Chapter 1 - Summary Sociology: an Introduction to Sociology - Intro Sociology PDF

Title Chapter 1 - Summary Sociology: an Introduction to Sociology - Intro Sociology
Course Intro Sociology
Institution Clemson University
Pages 2
File Size 47.3 KB
File Type PDF
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chapter 1 study guide with book notes and lecture notes...


Sociology 2010 Chapter 1 Study Guide  

What is sociology? the scientific study of human social life, groups, and society Sociological Perspective: o How society affects us and how we affect society o Seeing the general in the specific Global Perspective: o Where we live shapes our lives o Societies throughout world are increasingly interconnected o Many social problems we face in the US are more serious elsewhere o Thinking globally helps us learn more about ourselves Applying the Sociological Perspective: o Understanding the social change o Cultural awareness o Policy assessment o Self-enlightenment Origins of Sociology o Mid-1800s when European social observers began to apply scientific methods to test their ideas o Influenced by Industrial Revolution Theories o Need theories because they give us an assumption to determine a behavior 1) Structural Function  A framework for building theory that sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability a. Manifest functions: functions known to and intended by the participants in a social activity b. Latent functions: consequences of a social activity of which the participants are unaware c. Society tends toward order and stability. This is achieved through the maintenance of a moral consensus (exists when most people share the same values) 2) Social Conflict Approach  Inequities in resources  Resources confer power  society is characterized by division and class conflict over scarce or valued material resources  Associated closely with the radical political movement of Karl Marx  Power: the capability of groups or individuals to make their own concerns or interests count, even when others resist  Ideology: the ideas of the powerful are used to justify the actions of the powerful in the minds of those they exploit  If ideology fails, the use of force is always an option. 3) Rational Choice Approach

Self-Interest 4 Categories of behavior o higher values o habits o emotion o self-interest 4) Symbolic Interaction Approach  Theoretical approach that emphasizes the symbolic nature of interaction, especially through language  Symbol: something that stands for something else, allows symbolic thought.  Symbolic thought frees us from being limited to what we actually see, hear, or feel  

Sociology Research Questions o Positivist Sociology: The study of society based on scientific observation of social behavior o Interpretive Sociology: The study of society that focuses on discovering the meanings people attach to their social world. o Critical Sociology: The study of society that focuses on the need for social change Important Research Terms o Concept o Variable o Measurement o Qualitative vs. Quantitative o Mean, Median, Mode o Reliability o Validity o Correlation vs. Cause and Effect o Objectivity vs. Subjectivity...

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