Chap015 - Test bank PDF

Title Chap015 - Test bank
Author Fadi Habash
Course Principles of Management
Institution American University of Middle East
Pages 70
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Chapter 15 - Effective Groups and Teams

Chapter 15 Effective Groups and Teams True / False Questions

1. All teams are groups, and all groups are teams. True False

2. One of the main advantages of using groups is the opportunity to obtain a type of synergy. True False

3. To take advantage of the potential for synergy in groups, managers need to make sure that groups are composed of members who have complementary skills. True False

4. To promote innovation, the manager's role is to closely direct or supervise the activities of the team members. True False

5. Groups established by managers to achieve organizational goals are known as formal groups. True False

6. The formal work groups are cross-functional teams composed of members from different departments. True False

7. Sometimes formal groups are formed because the members feel that the group will help them achieve their own goals or meet their own needs. True False


Chapter 15 - Effective Groups and Teams

8. Whenever possible the composition of top-management teams should include diversity among team members. True False

9. When group members strive to agree instead of trying to make an accurate assessment of the situation, this is known as groupthink. True False

10. Sometimes R&D teams are cross-functional teams with members from departments such as engineering, marketing, and production in addition to members from the research and development department. True False

11. When top managers design an organization's structure and establish reporting relationships and a chain of command, they are essentially creating ad hoc groups. True False

12. Task forces are sometimes referred to as ad hoc committees. True False

13. Task forces are frequently referred to as standing committees when they become relatively permanent. True False

14. Membership in standing committees changes over time. True False


Chapter 15 - Effective Groups and Teams

15. Teams that are empowered to complete an identifiable piece of work and are accountable for their output are known as self-managed teams. True False

16. A negative consequence of self-managed work teams is increased costs. True False

17. Employees of self-managed work teams never have individual jobs. True False

18. Asynchronous technologies let virtual team members communicate and interact with one another in real time simultaneously and include videoconferencing, teleconferencing, and electronic meetings. True False

19. Informal groups of workers who socialize with one another on the job are known as friendship groups. True False

20. Interest groups are informal groups composed of employees who enjoy one another's company and socialize with one another. True False

21. As a general rule, groups should have no more members than they need to achieve a division of labor and to provide the resources needed to accomplish the group's goals. True False


Chapter 15 - Effective Groups and Teams

22. The appropriate size of a high-performing group is affected by the kind of tasks the group is to perform. True False

23. In groups with sequential task interdependence, motivation is highest when managers reward group members for their individual performance, rather than the group's performance. True False

24. When the work of the group is very dependent on the work performed by other group members, this is known as pooled task interdependence. True False

25. When group members are reciprocally interdependent, managers are advised to create large groups. True False

26. When a group's members are reciprocally interdependent, managers are advised to reward group members on the basis of group performance. True False

27. Shared rules of conduct that most group members follow are known as group norms. True False

28. The degree to which members of a group are attracted to the group is called group cohesiveness. True False


Chapter 15 - Effective Groups and Teams

29. As group cohesiveness increases, the extent of group members' participation within the group decreases. True False

30. High levels of cohesiveness can cause group members to be so focused on group goal accomplishment that they jeopardize organizational performance. True False

31. To reduce social loafing, managers should make individual contributions to the group identifiable. True False

32. As group size increases, social loafing decreases. True False

Multiple Choice Questions

33. In terms of group performance, the idea that "The whole is equal to more than the sum of its parts," is the fundamental point in the concept of: A. A command group B. Synergy C. An interest group D. A group norm E. Social loafing

34. Which of the following should managers do to try to build the potential for synergy? A. Create groups of similar individuals B. Be strongly directive with the group C. Appoint members with complementary skills D. Avoid empowerment E. Reward individual performance


Chapter 15 - Effective Groups and Teams

35. In attempting to promote innovation in a work group, the supervisor of this work group should do all of the following EXCEPT: A. Provide guidance to the group B. Provide coaching to the group C. Provide detailed procedures to the group D. Provide the resources the group needs E. Provide assistance to the group

36. Groups established by managers to attain organizational goals are called: A. Friendship groups B. Informal groups C. Formal groups D. Top management groups E. Cross-cultural groups

37. JME Manufacturing put together a group of employees from marketing, engineering, manufacturing, and quality control to come up with a new product idea. This is an example of a(n) ___________ group. A. Informal B. Friendship C. Cross-cultural D. Cross-functional E. Top management team

38. The new product development team for Midland-Grau is made up of engineers from Germany, England, and the United States. This is known as a(n) _____________ group. A. Cross-cultural B. Informal C. Virtual team D. Cross-functional E. Command


Chapter 15 - Effective Groups and Teams

39. A group of workers form a group so that the members can interact with each other socially both on and off the job. This is an example of which kind of group? A. Formal B. Cross-functional C. Cross-cultural D. Informal E. Virtual team

40. A small group of marketers get together every Friday and go to lunch to socialize. This is an example of: A. A formal group B. A virtual team C. An informal group D. A command group E. A self-managed work team

41. Five members of the marketing division put together a bowling team and compete every Friday night. This is an example of which type of group? A. A formal group B. A virtual team C. An informal group D. A command group E. A self-managed work team

42. The group of managers who are responsible for designing the long-range strategic plan for the organization is known as: A. An informal group B. A cross-cultural group C. A top-management team D. A virtual team E. An interest group


Chapter 15 - Effective Groups and Teams

43. The CEO of ABC Company forms a top-management team to develop the strategic marketing plan for the organization and selects as members those managers who possess very different expertise, skills, knowledge, and experience. We say that this group has been formed to be consistent with the principle of: A. Diversity B. Cohesiveness C. Group norms D. Teamwork E. Empowerment

44. A group of managers works very hard to be sure that they agree on important issues instead of working toward an accurate assessment of the situation. We say that this group suffers from: A. Informality B. Friendship C. Synergy D. Groupthink E. Social loafing

45. Subordinates who report to the same supervisor compose a(n): A. R&D team B. Informal group C. Command group D. Interest group E. Family group

46. When the CEO re-designs the organizational chart to define different reporting relationships among the organization's managers, which type of groups has she created? A. Informal groups B. Friendship groups C. Command groups D. Virtual groups E. Interest groups


Chapter 15 - Effective Groups and Teams

47. Another name for command groups is: A. Informal groups B. Virtual groups C. Interest groups D. Family groups E. Units

48. A group of machinists in the manufacturing plant who report to the same shop foreman is known as: A. An informal group B. A virtual group C. A cross-functional group D. A cross-cultural group E. A command group

49. All the employees at a small consulting firm who report to the president of the company are called: A. A cross-cultural group B. A command group C. An informal group D. A task force E. An ad hoc committee

50. Another name for a task force is: A. A Sequential process group B. A command group C. An ad hoc committee D. A virtual group E. A self-managed work team


Chapter 15 - Effective Groups and Teams

51. Task forces that are relatively permanent are referred to as: A. Interest groups B. Informal groups C. Standing committees D. Virtual groups E. Sequential task interdependence groups

52. Teams that are empowered to take responsibility for acting autonomously on identifiable pieces of work are referred to as: A. Informal groups B. Interest groups C. Virtual groups D. Sequential task interdependence groups E. Self-managed work teams

53. All of the following are steps managers can take to ensure that self-managed work teams are effective and help an organization achieve its goals EXCEPT: A. Give teams enough responsibility and autonomy to be truly self-managing B. Make sure a team's work is sufficiently complex C. Analyze what type of training team members need D. Make sure to direct and supervise the team E. Carefully select members

54. Informal groups composed of employees who enjoy one another's company and socialize with one another are called: A. Formal group B. Virtual team C. Interest group D. Task Force E. Friendship group


Chapter 15 - Effective Groups and Teams

55. A group of employees at ABC Electric banded together to clean a stream behind the company. This group is called a(n): A. Virtual groups B. Formal groups C. Command groups D. Interest groups E. Ad hoc groups

56. Compared to members of large groups, members of small groups tend to be characterized by all of the following EXCEPT: A. Interact more with each other in the group B. Be more motivated C. Find it easier to share information with one another D. Have more resources E. Interact more and share information easily, but not be more motivated

57. All of the following are disadvantages associated with large teams EXCEPT: A. Communication problems B. Lower levels of motivation C. Lower levels of commitment D. Fewer resources E. More difficulty in sharing information

58. As task interdependence _________, group members need to interact __________ frequently and their efforts need to be __________ closely coordinated if the group is to perform at a high level. A. Decreases; more; more B. Increases; more; less C. Decreases; less; more D. Increases; more; more E. Increase; less; less


Chapter 15 - Effective Groups and Teams

59. When group members make separate, independent contributions to group performance, this is known as: A. Sequential task interdependence B. Social loafing C. Reciprocal task interdependence D. Virtual teamwork E. Pooled task interdependence

60. Sara is a second grade teacher at North Park Elementary School, her work has: A. Sequential task interdependence B. Synergy C. Pooled task interdependence D. A virtual team format E. Reciprocal task interdependence

61. When the members of a group must perform their tasks in a specific order, this is known as: A. Sequential task interdependence B. Virtual teamwork C. Pooled task interdependence D. Reciprocal task interdependence E. Synergy

62. Ethan works on an assembly line at Dura Automotive Inc. Ethan's work is said to have: A. Pooled task interdependence B. A virtual team format C. Synergy D. Reciprocal task interdependence E. Sequential task interdependence


Chapter 15 - Effective Groups and Teams

63. When the work of each group member is completely dependent on the work performed by the other group members, this is known as: A. Virtual teamwork B. Pooled task interdependence C. Sequential task interdependence D. Social loafing E. Reciprocal task interdependence

64. A research and development (R&D) team at IBM that designs new models of laptop computers is said to have: A. Pooled task interdependence B. A virtual team format C. Reciprocal task interdependence D. Sequential task interdependence E. An interest group format

65. The team of top managers at a large consumer packaged goods company that is responsible for the long-range strategic marketing plans of the organization is said to have: A. A virtual team format B. Sequential task interdependence C. An interest group format D. Pooled task interdependence E. Reciprocal task interdependence

66. The set of behaviors and tasks that a member of a group is expected to perform because he is a member of the group is known as: A. A group role B. Virtual teamwork C. Synergy D. Sequential responsibility E. A group norm


Chapter 15 - Effective Groups and Teams

67. At the weekly managers meeting, Jaime, the advertising manager, is supposed to update the members on the advertising efforts of the company. This activity is Jaime's: A. Norm B. Group role C. Synergy D. Interest E. Interdependence

68. A manager of a group encourages members of the group to take on additional responsibilities as they see the need to modify their roles within the group. This is known as: A. Social loafing B. Role making C. Synergy D. Virtual teamwork E. Group development

69. A new product development team for Hallmark Cards includes an artist whose job is to draw the illustrations that will accompany new cards. This artist is acting according to her: A. Virtual role B. Group norm C. Group role D. Synergistic role E. Charismatic role

70. When Ken, the manager of Transporters Inc., put together a new marketing team, he appointed Kyle to lead the team. Kyle is the: A. Formal leader B. Informal leader C. Role manager D. Role maker E. Commander


Chapter 15 - Effective Groups and Teams

71. The members of a particular group are getting to know one another and attempting to reach an understanding of how each of them should act within the group. This stage of group development is known as: A. Storming B. Norming C. Forming D. Adjourning E. Performing

72. Arguments regarding who is going to be the leader or who is going to be the scribe are occurring. This stage of group development is known as: A. Forming B. Norming C. Performing D. Storming E. Adjourning

73. During what stage does the group camaraderie emerge? A. Forming B. Adjourning C. Performing D. Storming E. Norming

74. A task force submits its final report on the project on which the group has been working. At which stage is this group operating? A. Forming B. Storming C. Adjourning D. Norming E. Performing


Chapter 15 - Effective Groups and Teams

75. Shared guidelines or rules of behavior that most group members follow are called: A. Task interdependence rules B. Synergy C. Group norms D. Division of labor E. Group roles

76. Group members develop norms for all of the following EXCEPT: A. Sharing of information among members B. How various group tasks should be performed C. Individual wages D. Working hours of the group E. How members of the group should dress

77. The members of a cross-functional team have an informal agreement that whenever a team member goes out of town on business, that team member will leave a phone number where he can be reached by the other members of the team. This arrangement is known as: A. A virtual norm B. A group norm C. A synergistic requirement D. A group role E. Role making

78. All of the following are reasons why group members conform to norms EXCEPT: A. Obtain rewards B. Avoid punishment C. Imitate members they admire D. Specified in the work contract E. Norms are internalized


Chapter 15 - Effective Groups and Teams

79. The degree to which the members of the group are attracted to membership in the group is known as: A. Group dynamics B. Synergy C. Pooled task interdependence D. Division of labor E. Group cohesiveness

80. According to research findings, when group cohesiveness is _________, the members of the group strongly __________ their group membership and have a _________ desire to remain a member of the group. A. High; value; weak B. Low; value; high C. High; value; strong D. Low; devalue; high E. High; devalue; low

81. According to research findings, when group cohesiveness is _________, the members of the group strongly __________ their group membership and have a __________ desire to remain a member of the group. A. Low; value; high B. High; devalue; high C. Low; devalue; low D. High; value; low E. Low; devalue; high

82. What level of cohesiveness does research suggest managers should strive for because it best contributes to the organization's competitive advantage? A. Low B. Moderate C. High D. None E. Extremely high


Chapter 15 - Effective Groups and Teams

83. Which of the following is NOT one of the factors that lead to group cohesiveness? A. Effectively managed diversity B. Group identity C. Group size D. Division of labor E. Healthy competition

84. The higher the cohesiveness of a group, the higher the ___________ in the group. A. Level of deviance B. Level of social loafing C. Level of participation D. Concern with personal issues E. Emphasis on social goals

85. As groups become more ___________, they become more ____________, and cohesiveness __________. A. Unsuccessful; unattractive to members; increases B. Unsuccessful; attractive to members; increases C. Successful; unattractive to members; increases D. Successful; attractive to members; decreases E. Successful; attractive to members; increases

86. The tendency of group members to exert less effort when they work in groups than they would exert if they were acting alone is known as: A. Synergy B. Sequential task interdependence C. Reciprocal task interdependence D. Social loafing E. Cohesiveness


Chapter 15 - Effective Groups and Teams

87. Judy is a new member of the R&D group. Her manager has noticed that her output has dropped significantly from when she worked on her own. Judy may be demonstrating: A. Synergy B. Conformity C. Cohesion D. Social loafing E. A group role

88. A member of a task force does not do much work related to the goals of the task force. This member is confident that the other members of the task force "will take up the slack." This group member is exhibiting: A. Cohesion B. Synergy C. Conformity D. A group role E. Social loafing

89. All of the following are ways to discourage social loafing EXCEPT: A....

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