Chapter 10 Marriage and Intimate Relationships Exam PDF

Title Chapter 10 Marriage and Intimate Relationships Exam
Course Understanding Yourself and Others
Institution The University of Western Ontario
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Chapter Exam...


1. Which statement most accurately reflects the current state of marriage in modern Western society? a. It is a cherished but dying tradition. b. It remains popular but appears to be under assault from changes in society. c. It is being largely replaced by cohabitation and serial monogamy. d. It is beset by tragic interpersonal violence in all segments of society. ANSWER:



Moderate Challenges to the Traditional Model of Marriage

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.01 - Discuss six social trends that are affecting the institution of marriage. KEYWORDS:


2. Which of the following statements is true regarding the commonly held stereotype of single people? a. The previously negative stereotype is gradually declining. b. The previously positive stereotype is gradually declining. c. The stereotype has changed from positive to negative. d. The stereotype has changed from negative to positive. ANSWER:



Moderate Challenges to the Traditional Model of Marriage

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.01 - Discuss six social trends that are affecting the institution of marriage. KEYWORDS: NOTES:

Factual New

3. Living together in a sexually intimate relationship without actually being married is called a. endogamy. b. cohabitation. c. pseudo-marriage. d. common law marriage. ANSWER:



Easy Challenges to the Traditional Model of Marriage

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.01 - Discuss six social trends that are affecting the institution of marriage. KEYWORDS:


4. Approximately what percentage of marriages will result in separation or divorce? a. 25% b. 45% c. 65% d. 85% ANSWER:



Easy Challenges to the Traditional Model of Marriage

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.01 - Discuss six social trends that are affecting the institution of marriage. KEYWORDS: NOTES:

Factual New

5. Juan and Dori recently got married. If current demographics continue, what is the likelihood (percentage) they will get divorced or separated? a. 25% b. 45% c. 65% d. 85% ANSWER:



Moderate Challenges to the Traditional Model of Marriage

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.01 - Discuss six social trends that are affecting the institution of marriage. KEYWORDS: NOTES:

Conceptual New

6. Role expectations for husbands and wives are becoming a. more consistent with traditional values. b. more specific and stable. c. less of a concern to married couples. d. more varied and flexible. ANSWER:



Moderate Challenges to the Traditional Model of Marriage

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.01 - Discuss six social trends that are affecting the institution of marriage. KEYWORDS: NOTES:

Conceptual New

7. Which of the following is NOT true regarding the challenges to traditional views of marriage? a. There is increased acceptance of cohabitation. b. People are less concerned with the stigma of divorce. c. People are not as interested in monogamous relationships now. d. There is an increase in the prevalence of single-parent households and childless marriages. ANSWER:



Difficult Challenges to the Traditional Model of Marriage

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.01 - Discuss six social trends that are affecting the institution of marriage. KEYWORDS: NOTES:

Factual New

8. An increasing number of married couples are deciding a. not to have children. b. to have only one child. c. to have larger families than in the past. d. to have children earlier in the marriage. ANSWER: DIFFICULTY:

a Moderate

REFERENCES: Challenges to the Traditional Model of Marriage LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.01 - Discuss six social trends that are affecting the institution of marriage. KEYWORDS: Factual 9. Over _____ of Americans will marry at least once. a. 30% b. 50% c. 70% d. 90% ANSWER:



Easy Deciding to Marry

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.02 - Describe some cultural influences on marriage. KEYWORDS: Factual NOTES:


10. It is estimated that up to _____ of the world practices arranged marriage. a. 20% b. 40% c. 60% d. 80% ANSWER:



Moderate Deciding to Marry

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.02 - Describe some cultural influences on marriage. KEYWORDS: Factual

11. Research suggests that polygamy is a. prevalent in the Mormon church. b. related to lower self-esteem and unhappiness for wives. c. awaytostrengthenwomen’sindependence. d. working well for women in high functioning families. ANSWER:



Moderate Deciding to Marry

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.03 - Identify several factors influencing the selection of a mate. KEYWORDS: Factual NOTES:


12. Endogamy refers to the tendency a. of people to marry within their social group. b. forwomento“marryup”insocioeconomicstatus. c. for men to marry a woman who is much younger. d. to marry others who have similar personal characteristics. ANSWER:



Moderate Deciding to Marry

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.03 - Identify several factors influencing the selection of a mate. KEYWORDS: Factual 13. John and Jenny are an interracial couple. When Jenny looked into statistics to see how unusual they were, she likely found a. interracial marriages have slowly declined in the past two decades. b. people are finding the extra burden of interracial relationships too difficult. c. there is a significant difference between interracial and intraracial couples in quality of the relationship. d. interracial couples tend to report higher relationship satisfaction. ANSWER: DIFFICULTY:

d Moderate

REFERENCES: Deciding to Marry LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.03 - Identify several factors influencing the selection of a mate. KEYWORDS:


14. The norm in American society is all of the following EXCEPT a. monogamy. b. polygamy. c. endogamy. d. homogamy. ANSWER:



Easy Deciding to Marry

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.03 - Identify several factors influencing the selection of a mate. KEYWORDS: Factual

15. Thetendencytomarrysomeonewhohaspersonalcharacteristicssimilartoone’sowniscalled a. endogamy. b. homogamy. c. monogamy. d. homosexuality. ANSWER:



Easy Deciding to Marry

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.03 - Identify several factors influencing the selection of a mate. KEYWORDS: Factual NOTES:


16. Sara is marrying Bill, a man three years older than her, who has completed college. Sara is completing college next year.Inrelationtothetext’sdiscussionofhomogamy,thiscouplewouldbeconsidered a. unusual. b. typical. c. typical for age, but not education. ANSWER: DIFFICULTY:

d. typical for attitudes, but not marital history.

b Moderate

REFERENCES: Deciding to Marry LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.03 - Identify several factors influencing the selection of a mate. KEYWORDS: NOTES:

Conceptual New

17. In terms of what they look for in a marital partner, women place a higher value than men on which of the following? a. Youthfulness b. Socioeconomic status c. Physical attractiveness

d. Interest in raising a family


b Moderate

REFERENCES: Deciding to Marry LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.03 - Identify several factors influencing the selection of a mate. KEYWORDS:


18. Which of the following characteristics of potential mates is NOT valued equally by both sexes? a. Honesty b. Trustworthiness c. Socioeconomic status d. Humor ANSWER:



Moderate Deciding to Marry

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.03 - Identify several factors influencing the selection of a mate. KEYWORDS: Conceptual NOTES:


19. In terms of what they look for in a marital partner, men place a higher value than women on which of the following? a. Ambition b. Intelligence c. Financial prospects

d. Youthfulness


d Moderate

REFERENCES: Deciding to Marry LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.03 - Identify several factors influencing the selection of a mate. KEYWORDS:


20. Jerry is seeking a mate based on evolutionary theory. His most primary, underlying concern will be to look for a female who is a. likely to be successful at having children. b. likely to provide him love. c. likely to be intelligent. d. likely to be stronger than average. ANSWER: DIFFICULTY:

a Difficult

REFERENCES: Deciding to Marry LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.03 - Identify several factors influencing the selection of a mate. KEYWORDS:


21. Jean is seeking a mate based on evolutionary theory. Her most primary, underlying concern will be to look for a male who is a. likely to be devious. b. likely to provide her love. c. likely to be attractive. d. likely to provide well for her children. ANSWER:



Moderate Deciding to Marry

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.03 - Identify several factors influencing the selection of a mate. KEYWORDS: Conceptual 22. The main problem with research on marital success is that a. few researchers are interested in the topic. b. marital quality is hard to measure. c. mostpeopledon’tliketorevealsuchinformationtoresearchers. d. all of the above. ANSWER: DIFFICULTY:

b Moderate

REFERENCES: Deciding to Marry LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.04 - Summarize evidence on predictors of marital success. KEYWORDS:


23. Which of the following is associated with a higher probability of marital success? a. Younger age b. Shorter courtship c. Having happily married parents d. All of the above ANSWER:



Moderate Deciding to Marry

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.04 - Summarize evidence on predictors of marital success. KEYWORDS: Factual 24. Which of the following factors is most likely to contribute to higher divorce rates? a. Marrying later in life b. Marrying younger in life c. Divorce is unrelated to age at the time of marriage d. Disruptions associated with mid-20s and older ANSWER: DIFFICULTY:

b Moderate

REFERENCES: Deciding to Marry LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.04 - Summarize evidence on predictors of marital success. KEYWORDS:


25. Which of the following is associated with a higher probability of marital success? a. Longer courtship b. Having divorced parents c. Perfectionism ANSWER: DIFFICULTY:

d. Insecurity a Easy

REFERENCES: Deciding to Marry LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.04 - Summarize evidence on predictors of marital success. KEYWORDS:


26. As a child, Daniel was generally smiling in photos. This indicates that his marital success is a. less likely. b. unpredictable based on this data. c. more likely. d. unrelated to social support. ANSWER:



Moderate Deciding to Marry

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.04 - Summarize evidence on predictors of marital success. KEYWORDS: Conceptual

27. Bonita’smotherpointedoutthatBonitaandAhmadtendedtobenegativeandslightlysarcastictoeachotherand that this was going to cause problems in the future if they got married. Bonita, an attentive psychology student, believes a. research shows that commutation tends to improve after marriage. b. research shows that commutation is not that important. c. researchdoesnotsupporthermother’sstatement. d. researchsupportshermother’sstatement. ANSWER:



Moderate Deciding to Marry

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.04 - Summarize evidence on predictors of marital success. KEYWORDS: Conceptual NOTES:


28. Lorrie was so busy in her new job that she was having trouble finding time to spend with her toddler son and husband. This stress is likely to a. spill over to affect mood at home. b. limit relationship-promoting behaviors in her marriage. c. harm her marital stability. d. do all of the above. ANSWER: DIFFICULTY:

d Moderate

REFERENCES: Deciding to Marry LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.04 - Summarize evidence on predictors of marital success. KEYWORDS: NOTES:

Conceptual New

29. An orderly sequence of stages through which families progress is called a. family development. b. the family life cycle. c. group dynamics. d. serial monogamy. ANSWER:



Easy Marital Adjustment Across the Family Life Cycle

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.05 - Explain each stage of the family life cycle. KEYWORDS: Factual

30. Monique is in the first family life cycle stage. She is a. a mother of young children. b. launching her children and moving on. c. newly married. d. an unattached young adult, between families. ANSWER:



Moderate Marital Adjustment Across the Family Life Cycle

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.05 - Explain each stage of the family life cycle. KEYWORDS: Conceptual NOTES:


31. Theterm“maritalbliss”wouldbemostcharacteristicofwhichofthefollowingstagesofthefamilylifecycle? a. Beginning families b. Families with preschool children c. Families with teenagers d. Families in the middle years ANSWER:



Easy Marital Adjustment Across the Family Life Cycle

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.05 - Explain each stage of the family life cycle. KEYWORDS: Conceptual 32. Since 1980, the percentage of childless couples has a. barely increased. b. doubled. c. tripled. d. none of the above. ANSWER:



Easy Marital Adjustment Across the Family Life Cycle

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.05 - Explain each stage of the family life cycle. KEYWORDS: Factual 33. Which of the following reasons do couples give for remaining childless? a. The cost of raising children b. Loss of independence c. Less time to spend with each other ANSWER: DIFFICULTY:

d. All of the above

d Moderate

REFERENCES: Marital Adjustment Across the Family Life Cycle LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.05 - Explain each stage of the family life cycle. KEYWORDS:


34. Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for postpartum depressive symptoms? a. Marital dissatisfaction b. Hormones that only affect birth mothers c. Past depression d. High stress levels ANSWER:



Moderate Marital Adjustment Across the Family Life Cycle

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.06 - Identify factors couples weigh in deciding whether to have children, and analyze the dynamics of the transition to parenthood. KEYWORDS: NOTES:

Conceptual New

35. Couples who have high levels of intimacy, closeness, and commitment prior to the birth of the first child a. usually exhibit low levels of satisfaction after the child arrives. b. find the transition to parenthood a difficult experience. c. may see the newborn as an intruder into their lives. d. maintain a high level of satisfaction after the birth of a child. ANSWER: DIFFICULTY:

d Moderate

REFERENCES: Marital Adjustment Across the Family Life Cycle LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.06 - Identify factors couples weigh in deciding whether to have children, and analyze the dynamics of the transition to parenthood. KEYWORDS: Conceptual NOTES:


36. Crisis during the transition to first parenthood is more likely for a. males. b. females. c. Males and females are equally likely to experience crisis. d. Research does not support a major transition to parenthood. ANSWER: DIFFICULTY:

b Easy

REFERENCES: Marital Adjustment Across the Family Life Cycle LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.06 - Identify factors couples weigh in deciding whether to have children, and analyze the dynamics of the transition to parenthood. KEYWORDS: Factual

37. The text states that the stress that accompanies the transition to parenthood is likely to be greatest when a. thenewbornchildwasn’tplanned. b. the new parents are relatively young. c. there are unrealistic expectations about parenting responsibilities. d. the father is unlikely to be heavily involved in child care. ANSWER:



Difficult Marital Adjustment Across the Family Life Cycle

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.06 - Identify factors couples weigh in deciding whether to have children, and analyze the dynamics of the transition to parenthood. KEYWORDS:


38. Conflict between adolescents and their parents is most likely to involve which of the following issues? a. Theadolescent’scareerplans b. The kinds of clothes the adolescent wears c. Theadolescent’spossibleuseofdrugs d. Whether or not the adolescent will engage in sexual relations ANSWER:



Moderate Marital Adjustment Across the Family Life Cycle

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.07 - Identify common problems that surface as a family's children reach adolescence, and discuss the transitions that occur in the later stages of the family life cycle. KEYWORDS: Factual NOTES:


39. SylviaandDarrenhavetwochildreninhighschool.Recently,Darren’smothermovedinwiththemtorecoverfrom a broken hip. Sylvia and Darren are said to be in the _____ generation. a. sandwich b. boomerang c. reality d. caregiver ANSWER:



Easy Marital Adjustment Across the Family Life Cycle

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.07 - Identify common problems that surface as a family's children reach adolescence, and discuss the transitions that occur in the later stages of the family life cycle. KEYWORDS: Conceptual

40. Nancy’schildrenhaveallgrownandmovedout.Nancyismostlikelyto a. have a period of difficult transition. b. feel better if her children move back. c. have a more negative attitude about them returning home than her children do. d. feel liberated from child-rearing responsibilities. ANSWER:



Difficult Marital Adjustment Across the Family Life Cycle

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PSYC.WEIT.11.10.07 - Identify common problems that surface as a family's children reach adoles...

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