPEG J is ___________ A. DCT transformatiion B. quantization C. data compression n D. none of the above e

Answer key for MCQ SET- 1 Q-1 Q-2 Q-3

Correc ct Answer :three Correc ct Answer :Streaming stored Correc ct Answer :Streaming live

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Q-4 Q-5 Q-6 Q-7 Q-8 Q-9 Q-10

Correc ct Answer :Interactive Correc ct Answer :two Correc ct Answer :predictive Correc ct Answer :Perceptual Correc ct Answer :JPEG Correc ct Answer :MPEG Correc ct Answer :DCT transformation

Multimedia multiplle choice questions and answers MCQ Set-2

1. The second phase of JPEG is ___________ A. DCT transformatiion B. quantization n C. data compression D. none of the above

2. The third phase of JPEG is ___________ A. DCT transformatiion B. quantization C. data compression n D. none of the above

_______ 3. Jitter is introduced iin real-time data by the _________ A. error caused during transmission B. delay between pa ackets C. both a and b D. none of the above

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4. To prevent ________ __, we can timestamp the packets and me from the playback time. separate the arrival tim A. error B. jitter C. either a or b D. none of the above

5. A ________buffer is required for real-time traffic. A. playback B. reordering C. sorting D. none of the above

6. A __________on eacch packet is required for real-time traffic A. timestamp B. sequence numbe er C. both a and b D. none of the above

7. Real-time traffic neeeds the support of ____________ A. broadcasting B. multicasting C. both a and b D. none of the above

8. __________ means changing c the encoding of a payload d to a lower quality to match the ba andwidth of the receiving network.. A. Translation

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B. Mixing C. both a and b D. none of the above

9. __________ means combining c several streams of traffiic into one stream A. Translation B. Mixing C. both a and b D. none of the above

10. _________ is not su uitable for interactive multimedia traffic because it retransmits ppackets in case of errors. A. UDP B. TCP C. both a and b D. none of the above

Answer key for MCQ SET- 2 Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-5 Q-6 Q-7 Q-8 Q-9

Correc ct Answer :quantization Correc ct Answer :data compression Correc ct Answer :delay between packets Correc ct Answer :jitter Correc ct Answer :playback Correc ct Answer :both a and b Correc ct Answer :multicasting Correc ct Answer :Translation Correc ct Answer :Mixing

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Q-10 Correcct Answer :TCP

Multimedia multiplle choice questions and answers MCQ Set-3

1. ________ is the protocol designed to handle real-time traffic on the Internet A. TCP B. UDP C. RTP D. none of the above

2. RTP uses a temporaary even-numbered _______ port A. UDP B. TCP C. both a and b D. none of the above

otocol for controlling the flow and d quality of 3. ___________ is a pro data. A. RTP B. RTCP C. UDP D. none of the above

4. RTCP uses an odd-numbered n _______ port number th hat follows the port number selecteed for RTP A. UDP

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B. TCP C. both a and b D. none of the above

5. ___________ is an ap pplication protocol that establishees, manages, and terminates a multimedia session A. RIP B. SIP C. DIP D. none of the above 6. _______ is a standarrd to allow telephones on the publiic telephone network to talk to comp puters connected to the Internet A. SIP B. H.323 C. Q.991 D. none of the above

7. A real-time video performance lasts 10 min. If there iss jitter in the system, the viewer spends s _______ minutes watching the performance A. less than 10 B. more than 10 C. exactly 10 D. none of the above

8. A _______ shows thee time a packet was produced relative to the first or previous packett. A. timestamp B. playback buffer C. sequence numbe er

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D. none of the above

9. _______ are used to number the packets of a real-timee transmission A. Timestamps B. Playback buffers ers C. Sequence numbe D. none of the above 10. In a real-time video conference, data from the serverr is _______ to the client sites. A. unicast B. multicast C. broadcast D. none of the above

Answer key for MCQ SET- 3 Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-5 Q-6 Q-7 Q-8 Q-9 Q-10

Correc ct Answer :RTP Correc ct Answer :UDP Correc ct Answer :RTCP Correc ct Answer :UDP Correc ct Answer :SIP Correc ct Answer :H.323 Correc ct Answer :more than 10 Correc ct Answer :timestamp Correc ct Answer :Sequence numbers Correc ct Answer :multicast...

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