Chapter 02 Test Bank - Test Bank MCQs PDF

Title Chapter 02 Test Bank - Test Bank MCQs
Author Dalal Kaki
Course Strategic management
Institution Dar Al-Hekma College
Pages 96
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Test Bank MCQs...


Chapt er02Tes tBank St udent :___________________________________________________________________________

1. Whi c honeoft hef ol l owi ngi sNOToneoft hefiv ebasi ct as ksoft hest r at egymaki ng,st r at egye xecut i ngpr ocess ?

A.Dev el opi ngas t r at egi cv i s i onofwher et hecompanyneedst oheadandwhati t sf ut ur ebus i nes s mak eupwi l l be B. Set t i ngobj ect i vest oc onver tt hest r at egi cv i si oni nt ospeci fics t r at egi candfinanci al per f or manceout c omesf ort he c ompanyt oachi eve C. Cr af t i ngas t r at egyt oac hi evet heobj ect i vesandgett hecompanywher ei t want st ogo D. Devel opi ngapr ofi t abl ebusi ness model E. Ex ec ut i ngt hec hosenst r at egyeffic i ent l yand effect i v el y 2. Acompany ' ss t r at egi cpl an:

A.mapsoutt hec ompany' s hi s t or y . B. l i nk st hecompany' sfinanci al t ar get st ocont r ol mechani s ms . C. out l i nest hecompet i t i vemovesandappr oachest obeusedi nac hi ev i ngt hedesi r ed busi nessr es ul t s . D. f oc usesonoffer i ngamor eappeal i ngpr oductt han r i v al s . E. l i s t smet hodsofmaki ngmoneyi ni t sc hosen busi ness. 3. Whi c hoft hef ol l owi ngi sani nt egr al par toft hemanager i al pr oc essofcr af t i ngandex ecut i ngst r at egy?

A.Dev el opi ngapr ovenbus i nes s model B. Deci di nghowmuchoft hecompany' sr es our cest oempl oyi nt hepur sui tofs us t ai nabl ec ompet i t i ve advant age C. Set t i ngobj ect i vesandus i ngt hem asy ar dst i c ksf ormeas ur i ngt hecompany' sper f or mance andpr ogr ess D. Communi cat i ngt hecompany ' sval uesandcodeofconductt oal l empl oy ees E. Dec i di ngont hec ompany' sst r at egi c i nt ent


4. Whi c hoft hef ol l owi ngar ei nt egr al par t soft hemanager i al pr oc essofcr af t i ngandex ecut i ngst r at egy?

A.Dev el opi ngast r at egi cv i si on,set t i ngobj ec t i v es ,andcr af t i nga s t r at egy B. Dev el opi ngapr ovenbusi nessmodel ,dec i di ngont hec ompany' sst r at egi ci nt ent ,andcr af t i ng ast r at egy C. Set t i ngobj ect i ves ,c r af t i ngast r at egy ,i mpl ement i ngandex ecut i ngt hec hosenst r at egy ,anddeci di nghowmuc hof t hecompany ' sr es our c est oempl oyi nt hepur s ui tofsust ai nabl ecompet i t i veadv ant age D. Comi ngupwi t has t at ementoft hec ompany' smi ss i onandpur pose,set t i ngobj ect i ves ,choosi ngwhatbus i nes s appr oachest oempl oy ,s el ect i ngabus i nes smodel ,andmoni t or i ngdev el opment s E. Dec i di ngont hec ompany' sst r at egi ci nt ent ,s et t i ngfinanci al obj ect i ves,cr af t i ngas t r at egy ,andc hoos i ngwhat busi nessappr oachesandoper at i ngpr ac t i cest oempl oy 5. Thes t r at egy maki ng,s t r at egy ex ecut i ngpr ocess :

A.i susual l ydel egat edt omember sofacompany' sboar dof di r ect or s . B. i nc l udeses t abl i s hi ngac ompany ' smi ss i on,dev el opi ngabus i nes smodel ai medatmak i ngt hecompanyan i ndust r yl eader ,andcr af t i ngast r at egyt oi mpl ementandex ecut et hebusi nessmodel . C. embr acest het asksofdev el opi ngas t r at egi cvi si on,set t i ngobj ect i v es ,c r af t i ngas t r at egy ,i mpl ement i ngand ex ecut i ngt hest r at egy ,andt henmoni t or i ngdev el opment sandi ni t i at i ngc or r ec t i veadj us t ment si nl i ghtof ex per i ence,changi ngcondi t i ons,andnewoppor t uni t i es. D. i spr i nci pal l yconcer nedwi t hs i z i ngupanor gani z at i on' si nt er nal andext er nal s i t uat i on,soast obepr epar edf ort he c hal l engesofdevel opi ngas oundbusi nessmodel . E. i spr i mar i l yt her es ponsi bi l i t yoft opex ec ut i v esandt heboar dofdi r ect or s ;v er yf ewmanager sbel owt hi sl ev el ar e i nv ol v edi nt hepr oc es s . 6. Acompany ' ss t r at egi cvi si ondes cr i bes:

A." whowear eandwhatwe do. " B. whyt hecompanydoescer t ai nt hi ngsi nt r y i ngt opl easei t s c ust omer s . C. management ' ss t or y l i neofhowi ti nt endst omak eapr ofitwi t ht hechosen st r at egy . D. management ' sas pi r at i onsf ort hef ut ur eandt hecompany' sst r at egi cc our s eandl ongt er m di r ect i on. E. whatf ut ur eac t i onst heent er pr i s ewi l l l i kel yunder t ak et oout maneuv err i v al sandac hi eveas us t ai nabl ecompet i t i ve advant age.


7. Ther eal pur poseoft hec ompany ' ss t r at egi cv i si on:

A.i smanagement ' sst or yl i nef orhowi tpl anst oi mpl ementandex ecut eapr ofit abl e bus i nessmodel . B. set sf or t hwhatbus i nes st hec ompanyi spr es ent l yi nandwhyi tusespar t i cul aroper at i ngpr act i cesi nt r yi ngt o pl easec us t omer s. C. s er v esasmanagement ' st ool f orgi vi ngt heor gani z at i onas ens eof di r ect i on. D. defines" whowear eandwhatwe do. " E. s pel l soutac ompany' sst r at egi ci nt ent ,i t ss t r at egi candfinanci al obj ect i v es ,andt hebusi nessappr oachesand oper at i ngpr act i cest hatwi l l under pi ni t seffor t st oachi evesus t ai nabl ec ompet i t i v eadv ant age. 8. Ast r at egi cvi s i onconst i t ut esmanagement ' svi ewandconc l usi onsaboutt hec ompany ' s :

A.l ongt er m di r ec t i onandwhatpr oduct mar k et cus t omermi xseems opt i mal . B. busi nessmodelandt heki ndofv al uet hati ti st r yi ngt odel i v ert o c ust omer s . C. j ust i ficat i onofwhyt hebusi nesswi l l bea moneymak er . D. pastandpr esentscopeof wor k . E. l ongt er m pl anf orout compet i ngr i v al sandachi ev i ngacompet i t i ve advant age. 9. Themanager i al t askofdevel opi ngas t r at egi cvi si onf orac ompany :

A.concer nsdeci di ngwhatappr oac ht hecompanys houl dt ak et oi mpl ementandex ec ut ei t s bus i nessmodel . B. ent ai l scomi ngupwi t haf ai r l yspec i ficanswert o" whoar ewe,whatdowedo,andwhyar e weher e ?" C. i schi efl yconcer nedwi t haddr ess i ngwhatac ompanyneedst odot osuc cess f ul l yout compet er i v al si nt he mar ket pl ac e. D. i nv ol v esdec i di nguponwhatst r at egi ccour s eacompanyshoul dpur suei npr epar i ngf ort hef ut ur eandwhyt hi s di r ect i onal pat hmakesgoodbus i nes ssense. E. ent ai l scomi ngupwi t hac onc r et epl anf orhowt hecompanyi nt endst omak e money .


10.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngi sNOTanacc ur at eat t r i but eofanor gani z at i on' sst r at egi cvi si on?

A.Pr ovi di ngapanor ami cv i ewof" wher ewear e goi ng" B. Out l i ni nghowt hecompanyi nt endst oi mpl ementandex ec ut ei t s busi nessmodel C. Poi nt i nganor gani z at i oni napar t i cul ardi r ect i onandc har t i ngast r at egi cpat hf ori t t of ol l ow D. Hel pi ngmol danor gani z at i on' schar ac t erand i dent i t y E. Des cr i bi ngt hecompany' sf ut ur epr oduc t mar k et cust omer f ocus 11.Management ' sst r at egi cv i si onf oranor gani z at i on:

A.c har t sast r at egi cc our s ef ort heor gani z at i on( " wher ewear egoi ng" )andpr ov i desar at i onal ef orwhyt hi s di r ect i onal pat hmakesgoodsense. B. desc r i besi nf ai r l yspeci fict er mst heor gani z at i on' ss t r at egi cobj ect i v es ,and st r at egy . C. spel l southowt hec ompanywi l l bec omeabi gmoney mak erandboos t shar ehol derv al ue. D. addr es sest hecr i t i cal i s sueof" whyourbus i nes smodel needst oc hangeandhowwepl ant o c hangei t . " E. s pel l soutt heor gani z at i on' ss t r at egi ci nt entandt heact i onsandmov est hatwi l l beunder t ak ent o achi ev ei t . 12.Wel l conc ei vedv i si onsar e________and____________t oapar t i c ul aror gani zat i onandt heyav oi dgener i c ,f eel goodst at ement st hatc oul dappl yt ohundr edsofor gani z at i ons.

A.wi despr ead; uni que B. r ec ur r i ng; c ust omar y C. di st i nct i v e; s pec i fic D. c ust omar y ; f ami l i ar E. uni v er s al ; est abl i s hed


13.Whatac ompany ' st opex ecut i v esar esayi ngaboutwher et hecompanyi sheadedl ongt er m andaboutwhatt he company ' sf ut ur epr oduct mar k et cus t omermi xwi l l be:

A.i ndi c at eswhatki ndofbusi nes smodel t hec ompanyi sgoi ngt ohav ei n t hef ut ur e. B. const i t ut est hest r at egi cvi s i onf ort he company . C. s i gnal swhatt hefir m' sfinanci al s t r at egywi l l be. D. s er vest odefinet hec ompany' spr es entsc opeof oper at i on. E. i ndi cat eswhatki ndofpr oduct st hecompanywi l l offeri nt he f ut ur e. 14.Oneoft hei mpor t antbenefit sofawel l concei v edandwel l s t at edst r at egi cv i s i oni st o: ear l ydel i neat ehowt hec ompany ' sbusi nessmodelwi l l bei mpl ement edand ex ecut ed. B. cl ear l ycommuni cat emanagement ' saspi r at i onsf ort hecompanyt ost ak ehol der sandhel ps t eert heener gi esof companyper sonnel i nacommondi r ect i on. C. setf or t ht hefir m budget ar yobj ec t i v esi ncl earandf ai r l ypr ec i se t er ms. D. hel pcr eat ea" bal ancedsc or ec ar d"appr oacht oobj ec t i v eset t i ngandnotst r et c ht hecompany' sr esour cest oot hi n acr ossdi ffer entpr oduc t s,t echnol ogi es ,andgeogr aphi cmar ket s . E. i ndi c at ewhatki ndofsust ai nabl ecompet i t i v eadv ant aget hec ompanywi l l t r yt ocr eat ei nt hecour s eofbec omi ng t hei ndus t r yl eader . 15.Thedefini ngchar act er i st i cofawel l c onc ei v edst r at egi cv i si oni s:

A.whati tsa ysaboutt hecompany' sf ut ur est r at egi cc our s e—" t hedi r ec t i onwear eheadedandwhatourf ut ur e pr oduct mar k et c us t omerf ocuswi l l be. " B. t hati tnotst r et c ht hec ompany' sr esour cest oot hi nac r ossdi ffer entpr oduc t s ,t echnol ogi es ,and geogr aphi cmar ket s. C. c l ar i t yands peci fi ci t yabout" whowear e,whatwedo,andwhywear e her e. " D. t hati tbefl exi bl eandoper at ei nt he mai ns t r eam. E. t hati tbewi t hi nt her eal m ofwhatt hec ompanycanr eas onabl yexpectt oac hi evewi t hi n f oury ear s.


16.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngquest i onsi sNOTper t i nentt ocompanymanager si nt hi nki ngst r at egi cal l yaboutwhat di r ect i onal pat hshoul dbet ak enbyt hec ompanyandaboutdevel opi ngas t r at egi cvi si on?

A.I st heout l ookf ort hec ompanypr omi s i ngi fi tc ont i nueswi t hi t spr esentpr oduct offer i ngs ? B. Ar echangi ngmar k etandcompet i t i v ec ondi t i onsac t i ngt oenhanceorweak ent hec ompany' s pr os pec t s ? C. Whatbusi nessappr oac hesandoper at i ngpr act i cesshoul dwec ons i deri nt r yi ngt oi mpl ementandex ecut eour busi nessmodel ? D. Whats t r at egi cc our s eoffer sat t r act i v eoppor t uni t yf orgr owt hand pr ofit abi l i t y? E. What ,i fany ,newc ust omergr oupsand/ orgeogr aphi cmar k et ss houl dt hecompanygeti npos i t i on t os er v e? 17.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngquest i onsi sNOTs omet hi ngt hatcompanymanager ss houl dconsi deri nc hoos i ngt opur sue onest r at egi cc our seordi r ect i onal pat hv er s usanot her ?

A.Ar echangi ngmar k etandcompet i t i v econdi t i onsact i ngt oenhanc eorweak ent hecompany ' s bus i nessout l ook? B. I st hecompanys t r et c hi ngi t sr esour cest oot hi nl ybyt r y i ngt ocompet ei nt oomanymar k et sors egment s,someof whi char eunpr ofit abl e ? C. Wi l l ourpr esentbusi nessgener at esuffici entgr owt handpr ofit abi l i t yi nt hey ear saheadt opl eas e s har ehol der s ? D. Whatmar ketoppor t uni t i esshoul dt hecompanypur sueandwhi c honesshoul dnotbe pur s ued? E. Dowehav eabet t erbusi nessmodel t hankey r i v al s ? 18.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngar ec har act er i st i csofaneffec t i v el ywor dedst r at egi cv i si ons t at ement ?

A.Bal anced,r espons i bl e,and r at i onal B. Chal l engi ng,compet i t i ve,and" s eti n concr et e" C. Gr aphi c,di r ect i onal ,and f ocus ed D. Real i st i c,cust omer f ocus ed,andmar k et dr i v en E. Achi ev abl e,pr ofit abl e,and et hi cal


19.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngi sNOTac har ac t er i st i cofaneffect i v el ywor deds t r at egi cv i si ons t at ement ?

A.Di r ect i onal ( i sf or war dl ooki ng,desc r i best hes t r at egi ccour set hatmanagementhaschar t edt hatwi l l hel pt he c ompanypr epar ef ort hef ut ur e) B. Eas yt oc ommuni c at e( i sex pl ai nabl ei n5–10mi nut es ,andcanber educedt oa memor abl es l ogan) C. Gr aphi c( pai nt sapi c t ur eoft heki ndofcompanymanagementi st r yi ngt ocr eat eandt hemar ketpos i t i on( s)t he companyi ss t r i vi ngt ost ak eout ) D. Consensusdr i ven( c ommi t st hecompanyt oa" mai nst r eam"di r ec t i onal pat ht hatal mostal l s t ak ehol der swi l l ent husi as t i cal l ysuppor t ) E. Foc used( pr ov i desgui dancet omanager si nmaki ngdeci si onsandal l oc at i ng r es our c es) 20.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngi sNOTac ommons hor t c omi ngwhenwor di ngac ompany' svi si onst at ement ?Whent he s t at ementi ssomewhat :

A.v agueori ncompl et e—shor ton s peci fics . B. flexi bl e—i sadj us t edaccor di ngt oc hangi ng ci r c ums t ances . C. bl andoruni nspi r i ng—shor ton i ns pi r at i on. D. gener i c—c oul dappl yt oal mos tanyc ompany( oratl eas tsev er al ot her si nt hesame i ndus t r y) . E. r el i antons uper l at i v es( best ,mosts ucc ess f ul ,r ecogni z edl eader ,gl obal orwor l dwi del eader ,fir stchoi ceof c ust omer s ) . 21.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngAREcommonshor t comi ngsofc ompanyvi si onst at ement s ?

A.Toospeci ficandt oo fl ex i bl e B. Unr eal i st i c ,unconvent i onal ,andunbusi nessl i k e C. T oobr oad,v agueori ncompl et e,bl and/ uni nspi r i ng,notdi st i nct i ve,andt oor el i anton s uper l at i v es D. Toogr aphi c,t oonar r ow,andt oo r i s ky E. Notcus t omer dr i v en,outofs t epwi t hemer gi ngt ec hnol ogi cal t r ends,andt oo ambi t i ous


22.Br eaki ngdownr esi st anc et oanews t r at egi cvi si ont ypi c al l yr equi r est hatmanagement ,onanasneededbasi s :

A.i ns t i t ut eabal anc edscor ecar dappr oacht omeas ur i ngc ompanyper f or mance,wi t ht he" bal ance"i ncl udi nga mi xt ur eofbot hol dandnewper f or mancemeas ur es . B. i nf or mc ompanyper sonnel aboutf or t hcomi ngc hangesi nt hecompany ' s st r at egy . C. r ei t er at et hec ompany' sneedf ort henewdi r ec t i on,whi l eaddr essi ngempl oy eec oncer nsheadon,c al mi ngf ear s, l i f t i ngspi r i t s ,andpr ovi di ngt hem wi t hupdat esandpr ogr essr epor t sasev ent sunf ol d. D. expl ai nal l updat esandmer i t soft hecompany ' sbusi nessmodel t oal i gnst r at egywi t hempl oy ee c oncer ns. E. r ai sewagesandsal ar i est owi nt hes uppor tofcompanyper sonnelf ort hecompany' snew di r ect i on. 23.Anengagi ngandc onvi nc i ngst r at egi cv i si on:

A.oughtt oput" whowewer eandwhatwear edoi ng"i nwr i t i ngr at hert hanor al l ysoast ol eav enor oom f orcompany per s onnel t omi s i nt er pr etwhatt hest r at egi cvi si onr eal l yi s. B. shoul dbedonei nl anguaget hati ns pi r esandmot i v at escompanyper sonnel t ouni t ebehi ndex ecut i v eeffor t st oget t hecompanymov i ngi nt hei nt endeddi r ect i on. C. t endst obemor eeffec t i v ewhent opmanagementavoi dst r y i ngt ocapt ur et heess enc eoft hes t r at egi cvi si oni na cat chysl ogan. D. i smos teffic i ent l yandeffect i v el ydonebypos t i ngt hes t r at egi cvi si onpr omi nent l yont hec ompany ' swebs i t eand enc our agi ngempl oy eest or eadi t . E. s houl dbeex pl ai nedaf t ert hec ompany ' sst r at egi ci nt ent ,s t r at egy ,andbus i nes smodel hav ebeenconv ey edt o companyper sonnel . 24.Themanager i al t askofeffect i v el yc onv ey i ngt heess enceoft hest r at egi cvi s i oni smadeeasi erby :

A.havi ngoper at i ngst r at egi est hatar eeas yf orc ompanyper s onnel t ounder s t and andex ecut e. B. combi ni ngt hest r at egi cv i si onandt hecompany' sv al uesst at ementi nt oas i ngl e doc ument . C. adopt i ngacat chysl oganandt henusi ngi tr epeat edl yt oi l l umi nat et hedi r ect i onandpur pos eof" wher ewear e headedandwhy . " D. wai t i ngunt i lt hecompanyr eal i z esi t smi s si onandensur est heexi s t i ngcor por at ec ul t ur ei scompat i bl ewi t ht henew v i si onanddi r ect i on. E. di st r i but i ngwr i t t enst at ement st hatexpl ai n" wher ewear egoi ngand why . "


25.Effect i vel ycommuni cat i ngt hes t r at egi cv i si ondownt hel i net ol ower l ev el manager sandempl oy eeshast heval ueof :

A.i ns pi r i ngcompanyper s onnel t ouni t ebehi ndmanager i al effor t st ogett hec ompanymov i ngi nt he i nt endeddi r ect i on. B. hel pi ngc ompanyper s onnel under st andwhy" maki ngapr ofit "i sso i mpor t ant . C. mak i ngi teas i erf ort opex ecut i v est osetst r et ch obj ect i ves. D. hel pi ngl ower l ev el manager sandempl oy eesbet t erunder st andt hecompany' s bus i nessmodel . E. hel pi ngt hemanagementi nf or mul at i ngabal anced sc or ec ar d. 26.Per hapst hemosti mpor t antbenefi tofavi vi d,engagi ng,andconvi nci ngst r at egi cvi s i oni s:

A.hel pi nggai nmanager i al c ons ens usonwhatr esour cesmus tbedev el opedt os ucc es sf ul l yachi ev e s t r at egi cobj ec t i v es . B. uni t i ngc ompanyper s onnel behi ndmanager i al effor t st ogett hec ompanymov i ngi nt hei nt ended di r ect i on. C. hel pi ngj ust i f yt hec ompany ' smi ssi onofmaki nga pr ofit . D. hel pi ngc ompanyper sonnel under st andt hel ogi coft hecompany ' s bus i nessmodel . E. k eepi ngcompanyper sonnel wel l i nf or med. 27.As ound,wel l communi cat edst r at egi cvi si onmat t er s ,andt her el at edpay offsoccuri nsev er al r espect s ,EXCEPTi n connect i onwi t h:

A.r educi ngt her i sk sofr udder l essdeci si onmak i ng. B. hel pi ngt heor gani z at i onpr epar ef ort he f ut ur e. C. av oi di ngst r at egi ci nflect i onpoi nt sandmanagement ' sr eac t i oni nal i gni ngdec i si on c hoi ces . D. hel pi ngt ocr y st al l i z et opmanagement ' sownvi ewaboutt hefir m' sl ongt er m di r ect i on. E. pr ovi di ngat ool f orwi nni ngt hesuppor tofor gani zat i onal member sf ori nt er nal changest hatwi l l hel pmak et he vi s i onar eal i t y .


28.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngi sNOTt her esul tofawel l concei v edandcommuni cat edst r at egi cv i si on?

A.Seni orex ec ut i vess ol i di f yt hei rownv i ewoft hefir m' sl ongt er m di r ect i on. B. Ther i skofr udder l es sdeci si onmaki ngi s mi ni mi z ed. C. Or gani z at i onal member ssuppor tt hechangesi nt er nal l yt hatwi l l hel pmak et hevi s i on ar eal i t y . D. Thev i s i onas si s t st heor gani zat i oni npr epar i ngf ort he f ut ur e. E. St ock hol der spr ot estt hatt hebusi nessi s r udder l es s . 29.Ac ompany' smi s si onst at ementt y pi cal l yaddr ess eswhi c hoft hef ol l owi ngquest i ons ?

A.Whoar eweandwhatdowe do? B. Whatobj ect i v esandl ev elofper f or mancedowewantt o achi ev e ? C. Wher ear ewegoi ngandwhats houl dour st r at egybe ? D. Whatappr oachs houl dwet ak et oachi ev esus t ai nabl ec ompet i t i ve adv ant age? E. Whatbus i nes smodel s houl dweempl oyt oac hi ev eourobj ec t i v esandour vi s i on? 30.Thedi ffer encebet weent heconceptofacompanymi ss i onst at ementandt heconceptofas t r at egi cv i si oni st hat :

A.ami ss i onconcer nswhatt odot oachi eves hor t t er m obj ect i v es,whi l east r at egi cvi s i onconcer nswhatt odot o achi ev el ongt er m per f or manc et ar get s. B. ami ssi onst at ementf ocus esont hemet hodsneededt omak eapr ofit ,wher easas t r at egi cvi si onconcer nswhat busi nessmodel t oempl oyi ns t r i v i ngt omak eapr ofit . C. ami ss i onst at ementdeal swi t hwhatt oacc ompl i shonbehal fofshar ehol der s ,whi l eas t r at egi cvi si onconcer ns whatt oac compl i shonbehal fofc ust omer s. D. ami ssi onst at ementt ypi c al l yconc er nsacompany ' spur pos eandi t spr es entbusi nesss cope,wher east he pr i nci pal concer nofas t r at egi cvi si oni sacompany ' saspi r at i onsf ori t sf ut ur e. E. ami s si ons t at ementdeal swi t h" wher ewear eheaded, "wher easas t r at egi cv i si onpr ovi dest hec r i t i c al ans wert o " howwi l l wegett her e ?"


31.Thepr i mar ydi ffer encebet weenacompany ' smi s si onst at ementandt hec ompany ' sst r at egi cvi s i oni st hat :

A.ami ss i onst at ementex pl ai nswhyi ti ses sent i al t omakeapr ofit ,wher east hest r at egi cv i si onex ...

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