Chap 4 Industrial Relations in Canada 4th Edition By Fiona Mc Quarrie Test Bank PDF

Title Chap 4 Industrial Relations in Canada 4th Edition By Fiona Mc Quarrie Test Bank
Author Melody Didi
Course Business Strategy
Institution Centennial College
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Chap 4 Industrial Relations in Canada 4th Edition By Fiona Mc Quarrie Test Bank, Study materials for exams. HRPD 709....


Industrial Relations in Canada 4th Edition By Fiona McQuarrie – Test Bank


Multiple Choice Questions

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What simple term is often used to refer to the first level of the union structure? Membership Council Local The 1st

Answer C

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Page 89


What two factors determine how local union decisions are made? Majority of votes cast in favour and influence of the executive Wishes of the membership and influence of the business agent High member participation and turnout at membership meetings None of the above

Answer B

16. 17. 18. 19. 20.


Which of the following is not a determinant in the size of a local union? The number of workers The geographic location of workplaces The finances of the union The structure of the relevant employment sector

Answer C

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Page 89

Page 92


Which of the following events generally has the highest level of member participation? The ratification vote Elections of union officials Special grievance meetings The regular monthly meeting

Answer A

21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

Page 92


Which of the following is generally thought to not factor prominently enough in union functions? Protecting wages Advocating for laws to help working people Protecting working conditions Collective bargaining

Answer B

Page 94


26. What labour body represents workers’ interests to local government, municipal councils, boards, and commissions? 27. The municipal labour council 28. The town council 29. The labour council 30. The local council of the national union Answer C

31. 32. 33. 34. 35.

Page 98


What elements of the labour council’s work are financed through dues from local union affiliates? Elections and other local union votes Union work performed by the elected officers, volunteers and other union members Research and reports in support of union initiatives All of the above

Answer B

Page 99


36. The CLC Code of union citizenship acknowledges all but which of the following in relation to CLC affiliates? 37. Different sizes 38. Internal structures 39. Geographic locations 40. Inequitable gender representations Answer D

Page 103


41. What is the major mechanism through which the direction of the Canadian Labour Congress is determined? 42. The national convention 43. The vice-presidents’ council 44. The executive board 45. The delegates’ council

Answer A

46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

Page 106


Which of the following has helped to shape the distinctive quality of Industrial relations in Quebec? Religion Culture Outside ownership and control All of the above

Answer D

Page 107


51. Who was the first president of the Canadian Labour Congress to be elected when a previous president was also running for re-election? 52. Hassan Husseini 53. Ken Georget 54. Buzz Hargrove 55. Hassan Yussuff Answer D

56. 57. 58. 59. 60.

Page 111


What is the largest centralized labour federation in Quebec? The Quebec Federation of Labour The Confederation of National Trade Unions The Canadian Catholic Confederation of Labour The Quebec Teacher’s Federation

Answer A

66. 67. 68. 69. 70.


Unlike many labour organizations, the ILO is an agency of what international body? NATO United Nations WTO OPEC

Answer B

61. 62. 63. 64. 65.

Page 106

Page 107


What is the Solidarity Fund? A fund to assist disadvantaged workers A fund to provide medical and pension benefits A labour sponsored investment fund An employer sponsored investment fund

Answer C

Page 108


71. 72. 73. 74. 75.

What is the supreme authority in the Confederation of National Trade Unions? The president The membership The vice-presidents’ council The congress

Answer D

76. 77. 78. 79. 80.


Page 110


Which sector comprises the majority of membership in the Centrale des syndicats du Québec Education sector The health sector The private sector None of the above

Answer A

91. 92. 93. 94. 95.

Page 111

What is the name of the Confederation of National Trade Unions’ labour sponsored investment fund? Solidarity fund Fondaction The Quebec Pension fund Investment Quebec

Answer B

86. 87. 88. 89. 90.


Which of the following is an important international labour body? The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development The International Federation of Trade Unions The International Labour Organization All of the above

Answer C

81. 82. 83. 84. 85.

Page 110

Page 108-109


Which of the following is a distinct feature of the FTQ’s relationship with the CLC? Control over health in Quebec Exclusive control over the operation of local labour councils Adjustment of per capita fees All of the above

Answer B

Page 107-108


96. Who acts as the voice of labour at the national level?

97. The Trades and Labour Congress 98. The Canadian Labour Congress 99. The Canadian Congress of Labour 100. The Quebec Federation of Labour Answer B

101. 102. 103. 104. 105. Answer C

106. 107. 108. 109. 110. Answer B

111. 112. 113. 114. 115. Answer A

116. 117. 118. 119. 120. Answer D

121. 122. 123. 124.

Page 107


What does union structure seek to ensure? It remains politically active It is financially viable It is directed by the wishes of its membership It is democratically constituted Page 98


Which of the following does not have paid positions? CLC Labour Councils Provincial federations of labour National labour federations Page 99


Parent unions do all of the following except Conclude collective agreements for the local Assist in the creation of local unions Assist the local in resolving conflict with the employer Advise in the area of collective bargaining Page 112


A greater percentage of Canadians belong to which type of union? International union Unaffiliated union Public sector union National union Page 95


What is not a generic term for parent union? regional provincial national

125. Answer B

126. 127. 128. 129. 130. Answer C

131. 132. 133. 134. 135. Answer A

international Page 95


Historically low levels of member participation indicate all but which of the following? Members are happy with the direction taken on issues Members do not need to attend ratification votes Unions function better when few members control it Members are satisfied Page 92-93


Members who take time away from their jobs to serve on the executive Retain their seniority and benefits Take leave without pay and cannot return to their union job Must resign their position Get to be promoted upon their return Page 90


136. Almost 20 years ago, which labour council altered its focus to concentrate on the community’s needs? 137. Toronto Labour Council 138. Halifax Labour Council 139. Regina Labour Council 140. Calgary Labour Council Answer D

141. 142. 143. 144. 145. Answer B

146. 147. 148. 149. 150.

Page 86


All but which of the following are forms of union participation? Complaining about the union’s activities Deciding not to attend a meeting Informal discussions about union issues with other union members Serving on the union executive Page 93


Labour councils interact on what level(s) to represent workers’ interests? Court representation Parliamentary committees Provincial government Commissions

Answer D

Page 99-100



151. The Canadian labour movementconsists of a network of relationships both direct and indirect which is both large and complex. True Page 88

152. False Page 88

153. True Page 90

154. dues. False Page 91


The regional union is considered the cornerstone of union structure. intermediate

Usually the union membership is free to structure the union as it sees fit. difficult

Members of a local union pay a percentage of their salary as their monthly membership


155. Parent unions generally set aside a percentage of their fees for a strike fund used to pay members when they are on strike or locked out. True Page 98


156. Motions can be passed or defeated at conventions by effective lobbying of those in attendance True Page 97


157. Local unions send delegates to their federation’s annual convention. Each local is always entitled to an equal number of delegates. False Page 198


158. The Canadian Labour Congress represents the interests of workers at all levels of government in Canada. False Page 102-103


159. The Canadian Labour Congress constitution sets out the premise that affiliates will not organize or attempt to represent employees that are organized and have an established collective bargaining relationship with another affiliate. True Page 104


160. An affiliate can claim justification to the CLC by outlining the reasons for the organizing action being considered. True Page 105




What does it mean to be ‘in good standing’?

A member must be eligible for membership in his or her local union and must comply with the constitution and by-laws of the local union. (Page 98 intermediate)


What are some of the responsibilities of shop stewards in the local unions?

Shop stewards can be elected or are volunteer union members who volunteer their time to handle day-to-day issues in the workplace. They investigate worker complaints or grievances and they act as an advocate on behalf of employees with management. They attend disciplinary meetings to ensure the discipline is proper and act as witnesses to the process. They also distribute union literature and welcome new union members (Page 90, easy)

163. What is the approach of the Canadian Labour Congress when a prospective union does not fit within any of the CLC’s established jurisdictions or spheres of activity? The Canadian Labour Congress would directly charter the independent union as an affiliate and would provide this directly chartered union with the same type of services that a regional, national, or international union provides to its local unions. (Page 106, difficult)


List some of the functions of parent unions.

Parent unions assist the local union in the organizing process and provide specially trained staff to assist in the negotiation process. They also provide economists and other research specialists. They conduct educational programs and assist the local with workplace issues and the grievance handling processes. They can help create local unions by providing the support of a professional organizer. (Page 97, intermediate)


How are the affairs of the parent union governed and what style of decision-making is used?

The affairs of the parent union are governed by a democratic decision-making process, based on membership participation and exercised at the annual convention or congress through their local delegates. (Page 96, easy)


What are some of the services provided by provincial labour federations?

Federations provide their local unions and affiliated labour councils with a range of services in the fields of communications, education, and research. They become involved in political activity if there is government movement towards changing labour legislation to negatively impact on unions’ interests. (Page 102, difficult)

167. List at least five of the types of issues, which are discussed at the national conventions of the Canadian Labour Congress.  Economic policy  Regional economic development  Health care  Social legislation and equity programs  Labour legislation  Women’s and human rights issues  Technological change  Pension issues  Environmental concerns  Immigration issues

 

Consumer issues International issues

(Page 107 easy)


Describe the function of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC).

It is an international union of unions. One of its most important functions is delivering labour education programs to assist workers in such regions as Asia, Africa, and Latin America in forming their own unions, developing leadership, and engaging in collective bargaining. (Page 111, intermediate)

169. Name the individual paid to assist in union operations and briefly describe their responsibilities. The business agent is the individual responsible for day-to-day union functions and assisting the executive members. The business agent usually has a role in contract negotiations, grievance handling, and can serve as an advisor to the union negotiating team during collective bargaining. (Page 91, intermediate)

170. Describe the range of activities in which labour councils are involved.  Providing strike support for local unions  Working to make child care available and affordable  Ensuring education is affordable and accessible  Lobbying to maintain health care  Lobbying to maintain social services systems  Lobbying to maintain unemployment insurance and pension benefits  Lobbying to protect the environment  Organizing community campaigns  Charity fundraising  Hosting CLC educational schools (Page 100, intermediate)



Describe the four major functions of the Canadian Labour Congress.

Suggested answer: The four major functions of the CLC are as follows: 172. The CLC lobbies the federal government for initiatives which favour working people and all Canadians. They do not limit themselves to strictly labour relations matters, but try to have an impact on any government actions which will have an effect on working people. Example: their fierce opposition to the North American Free Trade Agreement. 173. The CLC oversees jurisdictional conflicts between member unions. There is a policy which generally prohibits one member union from trying to displace another member union as the bargaining agent for a group of employees and any disputes should be referred to the CLC for resolution.  The CLC provides services to its affiliates: organizing, political education, communications, and research. 174. The CLC works to improve workers’ lives on the international labour scene.


Describe the structure and function of each level of the Canadian labour movement.

Suggested answer: The answer should include the following: 176. The Canadian Labour Congress and their functions 177. Provincial and territorial federations and their functions  District and local labour councils and their functions 178. Union locals and their functions 179. The union membership 180. National and international unions and their functions


List the major labour federations in Quebec and describe their basic philosophies?

Suggested answer: 

The Quebec Federation of Labour (FTQ): The provincial counterpart of the Canadian Labour Congress. It believes in business unionism with a social conscience and the cultural sovereignty of the province. It is Quebec’s largest labour federation and the CLC’s “voice” in Quebec. Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN): Once a very militant union, it has recently become more open to dialogue with employers on cooperative issues. It is both a federation and a functioning union. Centrale des syndicats du Québec (CSQ): Formerly the teachers union, it has changed its name to reflect its widening scope.

182. The local union carries out three major functions and is also responsible for three types of bargaining-related activities. What are the three major functions and how are they aligned with the three bargaining activities?

Suggested answer:

183. The three major functions that the local union carries out are: dealing with workplace problems or grievances; collective bargaining; and coordinating political or social activity. The familiarity with the issues that arise as a result of carrying out the three major functions informs how the local union responds to and best represents its members while determining what outcomes the membership feels are important during the bargaining process. This information is an important part of effectively prioritizing the desired union outcomes in order to shape bargaining strategies. These insights can be opportunities for coordinating the efforts of the union in bargaining sessions with the employer to achieve a final agreement that represents the memberships needs.


Discuss the affiliation that Canadian unions have with international labour federations.

Suggested answer: Several Canadian unions have international affiliations that are becoming more important as a result of globalization. The CLC (thus the FTQ) and the CSN are affiliated with ICFTU, which represents 125 million workers worldwide. ICFTU conducts labour education programs in areas of Asia, Africa, and Latin America to assist those populations in forming their own unions and collective bargaining The CLC is also affiliated with TUAC-OECD and has representation from the CLC in the nine member administrative committee. The TUAC transmits information from its member organizations to the OECD on labour issues that come up in OECD countries. The CLC has an affiliation with the Commonwealth Trade Union Council which Council’s main purposes are to promote international labour standards and exchange information among its members....

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