Chapter 12 Outline pt. 2 PDF

Title Chapter 12 Outline pt. 2
Course General Psychology
Institution Adelphi University
Pages 4
File Size 87 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 11
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Chapter 12 Outline pt. 2 Monday, December 4, 2017


9:16 AM

Freud's psychodynamic theory i. Sexual drive was the most important motivator of all human activity 1) Sex - anything pleasurable ii. Sex drive was the main determinant of personality development 1) Psychological disorders, dreams, & all human behavior represents conflict bet unconscious sexual drive and & demands of civilized human society iii. Psychoanalysis - his approach to personality through his work with patients sufferin 1) Hysteria - physical symptoms that have no physical cause iv. Structures of personality 1) Ego - deals with the demands of reality 2) Superego - serves as the harsh internal judge of the individual's behavior, ofte conscience 3) id - unconscious drives, the individuals reservoir of sexual energy v. Defense mechanisms - tactics the ego uses to reduce anxiety by unconsciously disto 1) Unconscious mechanisms & when used in moderation/temporaily8 are not ne unhealthy 2) Denial - ego refuses to acknowledge anxiety-producing realities 3) Displacement - directing unacceptable impulses at a less threatening target a) Sublimation - special form of displacement; person expresses an uncons socially valued way i) Ex. A boxer sublimates his aggressive drive in the ring 4) Projection - we see in others those impulses that we most fear or despise in o 5) Repression - pushes unacceptable id impulses back into the unconscious mind a) Foundation for all psychological defense mechanisms vi. Psychosexual stages of personality development 1) Oral stage - first 18 months; infants pleasure centers on the mouth; chewing, reduce tension in an infant 2) Anal stage - 18 to 36 months; experiencing toilet training, greatest pleasure in & urethra - pleasure in "going" & "holding it" - experience of having control o in deciding which to do 3) Phallic stage - 3 to 6 years; pleasure focuses on the genitals as the child discov stimulation is enjoyable

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Triggers the Oedipus complex - a boy's intense desires to replace his fat affections of his mother i) Women are morally inferior to men b/c they cannot develop cast rather they experience castration completion & penis envy (want marry and bear a son) ii) Only hope for women's moral development is education Latency period - 6 years to puberty; psychic time-out Genital stage - adolescence & adulthood; sexual reawakening, source of sexua to someone outside of the family; individual becomes capable of love & work Fixation - when an individual's adult personality is "colored" by a particular st

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