Chance 7e TB Ch06 - Chapter 6 Test bank PDF

Title Chance 7e TB Ch06 - Chapter 6 Test bank
Course Introduction To Learning And Behavioral Analysis
Institution Queens College CUNY
Pages 5
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Chapter 6 Test bank...


Cha pt e r6 :Re i nf o r c e me nt :Be y ondHa bi t Multiple Choice 1. Shaping is the reinforcement of successive _______. a. responses b. elements of a chain c. approximations of a desired behavior d. increases in the intensity or topography of a behavior Ans: C Ref: 169 2. The figure below from your text illustrates _______. a. shaping b. chaining c. random behavior d. secondary reinforcement Ans: A Ref: 169; figure 6-1

3. Skinner and two students discovered shaping in the course of teaching a pigeon to ________. a. dance b. bowl c. jump rope d. peck at a sign that said, “Peck.” Ans: B Ref: 170 4. All of the following are useful tips for shaping behavior except ________. a. reinforce small steps b. reinforce immediately c. provide small reinforcers d. never back up Ans: D Ref:173


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5. The first step in building a behavior chain is to do a ______. a. response analysis b. task analysis c. elemental analysis d. factor analysis Ans: B

Ref: 174

6. Skinner trained Plyny to perform a behavior chain. Plyny was a ______. a. rat b. pigeon c. dog d. philosophy student Ans: A Ref: 174 7. The classic experiments on insightful problem solving were done with chimpanzees by _________. a. Harry Harlow b. B. F. Skinner c. Wolfgang Kohler d. Richard Herrnstein Ans: C Ref: 177 8. Insightful problem solving is best viewed as an example of _______. a. unconscious processes b. trial-and-error learning c. Pavlovian conditioning d. operant learning Ans: D Ref: 178 9. The banana experiment by Robert Epstein and colleagues, which paralleled Kohler’s experiments with chimps, demonstrated that insight ______. a. is a mysterious process that defies explanation b. occurs in people but not in animals c. accounts for the solution to problems d. depends on an organism’s learning history Ans: D Ref: 179 10. In her work with porpoises, Karen Pryor gradually realized that what she had to do to get novel behavior from the animals was to _______. a. reinforce novel behavior b. punish repetitive behavior c. shape the novel behavior she wanted d. provide noncontingent reinforcement Ans: A Ref: 182


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11. Some studies show that offering rewards reduces creativity. Research by Robert Eisenberger and others suggests that this is because in these studies _______. a. creativity was measured differently b. the rewards were too weak c. the rewards were not contingent on creative behavior d. the participants were too young to do creative work Ans: C Ref: 183 12. Probably the best way of increasing the creativity of stories in an English class is to _______. a. praise particularly original stories b. read all the stories to the class c. ask a professional writer to talk to the class d. create stress, since creative people are generally unhappy Ans: A Ref: 183 13. Superstitous behavior is behavior that occurs repeatedly despite the fact that it __________. a. is strange b. is not supported by facts c. does not produce the reinforcers that maintain it d. ultimately works to the disadvantage of the individual Ans: C Ref: 184 14. Koichi Ono got superstitious behavior in university students by providing points noncontingently at regular intervals. One student ended up repeatedly ______. a. jumping to touch the ceiling b. pounding on the table with a shoe c. moving his head from side to side like a pendulum clock d. shifting her weight from one foot to the other Ans: A Ref: 186 15. Studies of learned helplessness use the ______ procedure. a. reward training b. escape training c. positive punishment d. negative punishment Ans: B Ref: 188 16. One idea for preventing learned helplessness is _______ training. a. self-esteem b. inoculation c. immunization d. reality Ans: C Ref: 188 17. Robert Eisenberger and his colleagues demonstrated that reinforcement can establish learned ______. a. laziness b. helplessness c. incompetence d. industriousness Ans: D Ref: 189 TESTBANKCHAPTER6

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18. Stuart Vyse’s book on superstition is called _______. a. Quest for Truth b. The Science of Mystery c. Believing in Magic: The Psychology of Superstition d. Self-Deception Ans: C Ref: 190 True/False 19. The author of your text probably believes that most childhood tantrums are due to unintentional shaping by adults. T (171) 20. Meerkats train their young using procedures that resemble shaping. T (171) 21. In shaping, it is sometimes a good idea to back up-- i.e., to reinforce earlier approximations of the desired behavior. T (173) 22. One tip for successful shaping of behavior is to provide large reinforcers. F (173) 23. Backward chaining begins with the reinforcement of the last behavior in the chain. T (175) 24. Kohler thought that insight was achieved suddenly, but other work suggests that it is achieved gradually. T (177) 25. Creative behavior is a function of its consequences. T (181) 26. Reinforcement reduces creativity because creativity requires new forms of behavior. F (183) Completion 27. Shaping is the reinforcement of _______ of a desired behavior. Ans: successive approximations (169) 28. Normally, the first step in chaining is task _______ . Ans: analysis (174) 29. The solution to a problem is behavior that produces_______. Ans: reinforcement/reinforcers (176) 30. Karen Pryor demonstrated that she could reinforce novel behavior. Her subjects were ________. Ans: porpoises (182) 31. Learned helplessness may be avoided through _______ training. Ans: immunization (188) Short Essay 32. Describe how you would use shaping to train a pigeon to hop on one foot. (172) Answers should suggest reinforcement of successive approximations, such as lifting one foot, holding the foot above the floor, etc. 33. Your text describes various tips for shaping effectively. Describe as many of these tips as you can. (172) Five are identified: reinforcing small steps; providing immediate reinforcement;provide small reinforcers; reinforce the best approximation available; back up when necessary. 34. Describe the basic laboratory procedure for establishing superstitious behavior. Explain why it is usually difficult to specify in advance what superstitious behavior will result. (185) Students should mention coincidental reinforcement of behavior. They may mention reinforcement at timed intervals. Since there is no contingency between a particular behavior and reinforcing consequences, there is no way that the outcome can be predicted. TESTBANKCHAPTER6

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35. Why is insight not an adequate explanation of problem solving? (inferred from 177) Al t hou g hp e opl e( i n c l ud i n gma n yps y c hol o gi s t s )s a yt h e ys o l v epr o bl e ms“t h r ou g hi ns i g h t ”i nf a c tt h e t e r ms i mp l yd e s c r i b e st h ef a c tt ha tas o l u t i o nh asb e e na r r i v e da t ,a pp ar e nt l y( bu tn o ta c t ual l y ) wi t ho utbe ne fito fr e i nf o r c e me n t . I n s i g h ti sar e s u l t ,n o tac au s e ,o fs ol ut i on s —wes ay ,“ Ah a ! ”af t e r weh av ef o un dt hes ol u t i on, no tb e f o r e .


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