Chapter 05 Multiple-Choice Questions-TIF PDF

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Course Introduction To Psychology (Part A)
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1) A person's subjective awareness, including thoughts, perceptions, experiences of the world, and self-awareness is called a. intelligence. b. consciousness. c. mindfulness. d. creativity. Answer: b Page Reference: 181 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with sleep, dreams, and sleep disorders. 2) What term do psychologists use to designate our personal awareness of feelings, sensations, and thoughts? a. thinking b. cognition c. conscience d. consciousness Answer: d Page Reference: 181 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with sleep, dreams, and sleep disorders. 3) Our sleep-wake cycle follows a(n) __________ rhythm. a. infradian b. circadian c. circannual d. ultradian Answer: b Page Reference: 182 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with sleep, dreams, and sleep disorders. 4) A circadian cycle is about ______ long.

a. 90–100 minutes b. 28 days c. 1 year d. 24 hours Answer: d Page Reference: 182 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with sleep, dreams, and sleep disorders. 5) A biological cycle, or rhythm, that is approximately 24 hours long is called a(n) ___________ cycle. a. infradian b. circadian c. circannual d. ultradian Answer: b Page Reference: 182 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with sleep, dreams, and sleep disorders. 6) Which of the following is true of circadian rhythms? a. They are artificial inventions of timekeepers. b. They are internally driven and externally regulated cycles. c. They are sequences of events that occur once a month. d. They occur on the same schedule regardless of the changes from day to night. Answer: b Page Reference: 182 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with sleep, dreams, and sleep disorders. 7) The menstrual cycle is an example of a(n) ________ rhythm. a. infradian b. circadian

c. circannual d. ultradian Answer: a Page Reference: 182 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with sleep, dreams, and sleep disorders. 8) Every fall, black bears move into dens and hibernate until the spring. This is an example of a(n) _________ rhythm. a. seasonal b. circadian c. circannual d. ultradian Answer: c Page Reference: 182 Skill: Applied Objective: Know the key terminology associated with sleep, dreams, and sleep disorders. 9) Heart rate and urination are examples of a(n) __________ rhythm. a. infradian b. circadian c. circannual d. ultradian Answer: d Page Reference: 182 and185 Skill: Applied Objective: Know the key terminology associated with sleep, dreams, and sleep disorders. 10) The sleep-wake cycle is ultimately controlled by the part of the brain called the a. optic nerve. b. substantia nigra. c. suprachiasmatic nucleus. d. median forebrain bundle.

Answer: c Page Reference: 182 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with sleep, dreams, and sleep disorders. 11) While university students may sometimes be an exception, most humans sleep at night and are awake during the day. What maintains this relationship? a. The eye relays messages to the brain about light levels, which synchronizes the circadian rhythms to the day-night cycle. b. People get more exercise during daylight, which promotes alertness and wakefulness. c. Ambient air temperature is cooler at night, which triggers the body to sleep. d. Our internal biological clock is synchronized with the day-night cycle when we are born. Answer: a Page Reference: 182 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with sleep, dreams, and sleep disorders. 12) ______ levels of light lead to ________ levels of melatonin. a. low; high b. low; low c. high; high d. high; low Answer: a Page Reference: 182 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with sleep, dreams, and sleep disorders. 13) Where is the suprachiasmatic nucleus located? a. thalamus b. hippocampus c. retina d. hypothalamus

Answer: d Page Reference: 182 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with sleep, dreams, and sleep disorders. 14) _______________, a hormone involved in the regulation of circadian rhythms, is secreted by the pineal gland. a. Cortisol b. Melanin c. Estrogen d. Melatonin Answer: d Page Reference: 182 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with sleep, dreams, and sleep disorders. 15) The hormone melatonin reaches peak levels in the body during the a. morning. b. early evening. c. afternoon. d. night. Answer: d Page Reference: 182 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with sleep, dreams, and sleep disorders. 16) What is the primary stimulus that regulates the "biological clock" that controls circadian rhythms? a. light b. time c. pheromones d. hormones

Answer: a Page Reference: 182 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with sleep, dreams, and sleep disorders. 17) When endogenous rhythms are studied by removing all external time cues, what duration of circadian rhythm do most people adopt? a. approximately 23–24 hours long b. approximately 24–25 hours long c. approximately 25–26 hours long d. Humans are unable to maintain a normal circadian rhythm when external cues are removed. Answer: b Page Reference: 183 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with sleep, dreams, and sleep disorders. 18) Which of the following statements accurately reflects the relationship of the amount of sleep that an individual receives as a function of age? a. We require more sleep as we age. b. As we age, we tend to need less sleep. c. We require much sleep during infancy and early childhood, less sleep in adolescence and early adulthood, and then more sleep in middle and older age. d. The amount of sleep we require does not follow a consistent pattern as we age. Answer: b Page Reference: 183–184 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with sleep, dreams, and sleep disorders. 19) Kendra is on a camping trip with several generations of her family. One night, the group decides to wake up the next morning at first light and go on a sunrise hike. If the sleep habits of her family members are typical for their ages, what should happen on the morning of the hike? a. The middle-aged adults will be groggier and less alert than the teenagers. b. The middle-aged adults will be more alert and function better than the teenagers.

c. The youngest children in the group will be the most alert because they require the least amount of sleep. d. Everyone will be equally alert, regardless of age. Answer: b Page Reference: 183–184 Skill: Applied Objective: Know the key terminology associated with sleep, dreams, and sleep disorders. 20) Youssef spends a night at a sleep clinic. The technicians at the clinic hook Youssef up to sensors to measure respiration, body temperature, muscle movements, and brain activity while he sleeps. What technique is the clinic using to study Youssef's sleep pattern? a. positive sleep state analysis (PSSA) b. somnambulism c. polysomnography d. biofeedback Answer: c Page Reference: 184 Skill: Applied Objective: Understand how the sleep cycle works. 21) Which device would a sleep researcher use to monitor a sleeping person's brain waves? a. electromyogram (EMG) b. electrocardiogram (EKG) c. electro-oculogram (EOG) d. electroencephalogram (EEG) Answer: d Page Reference: 184 Skill: Factual Objective: Understand how the sleep cycle works. 22) If conducting sleep research, what brain waves would you expect to observe as the person becomes drowsy and then enters the first stage of sleep?

a. alpha then delta b. delta then theta c. alpha then theta d. delta then alpha Answer: c Page Reference: 184 Skill: Applied Objective: Understand how the sleep cycle works. 23) Emily is currently in stage 1 sleep. This means she is a. experiencing theta waves and light sleep. b. experiencing delta waves and walking in her sleep. c. relaxed but awake. d. hard to waken and her muscles are completely relaxed. Answer: a Page Reference: 184 Skill: Applied Objective: Understand how the sleep cycle works. 24) Emilio is currently in stage 2 sleep. This means his EEG is showing __________ waves. a. only delta b. occasional delta c. occasional bursts of rapid, high-peaking d. only small, irregular Answer: c Page Reference: 184–185 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Understand how the sleep cycle works. 25) Brain activity during sleep a. is relatively uniform, does not change throughout the night, and is not correlated with physiological changes in body.

b. is identical to activity during the waking state. c. is almost nonexistent. d. is correlated with changes in muscle tension, breathing, and other physiological responses. Answer: d Page Reference: 183–185 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Understand how the sleep cycle works. 26) From which stage of sleep would it be the easiest to wake someone up? a. stage 1 b. stage 2 c. stage 3 d. REM Answer: a Page Reference: 184 Skill: Factual Objective: Understand how the sleep cycle works. 27) Which stage of sleep is characterized by sleep spindles? a. stage 1 b. stage 2 c. stage 3 d. REM Answer: b Page Reference: 184–185 Skill: Factual Objective: Understand how the sleep cycle works. 28) Short, rhythmic bursts of brainwave activity that appear during stage 2 sleep are called a. delta waves. b. sleep spindles.

c. paradoxical sleep waves. d. beta waves. Answer: b Page Reference: 184 Skill: Factual Objective: Understand how the sleep cycle works. 29) Maxine is currently sleeping. She is experiencing delta waves and is very hard to waken. Maxine is in __________ sleep. a. stage 1 b. stage 2 c. stage 4 d. REM Answer: c Page Reference: 185 Skill: Applied Objective: Understand how the sleep cycle works. 30) Mukisa is a participant in a sleep study. After about 30 minutes of sleep, she enters stage 4. What are the researchers most likely to observe when studying Mukisa during this period? a. slow, rolling eye movements b. reports of vivid, unrealistic dreams if Mukisa is awakened c. slow brain waves called delta waves d. fast brain waves called alpha waves Answer: c Page Reference: 185 Skill: Applied Objective: Understand how the sleep cycle works. 31) REM sleep has been called "paradoxical sleep" because a. the brain is very active, yet the body is entirely inactive. b. the body is very active and restless, but the brain is very inactive.

c. the eyes are closed even though the person is technically awake. d. colourful dreams occur, in contrast to the black-and-white dreams of NREM sleep. Answer: a Page Reference: 185 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Understand how the sleep cycle works. 32) What term do sleep researchers use to designate stages 1–4 of sleep? a. REM sleep b. non-REM sleep c. deep sleep d. paradoxical sleep Answer: b Page Reference: 185 Skill: Factual Objective: Understand how the sleep cycle works. 33) A full sleep cycle (from stage 1 to REM) lasts approximately a. 20 minutes. b. 90–100 minutes. c. 6–8 hours. d. 8–10 hours. Answer: b Page Reference: 185 Skill: Factual Objective: Understand how the sleep cycle works. 34) John will likely experience REM rebound tonight if he a. takes a sleeping pill before bed. b. drinks too much caffeine prior to sleeping. c. did not sleep much last night. d. had vivid dreams last night.

Answer: c Page Reference: 191 Skill: Applied Objective: Understand how the sleep cycle works. 35) A person who gets very little sleep one night is likely to spend an increased amount in ____________ sleep, relative to the other stages, the following night. a. NREM b. stage 2 c. stage 4 d. REM Answer: d Page Reference: 191 Skill: Applied Objective: Understand how the sleep cycle works. 36) The ________ hypothesis states that sleep is necessary for fixing the wear and tear caused to the body during the day. a. restore and repair b. activation-synthesis c. preserve and protect d. waste removal Answer: a Page Reference: 186 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Understand theories of why we sleep. 37) Which hypothesis predicts that long-term sleep deprivation would cause cognitive decline and physical problems, such as an impaired immune system? a. preserve and protect b. activation-synthesis c. restore and repair d. problem-solving

Answer: c Page Reference: 186 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Understand theories of why we sleep. 38) Which of the following statements supports the "preserve and protect" hypothesis of sleep? a. People tend to require more sleep after a hard day of work. b. Sleep deprivation can lead to impaired cognitive abilities. c. Jet lag is usually worse when travelling east than it is when travelling west. d. Many small animals sleep during the day, when they could be easily seen by a predator. Answer: d Page Reference: 186 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Understand theories of why we sleep. 39) Kendra stays up all night partying with her friends. Based on sleep deprivation research, what is she likely to experience the next day? a. normal levels of wakefulness b. sleepiness for the entire day c. periods of sleepiness and periods of normal wakefulness d. severe cognitive impairment for the entire day Answer: c Page Reference: 187–188 Skill: Applied Objective: Know the key terminology associated with sleep, dreams, and sleep disorders. 40) _____________ is the discomfort one feels when sleep cycles are out of synchronization with light and darkness. a. REM rebound b. Jet lag c. Sleep displacement

d. Sleep deprivation Answer: b Page Reference: 189 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with sleep, dreams, and sleep disorders. 41) Jet lag is typically the worst when travelling a. north. b. south. c. east. d. west. Answer: c Page Reference: 189 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with sleep, dreams, and sleep disorders. 42) Freud called the hidden meaning of a dream its __________ content. a. surface b. manifest c. unconscious d. latent Answer: d Page Reference: 190 Skill: Factual Objective: Analyze different theories about why we dream. 43) Dr. Sanchez is a psychoanalyst who is interested in analyzing dreams using Freud's perspective. As a psychoanalyst, he focuses on interpreting the __________ content of his clients' dreams in an attempt to understand their unconscious wishes and thoughts that may be expressed symbolically in their dreams. a. latent b. patent c. manifest

d. marginal Answer: a Page Reference: 190 Skill: Applied Objective: Analyze different theories about why we dream. 44) According to Freud, the visible or directly observable content of a dream is its __________ content. a. primary b. secondary c. manifest d. latent Answer: c Page Reference: 190 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Analyze different theories about why we dream. 45) Steve is currently undergoing psychoanalysis. His therapist asks him to write down everything he remembers about his dreams upon awakening. According to Freud's theory of dreaming, Steve is writing about the __________ content of his dreams. a. latent b. activation-synthesis c. manifest d. unconscious Answer: c Page Reference: 190 Skill: Applied Objective: Analyze different theories about why we dream. 46) The psychoanalytic theory of dreaming states that a. the purpose of dreaming is to express unconscious wishes and urges. b. there is no purpose to dreaming; dreams occur because of random brainstem signals.

c. the purpose of dreaming is to resolve current concerns and problems that we are conscious of. d. dreaming is a by-product of a process of eliminating or strengthening neural connections. Answer: a Page Reference: 190 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Analyze different theories about why we dream. 47) Interpretation of the ________ content of a dream is expected to reveal the ________ content. a. latent; manifest b. manifest; latent c. manifest; sublimated d. metaphorical; denotative Answer: b Page Reference: 190 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Analyze different theories about why we dream. 48) If Alice's strange adventures in Wonderland were actually the dreams of a young girl, they probably occurred when she was in __________ sleep. a. stage 1 b. stage 2 c. stage 4 d. REM Answer: d Page Reference: 190 Skill: Applied Objective: Analyze different theories about why we dream. 49) During which part of sleep are you most likely to dream? a. stage 1

b. NREM c. stage 4 d. REM sleep Answer: d Page Reference: 190 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Analyze different theories about why we dream. 50) According to the activation-synthesis theory of dreaming, the source of a dream is neuronal firing in the a. occipital lobe. b. frontal lobe. c. thalamus. d. brainstem. Answer: d Page Reference: 190 Skill: Factual Objective: Analyze different theories about why we dream. 51) The activation-synthesis hypothesis of dreaming states that a. the purpose of dreaming is to express unconscious wishes, thoughts, and conflicts. b. dreams occur because of random brainstem signals and cortical activity trying to make sense of the signals. c. dreaming is a by-product of waste removal and restoration in the brain. d. dreaming is a by-product of a process of eliminating or strengthening neural connections. Answer: b Page Reference: 190 Skill: Factual Objective: Analyze different theories about why we dream. 52) The synthesis aspect of the activation-synthesis hypothesis of dreaming relates to a. the unconscious effort to make sense of repressed urges and emotions.

b. brain activity associated with problem-solving. c. brainstem activity attempting to make sense of random neuronal firing. d. cortical activity attempting to make sense of random neuronal firing. Answer: d Page Reference: 190 Skill: Factual Objective: Analyze different theories about why we dream. 53) The activation-synthesis theory proposes that a. the brain tries to make sense of random neural activity by creating dream narratives. b. the cortex is inactive during dreaming, so dreaming is completely controlled by the brainstem. c. the activity in the brainstem constructs or synthesizes dream narratives. d. dreams are active attempts to synthesize solutions to problems. Answer: a Page Reference: 190 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Analyze different theories about why we dream. 54) The ________theory suggests that dreams may function to facilitate finding solutions to problems encountered while awake. a. problem-solving b. manifest content c. restoration d. activation-synthesis Answer: a Page Reference: 191 Skill: Factual Objective: Analyze different theories about why we dream. 55) The problem-solving explanation of dreaming suggests that a. the symbols and metaphors in a dream disguise a person's true unresolved problems.

b. dreams are usually about our everyday problems and may even help us to solve those problems. c. dreams occur because of cortical activity trying to make sense of random brainstem signals. d. individuals with superior critical-thinking skills dream more often than others. Answer: b Page Reference: 191–192 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Analyze different theories about why we dream. 56) The _________approach to dreaming suggests that our dreams are simply a modification of the thinking that occurs when we are awake. a. problem-solving b. psychoanalytic c. cortical processing d. activation-synthesis Answer: a Page Reference: 191 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Analyze different theories about why we dream. 57) Which approach to explaining dreams is best supported by the fact that students who are worried about getting a good grade in a class often have recurring dreams of running out of time on exams, oversleeping and missing class, or suddenly realizing that a paper deadline was just missed? a. The wish-fulfilment theory b. The problem-solving approach c. The dream-learning theory d. The activation-synthesis approach Answer: b Page Reference: 191–193 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Analyze different theories about why we dream.

58) One criticism of the _______________ theory is that there is little to no evidence that the brain can find solutions to our concerns while we sleep. a. wish-fulfilment b. problem-solving c. dream-learning d. activa...

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