Chapter 1 & 2 - this is dsign methodology for fyp..This is for you as example only. PDF

Title Chapter 1 & 2 - this is dsign methodology for fyp..This is for you as example only.
Course computer ethics
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 25
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1 IntroductionNowadays, the internet and the evolution of information technology have created widespread access to information. Indirectly, technology has had a significant impact on how a person get around to their daily lives. This led to the demand for modern approaches in solving the human probl...




Nowadays, the internet and the evolution of information technology have created widespread access to information. Indirectly, technology has had a significant impact on how a person get around to their daily lives. This led to the demand for modern approaches in solving the human problems has increasing in higher learning environments such as using IoT, advance technology and using mobile apps. Usually, when student want to find the rental house, there will be a problem they will faced by using the traditional method. The problem is the redundancy of booking by using manual ways. If the student got the contact number early from another students. It is not yet guaranteed the house will belongs to that student because there might be the redundancy of same booked house because the house owner forgets that the house already booked. Then, by doing manual way also, data is recorded on books that is easily loss. The information of students and their rent payment record might be loss due to nature cause and human cause. This led to problem and dissatisfaction to landlords because of lack of management and end up whether students not paying the rent or pay more. Then, the landlords advertise their property just by only promote using flyer. This method is quite popular, but it cannot defeat the efficiency of promoting it in mobile application that can approach students much faster as all the students using the mobile phone every day. This chapter will provide an overview of the entire project including the objective of the project, scope, problem statement, significance of the study, and summary.

1.1 Background of Project

People getting information and connect with each other just using smartphone because of the rising of era of information and communication technology (ICT). This occurs as a result of the new and rapidly expanding mobile application sector's support. The growing industries can cause a worldwide positive or negative influence on its users. Countless Android and iOS applications with an emphasis on entertainment were produced by developers such as gaming, music, social media, and other services to its mobile app users, however just a few of these services are available. They developed a smartphone application that can assist individuals in their daily lives. Google Maps, for example, has been successful in assisting individuals in getting from one location to another. However, it is quite hassled to find the comfortable house with the suitable price as they need to put an effort to find the rental house themselves, but this research discusses the design

and development of Non-Resident Rental Housing Mobile Application (N-RRHM) to help students find the suitable rental house with the implementation of Rapid Application Development. Besides, this application uses the Google Maps functions and can easily locate the rentals house around UITM. The goal of this application is to make it easier for students to find a place to rent and help landlords to promote their rental house while UPKNR as admin of this application. N-RRHM used android as operating system. This application can provide list of rentals house with affordable price according to their preferrable choice. For project methodology, four phases are involved in development of project which is define requirements, user design, rapid construction, and cutover. A survey questions has been conducted to identify problems that are faced by Non-Resident College Management Unit (UPKNR), landlords and student. Then, the involvement of landlords as stakeholders at our project is very important to make sure the requirement of project can be change in the middle so that the project is working smoothly and done in fastest period of time rather than using another method that might end up consuming more time over the planning period of time. The benefit of a RAD approach is fast project turnaround, making it an attractive choice for developers working in a fast-paced environment like software development. The key benefit of a RAD approach is fast project turnaround, making it an attractive choice for developers working in a fast-paced environment like software development. fast development by RAD focus on minimizing the planning stage and maximizing prototype development. RAD enables project managers and stakeholders to properly evaluate progress and communicate in real time on changing issues or changes by minimizing planning time and prioritizing prototype iterations. As a result, there is more efficiency, faster development, and more effective communication. (Lloyd & Consignado, 2017). After the product is completed, a testing using survey questions also has been conducted to measure user satisfaction toward the mobile application. In the survey, respondents can evaluate based on functionality, usability, efficiently, and reliability.

1.2 Problem Statement

In the organizational, institutional and almost every area, to maintain the reputation and position is very critical to manage. Mara University of Technology Malaysia (UiTM) strives to attract more and more students to their own institute by using some strategies to retain their own students. UiTM as we known, provide good accommodation and facility to students as well as evaluating system for their facility whether it is comfortable or not to students. Accommodation facility is an important matter for student to promote healthy lifestyle and they eager want to study hardly for their resident students. Generally, students in higher education tend to limit their spending as much as possible especially for students living off campus as compared to students living on campus who do not have to spend a lot of money just to ensure the learning environment, safety, facilities, and more are in their hands. The students that living off campus are known as Non-Resident students. They need to find their rental house themselves with the guide from UPKNR that only provide contact number of landlords and the address of properties that require for them to approach the landlords. Besides. By using manual method, the contact number provided might not up to date and the address of rental house that have been given by UiTM may not be found by students when searching for the properties. So that, it will only waste their time. Non-Resident Rental Housing Mobile Application (N-RRHM) was developed to help UPKNR at UITM Machang, and landlords due to parental confusion about where to start looking for rental house owner contacts as there is no mobile application or website provided. The only way for them to find the rental houses are only by using flyers that are attached at the shops around campus, Word-of-Mouth Marketing (WOM Marketing) spread to promote the rental house among students.


Research Questions

This research attempts to answer the following questions:

What kind of mobile application to be build which suitable for non-residents based on their preferences?

Is the mobile application can increase the businesses profit?

What to provide in the rental house mobile application?


Research Objective

The research objectives of this project are: 

To build an application that will help students to find a rental house that will meet their preferences.

To develop a rental house application that allows the landlords to advertise their property.

To implement the use of mobile application.

1.5 Project Scope

The project scope outlines the tasks that must be completed to deliver the rental house mobile application. The target users for this project are the students and landlords. The area covers include: 

The students who are seeking for the rental house can see the availability of the rent house by checking the availability status on.

To eliminate the use of manual method and assisting the UPKNR in providing lists of rental houses to the student.

Students can book available house through mobile application anytime, rather than walking around and inquiring for a vacant residence.

The details that landlords have at their property whether it have one room, two room, and three rooms to give various choice to students.

The used of Google Maps API to easily locate the rental house.

The landlords that want to advertise their rental house.

1.6 Significance of The Study

The significance of the study are benefit the most to the UPKNR, students, and landlords through the development of Non-Resident Rental Housing Mobile Application (N-RRHM). The application can help to eliminate the manual method to promote properties that are commonly used before. Besides, it can reduce the effort of the landlords to promoting the properties through Word-of-Mouth Marketing (WOM Marketing). The application also stores the information of the booked rental house using Firebase as database that can be as reference for the landlords to avoid redundant booking make by other students. The application can also be considered as an essential mobile application that all students need especially when the college not offering the accommodation anymore for them, with the existing of the application they do not need to put an effort to ask other students for the properties. It is also can reduce the students ’time looking for the properties as students are busy completing their assignments. The mobile application can ease the students in finding the location of the house just by using Google Map and address showed in details information.

1.7 Summary

This chapter covers the background of study, problem statement, objectives, scope, and project significance. The project focuses on facilitating the consent process of students and landlords who need each other. Therefore, this project provides the best lists of the rental house to make sure student are comfortable to study and matches their interest. By having this application, landlords have a place where to maximize the advertising of the rental house and students no longer needed to worry about how to find the rental every semester that is consume their time and inefficient jus to find the rental house. In conclusion, this chapter describes a background of the study that being the key that introduce the topic. To ensure that this project is understandable, the problem statement have been stated to give the focus on what is the most crucial things for this mobile application need to be build, research question that determines

what questions that this project will have, objectives on what purpose on this project must be build, scope that this project will cover, and significance or the importance of this study were specified. Lastly, the next chapter will discuss on the literature review for this project.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Overview of Rental House System UITM Machang A rental house is a business that deals with the rental of rooms or houses that are mostly already equipped with facilities. The term rental house is closely associated with students since boarding homes are typically rented out to students, but they are occasionally rented out to the common society (Widiastuti et al.,2021). Rental homes come in many forms, it can be seen from the type of rental, amenities, and price. It is also a promising and profitable investment that can be calculated on a monthly or quarterly basis. According to the Muller in 2021, In Malaysia, the number of smartphone users is expected to be at 29 million. The number of smartphone users in Malaysia is predicted to rise by 1.74 million by 2025, due to the country's expanding population. In Malaysia, almost everyone owns a smartphone. The younger generation, on the other hand, is more likely to own a smartphone than the older generation. Only 30% of respondents aged 65 and above own a smartphone, according to a poll on smartphone ownership. Digital connectedness, including smartphone ownership, appears to be influenced by income and education. According to a poll, 95% of those earning at least 5,000 Malaysian ringgit and having a higher education level must own a smartphone.

Figure 2.1: Number of smartphone users in Malaysia from 2010 to 2020 and a forecast up to 2025 (Muller, 2021)

According to the head of JPNR, in 2020, there were 5979 students that study in UITM Machang and 896 students were registered as NR student. Every year, the reports must not be less than 10 regarding their safety especially to female student. It is usually about the landlord’s attitude of deceiving students about house payments, not looking after the welfare of students by not repairing the house if there is damage and deducting the deposit money even that is not their fault, flood, and venomous animal invaders. Based on this complains, the management of JPNR still not have the solution for these problems to help NR students. To ensure that NR students can study in good environment and their safety are assured, this study is very useful for them to care about student’s welfare and help students to solve the problem they faced. 2.2 Recommendation system Recommendation systems (RS) are a type of mechanism that aims to suggest goods to consumers. These elements are connected to the expectations and preferences of the users.

The usage of recommendation algorithms reduces the amount of time consumers spend on their search. Furthermore, it proposes relevant products to users that they would not seek out on their own (since they may not be aware of their existence). As a result, user satisfaction rises. A recommendation system is any system that generates individualized suggestions as an output or has the effect of directing the user to interesting or helpful things in a wide space of various choices in a personalized way(Simran et al., 2019). There are numerous recommendation techniques in recommender systems, but the three most well-known and widely utilized in recommender systems today are content based filtering, collaborative filtering, and hybrid filtering. Based on the applicable components and action phases, each technique has its own efficiency and accuracy in terms of suggestion (Shashank Mouli et al., 2020).

2.3 collaborative filtering Collaborative Filtering, on the other hand, requires nothing more than the users' previous preferences on a collection of objects. The filtering is based on historical data, the underlying premise is that consumers who have agreed in the past are more likely to agree again in the future. In terms of user preference, there are typically two options. An explicit rating is a rating given to an object on a sliding scale by a user, such as 5 stars for the movie. In other words, users indicate how much they enjoyed a specific film by giving the numerical rating. This is the most straightforward way for people to express how much they enjoy a service. Indirect user preferences, such as page visits, clicks, purchase records, whether to listen to a music track, and so on, are reflected in implicit ratings. Simply said, when a user views a movie, the system assumes that the user is interested in the subject(Luo, 2018).

2.4 Content-Based Filtering Content-based filtering methods create suggestions by analysing the descriptions of the things that users have rated and the descriptions of the items that should be recommended. Keywords are used to describe items in content-based filtering, and a user profile is created to identify things the user would enjoy. The similarity of products is determined by the characteristics of the things being compared. Here, a new temporal dimension is included, with a numerical value for each element that updates over time, improving the recommendation process (Shashank Mouli et al., 2020). Simply said, content-based filtering is based on user’s information or attributes of what they want to search(Luo, 2018). As example, rental house attributes such as distance from UITM in KM, which year house has been built, price range, and

many more. There are many benefits content-based filtering is good rather than collaborative and hybrid filtering, no data are required to produce relevant recommendations. This recommendation is very useful for businesses that does not involve many users and work finely with small interactions by users.

Content-based filtering is relevant. Since the approach focuses on matching the characteristics or attributes of a database object with the user's profile, content-based recommenders can be highly personalised to the user's interests, including specific item recommendations. SO that, content-based filtering is suitable to be used in this study as the mobile application that will be build are aimed to give best experience to helps student to choose the rental house that mee their preference. 2.5 Hybrid Filtering A combination of each approach may be used in a variety of ways, such as producing content-based and collaborative-based predictions and blending the algorithms in a single model. Various research has been published to evaluate the effectiveness of the hybrid approach with all the key cooperative and content-based techniques, and hybrid strategies have been demonstrated to yield significantly greater accuracy. This may also be used to get around the limitations of the previous Recommendation system, such as the cold start and the scarcity issue. Netflix is a good example of a hybrid filtering. (Shashank Mouli et al., 2020)

2.6 Mobile Application The popularity of smart mobile devices is growing fast (Effendy & Herawatie, 2020) as mobile applications are a shift from the traditional integrated software systems seen on PCs. Instead, each app offers a single, limited feature, such as a game, calculator, or mobile web browsing. Although early mobile devices' restricted hardware resources prevented program from multitasking, their uniqueness is now part of their appeal because it allows users to choose what their devices can and cannot do. A mobile application is a piece of software that runs on a mobile device like a smartphone or a tablet computer. Mobile apps are also known as downloadable applications with their own functionalities. This capability can be used to extend the capabilities of the mobile device. Users can get the appropriate cellular application from certain sites using their own operating system. Google Play and iTunes are two examples of platforms that provide a variety of apps for Android and iOS users to download (Widiastuti et al., 2021).

The most basic mobile apps are just PC-based software that have been converted to a mobile device. This strategy is becoming less effective as mobile apps become more sophisticated. A more advanced method involves building specifically for mobile devices, taking advantage of both their limitations and benefits. Apps that use location-based features, for example, are inherently created with a mobile user in mind, because unlike on a PC, the user is not tied to a specific location. There are two types of mobile application, which is Native applications and web apps. The application will briefly explain below:


Native application Native apps are designed particularly for a single mobile operating system, most

commonly iOS or Android. Native apps have superior performance and a more refined user interface (UI), and access to a great amount of APIs also helps to speed up development and expand the app's capabilities. Native applications can only be downloaded and installed directly into devices via app stores. That is why they often go through a much stricter development and quality assurance process before being launched. The application that are installed on android cannot be used in iPhone device.

Figure 2.2: Native Mobile Application Interface (Saccomani, 2019)

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