Chapter 10 supply chain management strategy and design DOCX

Title Chapter 10 supply chain management strategy and design
Author Heri Setiawan
Pages 194
File Size 4.3 MB
File Type DOCX
Total Downloads 349
Total Views 426


Chapter 10 Supply Chain Management Strategy and Design In this chapter, you will learn about... • Supply Chains • The Management of Supply Chains • “Green” Supply Chains • Information Technology: A Supply Chain Enabler • Supply Chain Integration • Supply Chain Management (SCM) Software • Measuring S...


Chapter 10 Supply Chain Management Strategy and Design In this chapter, you will learn about... Supply Chains The Management of Supply Chains "Green" Supply Chains Information Technology: A Supply Chain Enabler Supply Chain Integration Supply Chain Management (SCM) Software Measuring Supply Chain Performance Supply Chain Management Strategy and Design AT MARS Creating a "sustainable" global supply chain has become an important goal of most major companies. The United Nations has defned sustainability as "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." Mars views sustainability as a source of innovation and a business opportunity, enabling the company to gain competitive advantage, increase revenue, and add long-term value, while also making the world a better place by making a diference. Two of its fve guiding principles, "responsibility" and, in particular, "mutuality," relate directly to sustainability. Mars seeks to achieve mutual beneft among all parties involved with its business, with a goal to consider at every point the social, environmental, and economic impact of their business decisions from the local level to the global level. As an example of its commitment to sustainability, Mars supports good farming practices in cocoa-growing regions and equitable labor practices along the cocoa supply chain, which places it as an industry leader in the pursuit of socially responsible cocoa production. Mars is one of the world's largest users of cocoa, which is the primary agricultural export of West African countries like Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Nigeria, and Cameroon. It is estimated that throughout West Africa there are more than 2 million small cocoa farms and those afected by cocoa farming may be as many as 10...

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