Ch 6 Notes - human sexuality notes PDF

Title Ch 6 Notes - human sexuality notes
Author Jennifer J
Course Human Sexuality
Institution Baylor University
Pages 2
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human sexuality notes unit 1 introduction to course...


CHAPTER 6: Sexuality in Childhood + Adolescence - Psychosexual development – development of the psychological components of sexuality Sexuality in Infancy + Childhood (0-11) - Babies sensual pleasure from stroking, cuddling, bathing, etc - Cutaneous Phase (skin) - 1st phase of sexual development (Borneman) o Infants skin = a “single erogenous zone” - Psychosexual maturity (including ability to love), begins to develop in infancy - Infants learn about their gender role expected of them Infancy + Sexual Response (0-2) - Body begins 1st sexual response in utero o Ex: boys have erections - Signs of sexual arousal in girls = less easily detected, but begin soon after birth (vaginal lubrication + genital swelling) - Infants can have orgasms - Capacity for sexual response is present soon after conception - After birth, the accumulation of a wide range of physical, emotional, + intellectual experiences begins Childhood Sexuality (3-11) - Curiosity + Sex Play o Children @ 3 begin exploring bodies w/ other kids o Childhood sex play does NOT create the orientation - Masturbation + Permission to Feel Pleasure o Children vary in age where they begin to conceal their sexuality, it appears to occur b/w ages 6 – 10 Family Context - Fam Nudity o Accept + respect a child’s body + nudity: greet w/ friendliness, not horror or harsh words o Don’t punish or humiliate a child for seeing their parents naked, going to bathroom, or being sexual w/ each other o Respect a child’s need for privacy - Expressing Affection o All children (+adults) need freely given physical affection from those they love  There’s no prescription for the right amt or form of such expression, but its quantity + quality affect both kid’s emotional well-being + emotional + sexual health of the adults they will become o Kids should be told, in a nonthreatening way, that kind of touching by adults is “acceptable” what’s “not acceptable”  Kids need to feel in charge of their own bodies o It’s not necessary to scare a kid by going into great detail about the kinds of bad things that others might do to them sexually  Rather instill a sense of self-worth + confidence in kids so they wont allow themselves to be victimized

o Listen to kids + trust them Sexuality in Adolescence (12-19) - Puberty – the biological stage of human development when the body becomes capable of reproduction - Puberty begins: 12 – girls; 14 – boys - Adolescence – the social + psychological state that occurs b/w beginning of puberty + acceptance into full adulthood - Avg age of 1st intercourse = 17 Psychosexual Development - Adolescents are sexually mature in a physical sense; still learning about their gender + social roles Physical Changes During Puberty - Hormones inc as kid approaches puberty - Rapid physical changes is triggered by hypothalamus o Inc secretions that cause the pituitary gland to release large amts of hormones into the bloodstream o Hormones = gonadotropins – stimulate activity in gonads + are chemically identical in b/g o Hormones act on ovaries to make estrogen o Hormones cause testes to inc testosterone production o Higher levels of hormones = development of secondary sex characteristics o Onset of Spermarche (development of sperm in testicles) + menstruation begins - 1st sign of puberty in girls @ 10.5 = breast development o Growth spurt -> pubic + underarm hair -> onset of vaginal mucus secretion o Menarche (onset of menstruation) follows in 1-2 yrs - Precocious Puberty – appearance of physical + hormonal signs of pubertal development @ an earlier age than is considered normal o < 7 in girls; < 9 in boys o More common in girls; boys is bc of underlying med condition, or inherited - Goal of precocious puberty = halt or reverse sexual development + stop rapid growth + bone maturation that can result in short stature - If a young person isn’t prepared for outcomes + responsibilities that accompany sex behavior, social, psychological, + emotional problems may result - Takes boys 3-4 yrs for body to experience hormonal changes o 1st sign = testicles grow -> pubic hair -> growth spurt -> voice deepening - 1st Ejaculation = most important psychosexual event in male adolescence (kinsey) Influences on Psychosexual development Parental Influence - Parents are ideal sex educators but kids learn from observing their parents behavior + fam dynamics + characteristics -...

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