CH06 - testbank PDF

Title CH06 - testbank
Course Conflict and negotiation
Institution University of Guelph
Pages 13
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TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false 1) Perception

is a "sense-making" process; people interpret their environment so they can make appropriate responses to it. Answer:



2) The perceiver's

own needs, desires, motivations, and personal experiences are unlikely to create a predisposition about the other party in an upcoming negotiation. Answer:



3) Halo

effects occur when people generalize about a variety of attributes based on the knowledge of one attribute of an individual. Answer:


4) Stereotyping Answer:


and halo effects are examples of perceptual distortion by generalization



5) Projection

occurs when people assign to others the characteristics or feelings that they do not possess, but wish that they could, themselves. Answer:


6) Stereotyping Answer:


is the least common distortion of the perceptual process.



7) The negotiator's

own biasesfor example, the predisposition to view a handshake as aggressive or confidentare likely to affect how the other party's behaviour is perceived and interpreted. Answer:



8) A

frame is the subjective mechanism through which people evaluate and make sense out of situations, leading them to pursue or avoid subsequent actions. Answer:

9) Frames Answer:



emerge and converge as the parties refuse to talk about their preferences and priorities. True


10) One of

the ways framing affects negotiation is by influencing how negotiators interpret available options. Answer:



11) A

gain/loss frame affects human behaviour and choice largely through its effect on people's risk preferences. Answer:

12) A



reference point is an arbitrary point used to evaluate an alternative as either a gain or a loss.





13) A

party's predisposition to achieving a specific result or outcome from the negotiation is called a perspective frame . Answer:


14) The aspiration


frame refers to a predisposition toward satisfying a broader set of interests or needs

in negotiation. Answer:



15) Multiple agenda items Answer: 16) Frames


have no effect on issue development.


shape what the parties define as the key issues and how they talk about them.



17) Perception Answer:


is the process by which individuals "connect" to their environment. True


18) Stereotyping

and halo effects are examples of perceptual distortion by the anticipation of encountering certain attributes and qualities in another person. Answer:



19) A

perceptual bias is the "sense making" mechanism through which people interpret their environment so they can respond appropriately. Answer:

20) Halo



effects can be positive or negative.




21) Framing

is about focusing, shaping, and organizing the world around us, but does not define persons, events, or processes. Answer:

22) Naming



occurs when parties in a dispute label or identify a problem and characterize what it is

about. Answer: 23) Blaming Answer:


occurs as the parties try to determine who or what caused the problem. True

24) The definition Answer:



of issues at stake in a negotiation may not change as the discussion evolves.



25) Frames

are shaped by conversations that the parties have with each other about the issues in the bargaining mix. Answer:




26) One of

the most important aspects of framing as issue development is the process of unframing or the manner in which the thrust, tone, and focus of a conversation change as the parties engage in it. Answer:



MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question 27) Perception


A) the process

by which individuals detach from their environment.

B) a simple mental process. C) a factor

that can affect how meanings are ascribed. to the perceiver's current state of mind.

D) unrelated Answer: C 28) Which

of the following lists the stages of the perceptual process in the correct order? A) Stimulus, behaviour, translation, attention, recognition B) Stimulus, translation, attention, recognition, behaviour C) Stimulus, attention, recognition, translation, behaviour D) Behaviour, stimulus, recognition, attention, translation

Answer: C 29) Halo

effects occur when:

A) the perceiver singles

out certain information that supports or reinforces a prior belief, and filters out information that does not confirm that belief. B) people ascribe to others the characteristics or feelings that they possess themselves. C) people generalize about a variety of attributes based on the knowledge of one attribute of an individual. D) attributes are assigned to an individual solely on the basis of his or her membership in a particular social or demographic group. Answer: C 30) Projection

occurs when: A) people generalize about a variety of attributes based on the knowledge of one attribute of an individual. B) attributes are assigned to an individual solely on the basis of his or her membership in a particular social or demographic group. C) people assign to others the characteristics or feelings that they possess themselves. D) the perceiver singles out certain information that supports or reinforces a prior belief and filters out information that does not confirm that belief.

Answer: C 31) In

which type of frame would parties be more likely to engage primarily in distributive (win-lose or lose-lose) negotiations than in other types? A) Process B) Loss-gain C) Identity D) Outcome Answer: D


32) An

insight drawn from research of the frames negotiators use in disputes would suggest that parties discussing salary may be likely to use outcome frames and may be related to which of the following? A) Particular types of frames may lead to particular types of agreements. B) Mismatches in frames between parties are sources of conflict. C) Specific frames may be likely to be used with certain types of issues. D) Negotiators can use more than one frame. Answer: C

33) Those attempting

to negotiate in China recognize the value the Chinese place in saving "face." All of the following cultural elements should be examined in approaching discussions with the Chinese, except: A) Social linkage B) Currency C) Roles D) Harmony Answer: B

TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false 34) Cognitive biases Answer:


facilitate negotiator collaboration. False

35) A

country that continues to pour military resources into an unwinnable armed conflict is a classic example of the mythical belief that the issues under negotiation are all fixed-pie issues. Answer:



36) Those who

believe in the mythical fixed pie assume there is no possibility for integrative settlements and mutually beneficial trade-offs, and they suppress efforts to search for them. Answer:



37) The winner's

curse refers to the tendency of negotiators, particularly in an auction setting, to settle quickly on an item and then subsequently feel discomfort about a negotiation win that comes too easily. Answer:



38) In

decision theory, the law of small numbers refers to the tendency of people to ignore information gleaned from small sample sizes. Answer:


39) Actor—observer


effect can be thought of as "If I mess up, it's bad luck; if you mess up, it's your

fault!" Answer:




MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question 40) The irrational escalation

of commitment bias refers to: A) the standard against which subsequent adjustments are measured during negotiation. B) the perspective or point of view that people use when they gather information and solve problems. C) a negotiator's commitment to a course of action, even when that commitment constitutes irrational behaviour on his/her part. D) how easily information can be recalled and used to inform or evaluate a process of a decision.

Answer: C 41) All of

the following are cognitive biases, except: dilemma B) the irrational escalation of commitment C) the process of anchoring and adjustment in decision making D) the belief that the issues under negotiation are all "fixed pie" A) the negotiator's

Answer: A 42) The availability of

information bias operates with which of the following statements? negotiators sometimes maintain commitment to a course of action even when that commitment constitutes irrational behaviour on their part. B) When thorough preparation, along with the use of a devil's advocate or reality check, can help prevent errors. C) When the tendency of negotiators to believe that their ability to be correct or accurate is greater than is actually true. D) When information that is presented in vivid, colourful, or attention-getting ways becomes easy to recall, and thus also becomes central and critical in evaluating events and options. A) When

Answer: D 43) Which

of the following cognitive biases can lead negotiators to discount the worth or validity of the judgment of others? A) Anchoring and adjustment B) Irrational escalation of commitment C) Mythical fixed-pie beliefs D) Overconfidence Answer: D

44) The endowment effect: A) is

making attributions to the person or the situation negotiators believing that their ability to be correct or accurate is greater than actually true C) is drawing conclusions from small sample sizes D) is the tendency to overvalue something you own or believe you possess B) is

Answer: D


45) An

investor who continues to put more money into a declining stock in hopes its fortunes will turn exemplifies which of the following cognitive biases? A) Anchoring and adjustment B) Escalation of commitment C) The winner's curse D) Mythical fixed pie Answer: B

46) Which

of the following cognitive biases refers to the tendency of negotiators to settle quickly in negotiation and then subsequently feel discomfort about a win that comes too easily? A) The winner's curse B) Anchoring and adjustment C) Escalation of commitment D) Mythical fixed pie Answer: A

47) In

explaining another person's behaviour, the tendency is to overestimate the causal role of ________ factors and underestimate the causal role of ________ factors. A) personal; situational B) external; internal C) external; personal D) situational; personal Answer: A

48) When

different negotiators apply different, or mismatched, frames, they will find the bargaining process: A) emotional and distracting B) clear and concise C) ambiguous and frustrating D) simple and positive Answer: C

49) The best way to

manage perceptual and cognitive biases is: A) to understand how biases happen B) to minimize them. C) to hide them. D) to ignore them.

Answer: A TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false 50) It is

not likely that negotiators will apply multiple frames to the same negotiation.




51) Research

shows that simply telling people about misconceptions and cognitive biases does little to counteract their effects, Answer:


52) Resentment is Answer: 53) Moods


the most widely discussed emotion by negotiation researchers.



and emotions are essentially the same thing.





54) Research

by Brooks and Schweitzer revealed that negotiators who felt anxious performed worse than negotiators whose feelings were more neutral. Answer:


55) Positive and Answer:

negative emotions tend to be classified under the single term "happiness."


56) There are no Answer: 57) Much



benefits to anger.



of the research that has been done on emotion emphasizes negative states.




MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question 58) The distinction

between mood and emotion is based on which of the following characteristics,

except: A) specificity

B) intensity

C) conformity

D) duration

Answer: C 59) Negative emotions

may lead parties to:

A) more integrative processes


C) escalate the conflict

D) promote persistence

define the situation as integrative

Answer: C 60) A

negative mood increases the likelihood that the actor will: A) be less persistent in attempting to achieve their objectives. B) increase sympathic behaviour toward the other. C) behave compassionately in negotiations. D) increase belligerent behaviour toward the other.

Answer: D 61) ________

emotions may lead parties to escalate the conflict. B) Validated C) Positive

A) Uncontrollable

D) Negative

Answer: D 62) Positive feelings

are more likely to lead the parties toward more: A) conscientious processes B) integrative processes C) distributive processes D) egotistical processes

Answer: B ESSAY. Write your answer in the space provided or on a separate sheet of paper 63) Define perceptual distortion Answer:

by generalization.

Perceptual distortion by generalization occurs when small amounts of perceptual information are used to draw large conclusions about individuals. 7

64) What is Answer:

65) How

Stereotyping occurs when attributes are assigned to an individual solely on the basis of his or her membership in a particular social or demographic group.

does projection occur?


66) A


Projection occurs when people assign to others the characteristics or feelings that they possess themselves and it arises out of a need to protect one's own self-concept.

key issue in perception and negotiation is framing. What is meant by framing?


67) How

are frames critical in negotiations?


68) How

A frame is the subjective mechanism through which people evaluate and make sense out of situations, leading them to pursue or avoid subsequent actions.

Because how parties frame and define a negotiating issue or problem is a clear and strong reflection of what they define as central and critical to negotiating objectives, what their expectations and preferences are for certain possible outcomes, what information they seek and use to argue their case, the procedures they use to try to present their case, and the manner in which they evaluate the outcomes actually achieved.

does an outcome frame function in an environmental dispute?


An outcome frame is a party's predisposition to achieving a specific result or outcome from the negotiation. To the degree that a negotiator has a specific, preferred outcome he or she wants to achieve, the dominant frame may be to focus all strategy, tactics, and communication toward getting that outcome. Parties who have a strong outcome frame are more likely to engage primarily in distributive (win-lose or lose-lose) negotiations than in other types of negotiations.

69) List the five concepts

from Chinese culture, as identified by C. Tinsley that those attempting to negotiate in China should recognize. Answer:

Social linkage, harmony, roles, reciprocal obligations, and face.

70) What role do

frames play in the way they are constructed so that bargainers define problems and courses of action jointly through their talk? Answer: Frames are shaped by conversations that the parties have with each other about the issues in the bargaining mix. Although both parties may approach the discussion with initial frames that resemble the categories described earlier, the ongoing interaction between them shapes the discussion as each side attempts to argue from his or her own perspective or counter-argue against the other's perspective.

71) How

do multiple agenda items operate to shape issue development?


Although parties usually have one or two major objectives, priorities, or core issues, there are often a number of lesser or secondary items. When brought into the conversation, these secondary concerns often transform the conversation about the primary issues.


72) Why do

mismatches occur in frames between parties' sources of conflicts? Answer: Negotiators may apply several different, or mismatched, frames to the same negotiation. Such mismatches cause conflict and ambiguity, which may either create misunderstanding, lead to conflict escalation and even a stalemate, or lead one or both parties to "reframe" the conflict into frames that are more compatible and that may lead to resolution. For highly polarized disputes, mutual reframing may not occur without the help of a third party.

73) Define cognitive biases. Answer: 74) Explain Answer:

Systematic errors made when processing information. "Irrational Escalation of Commitment." Negotiators sometimes maintain commitment to a course of action even when that commitment constitutes irrational behaviour on their part. Once a course of action is decided, negotiators often seek supportive (confirming) evidence for that choice, while ignoring or failing to seek disconfirming evidence.

75) What can

help prevent errors of anchoring and adjustment? Answer: Thorough preparation along with the use of a devil's advocate or reality check.

76) Define risk-averse and Answer:

77) In


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