Chap005 - Test bank PDF

Title Chap005 - Test bank
Author boali Bo Ali
Course Principle of Management
Institution جامعة الملك فهد للبترول و المعادن‎
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Chapter 05 - Managing Diverse Employees in a Multicultural Environment

Chapter 05 Managing Diverse Employees in a Multicultural Environment TEST PLANNING TABLE FOR CHAPTER 5

Learning Goal




1. Discuss the increasing diversity of the workforce and of the organizational environment.

1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15 13, 16, 17, 18, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 101

42, 100, 102

2. Explain the central role that managers play in the effective management of diversity.


20, 21, 47, 48, 50

46, 49, 103

3. Explain why the effective management of diversity is both an ethical and business imperative.

22, 23, 24, 25, 51

52, 54, 61

4. Discuss how perception and the use of schemas can result in unfair treatment.

26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 33, 68, 71, 72,75, 76,77, 79, 80

31, 32, 34, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 73, 74, 81, 106

53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 104 78, 105

5. List the steps managers can take to effectively manage diversity.

82, 87

83, 84, 85, 86


6. Identify the two major forms of sexual harassment and how they can be eliminated.

35, 90, 93

36, 37, 38, 88, 89, 91, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 108

92, 109

Total number of test items: 109 True/false questions are in plain text. Multiple choice questions are in bold text. Short answer questions are in bold underlined text.


Chapter 05 - Managing Diverse Employees in a Multicultural Environment

True / False Questions 1. The term "diversity" refers to differences in gender, age, and socioeconomic background, but not in sexual orientation. True False

2. Effectively managing diversity can increase worker satisfaction but does not increase organizational effectiveness. True False

3. Compared to other types of employees, African-Americans have a harder time being promoted. True False

4. Compared to other types of employees, Asian-Americans have a harder time obtaining nontechnical jobs. True False

5. Compared to other types of employees, Hispanics are more likely to be assumed to have less education. True False

6. The "invisible barrier" within an organization that prevents women from being promoted to top management positions is called the glass ceiling. True False


Chapter 05 - Managing Diverse Employees in a Multicultural Environment

7. On average, the U.S population is projected to become younger. True False

8. The EEO law that first prohibited discrimination against persons with disabilities was Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. True False

9. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act became a law in the 1940's. True False

10. The Family Medical and Leave Act requires employers to provide 12 weeks of paid leave for medical and family reasons. True False

11. In Fortune 500 companies, women constitute roughly 50% of the managerial and professional employees, but only 15% of corporate officers. True False

12. Unfair treatment in the work place on the basis of gender is a thing of the past. True False

13. Research suggests that women are better than men in motivating others, communicating, and listening. True False

14. The Hispanic and Asian populations of the U.S are predicted to triple between 2000 and 2050. True False


Chapter 05 - Managing Diverse Employees in a Multicultural Environment

15. Unfair treatment in the work place on the basis of race is a thing of the past. True False

16. The ADA protects employees with AIDS from being discriminated against in the workplace. True False

17. Employers have an obligation under the ADA to educate other employees about AIDS. True False

18. Federal law prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation. True False

19. Managers can promote diversity through their interpersonal and decisional roles, but not through their informational roles. True False

20. Managers can influence others to support diversity through their positions of status. True False

21. Women and other minorities should ignore some slight unfair treatment. True False

22. The concept of procedural justice requires managers to be fair to subordinates in deciding who should be promoted within the organization. True False


Chapter 05 - Managing Diverse Employees in a Multicultural Environment

23. Diversity within the organization can be a source of competitive advantage to the organization. True False

24. While the workforce of organizations is becoming increasingly more diverse, the customers of organizations are becoming less diverse. True False

25. Increasingly, organizations are insisting that their suppliers demonstrate diversity in their own workforces. True False

26. Perception is a highly objective, rational process. True False

27. The process through which people select, organize, and interpret sensory input is called stereotyping. True False

28. Personal characteristics such as openness to experience are unlikely to affect perceptions. True False

29. Managers' perceptions are affected by their personality, and not by their experiences. True False

30. An abstract knowledge structure stored in memory that helps interpret and organize information is called a bias. True False


Chapter 05 - Managing Diverse Employees in a Multicultural Environment

31. Schemas can be accurate descriptions of the true nature of a person or situation. True False

32. Overt discrimination in the U.S. is unethical, but it is not illegal. True False

33. Overt discrimination by a manager violates the principle of distributive justice. True False

34. Overt discrimination by a manager does not violate the principle of procedural justice. True False

35. In the U.S., sexual harassment is unethical but it is not illegal. True False

36. Sexual harassment that creates a hostile work environment is more subtle than quid pro quo sexual harassment. True False

37. When a manager tells a lewd joke to another manager, this is an example of quid pro quo sexual harassment. True False

38. In the U.S., a hostile work environment is unethical, but it is not illegal. True False


Chapter 05 - Managing Diverse Employees in a Multicultural Environment

Multiple Choice Questions 39. The diversity of the U.S. workforce is ______________________; the diversity of suppliers and customers is ________________. A. Increasing; increasing B. Increasing; decreasing C. Decreasing; increasing D. Decreasing; decreasing E. Decreasing; staying the same

40. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act became a law in the: A. 1940's B. 1950's C. 1960's D. 1970's E. 1980's

41. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of all but one of the following. Which one? A. Sex B. Religion C. Age D. National origin E. Disability

42. According to Catalyst, Fortune 500 women compose about _____% of managerial and professional workers, but only about ______% of corporate officers. A. 70%, 10% B. 70%, 30% C. 50%, 15% D. 50%, 30% E. 40%, 30%


Chapter 05 - Managing Diverse Employees in a Multicultural Environment

43. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination in a wide range of employment decisions. Which one is NOT included? A. Hiring B. Working conditions C. Pay D. Firing E. All of the above are included

44. In the U.S., which of the following groups are expected to grow the most? A. African-Americans and Asians B. Asians and Hispanics C. Hispanics and non-Hispanic whites D. Hispanics and African Americans E. Asians and American Indians/Alaska Natives

45. Which federal law prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation? A. Title IIV of the Civil Rights Act B. ADA C. 1991 Civil Rights Act D. 1990 Discrimination in Employment Act E. No Federal law prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation.

46. Samantha runs her own small business. She treats all her employees, customers, and suppliers fairly, regardless of their age, gender, or ethnicity. She is acting in the _________ role by doing this. A. Decision-maker B. Liaison C. Leader D. Figurehead E. Negotiator


Chapter 05 - Managing Diverse Employees in a Multicultural Environment

47. A manager who is effectively managing diversity in the disseminator role would: A. Develop new ways to manage diversity B. Take quick actions to manage conflict arising from diversity C. Evaluate how fairly employees are being treated D. Communicate to employees about diversity policies E. None of the above

48. A manager who is effectively managing diversity in the liaison role would: A. Convey how valuable a goal effective management of diversity is B. Serve as a role model for treating others fairly C. Help diverse individuals to coordinate their efforts D. Support diversity initiatives in the wider community E. None of the above

49. Justin, a Human Resources Manager for XYZ Company, commits 20% of this year's budget to develop a new program for valuing diversity in the company. He is acting in the ________ role. A. Resource allocator B. Entrepreneur C. Monitor D. Negotiator E. Disturbance handler

50. A top manager giving a speech to employees about the importance of diversity is acting as a(n): A. Figurehead B. Leader C. Liaison D. Entrepreneur E. Negotiator


Chapter 05 - Managing Diverse Employees in a Multicultural Environment

51. Which of the following is an important area for a manager to exercise distributive justice within the organization? A. Allocation of pay raises B. Allocation of promotions C. Allocation of office space D. Allocation of job assignments E. All of the above

52. The idea that managers should receive a raise in pay based upon their contributions to the organization, and not based on their gender, is consistent with which principle? A. Social auditing B. Procedural justice C. Distributive justice D. The ombudsman effect E. The glass ceiling

53. The Dean of the College of Business at Whassamatta University assigns offices to faculty based on teaching evaluations. What principle is being illustrated? A. The Bullwinkle effect B. Procedural justice C. Quid pro quo D. Distributive justice E. The glass ceiling

54. The idea that job titles should be assigned to managers based upon their contributions to the organization, and not on their race, is consistent with which principle? A. Distributive justice B. Quid pro quo C. The glass ceiling D. Procedural justice E. The ombudsman effect


Chapter 05 - Managing Diverse Employees in a Multicultural Environment

55. At Lucky Car Rental, employees' promotions are based on their performance evaluations, independent of ethnicity, age, or gender. This is known as: A. Procedural justice B. The glass ceiling effect C. Distributive justice D. The ombudsman effect E. Social auditing

56. The Supervisor of medical billing at a hospital has been establishing a rubric that helps her to be objective when she decides whom to promote to a new position within her department. This is based upon which principle? A. The glass ceiling B. Procedural justice C. The ombudsman effect D. Social auditing E. None of the above

57. The Target retail store in Scottsdale, Arizona stocks baby trailers for bicycles because its customers want to buy this product, even though Target does not typically stock this product in its other stores. This is an example of: A. Procedural justice B. Distributive justice C. Managing diversity D. Bias E. The ombudsman effect

58. A Target retail store in Phoenix, Arizona stocks CDs with Spanish-speaking singers because its shoppers want to buy this type of item, even though the typical Target store does not stock this item. This is an example of: A. The ombudsman effect B. The quid pro quo effect C. Overt discrimination D. Social responsibility E. Managing diversity


Chapter 05 - Managing Diverse Employees in a Multicultural Environment

59. A Target retail store in Phoenix, Arizona stocks religious candles in the store because its shoppers want to buy these items, even though the typical Target store does not stock this item. This is an example of: A. The glass ceiling effect B. The ombudsman effect C. Managing diversity D. Social responsibility E. Whistle-blowing

60. The Target retail store in Scottsdale, Arizona stocks in-line skates because its shoppers want to buy this product, even though Target does not typically stock this item in its other stores. This is an example of: A. Social responsibility B. Managing diversity C. Distributive justice D. Procedural justice E. Bias

61. Ford Motor Co. assigns female engineers to an automobile design team to make sure that the needs of potential female customers are met in the design of the car. This is an example of: A. Bias B. Stereotyping C. Managing diversity D. The ombudsman effect E. Quid pro quo

62. The top management of American Airlines creates a policy that the company will require law firms which represent American Airlines to submit regular reports which show the amount of time that "diverse employees" of the law firm worked on American's account. This is an example of: A. Managing diversity B. Quid pro quo C. The ombudsman effect D. Bias E. Stereotyping


Chapter 05 - Managing Diverse Employees in a Multicultural Environment

63. General Motors Corporation (GM) reviews the extent to which law firms that would like to represent GM support diversity in their law firm's activities and then uses this information in deciding which law firms to assign to do GM's business. This is an example of: A. Stereotyping B. Quid pro quo C. The ombudsman effect D. Bias E. Managing diversity

64. The process through which selection, organization, and interpretation of experiences occurs is called: A. Bias B. Stereotyping C. Perception D. Scheming E. Discrimination

65. An example cited in the textbook as a company that works hard to make sure it accurately understands its customers' perceptions was: A. McDonald's B. Burger King C. Kentucky Fried Chicken D. Jack in the Box E. Taco Bell

66. Which of the following statements about schemas is true? A. People tend to pay attention to information that is inconsistent with schemas B. Schemas never change C. Schemas are derived from personality D. Schemas can be functional and useful E. Schemas are rarely inaccurate


Chapter 05 - Managing Diverse Employees in a Multicultural Environment

67. A manager assumes a number of things about a subordinate that are inaccurate just because that subordinate is an Asian female and "All Asian women are like that." This manager is exhibiting: A. The glass ceiling B. Quid pro quo harassment C. Stereotyping D. The similar-to-me effect E. None of the above

68. Faculty in the Department of Redundancy are reviewing the credentials of job candidates. In one of their first meetings, one very senior department member states, "We need to hire someone just like us." This person is exhibiting: A. The similar-to-me effect B. Quid pro quo harassment C. The glass ceiling D. Stereotyping E. A hostile work environment

69. A manager who has a simplistic and inaccurate opinion of subordinates who are female "just because they are women" is exhibiting: A. The similar-to-me effect B. The salience effect C. The social status effect D. Stereotyping E. Quid pro quo harassment

70. If a manager assumes a number of inaccurate things about a subordinate just because that subordinate has a different sexual preference from the manager and, "All gays are like that," that manager is exhibiting: A. The social status effect B. Stereotyping C. Quid pro quo harassment D. The similar-to-me effect E. The glass ceiling


Chapter 05 - Managing Diverse Employees in a Multicultural Environment

71. A simplistic belief about another person that is based on that person's gender, age, or race is known as: A. A bias B. A stereotype C. Overt discrimination D. Sexual harassment E. None of the above

72. The tendency for a manager to use information about subordinates in ways that result in inaccurate perceptions of these subordinates is known as: A. The glass ceiling effect B. Bias C. Whistle-blowing D. Auditing E. None of the above

73. If white, male managers perceive other white, male managers in a more positive way than they perceive other managers who are members of a minority group, this is an example of: A. The salience effect B. The similar-to-me effect C. The glass ceiling D. A hostile work environment E. The social status effect

74. A manager prefers to work with subordinates who think like that manager under the belief that "Birds of a feather flock together." This is an example of: A. The social status effect B. The salience effect C. The similar-to-me effect D. The glass ceiling E. Quid pro quo harassment


Chapter 05 - Managing Diverse Employees in a Multicultural Environment

75. When subordinates are treated unfairly by a manager simply because they are "different from" the manager, this is a type of bias known as: A. The proactive effect B. The salience effect C. The ombudsman effect D. The similar-to-me effect E. The social status effect

76. The tendency to perceive individuals differently based on their position or job is called: A. The similar-to-me effect B. The social status effect C. The salience effect D. The ombudsman effect E. The proactive effect

77. The tendency for a manager to focus her attention on subordinates who are "very different" from the manager is known as: A. The social status effect B. The resilience effect C. The salience effect D. The similar-to-me effect E. The ombudsman effect

78. A manager who has several male subordinates and one female subordinate and who pays closer attention to the female subordinate than the male subordinates when they offer ideas in work sessions is exhibiting: A. The salience effect B. A hostile work environment C. Quid pro quo harassment D. The similar-to-me effect E. The social status effect


Chapter 05 - Managing Diverse Employees in a Multicultural Environment

79. The idea that a manager has a tendency to judge people based on how conspicuous they are is called: A. The social status effect B. The salience effect C. The similar-to-me effect D. The ombudsman effect E. The social audit effect

80. Another name for "salience" is: A. Resilience B. Persistence C. Conspicuousness D. Similarity E. Stereotyping

81. When a manager knowingly and willingly denies a subordinate an opportunity for promotion within the organization because that subordinate is "different from" the manager, what has occurred? A. Sexual harassment B. Proactive approach C. Whistle-blowing D. Overt discrimination E. The glass ceiling

82. Which of the following is NOT a suggested way for an organization's top managers do to encourage diversity commitment throughout their organization? A. Encourage flexibility B. Ignore the numbers C. Encourage mentoring D. Provide training E. Secure top manag...

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