Chapter 10 - Basics of Psychoanalysis PDF

Title Chapter 10 - Basics of Psychoanalysis
Course Personality
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Chapter 10 – Basics of Psychoanalysis MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The therapeutic technique that involves instructing the patient to say whatever comes to mind is called a. free association. c. repressed memory recovery. b. systematic regression. d. reaction formation. ANS: A OBJ: 10.1

DIF: Easy REF: Freud Himself MSC: Remembering

2. Why did Freud believe that psychotherapy was beneficial? a. It helps the individual understand aspects of the collective unconscious. b. Therapists provide objective insight without becoming emotionally involved. c. Talking about problems helps bring those issues into conscious awareness. d. Scientific methods proved the effectiveness of psychotherapy. ANS: C OBJ: 10.1

DIF: Easy REF: Freud Himself MSC: Understanding

3. According to the text, the widespread use of Freud’s ideas in popular culture may actually be a deterrent for promoting the study of his theories because a. his theories are still widely used in psychotherapy today. b. many of their uses in popular culture are actually incorrect. c. his theories are too broad and holistic of human behavior. d. his theories seem so cliché or mundane that people will have little interest in studying them. ANS: D OBJ: 10.2

DIF: Moderate REF: Why Study Freud? MSC: Understanding

4. Freud’s greatest contribution to modern-day psychotherapy was a. parapraxes. c. unconditional positive regard. b. the “talking cure.” d. defense mechanisms. ANS: B OBJ: 10.2

DIF: Easy REF: Freud Himself MSC: Remembering

5. According to the text, the four key ideas of psychoanalytic theory are a. internal structure, mental energy, psychic conflict, and psychic determinism. b. internal structure, mental energy, psychic conflict, and unconscious motives. c. internal structure, mental energy, psychic determinism, and unconscious motives. d. mental energy, psychic conflict, psychic determinism, and unconscious motives. ANS: A OBJ: 10.3

DIF: Moderate REF: Key Ideas of Psychoanalysis MSC: Remembering

6. Toni forgot the day of his final exam and therefore did not complete it. The idea that Toni’s behavior was not an accident and instead had a direct cause is the idea of a. unconditional positive regard. c. psychic determinism. b. mental causality. d. libidinal functionalism. ANS: C OBJ: 10.3

DIF: Easy REF: Key Ideas of Psychoanalysis: Psychic Determinism MSC: Understanding

7. Unlike other perspectives, the psychoanalytic perspective emphasizes the importance of ________ in determining behavior. a. conscious desires c. self-efficacy b. environmental influences d. unconscious processes ANS: D OBJ: 10.3

DIF: Moderate MSC: Analyzing

REF: Key Ideas of Psychoanalysis: Psychic Determinism

8. The psychoanalytic explanation for the behavior of the governor who paid for prostitutes yet supported anticrime initiatives would be that a. the power of the situation caused his behavior. b. he decided to get a prostitute of his own free will. c. his behavior is inconsistent and difficult to predict. d. the causes of his behavior lie in the psychic conflict of his mind. ANS: D OBJ: 10.4

DIF: Moderate MSC: Applying

REF: Key Ideas of Psychoanalysis: Psychic Determinism

9. Jason is playing with his brother’s new skateboard when he runs it into a wall and breaks it into pieces. Psychoanalysts would maintain that the destruction of the skateboard was a. just an accident. b. probably determined by some unconscious desire in Jason to ruin his brother’s new toy. c. a conscious free choice made by Jason right before he ran it into the wall. d. caused by the environmental conditions. ANS: B OBJ: 10.4

DIF: Moderate MSC: Applying

REF: Key Ideas of Psychoanalysis: Psychic Determinism

10. What is the difference between the mind and the brain according to the psychoanalytic perspective? a. The mind is the psychological product of the brain’s activity. b. The brain is the psychological product of the mind’s activity. c. The brain is the physical product of the mind’s activity. d. The mind is the physical product of the brain’s activity. ANS: A



REF: Key Ideas of Psychoanalysis: Internal Structure

OBJ: 10.3

MSC: Understanding

11. According to Freud, the internal structure of the mind consists of a. the oral, anal, and phallic stages. c. libido and Thanatos. b. the id, ego, and superego. d. psychic energy and psychic conflict. ANS: B OBJ: 10.5

DIF: Easy REF: Key Ideas of Psychoanalysis: Internal Structure MSC: Remembering

12. According to Freud, the irrational and emotional part of the mind is the ________, and the rational part of the mind is the ________. a. superego; ego c. libido; Thanatos b. id; libido d. id; ego ANS: D OBJ: 10.5

DIF: Easy REF: Key Ideas of Psychoanalysis: Internal Structure MSC: Remembering

13. What did Freud mean when he described sexual behavior as fixation? a. The individual has successfully resolved the conflict that is present at a particular stage. b. Excessive attention is paid to the penis during the genital stage of development. c. Too much libido is invested in a given stage of psychosexual development. d. He meant the development of extreme disgust of one’s self. ANS: C DIF: Moderate REF: Psychosexual Development: “Follow the Money”: Moving Through Stages OBJ: 10.11 MSC: Remembering 14. According to the textbook, the result of the compromise between the id, the ego, and the superego is what a. the person unconsciously believes. b. the person wishes to happen. c. causes extreme depression. d. the person consciously thinks and how he or she behaves. ANS: D DIF: Moderate REF: Key Ideas of Psychoanalysis: Psychic Conflict and Compromise OBJ: 10.5 MSC: Understanding 15. A moralistic church official ends up soliciting prostitutes. According to Freudian theory, this was caused by the a. ego winning out over the superego. c. id winning out over the superego. b. superego winning out over the id. d. ego winning out over the id. ANS: C DIF: Moderate REF: Key Ideas of Psychoanalysis: Psychic Conflict and Compromise

OBJ: 10.4

MSC: Applying

16. Tracy has an important test tomorrow. She knows she should study for the test but she really wants to go to Greg’s party. However, when she considers not studying and going to the party she feels guilty. Tracy therefore decides to stay home and study for the test. According to psychoanalytic theory, Tracy’s a. ego won out over her superego. c. id won out over her superego. b. superego won out over her id. d. ego won out over her id. ANS: B DIF: Moderate REF: Key Ideas of Psychoanalysis: Psychic Conflict and Compromise OBJ: 10.4 MSC: Applying 17. According to Freud, the mental energy that makes the mind function is called a. the id. c. libido. b. Thanatos. d. sublimation. ANS: C OBJ: 10.3

DIF: Easy REF: Key Ideas of Psychoanalysis: Mental Energy MSC: Remembering

18. Which statement best summarizes Freud and modern psychoanalytic thinking about mental energy? a. Freud believed that mental energy was limited, whereas modern psychologists believe that it is the mind’s ability to process information that is limited. b. Freud believed that the mind’s processing ability was limited, whereas modern psychoanalysts believe that mental energy is limited. c. Both Freud and modern psychologists believed that mental energy is limited. d. Freud and his current followers believed that mental energy could be precisely quantified through the process of psychoanalysis. ANS: A OBJ: 10.3

DIF: Moderate REF: Key Ideas of Psychoanalysis: Mental Energy MSC: Understanding

19. Jenny spends most of her psychic energy trying to push her memory of a recent mugging out of conscious awareness. According to Freud, if Jenny tries to write a novel, she will find that a. the repression has created additional psychic energy that will make her more creative. b. she has little psychic energy left to spend on her writing. c. nothing has changed, and her writing will proceed as well as it normally does. d. the repression has created additional energy for her to invest in other outlets. ANS: B OBJ: 10.4

DIF: Moderate MSC: Applying

REF: Key Ideas of Psychoanalysis: Mental Energy

20. What is the current status of Freud’s idea that psychic energy is limited?

a. This idea has withstood the test of time and empirical scrutiny. b. The newer idea suggests it is the mind’s processing capacity rather than psychic energy that is limited. c. No research has tested this idea, so little can be said about it. d. This is an idea that trained psychoanalysts tend to reject but academic researchers tend to favor. ANS: B OBJ: 10.7

DIF: Moderate MSC: Analyzing

REF: Key Ideas of Psychoanalysis: Mental Energy

21. Which of the following of Freud’s theories is part of modern psychoanalytic thought? a. Compromise formation is the ego’s main job. b. The mind is divided into three parts. c. Psychological impulses will build up if they are not expressed. d. Psychic energy, or libido, is finite. ANS: A OBJ: 10.7

DIF: Moderate REF: Key Ideas of Psychoanalysis MSC: Remembering

22. The most common criticism of Freud’s ideas today is that ________. The most common criticism of Freud’s ideas at the time that it was first introduced was that ________. a. he placed too much emphasis on sex and sexual energy; he relied too heavily on controlled, systematic studies b. his theory is unscientific; he placed too much emphasis on sex and sexual energy c. he relied too heavily on controlled, systematic studies; he placed too much emphasis on sex and sexual energy d. he maintained that behavior is largely the result of rational thought processes; his theory is unscientific ANS: B DIF: MSC: Understanding


REF: Controversy OBJ: 10.6

23. Which of the following aspects of Freud’s theory was LEAST developed? a. libido c. psychosexual stages b. the death instinct d. regression ANS: B OBJ: 10.3

DIF: Moderate REF: Psychoanalysis, Life, and Death MSC: Remembering

24. Freud called the fundamental force that was necessary for creation, protection, and enjoyment of life ________. The idea that the basic tendency of ordered systems is toward disorder and chaos is similar to Freud’s concept of ________. a. Thanatos; libido b. libido; Thanatos c. the primary process; the secondary process

d. fixation; regression ANS: B OBJ: 10.3

DIF: Moderate REF: Psychoanalysis, Life, and Death MSC: Understanding

25. Allen has just ended his relationship with his longtime girlfriend, Katy. According to the doctrine of opposites, Allen will respond to the breakup by a. regressing to an earlier stage of development. b. switching from being an oral character to being an anal character. c. trying to find a new woman who is very similar to Katy. d. beginning to despise Katy. ANS: D OBJ: 10.3

DIF: Moderate MSC: Applying

REF: Psychoanalysis, Life, and Death

26. According to Freud, the process of psychological development is driven by the a. investment and redirection of psychic energy. b. development of key psychosocial relationships with others. c. development of autonomy. d. conflict between the conscious and preconscious mind. ANS: A OBJ: 10.3

DIF: Moderate REF: Psychosexual Development: “Follow the Money” MSC: Understanding

27. Which of the following is the correct order of Freud’s major stages of psychosexual development? a. anal, oral, genital, phallic c. oral, anal, genital, phallic b. anal, oral, phallic, genital d. oral, anal, phallic, genital ANS: D OBJ: 10.9

DIF: Moderate REF: Psychosexual Development: “Follow the Money” MSC: Remembering

28. In psychoanalytic theory, the structures of personality emerge during specific stages of psychosexual development. Which structure-stage pair is correctly matched? a. ego-latency c. id-anal b. superego-phallic d. ego-genital ANS: B OBJ: 10.9

DIF: Moderate REF: Psychosexual Development: “Follow the Money” MSC: Understanding

29. Baby Jessica’s parents respond to her every need as soon as she cries. Freud would predict that, as an adult, Jessica will a. be well adjusted. c. rebel against authority figures. b. be passive. d. become sexually promiscuous. ANS: B



REF: Psychosexual Development: “Follow the Money”: Oral Stage OBJ: 10.10 MSC: Applying 30. Sally tries to keep her distance from other people, especially her boyfriend. How might Freud explain this behavior? a. Sally’s parents spoiled her, and no one else can live up to her expectations. b. Sally’s parents were neglectful and rarely responded to her crying as an infant. c. Sally had a really bad romantic relationship when she was younger. d. Sally never resolved her Electra complex. ANS: B DIF: Moderate REF: Psychosexual Development: “Follow the Money”: Oral Stage OBJ: 10.10 MSC: Applying 31. Mark never studies for his psychology exams and is consequently flunking his course. He confronts his professor and explains that he expects a higher grade because he really wants an A in the class. Freud would classify Mark as a(n) ________ character. a. anal c. oral b. narcissistic d. phallic ANS: C DIF: Moderate REF: Psychosexual Development: “Follow the Money”: Oral Stage OBJ: 10.8 MSC: Applying 32. According to the text, Freud was a. a profound moderate who disliked extremes of any kind. b. a believer in indulging infants so that they developed basic trust. c. an extremist who believed that even young infants must take care of themselves. d. not particularly concerned with the first 18 months of life because infants do not have language. ANS: A DIF: Easy REF: Psychosexual Development: “Follow the Money”: Oral Stage OBJ: 10.1 MSC: Understanding 33. What psychological theme is related to the oral stage? a. jealousy c. control b. morality d. dependency ANS: D DIF: Easy REF: Psychosexual Development: “Follow the Money”: Oral Stage OBJ: 10.8 MSC: Remembering 34. The id is present a. during the oral stage of development.

b. after the resolution of the oral stage. c. after the resolution of the anal stage. d. after the resolution of the phallic stage. ANS: A DIF: Moderate REF: Psychosexual Development: “Follow the Money”: Oral Stage OBJ: 10.8 MSC: Remembering 35. Stephen’s apartment is exceptionally neat and clean, whereas Mary Anne’s house is always messy. According to Freud, a. Stephen is an anal character, and Mary Anne is an oral character. b. Stephen is an oral character, and Mary Anne has regressed to the latency period. c. both Stephen and Mary Anne have developed fixations in the phallic stage. d. both Stephen and Mary Anne are anal character types. ANS: D DIF: Moderate REF: Psychosexual Development: “Follow the Money”: Anal Stage OBJ: 10.10 MSC: Applying 36. Which type of parenting style produces children who are the MOST psychologically healthy? a. ambivalent c. authoritative b. authoritarian d. permissive ANS: C DIF: Easy REF: Psychosexual Development: “Follow the Money”: Anal Stage OBJ: 10.8 MSC: Remembering 37. According to the text, what is the psychological theme of the anal stage? a. dependency c. sexuality b. self-control d. trust ANS: B DIF: Easy REF: Psychosexual Development: “Follow the Money”: Anal Stage OBJ: 10.8 MSC: Remembering 38. According to Freud, the superego develops during the ________ stage of psychosexual development, and the ego develops during the ________ stage. a. penile; vaginal c. phallic; anal b. vaginal; penile d. oral; genital ANS: C DIF: Moderate REF: Psychosexual Development: “Follow the Money”: Anal Stage OBJ: 10.8 MSC: Remembering 39. According to Freud, the ego a. follows the pleasure principle.

b. tries to satisfy urges while acknowledging the constraints of the real world. c. emerges during the resolution of the Oedipal/Electra complexes. d. acts like your conscience by avoiding bad behavior and striving for morally correct behavior. ANS: B DIF: Moderate REF: Psychosexual Development: “Follow the Money”: Anal Stage OBJ: 10.8 MSC: Understanding 40. Two-year-old Jonathan knows he is not allowed to have a second piece of candy. When his mother is distracted, he takes another piece out of the candy jar, just to see if he can get away with it. Jonathan is in the ________ stage of development. a. phallic c. anal b. oral d. latency ANS: C DIF: Moderate REF: Psychosexual Development: “Follow the Money”: Anal Stage OBJ: 10.8 MSC: Applying 41. During the anal stage, parents insist that the child ________. Accordingly, an anal character is consistently dealing with issues of ________. a. remain passive and dependent; dependency and passivity b. relinquish his or her attachment to the opposite-sex parent; jealousy and sexual identity c. exhibit self-control and obedience; control and relations to authority d. be assertive and productive; creation and enhancement of life ANS: C DIF: Moderate REF: Psychosexual Development: “Follow the Money”: Anal Stage OBJ: 10.8 | 10.10 MSC: Understanding 42. The superego maintains its power through its ability to a. produce dreams. c. use psychic energy. b. produce fear. d. pass moral judgments. ANS: D DIF: Moderate REF: Psychosexual Development: “Follow the Money”: Phallic Stage OBJ: 10.8 MSC: Remembering 43. The basic developmental task of the phallic stage is a. the acquisition of gender identity. b. the development of self-control. c. forming relationships with an opposite-sex peer. d. accomplishing learning tasks such as reading and writing. ANS: A



REF: Psychosexual Development: “Follow the Money”: Phallic Stage OBJ: 10.8 MSC: Understanding 44. Which of the following does NOT develop during the phallic stage? a. the ego c. attitudes about sexuality b. gender identity d. the superego ANS: A DIF: Moderate REF: Psychosexual Development: “Follow the Money”: Phallic Stage OBJ: 10.8 MSC: Understanding 45. According to Freud, the physical focus of the phallic stage is the a. penis for boys and the vagina for girls. b. anus for boys and the mouth for girls. c. penis for both boys and girls. d. womb for boys and the penis for girls. ANS: C DIF: Moderate REF: Psychosexual Development: “Follow the Money”: Phallic Stage OBJ: 10.8 MSC: Understanding 46. In the last two years, Marcus has had more than three dozen sexual partners. Marcus has likely developed a fixation in the a. genital stage. c. latency period. b. oral stage. d. phallic stage. ANS: D DIF: Moderate REF: Psychosexual Development: “Follow the Money”: Phallic Stage OBJ: 10.10 | 10.11 MSC: Applying 47. What does Freud mean by identification? a. the process by which a child takes on attitudes and values of the same-sex parent b. the ability of a child to recognize attachment figures in his or her world c. successful recognition and classification of different objects in the child’s world d. the child’s ability to have empathy and to identify with another person’s situation ANS: A DIF: Easy REF: Psychosexual Development: “Follow the Money”: Phallic Stage OBJ: 10.11 MSC: Remembering 48. According to Freud, boys and girls figure out what it means to be male and female a. by being rewarded or punished for gender-appropriate behavior. b. through the process of identification. c. during the genital stage of development. d. during the latency stage of development.

ANS: B DIF: Easy REF: Psychosexual Development: “Follow the Money”: Phallic Stage OBJ: 10.11 MSC: Remembering 49. What term did Freud use to describe the psychological respite or time out that occurs before the genital stage? a. exploratory stage c. latency stage b. rest period d. moratorium stage ANS: C DIF: Easy REF: Psychosexual Development: “Follow the Money”: Genital Stage OBJ: 10.10 MSC: Remembering 50. What marks the end of the latency stage? a. marriage c. puberty b. the selection of a career d. th...

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