Chapter 02 - summary PDF

Title Chapter 02 - summary
Author Alyazya Mohammed
Course Essentials of IT and Infrastru
Institution Zayed University
Pages 14
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Chapter 02: The internet, the web, and electronic commerce. The internet: - Launched in 1969 when USA funded a project that developed a national computer -

network called Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPANET) It’s a large network that connects together smaller networks all together. Consist of the actual physical network, it made of wires cables, satellite and rules for exchanging data between computers connected to network. Being connected to the network is called being online

The web: - Introduced in 1991 - Known as world wide web or WWW. - Provide multimedia interface to internet resources. - Consist of three generation Generation Web 1.0

Web 2.0 (2001) Web 2.0 (current generation )


- Linking existing information. - Google search was created to provide links to websites contain -

specific words. Evolved to support more dynamic content creation and social interaction. Facebook was the best known of web 2.0. Current generation Personalized content creation for users generate, share and connect content through search and analysis based on the ability to understand the meaning of words! 3D Graphics information is more connected thanks to semantic metadata Content is accessible by multiple applications

# before the web the internet was all text no graphics, animation, sound or video.

Five most common uses of the internet and the web. -Exchange E-mail, photos, videos Communicating -discussion, debate. (most popular Internet activity) Shop – look – search – purchase Shopping (fastest-growing applications) -access virtual libraries. Searching

Find local, national, international news

Education or e-Learning

take classes remotely from almost any location and any subject all classes


music, movies, magazines, computer games

Internet Access: - Once connected to the internet, your computer seemingly becomes an extension of a giant computer that branches all over the world. - You can use a browser program to search the web. 1- Providers: (ISP) - Internet service provider are connected to the internet, providing a path for individuals to access the internet. - Connection technologies include DSL, Cable, and wireless modems. - Ex: AT&T, Comcast, T-Mobile, Verizon, Etisalat, Du. 2- Browsers: - Browser Provide access to web resources. Some related terms are: - This software: 1- Connects you to remote computers. 2- Opens and transfers files 3- Display text, images, and multimedia. 4- Provides in one tool an uncomplicated interference to the internet and web documents. - Ex: Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox. - What is IP address? - numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network

URL (Uniform Resources Locators): - Locations or addresses to web resources must be specified. The address is called URL. Domain Type - Two parts of URL: .com Commercial - Protocol: Rules for exchanging data between .edu Education computers. .gov Government Ex: https is the most common for web traffic .mil U.S. military - Domain name: Where resource is located. .net Network - Top level domain: (web suffix) identify the type of .org Organization organization.

# Many URLs have additional parts specifying directory paths and file names.

HTML and hyperlink: Hypertext Mark-up Language - mark-up language for displaying web pages - Browsers interpret HTML commands and Display document as a web page Hyperlinks or links - Connect to other web pages/ document containing related information  Text files  Graphic images  Audio and Video Clips Technologies that provide high interactive and animated websites include Cascading style sheet (CSS): - Separated files referenced by or lines inserted into an HTML document that controls the appearance of a web page. - Ex: Netflix uses CSS to visually connect Java Script - Language used within HTML to trigger interactive features. - Ex: opening. New browser windows and checking information entered in online forms. ( AJAX - Advanced use of java script used to create interactive websites that respond quickly. - Ex; google maps uses AJAX to make maps load faster. Applets - Programs that can be downloaded quickly and run by most browses. - They are used to display graphics, provide interactive games, and more. - Ex: games at Mobile browsers - Special browsers are designed to Run on portable devices. - Ex: apple iPhone enable you to pinch or stretch the screen with 2 fingers to zoom in and out

Web Utilities - Utilities Are specialized utility programs that make using the internet and the web easier and safer. - Ex: Web utility Plugins Filters File transfer Internet security suite

Description Automatically starts and operate as part of browser. Block access to selected sites and set time limits Upload and download files from servers. Collection of utility programs for security and privacy.

1- Plug-ins: - programs that start automatically and operate as part of your browser - Enhanced browsing experience 1- enables special file formats and multimedia elements 2- Acrobat Reader 3- Flash Player 4- QuickTime 5- Windows Media Player

Adobe Reader from Adobe – pdf – Flash Player from Adobe – QuickTime from Apple – Windows Media Player –

viewing and printing a variety of standa forms and other documents viewing videos, animations and other media playing audio and video files playing audio files, video files and much more

2- Filters: - Filters are used by parents and organization to block certain sites and to monitor use of the internet and the web. - Best known filters: Net nanny – Quastodio Parental Control – AVG family safety – Norton online family – McAfee family protection.

3- File Transfer Utilities: - You can copy files to your computer from specially configured severs - referred to as downloading receiving a file from the Internet and uploading copying a file to the Internet

There is 3 types:

 File transfer protocol (FTP) & Secure file transfer protocol (SFTP) - copy files from your computer to the internet - used for uploading changes to a website  Web-based file transfer services - uses web browser to upload and download files - is a widely used service  Bit-Torrent - distributes file transfers across many computers for more efficient downloads - good for transferring large files - used to distribute unauthorized copies of music and videos.

4- Internet Security Suites: - is a collection of utility programs designed to maintain/protect your security and privacy while you are on the Web/internet. - Role: control spam, protect against viruses, provide filters, ..etc. - 2 well knows ISS is McAfee – Norton.


- Communication is the most popular Internet activity. - Popular types of internet communicaton are: 1- Emails. 2- Messaging 3- Social networks . 4- Blogs. 5- Microblogs. 6- Webcasts. 7- Podcasts. 8- Wikis. 1- Emails (electronic mail): - Transmission of electronic messages over the Internet. - Has three basic elements: header, message and signature A- Header appears first and contains:  Address: who the e-mail is going to. o Consist of 2 parts: o 1- User name - identifies unique user or computer in the domain o 2-Domain name (Key Term) - references a specific organization  Subject: topic of the message  Attachments: documents and / or images you attach to the message. B- Message: letter C- Signature: information about the sender

2 basic types of email systems: 1- Client based Email system. - requires installation of an e-mail client on your computer. Examples : - Apple Mail - Microsoft Outlook

2- Web based email system. - no email program on your computer, access from any computer through a Browser. - uses a webmail client located on the email provider computer this is known as a webmail. Examples: - Google’s Gmail - Microsoft’s Hotmail - Yahoo!’s Yahoo! mail

• Spam: unsolicited / unwelcome e-mail • Distraction, Nuisance • Computer viruses can also be attached to spam • CAN-SPAM Act requires that every marketing related email provide an optout option - Created antispam laws for control. • Spam blockers / spam filters • use a variety of different approaches to identify and eliminate spam o Identify and control spam o Free programs  SPAMfighter  Intego Personal Antispam for Mac

• • • •

# Tips to blocking spam: Keep a low profile Don’t ever respond to spam and be cautious when giving out your address Use e-mail filter options Use antispam and filter options

Messaging: - Emails is the most widely used, there are two other messaging system: 1. Text messaging : • Also known as texting and SMS (short message service) • Its process of sending short electronic messages typically less than 160 characters. • Uses a wireless network to send to other person., who view messages on mobile devices or smartphones. o Many states have passed laws prohibiting texting while driving due to the negative impact on driver safety according to a study conducted by Car and Driver Multimedia Messaging Service. (MMS) • Enables users to not only send text but also images, videos, and sounds. 2. Instant Messaging: • Extension of email that allows two or more people to contact each other via direct, live communication • Most instant messaging programs also include video conferencing features, files sharing, and remoting assistant. • Example: Facebook Messenger, Google Hangouts.

Social Networking: • One of the fastest growing uses of the Internet. • Connecting people and organizations that share a common interest or activity • Provide a wide array of tools that facilitate meeting, communication, and sharing. • Three most popular: Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn. - Facebook provide access to Facebook profile, Facebook pages, and Facebook groups. - Google+ provide access to Circles and Hangouts - LinkedIn is a premier business oriented social networking site. - Web 2.0 generation

Facebook - Launched by a student at Harvard university for college students in 2004. - By 2008 it was the most widely used social network site. - Features: include instant messaging, photo, video sharing, games, etc. - There are 3 basic categories of Facebook users: individuals, businesses, communities 1. Facebook profile:  Include photos, lists of personal interests, contact information, and other personal information.  Easy to create and update.  personal information. Available to friends, family 2. Facebook Pages:  Promote products and services.  Public figures such as politician and entertainment frequently use Facebook to connect to their constituents and fans.  Standard way for promoters, musicians, and other celebrities to promote themselves.  created by businesses and public figures 3. Facebook Groups.  These groups allow a number of people to come together online to share information’s and discuss specific subjects.  Groups are organized around topics, events, or ideas.  It is widely used by clubs and political organization to coordinate activities and share information. Google+ - Also known as google plus. - Launched 2011 - Combination of some of google Incs. previously existing services with some new services. - These new service include Circles for grouping individuals according to common interests and or other criteria and Hangouts for communicating with up to 10 people at a time. LinkedIn - Started in 2003 - Become premier Business/professionally oriented social networking - Over 100 million users. - Provide tool to maintain business contacts, develop extended business networks, research individuals business, search for job opportunities and more.

Other web 2.0 application that help people communicate. -

Blogs Microblogs Webcasts Podcasts Wikis # these communication alternatives offer greater flexibility and security, however they are often more complex to set up and maintain.

Blogs: -

Web logs or blogs Keep in touch with friends and families. Personal news pages Date/time-stamped Arranged with the most recent items shown first Online diaries/ personal information.

Microblogs: - Short status updates - Designed to keep friends and other contacts up to date on interests and activities. - Most common is Twitter 

Twitter: • Enables you to add new content from your browser. • Instant messaging application. • Over 250 active users send 500 million twitter messages (tweets)

Webcast: - streaming technology using audio and video files are continuously downloaded to your -

computer. No files after streaming ends Example

Podcast: -

Do not use streaming technology. Must download files to use. Once downloaded you can play it many times. Can transfer to media player. Such as ipod. Widely use to download music, tutorials, and educational purpose. “Itunes”

Wiki: - website which is editable by users. Built on a community of interested people that -

build knowledge over time. Wiki comes from the Hawaiian word fast. Example: Wikipedia example of using a wiki as an online encyclopedia

- Supports collaborative writing # creating blogs and wikis are examples of web authoring .

Search tool: •

Search services: operate web sites that help you locate information: they maintain the database that helps you get where you want. • Spiders: Special programs continually look for information and updated services

Search Engines: - assist you to locate specific information on the Web and the Internet. - Ex of commonly used search engines: bing, duckduckgo, google, yahoo. - Use keyword or phrase search; know “rules” i.e. use + or quotes to look for phrases -

rather than individual words Hit return of sites that contain keyword or phrases

Specialized search Engines: - Programs that focus on subject specific Web sites. - Save time by narrowing your search. - Example of specialized search engine: Topics Cooking Research Fashion History Law Medicine


Content Evaluation - Not everything on the Internet is accurate # 4 consideration to evaluate information on web? •

Authority: o Is the author an expert in this subject are? o Is the site an official site for information presented? o Is the site an induvial personal websites?

Accuracy o Has the information been critic ally reviewed for correctness prior to posting on the web? o Does the website provide a method to report inaccurate information to the author?

Objectivity o Is the information factually reported or does the author have a bias? o Does the author appear to have a personal agenda aimed at convincing or changing the readers opinion?

Currency o Is the information up to date? o Does the site specify the date when the site was updated? o Are the sites linked operational? o If not the site is most likely not being actively maintained?

Electronic Commerce (E-commerce) - is buying and selling over the Internet - it provide : advantages


1. incentives for both buyer and seller. 2. Can be purchased anytime day or night and from any location. 3. Seller perspective: costs associated with owning and operating a retail outlet can be eliminated. 4. Reduced inventory. 5. No in-store inventory and products are shipped directly from warehouse. Disadvantages: 1. Inability to provide immediate delivery of goods. 2. Inability to try on prospective purchase. 3. Security of online payment.

#Three basic types of electronic commerce: business to consumer; consumer to consumer; and business to business - B2C (Business-to-consumer) - C2C (Consumer-to consumer) - B2B (Business-to-business) Business to Consumer (B2C) • is fastest growing type of e-commerce. Involves the sale of a product or service to the general public or end user. • Nearly every existing cooperation in US. • It allows start-up companies to compete with large established forms. Three types • Online banking • Financial trading • Shopping • is one of the most widely used B2C sites.

Consumer to Consumer C2C • Consumer-to-consumer e-commerce (C2C) o Individual to individual - consumer sells a product to another consumer through a platform • Web auctions o Buyers and sellers seldom meet o Bids are submitted electronically o Person-to-person auction sites • Example auction sites include eBay, QuiBids, eBay, eBid.

Business to Business B2B • Sale of a product or service from one business to another • Primarily a manufacturer supplier relationship • A furniture manufacturer requires raw materials such as wood, paint, and varnish.

Security •

2 greatest challenge is the ecommerce: • Developing fast, secure, and reliable payment methods for purchasing goods. • Providing Convenience ways to submit required information such as mailing addresses and credit card information.

Electronic payment -- easy, secure payment method • Credit cards Faster, more convenient. easier to work with, somewhat vulnerable to theft •

Digital cash • Purchased from third party (usually a special bank); more secure than credit cards • Providers include Amazon, Google, Serve, and PayPal

Cloud Computing: - Uses the internet and the web Shifts computing activities from users’ computers to computers on the Internet.

Basic components include: • • •

Clients: corporations and end-users who want access to data, programs, and storage anywhere and anytime a connection to the Internet is available Service providers: organizations that are willing to provide (sometimes for a fee) access to software and storage example: google srive give access to Microsoft word, excel and PowerPoint. Internet connectivity

Two critical factors that determine the efficiency of cloud computing • •

The speed and reliability of the user’s access to the Internet Internet’s capability to provide safe and reliable transmission of data and programs

Internet of Things (IoT) Is Continuing development of the Internet which allows objects embedded with electronic devices to send and receive data over the internet • Includes 1. Smartphones 2. Wearables - Uses web 3.0 applications to sync devices with web applications •

For example: - The Fitbit is an IOT device bracelet that monitors health data and sends that data to a smartphone or p4rsonal web page. - Apple health app is a Web 3.0 application that can access Fitbit data, combine it with other related health data, analyze data, and report back to you through a smartphone. - The Apple health app reports provide information about user’s health including heart rate, steps taken each say, and an estimate of daily calories burned. Careers In IT – Webmasters  Develop and maintain websites and resources  Backup of company website  Design and development of websites  Work with the marketing  Increase site traffic  Development of web promotions Webmasters Employers look for: • Bachelor’s or associate degree in computer science or information systems • Knowledge of common programming • Web development software knowledge • HTML and CSS are important • Web Authoring knowledge • Good communication and organizational skills are essential • Salary in the range of $59,000 to $82,000...

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