Ch 7 notes PDF

Title Ch 7 notes
Course Human Resource Management
Institution University of Manitoba
Pages 5
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Includes book and class notes....


Chapter:7 Orientation; Training, career planning Onboarding: it is the process of integrating and acculturating new employees into the organization and providing them knowledge to become successful and productive. Onboarding Includes: orientation, socializing, training and development activities Outcomes of onboarding: greater retention, faster time to productivity, increased motivation, and engagement. Purpose of onboarding        

Reduce turnover Reduce Errors and Saves Time. Startup costs- additional costs associated with new employees. Develop clear job and organizational expectations Improves job performance-because of clear expectations. Increase Organization Stability Reduce anxiety Reduce grievances- outlines disciplinary regulations Reduce need for discipline The process on onboarding can be expensive and time consuming.

Two Components of Onboarding 1. Orientation: During orientation process the following information is provided to the new employees.  Organizational issues: history, name and titles, overview, policies, employee handbook.  HR related topic: pay, vacation, benefits, services, programs, counselling.  Role expectations: job location, job overview, safety, job task, objectives and relationships. 2. Socialization: the continuing process by which an employee begins to understand and accept the values, norms and beliefs that are held by others in the organization, involves turning outsiders into insiders, may have taken place even before employee joins the organization. Orientation and socialization programs help speed up the onboarding process and benefit both the employee and the organization. Training and development Training- planned activities aimed to provide employees with enhanced skills to perform their current jobs. The benefit of training extends throughout a person’s entire career and help develop that person for future responsibilities. Development - planned activities aimed to providing employees with enhanced skills and competencies for the future job. Training aims towards present job and development is about future job responsibilities. Identify the KSAO (knowledge, skills, abilities and others) needed for the job vs finding KSAO in new hire has the gap is filled with training. If the person is successful in their current job, then that person might be considered for promotion which means new job responsibilities and thus need new knowledge that is covered under development. Which is basically imparting KSAO before even giving promotion?

Learning organization: an organization that has an enhanced capacity to learn, adapt and change Knowledge management: an ability to use people’s knowledge. Capturing, distributing and effectively using knowledge. Human resource department (HRD): integrates the use of onboarding, training, employee development and career development efforts to improve the individual, group and organizational effectiveness

Need for training    

Business environment and technology is changing constantly: need for lifelong learning. organizations are becoming flatter meaning multiple skills are needed in one employee Work effectively with diverse employees. Tech development: different strategies for training requires fresh skills.

The training system Sequence of events: Need assessment: diagnosis of present problems and future challenges that can be met through training or development. Training can be used when high accident rates, low morale and motivation are diagnosed. Need to consider each person working. Needs for assessment may be determined by: HR department, supervisor, self-nomination Sources of information that indicates need for training are production records, performance appraisals, safety, grievance absenteeism, turnover etc.  Training Objectives: 1.Desired behavior 2.acceptable performance criteria 3.conditions under which training is to occur.  Program content teaches skills, provide knowledge based on objectives and needed assessment.  Learning principles: guidelines to the ways people learn effectively. 1.participation 2.repetition 3.relevance 4.transference  Program implementation / training techniques 1. On the job:  job rotation,  apprenticeship (training from more experienced employees) and coaching (trainer provides the training). 2. Off the job:  lecture and videos presentations  job labs and simulation- avoid disruption with normal functioning of the organization.  role playing- A training techniques that requires trainees to assume different situations.  case studies- trainees learn about real life or hypothetical situations.  self-study and programmed learning 3. Web-based learning: Virtual reality / augmented reality – use of modern computers technology to create a 3D environment.

Popular web-based tools (important is to know what is fake which is 90% of the time and what is correct information) 1.Blogs: text and graphs 2.RSS rich site summary – format delivering changing content. 3.Webcasts: audio and video 4.Wikis (beware of incorrect information) 5.Social networking websites (almost all info is fake) 

Evaluation associated 1.Employee benefits: skill improved, self-development, self-confidence, sense of growth 2. Organizational benefits: improved performance leading to higher profitability. improved morale, lower costs, better corporate image, latest research is showing employee retention is improved, in fact employees have known to stay at lower salary if they have a feeling of growth which comes with training and development program.

Strategic HR development Identify the essential job skills and management of employees learning in relation to corporate and business strategies. Key developmental decisions; 1) Talent management. 2)who to develop Steps to create employee development plans 1.Assess employee needs 2.Link competencies and skills to business goals. 3.Identify learning and development activities. 4.Determine resources needed 5.Identify barriers (time of executives, money and budget, reluctance of executives to be coaches and mentors)

Developmental strategies: Cognitive strategy: cognitive altering thoughts and ideas, increase knowledge and expertise (use lectures, seminars, academic education). Believes in constant learning and upgrading. Behavioral strategies:   

behavioral modeling: show employees how to do something and help them copy or imitate you. Sensitivity/ mindfulness training- effective method of making managers more aware of the impact of their behaviors on others. Team building

Environmental strategy: providing the organizational setting in which employees can thrive and develop. Most promising developmental strategy.         

Job rotation Temporary assignments Employee exchange programs The learning organization Project teams Lateral transfer (movement of employee from one position to another) Cross cultural management training Diversity and inclusion training Job definition / reclassification.

Internal consulting (troubleshooting assignment)

Evaluation of training and development    

reaction. Happiness or smile sheet knowledge and skills: behavior: looks for actions of the employees organization results 1) using evidence at each stage. 2) cost benefit analysis.9 analysis undertaken to assess the cost-effectiveness of a project or program.

The leadership grid: 5 leadership styles 1.impoverished (concern for production at 1; concern for people 1) 2.produce or perish (9, 1) 3.middle of the road (5,5) club (1,9): this is also pretty bad productivity suffers (9,9) team building mentoring

Career planning and development career planning: process by which someone becomes more aware of their interests, needs and motivation career management: series of formal and less formal activities designed and managed by organization. career development: series of activities undertaken by individual in pursuit of their careers Individual career development (be proactive) 1.demonstrate exceptional job performance 2.increase visibility and exposure within the organization 3.leave the organization to seek a better job 4.demonstrate organizational commitment mentors, sponsors and coaches

How do employees measure career success?    

Advancement Learning Employability- able to make money to survive and have applicable experiences Psychological factors -self-esteem, self-actualization, satisfaction.

Factors affecting individual career choices. social environment concern work-life balance personality job fit

Tools to raise career options awareness

   

Workshop/ seminars Job posting Career paths Career counselling

Processes to facilitate career planning

   

Succession planning Human resource planning Training and development function Performance Management

Benefits of active career planning      

Develops promotable employees Lowers turnover Employee growth satisfaction Optimizes organizational potential Taps employee potential Assists organization meeting its legal requirement....

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