Chapter 10 Prompting and Transfer of Stimulus Control PDF

Title Chapter 10 Prompting and Transfer of Stimulus Control
Course Lab in Child Behavior
Institution Binghamton University
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True / False 1. Prompts are used to get the correct behavior to occur so it can be reinforced. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 2. Teaching is complete when prompts are no longer being used to get the behavior to occur. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 3. Ultimately, the discriminative stimulus must have stimulus control over the behavior. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 4. Response prompts are intrusive. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 5. Prompt delay is the most commonly used method of transferring stimulus control. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: Fals e 6. If a person who used to engage in a behavior now refuses to, prompting and transfer of stimulus control is an appropriate procedure to get the person to engage in the behavior. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: Fals e 7. The learning trial always starts with the presentation of the discriminative stimulus. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 8. Verbal, gestural, modeling and physical prompts are stimulus prompts.

a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: Fals e D

9. In the prompt delay procedure, you provide the prompt, wait 4 seconds and then present the S . a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: Fals e 10. Fading involves the abrupt removal of a prompt after the learner starts to make the correct response. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: Fals e Multiple Choice 11. Matt’s Dad is teaching him to shoot a basketball. His Dad takes the ball and demonstrates to Matt how to shoot it through the hoop. The use of antecedent stimuli by his Dad in order to get Matt to engage in the right behavior at the right time is called: a. fading b. prompting c. shaping d. stimulus control ANSWER: b 12. A teacher used prompting in order to get a student to pronounce written words correctly. When the student begins pronouncing the words correctly just by seeing them, the teacher begins to remove the prompts. The gradual removal of prompts while the behavior is occurring in the presence of the discriminative stimulus is called: a. prompt withdrawal b. shaping c. fading d. reduction ANSWER: c 13. The procedures of prompting and fading are used to: a. develop stimulus control b. get existing behavior to occur at the correct time c. develop new behaviors d. all of these ANSWER: d

14. In order for prompting and fading to lead to stimulus control, the prompts must be presented in the presence of: a. the target behavior b. the discriminative stimulus c. the S-delta d. the reinforcer ANSWER: b 15. Prompting and transfer of stimulus control is used by: a. coaches b. teachers c. parents d. all of these ANSWER: d 16. Which of the following is (are) necessary for prompting and transfer of stimulus control to be considered complete? a. prompts have been completely removed b. behavior is under control of the natural discriminative stimulus c. behavior consistently occurs when the prompt is presented d. A and B ANSWER: d 17. When using prompting and transfer of stimulus control, the use of ____________ gets the correct behavior to occur, and the use of ____________ transfers stimulus control to the natural discriminative stimulus. a. fading ; prompting b. reinforcement ; extinction c. prompting ; fading d. reinforcement ; punishment ANSWER: c 18. Which of the following is a major category of prompts? a. response b. stimulus c. behaviora l d. A and B ANSWER: d 19. When the behavior of one individual leads to the desired behavior of another individual in the presence of the discriminative stimulus it is called a ____________ prompt. a. anteceden t

b. stimulus c. behavioral d. response ANSWER: d 20. A change in a stimulus or the addition of a stimulus in order to get the behavior to occur is called a ____________ prompt. a. behavioral b. stimulus c. response d. anteceden t ANSWER: b 21. A prompt should be delivered ____________ the discriminative stimulus and ____________ a. after ; before b. before; after c. before; before d. after; after ANSWER: a

the behavior.

22. When using prompting and transfer of stimulus control, a reinforcer should be delivered when the behavior occurs: a. in the presence of the discriminative stimulus b. following removal of a prompt c. following a prompt d. all of these ANSWER: d 23. Which of the following is NOT a type of response prompt? a. verbal b. modeling c. withinstimulus d. gestural ANSWER: c 24. Tammy’s Dad is teaching her to drive. As they approach a stop sign, Tammy’s Dad tells her to step on the brake and slow down. This is an example of a ____________ prompt. a. stimulus b. gestural c. verbal d. modelin g ANSWER: c

25. Tony’s basketball coach just put him into the game, but Tony does not know which player on the opposing team he is supposed to guard on defense. The coach points to the player that Tony is to guard. This is an example of a ____________ prompt. a. modelin g b. physical c. gestural d. stimulus ANSWER: c 26. Jennifer’s Mom is teaching her how to ride a bicycle. Her Mom gets on the bike and rides it around the yard. By demonstrating the entire behavior, Jennifer’s Mom is using a ____________ prompt. a. modelin g b. gestural c. physical d. stimulus ANSWER: a 27. Paul’s shop teacher is teaching him how to use an electric sander. The shop teacher places his hands over Paul’s and guides Paul through the correct motions. Hand-over-hand guidance is an example of a ____________ prompt. a. gestural b. modeling c. physical d. extrastimulus ANSWER: c 28. A ____________ prompt is the least intrusive and a ____________ prompt is the most intrusive. a. verbal ; physical b. gestural ; modeling c. modeling ; physical d. gestural ; verbal ANSWER: a 29. Brian is teaching his son to shoot a basketball. Initially, Brian lowers the backboard and uses a smaller ball in order to make it more likely that his son will correctly shoot the ball. This is an example of a(an) ____________ prompt. a. response b. withinstimulus c. extra-stimulus d. B and C ANSWER: b

30. When a student uses flash cards with questions on one side and answers on the other side to study for a test, it is an example of a(an) ____________ prompt. a. withinstimulus b. extra-stimulus c. physical d. response ANSWER: b 31. Which of the following is NOT a method of transferring stimulus control? a. prompt fading b. prompt satiation c. prompt delay d. stimulus fading ANSWER: b 32. A coach is using verbal and modeling prompts to teach John how to swing a golf club properly. As John begins to swing the club correctly, the coach provides fewer and fewer prompts. This is an example of: a. stimulus delay b. prompt fading c. prompt delay d. stimulus fading ANSWER: b 33. When only one type of prompt is faded it is called ____________ fading and when fading occurs across different types of prompts it is called ____________ fading. a. within prompt ; across prompts b. first order ; higher order c. one-dimensional ; multidimensional d. isolated ; generalized ANSWER: a 34. Which method of prompting and fading is used when it is believed the learner does not need a physical prompt to engage in the correct behavior? a. primary b. least-tomost c. most-toleast d. secondary ANSWER: b 35. Amy’s Mom is using flash cards to help Amy study for a history test. Amy’s Mom shows her the question on one side of the card and, if Amy does not give the correct answer in a certain period of time, her Mom shows her the answer on the other side. This is an example of: a. prompt fading

b. prompt delay c. stimulus fading d. stimulus delay ANSWER: b 36. When using prompt delay, the period of time between the presentation of the discriminative stimulus and the prompt can be: a. constant b. progressiv e c. increased d. A and B ANSWER: d 37. Brian has been teaching his son to shoot a basketball correctly. Initially, Brian lowered the backboard and used a smaller ball to increase the chances his son would shoot the ball correctly. Once his son begins having success, Brian begins to raise the backboard and use a larger ball. This is an example of: a. stimulus delay b. stimulus fading c. prompt delay d. prompt fading ANSWER: b 38. In which of the following situations would it be appropriate to use prompting and transfer of stimulus control? a. the person has not learned the behavior b. the person has learned the behavior but refuses to do it c. the person does not do the behavior in the correct situation d. A and C ANSWER: d 39. When a novel behavior is being taught it is best to use ____________ prompts, and when you want a person to make a correct discrimination ____________ prompts are best. a. response ; stimulus b. more intrusive ; less intrusive c. stimulus ; response d. less intrusive ; more intrusive ANSWER: a 40. Which of the following is a guideline for using prompting and transfer of stimulus control correctly? a. present the discriminative stimulus and the appropriate prompt b. transfer stimulus control to the natural discriminative stimulus

c. reinforce the correct behavior d. all of these ANSWER: d Numeric Response a. b. c. d.

verbal prompt gestural prompt modeling prompt physical prompt

41. Motioning how to swing a bat. ANSWER: b 42. Telling the correct way to swing a bat. ANSWER: a 43. Hand over hand assistance in swinging a bat. ANSWER: d 44. Having a child watch you swing a bat. ANSWER: c Completion 45. Prompting and transfer of stimulus control are used in the process of ___________ to develop appropriate __________ over a particular behavior. ANSWER: stimulus discrimination training; stimulus control 46. What is used to increase the likelihood that an individual will engage in the correct behavior at the correct time? _____________ ANSWER: prompt s 47. Once prompts have been faded, the behavior should be under the ___________ of the natural ___________. ANSWER: stimulus control; SD 48. The two major categories of prompts are ___________ prompts and ___________ prompts. ANSWER: response, stimulus; stimulus, response 49. Verbal, gestural, modeling and physical prompts are all examples of what category of prompts? ___________ ANSWER: response 50. ___________ prompts are least intrusive and ___________ prompts are most intrusive. ANSWER: Verbal; physical

51. If a baseball coach throws slower pitches to his players at first to help them hit the ball, this is called a(n) ___________- stimulus prompt. Plastic outlet covers to prevent children from playing with outlets, is a(n) ___________stimulus prompt. ANSWER: within; extra 52. When the correct behavior occurs at the right time without any assistance, ___________ has occurred. ANSWER: transfer of stimulus control 53. In the prompt delay procedure, you present the ____________, wait 4 seconds and present the prompt. ANSWER: SD Subjective Short Answer 54. Identify four types of response prompts. ANSWER Four types of response prompts are verbal prompt, gestural prompt, modeling prompt, : and physical prompt. 55. What is fading? ANSWER Fading is the gradual removal of a response prompt across learning trials until the : prompt is no longer provided. 56. Describe how you would use flash cards to learn psychology terms using prompting and fading. ANSWER You could make flashcards which had the term on one side (SD) and the definition on : the other (stimulus prompt). You would be using stimulus fading when you looked at the definitions less and less as you went through the flashcards. Once you knew the meanings of all the terms and no longer looked at the back of the cards for the definitions, stimulus control will have transferred from the written definition (stimulus D prompt) to the term (the S ). 57. What is a stimulus prompt? ANSWER Stimulus prompt involves some change in a stimulus or the addition or removal of a : stimulus to make a correct response more likely. 58. What are the 3 types of procedures to transfer stimulus control? ANSWER Three types of procedures to transfer stimulus control are prompt fading, prompt delay, : and stimulus fading. 59. What is least-to-most prompting and fading? ANSWER Least-to-most prompting is defined as providing the least intrusive prompt first and : using more intrusive prompts only as necessary to get the correct behavior to occur. Least-to-most prompting is a method of fading across prompts. With least-to-most prompting, the least intrusive prompt is provided first and the most intrusive prompts provided only as necessary, from verbal prompts to gestural prompts to modeling prompts to physical prompts. The same sequence is subsequently repeated until eventually no prompts are needed.

60. What is most-to-least prompting and fading? ANSWER With most-to-least prompting, the most intrusive prompt is used first and is then faded : to less intrusive prompts. With most-to-least prompting, a physical prompt together with a verbal prompt would first be provided. The physical prompt would then be faded as the learner successfully executed the behavior. Once the physical prompt was faded, a v4erbal and gestural prompt would be provided. As the learner continued to be successful, the gestural prompt would be faded and only the verbal prompt would be provided. Finally, the verbal prompt would be faded as the learner successfully executed the behavior....

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