CH01.pdf finance study PDF

Title CH01.pdf finance study
Course Financial Management
Institution Humber College
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CH01.pdf finance study sheet for midterm and finals...


chapter 1 TRUE/ F ALSE.Wr i t e' T' i ft hes t a t e me nti st r ueand' F'i ft hes t a t eme nt i sf a l s e.

1) To obtain the necessary money a company sells financial assets or securities. Ans we r : Tr ue

Fa l s e

2) The liability of sole proprietors is limited to the amount of their investment in the company. Ans we r : Tr ue

Fa l s e

3) General partners have limited personal liability for business debts in a limited partnership. Ans we r : Tr ue

Fa l s e

4) The corporate form of business organization is often accompanied by separation of ownership and management. Ans we r : Tr ue

Fa l s e

5) A major disadvantage of partnerships is that they have "double taxation" of profits. Ans we r : Tr ue

Fa l s e

6) Capital budgeting decisions are used to determine how to raise the cash necessary for investments. Ans we r : Tr ue

Fa l s e

7) As your firm grows, you may decide to form a corporation. You may incorporate your firm federally, under the Canadian Business Corporation Act, or provincially, under the relevant provincial laws. Ans we r : Tr ue

Fa l s e

8) The duties of a corporate controller typically include the preparation of financial statements. Ans we r : Tr ue

Fa l s e

9) A successful investment is one that increases the value of the firm. Ans we r : Tr ue


Fa l s e

The primary goal of any company should be to maximize current period profit.

Ans we r : Tr ue

Fa l s e

11)Maximizing profits is the same as maximizing the value of the firm. Ans we r : Tr ue


Ethical decision making in business can be viewed as a long-term investment in reputation.

Ans we r : Tr ue


Fa l s e

Fa l s e

Agency problems act as a hindrance to the goal of maximizing firm value.

Ans we r : Tr ue

Fa l s e

14) Managers are spurred on by incentive schemes that provide big returns if shareholders gain but are valueless if they do not. Ans we r : Tr ue

Fa l s e


15)If employee compensation plans are not designed properly, they can create incentives for errant behaviour by management. Ans we r : Tr ue

Fa l s e

16) Poorly performing companies are also more likely to be taken over by another firm. After the takeover, the old management team may find itself out on the street. Ans we r : Tr ue

Fa l s e

17) Managers are subject to the scrutiny of specialists. Their actions are monitored by the security analyst who advises investors to buy, hold, or sell the company's shares. Ans we r : Tr ue


Fa l s e

The agency problem is mitigated in practice through several devices.

Ans we r : Tr ue

Fa l s e

MULTI PLECHOI CE.Choos et heoneal t e r na t i vet ha tbe s tc ompl et est hes t a t eme ntora ns we r st heque s t i on.

19)In which of the following organizations would the existence of agency problems be least likely? B)a sole proprietorship A)a partnership C)a corporation D)a closely held corporation Ans we r :B


Which of the following represents a financing decision? A)a decision to buy a new mainframe computer. B)a decision to borrow $10 million through a bank loan. C)a decision to pay $1 million of accounts payable. D)a decision to invest in the common stock of another corporation.

Ans we r :B

21) For small firms, shareholders and management may be one and the same. But for large companies, separation of ownership and management is: B)a practical necessity. A)a fraudulent move. D)a liability. C)not a necessity. Ans we r :B


Which of the following would not be considered a real asset? B)a machine C)a corporate bond A)a factory



Ans we r :C

23) Which of the following would be considered an advantage of the sole proprietorship form of organization? B)wide access to capital markets A)profits taxed at only one level D)unlimited liability C)a pool of expertise Ans we r :A


Sole proprietorships resolve the issue of agency problems by: A)forcing owners to bear the full cost of their actions. B)discharging those who violate the rules. C)avoiding excessive expense accounts. D)allowing owners to share the cost of their actions with others.

Ans we r :A

25) When managers' compensation plans are tied in a meaningful manner to the profits of the firm, agency problems: B)are shifted to other stakeholders. A)can be reduced. C)will be created. D)are eliminated entirely from the firm. Ans we r :A

26)In a firm having both a treasurer and a controller, which of the following would most likely be handled by the controller? B)internal auditing A)insurance C)credit management D)banking relationships Ans we r :B


Which of the following is not an advantage to incorporating a business? A)becoming a permanent legal entity. B)easier access to financial markets. C)profits taxed at the corporate level and the shareholder level. D)limited liability.

Ans we r :C

28)In a partnership form of organization, income tax liability, if any, is incurred by: B)the partnership itself. A)Neither the partnership nor the partners. C)the partners individually. D)Both the partnership and the partners. Ans we r :C

29)In the case of a professional corporation, A)Neither the professionals nor the business C)Both the professionals and the business

has/have limited liability. B)only the business D)only the professionals

Ans we r :B

30) A firm decides to pay for a small investment project through a $1 million increase in shortterm bank loans. This is best described as an example of a(n): B)capital budgeting decision. A)capital market decision. D )investment decision. C)financing decision. Ans we r :C

31) Which of the firm's financial managers is most likely to be involved with obtaining financing for the firm? B)board of directors A)controller C)treasurer D)chief executive officer Ans we r :C

32)In a large corporation, budget preparation would most likely be conducted by the: B)financial manager. A)chief financial officer. C)controller. D)treasurer. Ans we r :C


Which of the following groups is least likely to be considered a stakeholder of the firm? B)government C)employees D)bondholders A)competitors

Ans we r :A


What are the two critical decisions that have to be made by the financial manager? B)debt and equity. A)investment and financing. C)short term and long term. D)All of the choices are correct.

Ans we r :A


Profit-sharing plans may be beneficial when used to: A)improve managers' incentives for effective decision making. B)reduce the payment of cash dividends. C)reduce the impact of corporate income taxes. D)divert financial resources from shareholders.

Ans we r :A


One continuing problem with managerial incentive-compensation plans is that: A)the plans do not reward shareholders. B)effectiveness of the plans is difficult to evaluate. C)managers prefer guaranteed salaries. D)the plans increase agency problems.

Ans we r :B


Which of the following is least likely to represent an agency problem? B)plush remodeling of the executive suite. A)executive incentive compensation plans. C)lavish spending on expense accounts. D)excessive investment in "safe" projects.

Ans we r :A

38) Which of the following statements best distinguishes the difference between real and financial assets? A)financial assets represent claims to income that are generated by real assets. B)financial assets appreciate in value; real assets depreciate in value. C)real assets are tangible; financial assets are not. D)real assets have less value than financial assets. Ans we r :A


The short-term decisions of financial managers are comprised of: B)both investment and financing decisions. A)investment decisions. C)financing decisions. D)capital structure decisions.

Ans we r :B

40) Which of the following would correctly differentiate general partners from limited partners in a limited partnership? A)general partners have more job experience. B)general partners have an ownership interest. C)general partners have unlimited personal liability. D)general partners are subject to double taxation. Ans we r :C


A corporation's board of directors: A)can be voted out of power by the shareholders. B)is selected by and can be removed by management. C)is selected by a vote of all corporate stakeholders. D)has a lifetime appointment to the board.

Ans we r :A

42) One common reason for partnerships to convert to a corporate form of organization is that the partnership: A)faces rapidly growing financing requirements. B)agreement expires after ten years of use. C)wishes to avoid double taxation of profits. D)has issued all of its allotted shares. Ans we r :A


Which of the following is correct regarding board membership in a corporation? A)in a public corporation, shareholders are not board members. B)in a private corporation, shareholders are also board members. C)all corporations have board of directors. D)All of the choices are correct.

Ans we r :D


The overall goal of capital budgeting projects should be to: A)increase the wealth of the firm's shareholders. B)decrease the firm's reliance upon debt. C)increase the firm's outstanding shares of stock. D)increase the firm's sales.

Ans we r :A


Ethical decision making by management has a payoff for shareholders in terms of: B)enhanced reputation value. A)increased managerial benefits. C)improved capital structure. D)higher dividend payments.

Ans we r :B


Ethical decision making in business: A)is less important than good capital budgeting decisions. B)reduces the firm's profits. C)requires adherence to implied rules as well as written rules. D)is not in the best interests of shareholders.

Ans we r :C


Firms can alter their capital structure by: A)not accepting any capital budgeting projects. B)issuing stock to repay debt. C)becoming a limited liability company. D)investing in non-tangible assets.

Ans we r :B


A corporation is considered to be closely held when: A)the market value of the shares is stable. B)it operates in a small geographic area. C)only a few shareholders exist. D)management also serves as the board of directors.

Ans we r :C

49) A managerial objective to increase market share is more likely to be successful in the long run if the firm is: B)selling shares in the secondary market. A)investing in capital budgeting projects. D)managed by the board of directors. C)the low-cost producer in the industry. Ans we r :C


The best criterion for success in a capital budgeting decision would be to: A)maximize the difference between cash inflows and cost. B)maximize the number of capital budgeting projects. C)finance all capital budgeting projects with debt. D)minimize the cost of the investment.

Ans we r :A


Which of the following appears to be the most appropriate goal for corporate management? A)minimizing the company's liabilities. B)maximizing market value of the company's shares. C)maximizing the company's market share. D)maximizing the current profits of the company.

Ans we r :B


The primary goal of corporate management should be to: B)maximize the firm's profit. A)maximize the shareholders' wealth. C)maximize the number of shareholders. D)minimize the firm's costs.

Ans we r :A

53) When a corporation decides to issue long-term debt in order to pay for the acquisition of real assets, it has made a: B)money market decision. A)secondary market decision. C)capital budgeting decision. D)financing decision. Ans we r :D


A corporate board of directors should provide support for the top management team: A)only when the board has confidence in management's actions. B)under all circumstances. C)if shareholders are pleased with the firm's performance. D)in all decisions related to cash dividends.

Ans we r :A

55) When the management of a business is conducted by individuals other than the owners, the business is more likely to be a: B)partnership. A)sole proprietorship. C)general partner. D)corporation. Ans we r :D


"Double taxation" refers to: A)all partners paying equal taxes on profits. B)corporations paying taxes on both dividends and retained earnings. C)the fact that marginal tax rates are doubled for corporations. D)paying taxes on profits at the corporate level and on dividends at the personal level.

Ans we r :D


The legal "life" of a corporation is: A)permanent, as long as shareholders don't change. B)permanent, regardless of current ownership. C)equal to the life of the board of directors. D)coincident with that of its CEO.

Ans we r :B


One corporate activity that is specifically reserved for the board of directors is the: B)day-to-day operation of the firm. A)preparation of budgets. C)declaration of dividends. D)custody of records.

Ans we r :C


By organizing itself as a corporation, a business may be able to attract: B)proprietors. C)agents. A)investors.


Ans we r :A


How may a reduction in cash dividends be in the best interests of current shareholders? A)a reduction of cash dividends cannot be in the best interests of current shareholders. B)the firm will have available cash to increase current investment and future profits. C)reduced dividends increase managerial compensation, thus increasing their motivation. D)dividends are taxed at twice the rate of other gains.

Ans we r :B


A chief financial officer would typically: A)report to the controller, but supervise the treasurer. B)report to both the treasurer and controller. C)supervise both the treasurer and controller. D)report to the treasurer, but supervise the controller.

Ans we r :C


Which of the following would be considered a capital budgeting decision? A)a decision to expand into a new line of products, at a cost of $5 million B)repurchasing shares of common stock C)issuing debt in the form of long-term bonds D)planning to issue common stock rather than issuing preferred stock

Ans we r :A

63) The financial manager has to determine a value to uncertain cash flows. The variables involved in this determination are: B)timing A)risk D )All of the choices are correct. C)amount Ans we r :D


Long-term financing arrangements occur in the: A)money markets. C)primary markets.

Ans we r :D


markets. D)capital markets.


A first step in determining managerial objectives is to: A)select an appropriate capital structure. B)eliminate agency problems. C)serve the needs of the customer. D)develop appropriate compensation policies.

Ans we r :C


A board of directors is elected as a representative of the corporation's: A)customers. B)shareholders. C)top management. D)stakeholders. Ans we r :B


Corporations are referred to as public companies when their: A)shareholders have no tax liability. B)products or services are available to the public. C)shares are held by the federal or state government. D)shares are widely traded.

Ans we r :D

68) A manager's compensation plan that offers financial incentives for increases in quarterly profitability may create agency problems in that: A)investors desire stable profits. B)the managers are not motivated by personal gain. C)the board of directors may claim the credit. D)short-term, not long-term, profits become the focus. Ans we r :D


Unlimited liability is faced by the owners of: A)corporations. C)all forms of business organization.

B)partnerships D)sole

and corporations. proprietorships and partnerships.

Ans we r :D


Agency problems can best be characterized as a: A)spending corporate resources. B)differing incentives between managers and owners. C)dislike of firm's bondholders by its equity holders. D)friction between the primary and secondary markets.

Ans we r :B


A corporation is characterized by: A)a legal entity unto itself (may sue or be sued, engage in contracts, acquire property). B)simplicity of decision making. C)non-profitable. D)sufficient funds to fulfill their needs.

Ans we r :A

72) When a corporation fails, the maximum that can be lost by an investor protected by limited liability is: A)the amount of the profit on the investment. B)the amount necessary to pay the corporation's debts. C)the amount of the initial investment. D)the amount of the investor's personal wealth. Ans we r :C


The shareholders in a sole proprietorship are represented by: A)the owner of the firm. B)the board of directors of the firm. C)no one; sole proprietorships have no shareholders. D)the general partner of the firm.

Ans we r :C


Whom of the following is not a financial manager? B)the treasurer. A)the marketing manager. C)the controller. D)the chief financial officer (CFO).

Ans we r :A


Corporate managers are expected to make corporate decisions that are in the best interest of: B)the corporation's shareholders. A)top corporate management. C)the corporation's board of directors. D)all corporate employees.

Ans we r :B


The term "corporate stakeholder" typically refers to: A)a company's customers. B)the management and board of directors of the firm. C)the equity holders of the firm. D)anyone with a financial interest in the firm.

Ans we r :D

77) Which of the following statements generally cannot be correct for an investor who faces unlimited liability on an investment? A)the investor has no partners. B)the investor is responsible for managing the firm. C)the investor is subject to double taxation. D)the investor owns stock in the firm. Ans we r :C


An example of a firm's financing decision would include: A)how much to pay for a specific asset. B)whether or not to increase the price of its products. C)the issuance of ten-year versus twenty-year bonds. D)acquisition of a competitive firm.

Ans we r :C


Which of the following is least likely to be discussed in the articles of incorporation? A)the purpose of the business. B)the number of members of the board of directors. C)the price range of the shares of stock. D)the maximum number of shares that can be issued.

Ans we r :C


A common problem for closely held corporations is: A)that shareholders receive only one vote each. B)lack of access to substantial amounts of capital. C)the separation of ownership and management. D)an abundance of agency probl...

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