Chap010 - Test bank PDF

Title Chap010 - Test bank
Author boali Bo Ali
Course Principle of Management
Institution جامعة الملك فهد للبترول و المعادن‎
Pages 60
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Chapter 10 - Managing Organizational Structure and Culture

Chapter 10 Managing Organizational Structure and Culture TEST PLANNING TABLE FOR CHAPTER 10

Learning Goal




1. Identify the factors that influence managers’ choice of an organizational structure.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 36, 39

2. Explain how managers group tasks into jobs that are motivating and satisfying for employees.

6, 8, 9, 45, 7, 10, 11, 52, 48, 50, 53, 96 54, 55, 60, 63

46, 47, 49, 51, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 64, 97

3. Describe the types of organizational structures managers can design, and explain why they choose one structure over another.

12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 16, 18, 20, 68, 71, 72, 65, 66, 67, 75 69, 70, 73,74, 76

98, 99, 100

4. Explain why managers must coordinate jobs, functions, and divisions using the hierarchy of authority and integrating mechanisms.

21, 22, 27, 23, 24, 25, 28, 78, 79, 83 26, 29, 80, 81, 82, 84, 102

77, 101

5. List the four sources of organizational culture, and explain why and how a company’s culture can lead to competitive advantage.

30, 31, 32, 88 33, 35, 85, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 103

34, 104

Total number of test items: 104 True/false questions are in plain text. Multiple choice questions are in bold text. Short answer questions are in bold underlined text.



37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 94

Chapter 10 - Managing Organizational Structure and Culture

True / False Questions 1. The process by which managers establish the structure of working relationships among workers in an organization is called organizing. True False

2. According to contingency theory, there is "one best way" to design an organization's structure. True False

3. The number of new problems that a manager faces in his job is known as task analyzability. True False

4. The degree to which managers can use programmed solutions to problems is known as task variety. True False

5. The type and degree of technology that an organization uses is an important factor in the design of the structure of the organization. True False

6. The last step in organizational design is job design. True False


Chapter 10 - Managing Organizational Structure and Culture

7. Increasing the number of different tasks in a job by changing the division of labor of the job is known as job enrichment. True False

8. Increasing the degree of responsibility that a worker has over his job is known as job enrichment. True False

9. The extent to which the design of a job requires the worker to perform all of the tasks that are required to complete the job successfully is known as the task significance. True False

10. The degree to which a manager feels that her job is meaningful because of the way that it affects other people is known as the autonomy of the job. True False

11. The degree to which a job design gives the manager the freedom to schedule his tasks and to decide how to carry them out is known as the task significance. True False

12. The design of all of the departments that are contained within an organization is called the functional structure of the organization. True False

13. The design of all of the business units that an organization uses to create its products is known as the divisional structure of the organization. True False


Chapter 10 - Managing Organizational Structure and Culture

14. A division is a collection of departments that work together within the organization to produce a product line or several product lines. True False

15. When managers organize divisions according to the type of product that they produce, this is known as a market structure. True False

16. When managers organize divisions according to the region of the world in which they operate, this is known as a geographic structure. True False

17. When managers organize divisions according to the types of customer to whom they market their products, this is known as a product structure. True False

18. When managers group workers both by function and by product within the same structure, this is known as a matrix structure. True False

19. Typically, the matrix structure within organizations is very inflexible. True False

20. When a group of managers from different departments is brought together to work together in an organizational task force, this is known as a cross-functional team. True False


Chapter 10 - Managing Organizational Structure and Culture

21. The power that a manager has to use the resources of the organization because of her position within the organizational structure, is known as the authority of that manager. True False

22. The "chain of command" of an organization is the hierarchy of authority for that organization. True False

23. The number of subordinates who report directly to a manager is known as the hierarchy of authority for that manager. True False

24. A flat organization has many levels of authority relative to the size of that organization. True False

25. A tall organization has few levels of authority relative to the size of that organization. True False

26. The idea that top management should design an organization with as few levels of authority as needed to conduct the business of the organization in an efficient and effective manner is known as the maximum chain of command. True False

27. Liaison roles can be used to increase the coordination among the business units of the organization. True False

28. Task forces can rarely, if ever, be properly referred to as ad hoc committees. True False


Chapter 10 - Managing Organizational Structure and Culture

29. The more complex the organization, the less important the use of cross-functional teams becomes to the organization. True False

30. Within an organization, the shared set of beliefs, expectations, values and norms is known as organizational society. True False

31. A company's shared standards that its members use to evaluate themselves are called values. True False

32. Ideally, a company's norms help the company achieve its values. True False

33. Walmart is an example of a company whose culture has detracted from its success. True False

34. Organizational culture arises in part from organizational structure. True False

35. Adaptive cultures are based on short-term employment. True False


Chapter 10 - Managing Organizational Structure and Culture

Multiple Choice Questions 36. The process by which managers design the working relationship among the workers of the organization is known as: A. Planning B. Leading C. Organizing D. Controlling E. The span of control

37. If the external environment of an organization is stable and if uncertainty is low, then __________ coordination among workers is needed to obtain resources and managers can bring __________ formality to the design of the organizational structure. A. More; more B. Less; more C. More; less D. Less; less E. None of the above

38. In general, the more complicated the technology, the __________ the need for a flexible organizational structure and the __________ routine the technology, the __________ appropriate is the use of a formal organizational structure. A. Greater; more; less B. Less; more; less C. Greater; more; more D. Greater; less; less E. None of the above

39. The number of new problems that a manager experiences in performing her job is known as: A. Task analyzability B. Task variety C. Continuous-process technology D. Job design E. small-batch technology


Chapter 10 - Managing Organizational Structure and Culture

40. __________ technologies are characterized by __________ task variety and __________ task analyzability. A. Nonroutine; low; low B. Routine; high; low C. Nonroutine; high; low D. Routine; low; low E. None of the above

41. __________ technologies are characterized by __________ task variety and __________ task analyzability. A. Routine; low; high B. Routine; high; low C. Nonroutine; high; high D. Nonroutine; low; low E. None of the above

42. In general, the more highly skilled the organization's workforce and the more the workers are required to work together in teams, the __________ likely the organization will use a __________ structure. A. Less; flexible B. More; formalized C. More; flexible D. Less; matrix E. None of the above

43. In general, the greater the uncertainty in the organization's environment, the __________ complex the organization's strategy; the more skilled its workforce, the __________ likely that the organization will use a flexible organizational structure. A. Less; less B. More; more C. Less; more D. More; less E. None of the above


Chapter 10 - Managing Organizational Structure and Culture

44. In general, the more stable the organization's environment, the __________ complex its strategy; the less skilled its workforce, the __________ likely that the organization will use a formal organizational structure. A. More; more B. More; less C. Less; more D. Less; less E. None of the above

45. The process by which managers decide how to organize the tasks that workers need to do into the jobs that are needed to produce the organization's goods or services is known as: A. Job design B. Continuous-process technology C. Small-batch technology D. Mass-production technology E. Job enrichment

46. McDonald's Corporation made a basic decision as to how to divide the tasks of the jobs of "chefs" and "food servers" in its restaurants. This was an example of: A. Continuous-process technology B. Job design C. Divisional structure D. Product structure E. Matrix structure

47. Subway Corporation made the basic decision that it would combine the jobs of "chef" and "food server" into a single job description. This was an example of: A. Continuous-process technology B. A divisional structure C. A product structure D. Job design E. A matrix structure


Chapter 10 - Managing Organizational Structure and Culture

48. A manager increases the number of tasks that a subordinate has to perform in order to attempt to make the job more interesting for the subordinate. This is called: A. Job simplification B. Job enlargement C. Job enrichment D. A matrix structure E. A functional job structure

49. In general, job enlargement is based upon the premise that __________ the range of tasks performed by a worker will __________ boredom and __________ the motivation of the worker to perform the job. A. Increasing; increase; increase B. Decreasing; decrease; increase C. Increasing; decrease; increase D. Decreasing; decrease; decrease E. None of the above

50. When a manager redesigns the job of a subordinate so that the subordinate has more responsibility over his or her job, this is called: A. Job enlargement B. Job simplification C. Job enrichment D. Job reduction E. Depowerment

51. The idea behind the concept of job enrichment is that __________ a worker's responsibility will __________ the worker's involvement in his job and __________ the worker's interest in the quality of the goods the worker produces. A. Increasing; decrease; decrease B. Decreasing; increase; increase C. Increasing; increase; decrease D. Increasing; increase; increase E. None of the above


Chapter 10 - Managing Organizational Structure and Culture

52. A manager can enrich the job of a subordinate by: A. Empowering the subordinate to re-design his or her job B. Encouraging the subordinate to develop new job skills C. Giving the subordinate the responsibility to decide what to do in an unexpected situation D. Allowing the subordinate to monitor his or her own job performance E. All of the above

53. The extent to which a job requires the worker to use a wide range of knowledge and abilities is known as: A. Task identity B. Task significance C. Autonomy D. Skill variety E. Feedback

54. The extent to which a job requires a worker to perform all of the tasks that are required to complete the job is called: A. Skill variety B. Task identity C. Task significance D. Feedback E. Autonomy

55. The degree to which a manager feels that his or her job is "meaningful" because of the way in which the job affects other people is known as: A. Skill variety B. Feedback C. Autonomy D. Task significance E. Task identity


Chapter 10 - Managing Organizational Structure and Culture

56. The __________ required for the job of chemical researcher for Monsanto Company is __________ than that required by the job of food server in a McDonald's restaurant. A. Skill variety; higher B. Autonomy; lower C. Task significance; lower D. Task identity; lower E. None of the above

57. A worker who carves a base for a lamp from a piece of wood has a __________ _________ than a worker on an assembly line for Ford Motor Co. who installs the left-front door on Ford Escorts as they come down the line. A. Lower task identity B. Higher task identity C. Lower task significance D. Lower autonomy E. Less feedback

58. A counselor who works with the families of teenagers who are drug-dependent has ________________ than a worker who dries the left side of automobiles as they come through a car wash service. A. Lower task significance B. Less autonomy C. Less skill variety D. Less task identity E. Higher task significance

59. A college marketing professor has ___________________ than a worker who flips burgers at a McDonald's restaurant. A. Higher task significance B. Lower autonomy C. Less skill variety D. Lower task identity E. Lower task significance


Chapter 10 - Managing Organizational Structure and Culture

60. The degree to which a job allows the worker to schedule the tasks of the job and to decide how to carry out these tasks is known as: A. Autonomy B. Task identity C. Task significance D. Skill variety E. Feedback

61. A salesperson who has the authority to decide on which prospective customers he will make a personal sales call has __________________ than an order taker at a Burger King Restaurant. A. Less autonomy B. Less task significance C. Less task identity D. More autonomy E. Less skill variety

62. A commercial airline pilot has _________________ than a statistician who works in the Office of the Budget in the Federal government. A. Less feedback B. Less task identity C. Less task significance D. More feedback E. None of the above

63. The extent to which a job gives the worker direct and clear information about how well the worker is performing the job is known as: A. Task identity B. Feedback C. Autonomy D. Task significance E. Skill variety


Chapter 10 - Managing Organizational Structure and Culture

64. According to Hackman and Oldham's Job Characteristics Theory, the __________ workers feel that their work is meaningful and that they are responsible for the work outcomes, the __________ motivating the work becomes and the __________ likely the worker is to be satisfied by the work. A. More; less; less B. More; more; less C. Less; more; less D. Less; less; more E. More; more; more

65. The relationship between all of the departments of the organization is called which type of structure of the organization? A. Small-batch structure B. Continuous-process structure C. Geographic structure D. Market structure E. Functional structure

66. The relationship between the business units of the organization is known as what type of structure of the organization? A. Market structure B. Product structure C. Geographic structure D. Functional structure E. Divisional structure

67. In XYZ Company, each product line is managed within a division. In each of these divisions, the division manager is responsible for creating the business-level strategy for the product line. What type of structure is the organization using? A. Geographic structure B. Market structure C. Product structure D. Functional structure E. None of the above


Chapter 10 - Managing Organizational Structure and Culture

68. When Federal Express Corporation organizes its managers according to the different regions of the world in which the managers work, this is an example of which type of organizational structure? A. Market structure B. Customer structure C. Product structure D. Matrix structure E. Geographic structure

69. In organization design, another name for "market structure" is: A. Product structure B. Geographic structure C. Customer structure D. Functional structure E. Divisional structure

70. In designing an organization, if managers are grouped both by function and by product at the same time, what type of organizational structure is being used? A. Market structure B. Geographic structure C. Functional structure D. Matrix structure E. Divisional structure

71. In which type of organizational design are employees correctly referred to as "two-boss employees"? A. Product structure B. Matrix structure C. Geographic structure D. Functional structure E. Divisional structure


Chapter 10 - Managing Organizational Structure and Culture

72. In ABC Company, Pat is assigned to a team to develop a new kind of shampoo. He reports to both the Marketing Manager and the Personal Care Product Manager. ABC is utilizing: A. Matrix structure B. Liaison roles C. Cross-functional teams D. Job enrichment E. Market structure

73. When different managers from different functional areas are brought together to work on an organizational task, this is known as: A. A small-batch team B. A continuous-process team C. A cross-functional team D. A market structure team E. A customer structure team

74. Another name for the organization's hierarchy of authority is: A. The chain of command B. The span of control C. The product structure D. The market structure E. The customer structure

75. The relative authority that each manager in the organization has from the CEO down to the lowest-level manager is called the: A. Market structure of the organization B. Customer structure of the organization C. Product structure of the organization D. Geographic structure of the organization E. Chain of command of the organization


Chapter 10 - Managing Organizational Structure and Culture

76. The number of subordinates who report directly to a manager is known as what aspect of that manager's responsibility? A. Authority B. Hierarchy of authority C. Chain of command D. Span of control E. Market structure

77. A __________ organization has __________ levels of authority relative to the size of the organization, while a __________ organization has __________ levels of authority relative to the size of the organization. A. Tall; fewer; flat; fewer B. Tall; many; flat; fewer C. Flat; many; tall; fewer D. Flat; fewer; tall; fewer E. None of the above

78. The idea that an organization's hierarchy should be designed with as few levels of authority as are necessary to use the organization's resources in an efficient and effective manner is known as the principle of: A. Span of control B. Chain of command C. Minimum c...

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