Chapter 1 Testbanks PDF

Title Chapter 1 Testbanks
Course Fundamentals of Entrepreneur
Institution University of Windsor
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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best complete

1) The higher your number of most desirable responses on the A) The less likely you are to become a successful entrepre B) The more likely you are to abort your attempts at an e anxiety. C) The more your responses agree with those of successfu D) The less your responses agree with those of successful Answer: C 2) Despite scoring high on the Entrepreneurial Quiz, your ventu demonstrate: A) Technical savvy B) Commitment, determination, and perseverance 承诺 毅⼒ 决⼼ C) Financial independence D) People prowess Answer: B 3) In a study of inductees into the Babson University Academy o 新成员 attributes and behaviours cited as the principal reasons for e A) Emotional intelligence, social intelligence, mathematic B) Openness to change, personal initiative, and persevera 主动 C) Positive attitude, social savvy, and intellectual intellig D) Commitment, dedication, and perseverance. Answer: B

7) The best entrepreneurs have a keen sense of their own stren 敏锐的 competitive environment in which they operate. This make A) Goal B) Reality C) Ac Answer: B 8) Most entrepreneurs are found to be ________ listeners and _ A) Good; quick B) Poor; slow C) Go Answer: A 9) The three types of reaction identified by Robinson et al. are: A) Empathy, Confusion, and Clarity B) Co C) Passion, Avoidance, and Ignorance D) Co Answer: B 10) Which of the following did Robinson et al. define as the pre in a generally favourable or unfavourable manner with resp A) Personality B) Attitude C) Em Answer: B 11) All of the following are subscales in Robinson's EAO Model A) Innovation in business B) De C) Achievement in business

D) De

Answer: B 12) Which of the following entrepreneurial types prefer to iden as business owners only as an afterthought? 事后的想法 A) Empire Building B) Li

16) Arranging financing, handling credit, and budgeting are all entrepreneurial skill set? A) Managing capital B) M C) Managing money D) M Answer: C 17) Purchasing supplies and raw materials, controlling inventor are skills which fall under which of the following broad ent A) Setting up a business B) M C) Directing sales and marketing operations D) Di Answer: D 18) You are able to acquire many of the skills needed prior to co through all of the following means, except : A) Job experience B) O C) Managing a home D) Va Answer: D 19) The personal net worth required to start a business is genera A) $5,000 - $10,000 B) $100,000- $500,000 C) Every business opportunity has its own unique capita D) $20,000- $50,000 Answer: C 20) Your credit rating is based on: A) The value of your home equity. B) Your prior history in borrowing and repaying money. C) Your employment income only. D) Your overall debt load compared to your ability to ge

24) Which of the following is not among the three questions to a ethical problem? A) Is it legal? B) What will others think? C) Is it balanced? D) How will it make you feel about yourself? Answer: B 25) A ________ should be a formal statement of a business's val A) Code of behaviour B) Co C) Vision statement D) M Answer: B 26) A code of ethics should be guided by all of the following are A) Competition B) Citizenship C) In Answer: A 27) All of the following are included in the triple bottom line as A) Environmental impact B) So C) Financial performance D) Gl Answer: D TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the stateme

28) Researchers are unable to identify a set of common attribute entrepreneurs that appear to lead to success. Answer:



29) There is considerable evidence which suggests that the "righ entrepreneur can be learned

35) Craftspeople are a type of entrepreneur that seek financial i the freedom to spend their time as they wish. Answer:



36) Deal- to - dealers are small business owners which have had different lines of business. Answer:



37) According to Vesper’s typology, "Acquirers" are entreprene that are in trouble and try to straighten them out or buy bus some way, perhaps before selling them off again. Answer:



38) Many small business owners experience an immediate incre can earn. Answer:



39) It is estimated that the principal reason for the failure of sma Answer:



40) Training employees, motivating people, and evaluating wor operations" skill set. Answer:



41) Your personal balance sheet includes a summary of all your cash value–and your liabilities or debts. Answer:



42) Your credit rating is based on your income earning potentia

ESSAY. Write your answer in the space provided or on a separate sh

47) Of the many attributes shared by successful entrepreneurs, their success? Explain. Answer: More than any other single factor, a combination o cases, these qualities have won out against odds co commitment can compensate for other weaknesse 48) List and describe the "not- so- learnable" traits of an entrepre Answer: The not- so- learnable traits are those which expert and emotional stability; 2. Creativity and an innov ability; 4. The ability to see a better future and a ca 49) Most entrepreneurs are described as having a high risk toler Answer: Despite the myth that suggests entrepreneurs are entrepreneurs have been found, in general, to pref of losing are neither so small as to be a sure thing n 50) List and briefly describe the three entrepreneurial archetype Answer: Craftspeople don't think of themselves as entrepre operate independently. They are more interested i and generally work alone or employ one other per Business seek financial independence above anyth wish. Their prime motivator isn't growth, but simp refers to entrepreneurs who represent the 10 perce motivated almost solely by achievement, usually m building is the one most generally associated in po –always busy with the next project, an insatiable th revolutionize markets and industries.

53) Summarize the basis for the argument that companies shou Answer: First, all firms make use of society’s basic infrastru Second, companies should reimburse society for th noise, smell, traffic congestion, and toxic emissio 54) List the reasons why businesses should be concerned with b Answer: Cost savings due to more efficient operations Development of a more positive organizational im Creation of a clearly identifiable market niche with environment, social justice, and sustainable living Being forced to become more innovative to accom organizational strategy. 55) Outline the three key questions in Blanchard and Peale’s Eth examining the situation at several different levels. Answer: 1. Is it legal? Will you be violating either civil law or your organ 2. Is it balanced? Is it fair to all concerned in the short term as well a relationships? 3. How will it make you feel about yourself? Will it make you proud? Would you feel good if your decision was publish Would you feel good if your family knew about it...

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